Montag, 21. März 2016

In - Dependence 2016

What do you celebrate today 21.03.2016 ??? There was a time SWA was a part of RSA; there was Race-Apartheid... and today: there is NAMIBIA. Between yesterday + today there is a "liberation struggle". The Party, the Politics, the Churches and many more Institutions have mobilized people to dream about a New Nation, a free Namibia, Democracy and Prosperity, Equality and Richness for all...  Some people became fighters for... to make the dream a reality...  and today we celebrate! But again: What do you celebrate??? The fruits of the "liberation struggle" ? The Churches know God is in favour
of Independence; many believe Independence is a gift of God and suggests the situation of today is in God's pleasing. Is there a need for META-NOIA ???

I accept: the situation of today is much better than of yesterday. But I like to pay attention to a great danger for Namibians: it's the "TRAUMA of Independence."
It seems Namibians have quite deep in mind Independence means: "I can do what I like"; "I'm independent" and this means: "I depend on nobody". This psychological TRAUMA shows: many Namibians are out of reality. Because it's a human reality: we depend on...
we live in dependence on...
We depend on the family, the sun, the environment, on time + space, on air + water... and this dependence is real, is nature, is good. Dependence is the basic order of the creation; ALL  IS  NETED.  After and By accepting the real dependence we can scale up to a higher level of a kind of Independence. That is the struggle since 2015 etc... "to get real", to discover the reality. I hope the Churches in Namibia may take over the role to play "prophets" in this regard: To show the believers how to discover the reality:

First: we realize and we accept: we depend on each other, we depend on nature, we depend on grace - and such a dependence is firstly good; it's a value.
After acceptance of the dependence we learn, we struggle:
2.A) to open a way of more independence in the sense of self-determination, of self-performance, of self-consciousness...
2.B) to open a way of more negotiation, of more conversation to find a common solution
2.C) to open a way of more involvement, more inclusivity, more"we go together".

Such a learning-process is a gift for Namibia; the Churches may wake up...
in all dependence on politics, on economy, on knowledge and humanity -
the Churches have to struggle for a higher kind of Independence
in favour of "we get real / we go together"

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