Freitag, 14. April 2017

Psalm: "Life + Death".

composed by Vic.Hs. Leu in view of Ecc  15.14-19   14.04.2017

Life and Death - you know...
In life we live -  in death we die
In life we die  - in death we live

but once:
On the ground of the Creation
within the frame of circumstances
there lays an open time, an open space
for freedom of your choice:
one has life and death in hands
whatever now is chosen
will be given - for a moment
enjoy it - it's decisive
it's your contribution to the course of life.

but today:
there are now new circumstances

you may choose together: life and death
and harmonise the two, everyday:
because of birth - we live and die
because of life  -  we die and live

we live - against the Death - gifted'blessed with life
we die  - against the Life    - gifted'blessed with death
In all -
the Creator's blessings don't forget
praise the Almighty - you know:
as distributed as evaporated as fragmented
in life and death.

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