Donnerstag, 27. Juli 2017

Do you like to understand Mt 13 ?

The Richness of the Universe (treasurer) -
what we find thereof we will share
as we (pearls) elaborate it
by a www of smart Relations (fish).

1. Mt 13.44 is first an Announcement, a Declaration, an Assurance: Mt tells us:
Happy / blessed the one who has understood the message 17A / Mt-13.44-52 /
30072017. This timely message is a clear clarification (cc) about what we call in
modern language "Fullness of Life for All" (FLfA / 10-J-10) or in a language for
tomorrow: "the combined mutual Richness for All" (cmRfA) or in the best known
language of yesterday (2000 years ago) "Kingdom of God" (KG).
2. It's about a clear understanding for people of 2017 that JvN came to open,
to activate, to show the way into what is called today "Life to the full" (FLfA).
The clever guy of today knows "to understand means: I can handle it".
3. It's about the content of FLfA / cmRfA / KG / Mt 13.44-52
These words, these abbreviations are like the glass, the bottle, the package, the PIN,
the code, encryption - now what we have to do is: hear and understand...

The content of the Message:
A) The FLfA is first a soft, small, smart, strong Engagement (as total as possible),
a commitment, a duty, a right, a signing up...
B) Engaged in What ?  engaged in "looking for, in searching, in work for...  it's an
intensive searching process... it's a call-up to find!!!  it's a way... a real going forwards.
And don't forget: behind the engagement, there is a lot of decisions... and decisions  ask you to make priorities (like Mt recommends: sell + buy to make the best profit), and worse: you have somehow to know what you search and what you like to find.
All this tells you: the FLfA  is engaged in a method, a strategy, a way...
C) The searching engagement is looking after the greatest universal Richness for All-
Humanity and how to share it (treasure); is looking after your single personal contribution in this universal searching process (pearls); it's to build up a worldwideweb - a fishnet -
to include as many people as possible into a good relationship.

In practical way Mt tells to all, esp. the the Religious people:
from the vow of poverty go to the sharing the Richness
form the vow of obedience go to the personal unique contribution, cooperation
from the vow of chastity go to a smart wide net of wonderful relations.

The problem:

Heaven is open (treasure), singularity is given (pearl), life-net is present (fish)...
it's at hand, it's a real possibility - like the "bread + wine" is ready - and the invitation is also 

spread out...  but they don't like to accept the gift; they like to "beggar" to get what they feel they have not... it's an upsidedown-world.

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