Samstag, 10. März 2018


The Cath. Church-Life offers you
for this Sunday (11.03.2018)
a fourth step
in your Lenten - Exercise.

First, You have to remember: there was already in the past a terrible time,
priests and people have shown infidelity, defiling the Temple (as it was before Noah
and somehow today) / 2 Chronicles 36.14-23.
Sec, know: God sent a lot of prophets...  but in vain...   and today ...
Third, look: The Temple burned down, Jerusalem demolished...  people deported...
                    extinction of a culture...   downfall...   
Fourth, pay attention: The King Cyrus has the imagination "God has given me all the kingdoms and the Temple" ...   what a fright:!  Cyrus is celebrated a a Saviour !

After such a shaking shock - as Christians we hear Paulus (Eph 2.4-10): No King,
No Temple...  Jesus - by his -Grace - is Saviour! But...   pay attention: There is some-
thing more behind: Jesus saved us because "
We are God's work of art".

John let us know how Jesus explains to Nicodemus the mystery (3.14-21):
In every terrible time God sent - by Love - "Jesus-like-prophets as Saviour".

Did you discover the Lenten-Step you are asked for?
In your situation (terrible or not, in decay or not) God's work of art / YOU ! has to be
, re-cleaned to the real brilliance.
Mrs. D. Day was convinced: "The world will be saved by beauty".

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