Donnerstag, 27. Juli 2017

Do you like to understand Mt 13 ?

The Richness of the Universe (treasurer) -
what we find thereof we will share
as we (pearls) elaborate it
by a www of smart Relations (fish).

1. Mt 13.44 is first an Announcement, a Declaration, an Assurance: Mt tells us:
Happy / blessed the one who has understood the message 17A / Mt-13.44-52 /
30072017. This timely message is a clear clarification (cc) about what we call in
modern language "Fullness of Life for All" (FLfA / 10-J-10) or in a language for
tomorrow: "the combined mutual Richness for All" (cmRfA) or in the best known
language of yesterday (2000 years ago) "Kingdom of God" (KG).
2. It's about a clear understanding for people of 2017 that JvN came to open,
to activate, to show the way into what is called today "Life to the full" (FLfA).
The clever guy of today knows "to understand means: I can handle it".
3. It's about the content of FLfA / cmRfA / KG / Mt 13.44-52
These words, these abbreviations are like the glass, the bottle, the package, the PIN,
the code, encryption - now what we have to do is: hear and understand...

The content of the Message:
A) The FLfA is first a soft, small, smart, strong Engagement (as total as possible),
a commitment, a duty, a right, a signing up...
B) Engaged in What ?  engaged in "looking for, in searching, in work for...  it's an
intensive searching process... it's a call-up to find!!!  it's a way... a real going forwards.
And don't forget: behind the engagement, there is a lot of decisions... and decisions  ask you to make priorities (like Mt recommends: sell + buy to make the best profit), and worse: you have somehow to know what you search and what you like to find.
All this tells you: the FLfA  is engaged in a method, a strategy, a way...
C) The searching engagement is looking after the greatest universal Richness for All-
Humanity and how to share it (treasure); is looking after your single personal contribution in this universal searching process (pearls); it's to build up a worldwideweb - a fishnet -
to include as many people as possible into a good relationship.

In practical way Mt tells to all, esp. the the Religious people:
from the vow of poverty go to the sharing the Richness
form the vow of obedience go to the personal unique contribution, cooperation
from the vow of chastity go to a smart wide net of wonderful relations.

The problem:

Heaven is open (treasure), singularity is given (pearl), life-net is present (fish)...
it's at hand, it's a real possibility - like the "bread + wine" is ready - and the invitation is also 

spread out...  but they don't like to accept the gift; they like to "beggar" to get what they feel they have not... it's an upsidedown-world.

Sonntag, 23. Juli 2017

Kalkfeld preek (230717)

Ek wil a poging aanwend en 'n afrikaanse Blog scryf - as Jy find daar is iets verkeert, dan moet Jy dit vir my laat weet.

Daar die 16. Sondag A het a baie snakse boodskap gebring. Die Mt (13.24-43) se: die Heilige God is die Beskermer van die Gemengsel-Kultuur  (meskien ook von die bekende wereld deurmekaar). As a Beskermer van daardie wereld-gemengsel God se: Jy moet nie uitpluk die onkruit nie, je moet nie verag, what jy nie vereer nie jy moet nie doodmaak nie, wat in you oog is heltemaal verkeert. Dit is gefaarlik as you oog besluit wat moet uitblos word. As je lewe, vier, werk - laat alles beidra tot die einde. Jy moet nie weet, wat is reg of verkeert as daar es nog nie alles klar nie, nog is nie alles verstaan, nog nie alles geweet nie; you oog (en ook jou brein ) is baie beperk en dit altyd tot die einde.
Maar die Beskermer von die Gemengsel-Kultuur se ook: daar sal vir alles an einde wees.
En nou kyk: daardie Einde is die tyd, die geleentheid, maar ook die reg en die plig om nou "Gereg" te hoe. Alltyd as daar iets ter einde gaan - daar is dit reg and plig om "Gereg" to hou. Jy moet nou vra: hoe het dit gegaan? wat was daar reg en wat was daar verkeert? wie het die gemeenskap verenig en wie het dit verskeur? Daar die "Gereg" an die einde van all tyd, van alle werke en van alle viering is meer as belangrik vir die lewe van die wereld.
Maar almal ook weet: die Einde is alltyd moontlik: na die werk wat is nou gedoon, na die aand, na die speel, wat is nou oor, na die viering, wat is nou verlede - alltyd as daar iets
wat is oor, gedoen - daar moet jy "Gereg" hou. Ons het daarvoor nou a moderne naam: EVALUASIE.
Mt will ons die moed gee: mens leer dog om evaluasie to doen omdat dit is die stratgie om alles te verbeter - as jy lewe in daardie van God geliefde Gemengsel-Kultuur.
Asseblief dog,
daar die "Blog-Spot" mag jy vir mense kennis gee wat ook van Afrikaans hou. 

Mittwoch, 19. Juli 2017

The best Strategy

AFTER the EVENT - Overview

We discover every day: the Kingdom of God is growing...  The Christian Church (under the leadership of Jesus Christ) brings the Word of God into this world like a seed for good wheat/fruits. But we also see: there is Evil in the world - sometimes very terrible. At the end: We feel there is an ongoing development of good and evil. And worse: it's not always very clear "what is really good, what is really evil".
The Holy Mass, as it is intended by his founder - if it is performed at the highest possible
level of sanctity - sure a good "thing"...   but sometimes in reality the celebration of the Holy Mass is "a bad thing". And the marriage as a "Sacrament" and "the marriage for all"
a good or a bad "thing" ? And the School and the Money and the Sport and the menu ?
good or bad ? It's not all the time very clear...
In this situation Jesus has a STRATEGY: At the end of the world at harvest-time the Angels will gather out all "things" that provoke offences and all "who do evil". And then the good and the virtuous will shine...
My translation:
1. Harvest-time is always at the end of a work, at the end of a day, at the end of an
event, at the end of a year, at the end of a celebration...
2. The participants are the Angels - they got the day, they got the experience, they reap
the fruits, the effect...
3. Now they ask, now they search: What in the event has provoked offences? What
has gone wrong? Where has been the destroyer? Who was busy to divide ? Where is
the failure?  Now in the harvest-time we have to discern the good and the evil one's.
And as Angels we have to bring in the medicine, the healing power, the courage to do better, to make the correction, to exchange forgiveness ...
4. You know it: in modern language we name the harvest-time "EVALUATION".
The parable Mt 13.24-43 is a clear holy advice: in our ambiguous/ambivalent situations
learn to perform the best strategy: the "EVALUATION" Mt 13.41

Freitag, 14. Juli 2017

Where the Holy Spirit is at home.

                                               Rich soil brings colourful meadow

At Pentecost, at Confirmation, at a joyful celebration of the Holy Mass - we hear many
times about the Holy Spirit.  It seems the Holy Spirit is a famous Personality in our Church.
Today (15. Sun A) Paulus (Rom 8.9,11-13) has for all Christians a very interesting message. As you ask "where is the Holy Spirit at home?" Paulus insists: in YOU. "The Holy Spirit has made his home in you".
The Holy Spirit a source of Life, a source of Holiness, a source of courage and attentiveness
etc...   etc...  really in YOU at home ???  !!!
In this situation we put three questions:
A) Is there a prove for this reality ?  YES !!!
Whenever you see or hear of somebody who is full of Life, is courageous, is attentive etc...
is on the way to Holiness... this is a prove the Holy Spirit is 
there at work .
B) Is it possible to tap this source, dwelling in me ?  YES !!!
1. You must decide: YES - I suppose this Spirit is somehow in me.
2. You must locate this Spirit as the power to present yourself as good.
    an example: You have eyes. Now you start to use the eyes better to see what is going on
    in the world and what is going well and good. You make exercises to look into the world         friendly, welcoming...   You train your eyes to give courage...
3. Because this Holy Spirit is like the wind, you pay attention from where and in which
    direction he is blowing.

C) Is it possible to evoke the Spirit ?  Sure - but it's a special Art, named the Art of
     animating (the contrary of force!)
If you life with the Holy Spirit, if you dip yourself into this Spirit...  you will experience that you are "rich soil" (Mt 13.1-9) for the Word of God and this Word will produce wonderful fruit - for you, for others and for the Community.
Try to discover the Holy Spirit in YOU.

Freitag, 7. Juli 2017

It looks like a GIFT...

The 14.Sunday A (09.07.17) has a Gift of joy for us...
A) Already the prophet Zechariah (9.9-10) makes an enormous call: "REJOICE"
    (HEART + SOUL = in your life-core + totally) !!!
     Bc...    the one who makes YOU happy and GLAD is coming; YES coming to YOU.
[But don't forget: HE is coming to YOU if YOU are a "City" (Jerusalem); today:
a "COMMUNITY - CHURCH". HE will bring PEACE to YOU as a City / as CHURCH]

What a VISION !!!
And on Passion-Sunday the CHURCH likes to show us: Now this VISION is getting REAL. 
A new reality for this world. In 2017 we Christians let everybody know...   Yes the PEACE-MAKER is coming (into a City !!!). HE is on the way...  (strange word: INCARNATION).

B) In Mt 11.25-30 Jesus makes also an enormous call, HE is full of joy and proclaims:
"I bless YOU my God" (known to him as FATHER, as CREATOR)".

Bc...  the Mystery of God is revealed as coming....  (and Mt insists strongly: it's Jesus,
who got the revelation)

C) And now a great turnaround: After "I bless you God" Jesus makes an INVITATION:
1. come to me all...          
2. shoulder my yoke...      3. learn from me...
and therefore    4. you will get rest for your Soul...    "RIP"
The PEACE-MAKER is on the Way...
The GREAT Q ) What are WE going to do with such a GIFT ?????

Montag, 3. Juli 2017

Your ARTs - Education

We got in this Blog a lot of Theology. It's like a
challenge...  HOW to think about the Mystery of God...
HOW to think Jesus Christ...  HOW to think the Church...
Everybody knows:
our thinking is a powerful factor for our behaviour.
But after the High Feasts of the Church-Year are over -
I like to make a turn to the more worldly affairs...
I'm not only a Theologian.

I'm good involved into a specific educational enterprise - named; "Arts-Performance-
Centres" (APC). We like to show HOW Arts-Education brings people into a personal
and social development. We like to open for Namibians the famous "World of Arts".

We are convinced: "performing Arts to promote Life" is a fact. I work in this enterprise
as the Board-Secretary, as the Board-Treasurer and as the Supervisor. This work gives
me a lot of experiences...
Today I like to give you an insight into our Finances. Every person of today must give
account in regard of his money. HOW you get money, HOW you spend money, HOW you invest money. Money-Handling is a real prove of your personality.
A) How APC get money? We animate people to become sponsors. We have two Bank-Accounts in Switzerland. The one in Altdorf / Uri, best known by my friends, brought us
in 2016 N$  401'176.- The one in Mels / SG - best known by friends of Lis Hidber -
brought us N$  363'450.-  In Austria the Account Omicron brought us  N$  633'935.-
And from Namibia ???   we got N$  139'008.-  It means our total Income in the financial year 16/17 is N$  1'537'569.-   We sing a great "thank you" to all our sponsors.
B) HOW we spent money? For the APC-Tsumeb we used N$ 1'060'000.-; for the APC-
Otshikuku we spent for 230'000.-  (and 150'000.-). For the Board-Activities (ongoing
formation, special events, supervision, AGA, Board-Sessions etc... ) we used N$  316'466.-
In total the expenses are N$  1'638'666.-
Sure - as we get more money, we could open more APC's. But I show this Finance-Report
because I'm convinced every Parish (every Christian Community) has the duty to publish
The Finance-Report and let people know HOW the Church handles money, for what the money is used.  It's a question of accountability, of transparency, of honesty.
If you like to sponsor our Arts-Education please pay your donation into
FNB-Otjiwarongo  280673    Acc  N-APC-A   /   62140553026
For more info's ask or
go to the website:  (deutsch).
Arts-Education brings you to the point to show the world your potential.