Freitag, 11. März 2016

Holy Church - wake up !!!

This is META-NOIA: the great exercise in Lenten-time for the whole Church:
Go to the other side of the old thinking / Jenseits des bisherigen Denkens...

Look at Isaias (43.16-21)
The Lord-God proclaims: "Who made a way through the sea; a path in the great waters;
                                         "Who put an army in the field, never to rise again; snuffed out;
The Lord-God proclaims: "There is no need to recall the past
                                                        no need to think about what is done before"
SEE !!!  I am doing a new deed... - even now it comes to light... - can you not see it ???
              I am making a road in the wilderness, rivers in the wild...
                                                                          do give my chosen people drink !!!

Look at Paulus (Phil 3.8-14)
What is the supreme advantage of knowing Jesus Christ ???
                                  The past is over, lost...
I have a place in Jesus and I want the power of the resurrection!   I try...
                                   I forget the past - I strain ahead for what is still to come...
I am racing for the fullness of Life.

Look at Jesus (John 8.1-11)
And Jesus to the sinner: "The past is over... no condemnation...  go... to your daily life
                                                                                                    and don't sin any more".

What a program for our Catholic Church in Namibia:
for every believer, for every Priest and for the religious Sisters and Brothers.

L.Boff has written the book: "IMPORTANT for survival" (WHY we need change).
As we go to take the cross-way as a resurrection-way: Friday -Easter is the turning-point.
The old Jahwe-God is past: Mt + Mk: "My God, why have you deserted me?"
                                                     Lk: "Father in your hands I commit my spirit"
                                                 John: "It's done / It's over"   [a new era begins]

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