Freitag, 25. März 2016

Easter / more than Nature...

At Ash-Wednesday we got the message "You are dust and to dust you will return"; maybe we are "STARDUST" - what a wonderful definition of life: spring-time and fall-time; birth and death. Exactly this is NATURE...  and we are Nature !!! coming up and dis- appear... But not only...  we are also Mind and Spirit. The human mind is able to recognize nature and to transcend it... we speak about meta-physics; it's like a new world on the other side of nature: the world of imagination and knowledge, the world of technics and architecture, of culture and economy.

After we discover the field of meta-physics we go further into the field of meta-noia...
it's the step into action. After a long maturation JvN became a man of action; first well known as a "Healer" and a "Changer"...
At Palm-Sunday we discover JvN has gone into the field of Politics ... :Hosanna to the Son of David, the new King". The Temple and the Government are now alarmed. JvN has entered the power struggle in public. His engagement for his VOCATION seems unlimited and the Temple as well as the Government have no other way as to eliminate him in order to keep their power, their structure their order. Going public means you are handed over... in every case you are extradited.
This is very typical for JvN. The reality to be given over into the hands of...  started by Mary and is a trademark of his life. At Holy Thursday we show to the people where this "handed over " leads to... the symbol "feet-washing" - it means every execution of power has to be a service to the people (There was a time in Namibia, the Rom.Cath.Church was well  known 
under the title "Community serving humanity"). And we show the people the Eucharist: the Body of Christ is handed over into the hands of the Community.

This is now more than Nature, more than meta-physics, this is spiritual engagement; it is meta-noia: you have decided your life is "Bread + Wine" for others. This personal decision of JvN we perform again and again at the Eucharist.Such a "life-style" includes death as an integral part of "handed over".  And such a "life-style" changes the cross-way into a resurrection-way.In these days we celebrate JvN for his decision to show us a way, a life-style" who is nature + meta-physics + meta-noia.
We are convinced God is pleased by such a human demonstration. JvN has shown what kind of life is possible, a level of life, where human life becomes "Bread + Wine for the Life of the World".

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