Freitag, 16. Oktober 2015

The fishing industry - MISSION

We have in Namibia a lucrative fishing industry. "Bishop" Esau is doing his level best to distribute fishing-rights + fishes + money...  The fishing industry is fishing fishes for men 
to be nourished well and for getting rich. He has the problem of over-fishing and of misusing the fishing-rights.
We have in Namibia a fishing Church based on the initial ignition of 
+ Ev-Mk 16.15-20 ("Go throughout the whole world and preach the Gospel to all mankind") 
+ Ev-Lk 5.10 ("Don't be afraid; from now on you will be catching men") 
+ Mt 4.19 ("Come with me and I will teach you to catch men") 
+ esp. Mt 28.16-10: here is he worldwide Mission-Commission explained:
1. Jesus: All power is given to me in Heaven and on Earth. (What a powerful Church).

2. Go and teach all peoples to observe what I commissioned you. It means: The disciples are learners the whole life, the Apostles teachers (they have the knowledge ?)
3. Baptize them in the name of the Father + the Son + the Holy Spirit.

In the meantime there is quite a good discussion between the exegetic's:
How is the translation right ?  "fishing men"  or  "fishing for men

For "Bishop Esau + Co" it's clear: they do a very secular work: they catch the richness of the Ocean and distribute it as just as possible; all for men ... also as: eradication of poverty.
For the Christian Churches - the picture of the initial ignition is getting difficult.
a) Catching / fishing men is in modern time against the freedom of Religion.
    Or: You have the duty of explanation: HOW you make it...  Maybe here is a reason why

    so many Catholics don't like to be Missionaries. They have a wrong picture.
b) Make disciples - that's a good thing. But where the Catholic-disciples have the chance to bring in what they have learnt, what they have experienced... esp. in the Church ???
cf. Family-Synod 2015: The unmarried Bishops, without experience of a own family-life -
they go as teachers to decide the rules of future Catholic-Family-Life.

My picture:
Jesus - the new Adam (mankind), the Emmanuel (God with us); the one, who opens the door of Heaven (fullness of Life) is THE FISH WE TRY TO CATCH in the Ocean of the Past and WE TRY to prepare the caught fish as "the BREAD OF LIFE" for our time.

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