Freitag, 2. Oktober 2015

The stolen giving of a glass of water...

The UNO has given to Pope Francis at his famous UNGA-speech (24.09.15) a glass of water for refreshing (as usual). The Pope has taken a mouthful or two... after his Great-Speech somebody has stolen the "Glass of Water".   WHO ?
The Mk-Ev has written the Jesu' word (Mk 9.41): "I assure you that anyone who gives you
a "glass of water" to drink because you belong to me will certainly receive his reward"
The Lk-Ev (9.46-50 / written after Mk) has stolen away the "glass of water" (cancelled / not
mentioned any more). The big question remains:  WHY ?

In Philadelphia - speaking in Spanish to the families (27.09.15) - Pope Francis insists:
The "giving of a glass of water" is most important... such little gestures - little wonders of love - are daily redemption, and the families are the first place for...  The Pope now is famous for such little gestures: stop the papamobil, go out, kiss the Baby, embrace the sick, give hands...

The Pope sees such gestures as "natural signs": they show: welcome, encouragement,
attentiveness, consolation, care of... and everybody may value these gestures - wonders of love - as great. But for a Christian believer there is more: These little gestures of bene- volence are much more: "trans-natural signs"! All four Gospels (Mk 9.37 / Lk 9.48
Mt 18.5 / Joh 13.20) revealing us: "Anyone who welcomes this little child in my name welcomes me; and anyone who welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me". (this message is unrecognized, inexplicable, never heard before; unexpected; outrages ! the hard core, the nucleus, the core of truth; the real crux of Christian "living" !
This announcement is the Christian revolution, THE message, THE Good News.

NOW + HERE in the act of "giving a glass of water" / of welcoming: 
the Child (every human being) + the Messiah (JvN) + the MYSTERY of God are seen
(by Jesus / by Christian believers) as ONE.

Jesus has announced the identity of the human, the messiah and the Mystery of God in reality. This is to reveal the real value of the human act, the human gestures... 
("in my name" = if the participation of all with the fullness of Life is involved). 
Jesus declares: Human present acting "in my name" is redemptive (messiah) and divine (the will of God / entiring the fullness) - in every case.
This is creation of a NEW Earth + a NEW Heaven.
Lukas has stolen "the giving of a glass of water" / but not from you...

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