Mittwoch, 22. November 2017

the end level

As we go to end the Church-Year 16/17
some people celebrate Christ the King (Sun 34 A)
other people celebrate the right Judge (Mt 25.31-46)

Since last Sunday ( 33 A / Mt 25.14-30) we know again: God has disappeared and
given his property (Grace + Creation + Evolution etc...) into the hands of mankind.
And Jesus reminds us: in the Kingdom of God all what is done (with the quality as a
reality) has to be done on the human level. The Creator (and the Saviour at his right side) are hidden in the Incarnation. Therefore the human activities are between humans -
not between Human + God.
If you look for a relationship, for a good deed, for a revenge, for a help, for a grace - 

it's to be done on the human level. The human level (what happen between human's)
is counted by God as the decisive reality.
A relationship with God must be expressed, performed between humans. A prayer to God - if not expressed between humans - is only a relation between you and your imagination.

Why did we celebrate the Church-Year?  To keep Jesus Christ alive between us
and for the world and to incarnate the Mystery of God into our time-space. Only
as we do it together, express it in our human relationship, the Church-Year will become
an effective reality - stimulating the world-development in the right direction - blessed
by the Creator and by the Judge-King.
After the celebration of the end - we start to wait actively again.

Donnerstag, 16. November 2017

rich + poor

For this "Sunday of the poor"
Sun 33 A / 19.Nov. 2017
it is important to know:
God is pouring out like the rain,
like the sunlight, like the stars -
wealth !!!
The great Q is "what are we going,
to do with all this given wealth ???
because - keep in mind - Mt 25.14
God has entrusted his property
(Grace, wealth, healing etc...)
to his servants.

1) The Artist Elisia Nghidishange (EN) declares: "The pursuit of riches and wealth
is something that drives both rich and poor" ( cf. the Namibian 131017 p "arts").
I'm glad to see rich and poor on the same level: "the pursuit of wealth".

2) EN asks: "why are we fighting for wealth?"  I think the answer is clear:
it's a nature given to us...   it's a call establish by evolution...  and it's a vocation,
given by God the Creator.  Never forget: God has promised: there is fullness of life,
there is GRACE in abundance, there is Creation in superfluity.
3) EN meditate: "What is the cost of wealth?"  I like to answer: It depends very much on HOW you make yourself wealthy !!!
Today we already know the best answer for what to do with the great wealth:
1. Again + again we have to discover all the wealth poured out into this world.
2. We have to make a plan, a strategy, a conference ...  what to do together...
3. We know there is no other way then SHARING...   we must find out a win-win-
strategy: " God has given five talents...  and I have made five more".
That's the right thing to do....
You see all the time: "true love shows itself in action".

Freitag, 10. November 2017

bm - ladies


32. Sun A / Ev-Mt 25.1-13 / sensible

The parable of the 10 bm-ladies is a clear call "stay awake". It means this Sunday will remind us: Advent-ure is everyday: birth + death, pain + joy, light + darkness, the time, the chance, the realisation ...  the resurrection and the fullness of life ... all is on the way, all is coming...  arrival. God on the way...  that's "la forza del destino" , fate/destiny ...
and we people - as clever/as sensible - as the oil-ladies - we stay awake (24/7) ! ?

The Christian Call: "stay awake" / "becoming aware" /  "be-clear-present" is to learn:
1. The intention / the decision "to stay awake" is needed, very good, is a condition -
but it's not enough.
2. The "stay awake" needs rearmament, means...  exercises in careful perception etc...
(today for the light: not coal, not oil but solar-power - economical thinking -
(today for your health: the right food;  for your communication: the social media
3. The fact of waiting...  all is uncertain... to learn to carry the uncertainty...
"on the way" means: not yet here; maybe delay...
4. The fact of surprise...  life is in every case full of surprises...   and you are clever to make you sensible and somehow prepared for...

My dear bm-lady! I wish to see you as a sensible one / thanks.
Next Sunday something new: Pope Francis has declared the 19.11.2017 as
the first world-day of the poor (1 Joh 3.18). An awareness-campaign ???

Mittwoch, 1. November 2017

Jesus' Concern...

31. Sun A  / Ev-Mt 23.1-12 / how difficult !!!

How it's in the Kingdom of God ?  If you feel you have the vocation and the knowledge
and the duty to preach the LAW (chair of Moses : it may be as a Bishop, a Priest, a Deacon, a Sister or a Cp) - that's not so bad, it's tolerable - and people may listen to you
bc it's good to know the Law! but your chair-position is only tolerable under the condition
that you do what you preach.
For JoN lies the real problem in the fact, that there is a great difference between what they say and what they do. They say "be humble" but they seek great attraction for themselves.
This gap, contradiction, abyss, difference between the words, the deeds - this is the main problem for Jesus. In Jesus' view : the thoughts,the words, the deeds must be compatible.
Such a person is healthy and will not be occupied by an unclean spirit. Such a person is effective and will do great wonders. I hope if the Church declares somebody as a holy one, the Church will examine exactly this compatibility. If you master me - and I have to call you master, you have exulted yourself over me and you must be humbled by my resistance - and we cannot love each other. You have not to master me, not to teach me, not to father me -  (also not by the "power invested in me" ); respect me and that's all: you are not my master, teacher, father - only the mystery of God has the right and the duty to master,
teach, father me. The duty and salvation of love is between us only possible if we humble ourselves. I have not and you have not to master, to teach, to father.
We have to learn to love by thoughts, words, deeds cf. Paulus: 1 Thess 2.1-19