Samstag, 15. April 2017

As a But - you grow up into this world
As a Blossom you wake up to...
As a Flower you present NEW life

WHY not Christian - Life ???

Easter -  we celebrate the entrance into Christian-Life

In memory of HIS Life, Death + Resurrection, we have now before us:
"the life-giving bread + the saving-cup"

Yes - I see it before me / we all see it before us:
The Christian-Communities (Chr-Cty's) of A + B + C + Z, the Chr-Cty's of Namibia,
of the whole Africa, the Chr-Cty's of CH, of A of R etc...
all these millions of Chr-Cty's in our time 2017,
but all the famous Chr-Cty's of the past and the Chr-Cty's of a hopeful future.

Yes all these Chr-Cty's - we have a moment before our eyes... -
and this is exciting: all of these Chr-Cyt's try to live the Life of JX:they are "life-giving-bread and saving-cup" for our world;
they go a resurrection-way into NEW-Life, a wake-up with great engagement,
experienced in this world-circumstances as a cross way too.

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