Dienstag, 11. April 2017

The FIRST Holy Supper

After Jesus of Nazareth had the courage to enter the Holy City,
there HE made a clear definition of Christian Life.
Together on the festive table HE told his followers:
1. I understand myself as "Bread + Wine", this is my Spirituality.
2. I'm engaged with the human development:
    I heal, I open, I unite, I share, I go higher... this is my Activity.
    All this for you and for the Life of the World...
    But notice well: all what I do is a "Public-Service" !!!
    To wash the feet and to wash the hair are signs of Service...
3. You are invited to embody my Spirituality
    and to continue my Activities - because we go together.
4. In this kind you proclaim the Mystery of our faith;
    and to have faith is to live our lives with joy.
5. We start to believe: the cross-way is also the resurrection-way
     pls invite the whole world to take on this chance.
6. In this way we participate with the cosmic creativity of God.
7. It may happen - by this life-style - we are on the way into the fullness of Life.

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