Sonntag, 11. Oktober 2015

Eternal Life = all EVENTS together.

Mark-Ev (10.17-30) has a story: A clever man ask Jesus: "Master what must I do to inherit eternal life?" Today we translate "eternal life: with: :Fullness of Life - full of life". Everybody knows: life is composed by Events and every event shows seven dimensions: decision, sun-side, shade-side, time and space, people involved. These dimensions shape life colorful. Events are steps into fullness.

The clever man knows: sins are not qualifying Life but diminishing Life. And he is aware: he must do something good! But what ? How will my little ego-mind find out, what is good, good for all ! Jesus has an answer: Don't feel you are a owner but rather an administrator and share or give away what you have - because your first life-project is: fullness of Life for all ! Such a life-style / way of Life is to follow me / Jesus, the one who came to empower your heart to love.
The clever man discovered: it's hard! Maybe too demanding! But give it a try...

A Story:
Once a young rich beautiful lady discovered: my life is boring I like to have more events, happenings. She invited a lot of people to a party to give over her ownership of the house to these people. She remains the administrator. At the party she found her husband. Later she told him> I'm not owing you, I give you free. He replied: Now I love you more than ever because I feel free to love you. Later as a mother she thought: I'm not the owner of my children. I give them free and she has gone to visit them; what a joy to see them prosper.
Later she gave up her profession, too narrow, she want to do more. At the end of her Life she told God: Now I'm not the owner of my Life; I give it over into your hands. God replied: It's no need - it was given over all the time". God opened her eyes and revealed: "Come and see: all what you have given is now at your pleasure, enjoy it for ever in full."

Everyone who is rich of all kind has a problem: he is bound to his richness. How to get more rich? Jesus has the trick: two hand are good, four hands are better, but we need all hands to dig up, to shape, to carry and enjoy the fullness (all events together).

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