Freitag, 10. November 2017

bm - ladies


32. Sun A / Ev-Mt 25.1-13 / sensible

The parable of the 10 bm-ladies is a clear call "stay awake". It means this Sunday will remind us: Advent-ure is everyday: birth + death, pain + joy, light + darkness, the time, the chance, the realisation ...  the resurrection and the fullness of life ... all is on the way, all is coming...  arrival. God on the way...  that's "la forza del destino" , fate/destiny ...
and we people - as clever/as sensible - as the oil-ladies - we stay awake (24/7) ! ?

The Christian Call: "stay awake" / "becoming aware" /  "be-clear-present" is to learn:
1. The intention / the decision "to stay awake" is needed, very good, is a condition -
but it's not enough.
2. The "stay awake" needs rearmament, means...  exercises in careful perception etc...
(today for the light: not coal, not oil but solar-power - economical thinking -
(today for your health: the right food;  for your communication: the social media
3. The fact of waiting...  all is uncertain... to learn to carry the uncertainty...
"on the way" means: not yet here; maybe delay...
4. The fact of surprise...  life is in every case full of surprises...   and you are clever to make you sensible and somehow prepared for...

My dear bm-lady! I wish to see you as a sensible one / thanks.
Next Sunday something new: Pope Francis has declared the 19.11.2017 as
the first world-day of the poor (1 Joh 3.18). An awareness-campaign ???

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