Montag, 3. Juli 2017

Your ARTs - Education

We got in this Blog a lot of Theology. It's like a
challenge...  HOW to think about the Mystery of God...
HOW to think Jesus Christ...  HOW to think the Church...
Everybody knows:
our thinking is a powerful factor for our behaviour.
But after the High Feasts of the Church-Year are over -
I like to make a turn to the more worldly affairs...
I'm not only a Theologian.

I'm good involved into a specific educational enterprise - named; "Arts-Performance-
Centres" (APC). We like to show HOW Arts-Education brings people into a personal
and social development. We like to open for Namibians the famous "World of Arts".

We are convinced: "performing Arts to promote Life" is a fact. I work in this enterprise
as the Board-Secretary, as the Board-Treasurer and as the Supervisor. This work gives
me a lot of experiences...
Today I like to give you an insight into our Finances. Every person of today must give
account in regard of his money. HOW you get money, HOW you spend money, HOW you invest money. Money-Handling is a real prove of your personality.
A) How APC get money? We animate people to become sponsors. We have two Bank-Accounts in Switzerland. The one in Altdorf / Uri, best known by my friends, brought us
in 2016 N$  401'176.- The one in Mels / SG - best known by friends of Lis Hidber -
brought us N$  363'450.-  In Austria the Account Omicron brought us  N$  633'935.-
And from Namibia ???   we got N$  139'008.-  It means our total Income in the financial year 16/17 is N$  1'537'569.-   We sing a great "thank you" to all our sponsors.
B) HOW we spent money? For the APC-Tsumeb we used N$ 1'060'000.-; for the APC-
Otshikuku we spent for 230'000.-  (and 150'000.-). For the Board-Activities (ongoing
formation, special events, supervision, AGA, Board-Sessions etc... ) we used N$  316'466.-
In total the expenses are N$  1'638'666.-
Sure - as we get more money, we could open more APC's. But I show this Finance-Report
because I'm convinced every Parish (every Christian Community) has the duty to publish
The Finance-Report and let people know HOW the Church handles money, for what the money is used.  It's a question of accountability, of transparency, of honesty.
If you like to sponsor our Arts-Education please pay your donation into
FNB-Otjiwarongo  280673    Acc  N-APC-A   /   62140553026
For more info's ask or
go to the website:  (deutsch).
Arts-Education brings you to the point to show the world your potential.

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