Donnerstag, 20. April 2017

After Easter...

We go as far as to tell people:
"there is resurrection".
We call the people to celebrate this fact...
therefore there is EASTER
the highest Feast in the World.
Later we try to understand at least
a little bit about "there is resurrection".

A GARDEN to encounter...

We are curious and somehow interested...   the Bible gives some clue to resurrection...
theologians explain somehow...  but most important "encounter"  !!!
"We believe" means we have decided: there is really somehow resurrection...
either midst in life and sure at the end of life.

HOW starts the discovery of resurrection ???
All starts with Mary of Magdala etc... Her Jesus of Nazareth has died, she cries...
she went to the tomb and she brought spices with which to anoint him ... his body;
a last encounter. We learn again: Mary of Magdala is body-oriented.
This means: she is very interested in the real, concrete, all-day-life of Jesus. She knows
Jesus is the embodiment of the Holy Spirit (something like this) but she is interested to see,
to hear, to feel HOW he is doing it. The body is "expression of his own spirit" and exactly
this expression is important for her. In her view: Spirit is right and good but HOW to express the spirit is much more of her interest.
It's the same for the Apostles Peter and John. The message: the body is not in the tomb makes them running. They are body-oriented; they go up to look after the body; they go later to Galilee to see him, his bodily existence, his all-day-life over there. And the High Priests are sure: "His disciples came during the night and stole him (his body) away".
It seems everybody is convinced: the followers of Jesus are "body-oriented".

Because they are "body-oriented" they got the chance to discover the resurrection.
Body / all-day-life - orientation is a "condition sine qua non" for the discovery of

Samstag, 15. April 2017

As a But - you grow up into this world
As a Blossom you wake up to...
As a Flower you present NEW life

WHY not Christian - Life ???

Easter -  we celebrate the entrance into Christian-Life

In memory of HIS Life, Death + Resurrection, we have now before us:
"the life-giving bread + the saving-cup"

Yes - I see it before me / we all see it before us:
The Christian-Communities (Chr-Cty's) of A + B + C + Z, the Chr-Cty's of Namibia,
of the whole Africa, the Chr-Cty's of CH, of A of R etc...
all these millions of Chr-Cty's in our time 2017,
but all the famous Chr-Cty's of the past and the Chr-Cty's of a hopeful future.

Yes all these Chr-Cty's - we have a moment before our eyes... -
and this is exciting: all of these Chr-Cyt's try to live the Life of JX:they are "life-giving-bread and saving-cup" for our world;
they go a resurrection-way into NEW-Life, a wake-up with great engagement,
experienced in this world-circumstances as a cross way too.

Freitag, 14. April 2017

Psalm: "Life + Death".

composed by Vic.Hs. Leu in view of Ecc  15.14-19   14.04.2017

Life and Death - you know...
In life we live -  in death we die
In life we die  - in death we live

but once:
On the ground of the Creation
within the frame of circumstances
there lays an open time, an open space
for freedom of your choice:
one has life and death in hands
whatever now is chosen
will be given - for a moment
enjoy it - it's decisive
it's your contribution to the course of life.

but today:
there are now new circumstances

you may choose together: life and death
and harmonise the two, everyday:
because of birth - we live and die
because of life  -  we die and live

we live - against the Death - gifted'blessed with life
we die  - against the Life    - gifted'blessed with death
In all -
the Creator's blessings don't forget
praise the Almighty - you know:
as distributed as evaporated as fragmented
in life and death.

Dienstag, 11. April 2017

The FIRST Holy Supper

After Jesus of Nazareth had the courage to enter the Holy City,
there HE made a clear definition of Christian Life.
Together on the festive table HE told his followers:
1. I understand myself as "Bread + Wine", this is my Spirituality.
2. I'm engaged with the human development:
    I heal, I open, I unite, I share, I go higher... this is my Activity.
    All this for you and for the Life of the World...
    But notice well: all what I do is a "Public-Service" !!!
    To wash the feet and to wash the hair are signs of Service...
3. You are invited to embody my Spirituality
    and to continue my Activities - because we go together.
4. In this kind you proclaim the Mystery of our faith;
    and to have faith is to live our lives with joy.
5. We start to believe: the cross-way is also the resurrection-way
     pls invite the whole world to take on this chance.
6. In this way we participate with the cosmic creativity of God.
7. It may happen - by this life-style - we are on the way into the fullness of Life.

Freitag, 7. April 2017

Entrance into...

God's advice to Moses:
take a stick and strike the rock
God's advice to JvN:

take a donkey and make an entrance

sometimes we take the courage
and make en entrance...

On Sundays - why not ? - we make an entrance-procession into our church; people are singing...  I wonder what people feel... do they know where to we go... into a New Life ?
Did you see how the couple make an entrance into their marriage (celebration) ?

Sometimes I have an entrance into my own house, into an other Egumbo, into a Village, into an event...  into a new week...   into a Celebration...    into a new space-time...
into a book...    into a group-work...  into a mystery...  into the heart of an other person...

Once I saw Pope Francis's entrance into the City of New-York (on TV)  terrible...
Once I saw High-Level-People's entrance into a Stadium (real and on TV); What are they going to do ? You remember the many entrances of all our Presidents on all our National Birthdays-Parties (like 2017 in Rundu).

Of JvN we know many entrance-stories: into the World, into his Baptism and Public-Service,
into the life of many people ...   and today: his entrance into the City of Jerusalem.

Mt (21.1-11) gives the picture:
1. All this is done to fulfil an old prophecy
2. In the past there were Kings as Rulers; now we present a new King in the name of the Jahwe-God - and some sing Hosianna and some ask what's the matter ? and some say:
the prophet JvN is really a New King...
3. Why is there by Mt more story about the donkey and the people and very less story about Jesus himself ?

4. Some turmoil... again someone who pretends to be a liberator, a new King...

We today know: every entrance is 1. a risk    2. a way to an exit  3. between entrance and exit is an Event   4. an opening to a new Life;
Resurrection is an Entrance - every day ...

Sonntag, 2. April 2017

Lazarus 110145 5. L-Sun A Okakarara 02.04.2017

Lazarus is called into NEW Life

All baptised people are Lazarus
Friends of Jesus
and challenged
to perceive the call
and react positively

It's the way into a new free Life-Style
"here and now"...

You are not any more the old person
of once, you are not sleeping in the grave,
you are a new creation, full of Life...

John Evan (11.01-45) is a high level artist.
He has composed the Lazarus-Stroy 
as a Story of the "Mission of Jesus".
Since the Baptism of Jesus by John Baptist we know it is the Mission of Jesus
to call us, to challenge us, to invite us, to enable us
to go the Resurrection-Way   (to turn "here and now" / metanoia)
into the New-Christian-Life-Style, into the Fullness of Life.
The Story "Lazarus 110145"  shows: Resurrection is a way "here and now"
we are called for. Resurrection is not a biological event at the end of our biological life.
JvN calls Lazarus into the "here and now" (into his own life-situation).
It's a permanent call into a new spiritual-religious thinking and behaviour
for every day.

John Evans shows in this Story, that JvN gives as a new World-View.
Natural biological (corporal) Life from birth to death is a given-chance to open ourselves
to the New-Human-Life JvN calls as "at hand", nearaby; or with other words:
as the "Kingdom of God".