Donnerstag, 16. November 2017

rich + poor

For this "Sunday of the poor"
Sun 33 A / 19.Nov. 2017
it is important to know:
God is pouring out like the rain,
like the sunlight, like the stars -
wealth !!!
The great Q is "what are we going,
to do with all this given wealth ???
because - keep in mind - Mt 25.14
God has entrusted his property
(Grace, wealth, healing etc...)
to his servants.

1) The Artist Elisia Nghidishange (EN) declares: "The pursuit of riches and wealth
is something that drives both rich and poor" ( cf. the Namibian 131017 p "arts").
I'm glad to see rich and poor on the same level: "the pursuit of wealth".

2) EN asks: "why are we fighting for wealth?"  I think the answer is clear:
it's a nature given to us...   it's a call establish by evolution...  and it's a vocation,
given by God the Creator.  Never forget: God has promised: there is fullness of life,
there is GRACE in abundance, there is Creation in superfluity.
3) EN meditate: "What is the cost of wealth?"  I like to answer: It depends very much on HOW you make yourself wealthy !!!
Today we already know the best answer for what to do with the great wealth:
1. Again + again we have to discover all the wealth poured out into this world.
2. We have to make a plan, a strategy, a conference ...  what to do together...
3. We know there is no other way then SHARING...   we must find out a win-win-
strategy: " God has given five talents...  and I have made five more".
That's the right thing to do....
You see all the time: "true love shows itself in action".

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