Mittwoch, 19. Juli 2017

The best Strategy

AFTER the EVENT - Overview

We discover every day: the Kingdom of God is growing...  The Christian Church (under the leadership of Jesus Christ) brings the Word of God into this world like a seed for good wheat/fruits. But we also see: there is Evil in the world - sometimes very terrible. At the end: We feel there is an ongoing development of good and evil. And worse: it's not always very clear "what is really good, what is really evil".
The Holy Mass, as it is intended by his founder - if it is performed at the highest possible
level of sanctity - sure a good "thing"...   but sometimes in reality the celebration of the Holy Mass is "a bad thing". And the marriage as a "Sacrament" and "the marriage for all"
a good or a bad "thing" ? And the School and the Money and the Sport and the menu ?
good or bad ? It's not all the time very clear...
In this situation Jesus has a STRATEGY: At the end of the world at harvest-time the Angels will gather out all "things" that provoke offences and all "who do evil". And then the good and the virtuous will shine...
My translation:
1. Harvest-time is always at the end of a work, at the end of a day, at the end of an
event, at the end of a year, at the end of a celebration...
2. The participants are the Angels - they got the day, they got the experience, they reap
the fruits, the effect...
3. Now they ask, now they search: What in the event has provoked offences? What
has gone wrong? Where has been the destroyer? Who was busy to divide ? Where is
the failure?  Now in the harvest-time we have to discern the good and the evil one's.
And as Angels we have to bring in the medicine, the healing power, the courage to do better, to make the correction, to exchange forgiveness ...
4. You know it: in modern language we name the harvest-time "EVALUATION".
The parable Mt 13.24-43 is a clear holy advice: in our ambiguous/ambivalent situations
learn to perform the best strategy: the "EVALUATION" Mt 13.41

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