Freitag, 16. März 2018

Outlook on "Easter-Break"

Where is the New Covenant ?
The Risen-One ?  The Stranger ?

We in Otjiwarongo have a good situation:
We got rain, we have a lot of good people,
a good part are Christians...  life is improving...
pupils got an "Independence-Break" and we all
have a good Outlook on "Easter-Break"!

The WISH of the Stranger (John 12.20 "Sir, we would like to see Jesus...")
will be fulfilled and the people will see Jesus as the RISEN-ONE.

           The problem: The RISEN-ONE is hidden in the LIVING-ONES.

The CHRISTIANS know: Jesus became for all - who obey HIM - the
                                         Source of Eternal Life (Hebr 5.7-9)
             The problem: They should obey Jesus (and not the imperial forces!).

The World knows (the Church will proclaim it): The NEW COVENANT  with the
House of Israel says: (Jeremiah 31.31 is convinced: It is God who speaks):
1. Deep within the people I will plant my law, writing it on their hearts.
2. I will be their God - they shall be my people.
3. They will all know me (the least no less than the greatest)
4. I will forgive their iniquity + never call their sin to mind.
             The problem: The House of Israel and the Christian Churches should accept:
                                    Following Jesus and Paulus etc... 
                                    The NEW COVENANT is intended for the whole World;
                                                                                              for everybody...

You see: we have a GOOD SITUATION...

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