Freitag, 23. März 2018

enter - experience - enjoy

The Church is called
to celebrate
the entrance of Jesus

on the 25 of March: into the Womb of Mary; id est: into the Womb of the Earth.
on the 25 of December: into the Village of Bethlehem / Nazareth; into the Jewish People.
on the Baptism in the Jordan: into his own personal Task, into his Messianic Activities.
on the Passion-Sunday: into the City of Jerusalem to accomplish his Pascal Mystery
     id est: into the last engagement on the Cross; into the celestial Jerusalem:
                "Hosanna to God in the Highest".
on Easter: into the Resurrection; into a new Style of Life;
on Ascension: into Heaven; into the Fullness of Life;
on Pentecost: into the Heart of the Chosen-One's.

The Church is a Community called to celebrate !
May I remind You:
1. The Baptised People are the Church.
2. They have decided to follow Jesus Christ:
     a) to "enter" like Jesus; (
id est: they have the courage to enter with open eyes!)
     b) to experience like Jesus life as a Cross-Way
     c) to enjoy like Jesus life as a Resurrection-Way
3. As more as we embody Jesus for our time, as more we enter, experience,
    enjoy life like Jesus
4. Together as Church we live the life of Jesus and we celebrate his and our lives as a Unity.
The Church is a Community called to live (in the steps of Jesus) OR: we renounce to enter... to experience... to enjoy...
         and we refuse to celebrate...
I encourage: take the Chance...

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