Freitag, 7. Juli 2017

It looks like a GIFT...

The 14.Sunday A (09.07.17) has a Gift of joy for us...
A) Already the prophet Zechariah (9.9-10) makes an enormous call: "REJOICE"
    (HEART + SOUL = in your life-core + totally) !!!
     Bc...    the one who makes YOU happy and GLAD is coming; YES coming to YOU.
[But don't forget: HE is coming to YOU if YOU are a "City" (Jerusalem); today:
a "COMMUNITY - CHURCH". HE will bring PEACE to YOU as a City / as CHURCH]

What a VISION !!!
And on Passion-Sunday the CHURCH likes to show us: Now this VISION is getting REAL. 
A new reality for this world. In 2017 we Christians let everybody know...   Yes the PEACE-MAKER is coming (into a City !!!). HE is on the way...  (strange word: INCARNATION).

B) In Mt 11.25-30 Jesus makes also an enormous call, HE is full of joy and proclaims:
"I bless YOU my God" (known to him as FATHER, as CREATOR)".

Bc...  the Mystery of God is revealed as coming....  (and Mt insists strongly: it's Jesus,
who got the revelation)

C) And now a great turnaround: After "I bless you God" Jesus makes an INVITATION:
1. come to me all...          
2. shoulder my yoke...      3. learn from me...
and therefore    4. you will get rest for your Soul...    "RIP"
The PEACE-MAKER is on the Way...
The GREAT Q ) What are WE going to do with such a GIFT ?????

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