Freitag, 23. Oktober 2015

Bar Timaeus / Mk 10.46 / Awakening...

You know: we are all called to go together the way into Fullness of Life !!!  But...

1. Look at your situation...   or look at the situation of many of our people...
    + Blind: not seeing what's going on; introverted; scatterbrained; narcissistic...
    + Sitting around on the side of the road; no work; no way; handicapped;

    + Begging: no other way; have pity on me; unable to...   only crying !!!
2. Jesus has a good year, he has good eyes...  He knows the situation of the people...
    in 2015: how blind they are; Sitting around...  marginalized; overburdened;
                  begging: help, pity, help, pity...  or worse: unable to cry for help...
3. And now the great order to his Church (Apostles etc... ) "Call him here"
    This is the first challenge for the Church: to call him, for this the Church must be attractive
    All this pity-help-crying people, call them...  they need my saving word !!!
         Call him: to get rid of all their imaginations...  illusions, plans, prejudices...

         Call him: to make a U-turn; jump up, metanoia;
         Call him: to go on the way towards Jesus (without imaginations)
    And now: first question: "?What do you want"  (is this now cleared???)
                    This is a very long process: to know really what to want!  To discover, to see
                    the reality (of the world, of myself etc...) (to see the reality of the Church, to

                    discover the reality of God as a Mystery; to see Life as a cross-way into the
                    Fullness of Life...
    After all...
4. Finally Jesus let him know: It's your faith saving you! (not your imagination; not Jesus).
    That's the word of Jesus: no faith  - no way !!!  - no Fullness of Life.
     a) With this faith...  you go on the way...  (not sitting at the side of the road any more...
         not pity-help-crying any more...  actively involved... 
     b) Only: Make your cross-way like Jesus has done his cross-way  (follow him).
5. Bar-Timaeus didn't have faith...  What he needs is somebody who calls him, empowers him to stand up. 
We believe: God is calling everybody into Life and - through the cross-way - into the Fullness of Life.

[Such a way - you can read in "Back of the Book" in The Namibian 23.10.2015
 "Raised Catholic" of C. Adichie p) B16  / thoughtful...  ] 

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