Sonntag, 2. April 2017

Lazarus 110145 5. L-Sun A Okakarara 02.04.2017

Lazarus is called into NEW Life

All baptised people are Lazarus
Friends of Jesus
and challenged
to perceive the call
and react positively

It's the way into a new free Life-Style
"here and now"...

You are not any more the old person
of once, you are not sleeping in the grave,
you are a new creation, full of Life...

John Evan (11.01-45) is a high level artist.
He has composed the Lazarus-Stroy 
as a Story of the "Mission of Jesus".
Since the Baptism of Jesus by John Baptist we know it is the Mission of Jesus
to call us, to challenge us, to invite us, to enable us
to go the Resurrection-Way   (to turn "here and now" / metanoia)
into the New-Christian-Life-Style, into the Fullness of Life.
The Story "Lazarus 110145"  shows: Resurrection is a way "here and now"
we are called for. Resurrection is not a biological event at the end of our biological life.
JvN calls Lazarus into the "here and now" (into his own life-situation).
It's a permanent call into a new spiritual-religious thinking and behaviour
for every day.

John Evans shows in this Story, that JvN gives as a new World-View.
Natural biological (corporal) Life from birth to death is a given-chance to open ourselves
to the New-Human-Life JvN calls as "at hand", nearaby; or with other words:
as the "Kingdom of God".

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