Dienstag, 29. Dezember 2015

JESUS - the run-away-boy

And now we got the message: a redeemer is born. And we are glad...   it's good for us and for all to know: it's a fact - the redeemer is born. What happen next ???
We look at him... We expect a lot...   We make interpretations... We work with our imagination...  Do we realize him in our life-style ???

Look what did we do with the family of Nazareth! We admire the family as a holy one: 
a wonderful meme, a dreaming father, a glorious son - an idyllic family! 
The Ev Luke tries to give us a glimpse on the reality. The "glorious" son is a run-away-boy
(weg-looper). The meme don't know why. Because the whole life is dictated by the Religion.

The boy didn't have the chance or the courage to speak about his uneasiness, desperation.
To live in such a "holy family" is impossible. There must be change. Js Temple-Service better? No Way! The run-away-boy has to learn: listen to the Word of the Reality, the Voice of God and to the cry of humanity. Before you change the world to be better, make yourself a redeeming personality. As such - not any more as a run-away-boy - go... and reveal yourself. 

We got a Synod of the family - did the Synod hear the run-away-boys? We got a lot of Church-families (Parishes) - but did the Church listen to the run-aways ???

This Blog Kdb is written because we need change; mostly we need change to be better in our Namibian Church. And Jesus is the run-away-boy...  away from the old situation into an new situation where is more freedom, engagement and love. Jesus has gone a changing way in a changing world. The Religion has not accepted him. For Christians Religion is over, is from yesterday; is not for the future. We need people engaged in changing (cross-way) in favour of the participation of all with the fullness of Life.
Jesus is the new kind of man...  we have tried (more or less in all our Blogs) to look at him, to represent him, to realize him... but in vain. Why in vain ???  Because the Jesus - we have in mind - we have learnt - we have shaped - this Jesus is not the real one - it's only our imagination. The "real Jesus" is still on the way to be born - all baptized people of every time and space together are the body of Christ animated by the Holy Spirit, visible in the Eucharistic Bread + Wine - changed and given for the Life of the World. 

My grateful wish for all Blog-Visitors: You may have the courage to accept for 2016
the Blessing of God as the Spirit of Life, of Engagement and of Love.

Mittwoch, 16. Dezember 2015

We wait for a new kind of man...

As there is Advent, we wait also very strongly for a new kind of man (Hebr. 10.5-10). The old one is well known - mostly we: the one who likes holocausts, oblations and sacrifices... the one, who is aware to be a sinner...  and now he offers some prayers; the one, who feels, God is good but could be better, so he offers again some prayers; the one, who knows I'm a sinner and now he has decided to make the passage through the Holy Door (to get a total absolution).

The new one is seldom. It's the one, who decided to do the will of God. The Church is eager to show us such a new man: first Mary of Nazareth, than her son Jesus...  and now many more... some of them got the title :HOLY". 

As usual the Church is not clear: she encourages us to bring oblations, sacrifices, prayers... to bring gifts to God (money is also accepted). Some people have started to negotiate with God: I give you xy and you give me ab.

The new kind of man like Jesus has no vows. He was baptized by John and later found his way. He invited people to follow him without negotiation.
Elizabeth, a woman who knows best the temple-business and all the negotiation with the Jahwe-God - she is very enjoyed to discover the coming up of a new kind of man.

Today, we are not speaking about such new very dedicated men. We negotiate an arrangement. Poverty means: You care for my insurance, for my daily bread and bed, for my computer, for my ticket and for a job, a work-field and all what is needed...
I myself - under these conditions - ask for nearly nothing any more. 

The once new "Here I am" is now secured and sure in no case any risk.

It's like the final prayer of this Sunday (third Advent C):
Lord, we have received...  thanks! ... but now... don't stop...  make more... 

"make us grow in love"...  and this in order to be able to celebrate...   
All is now given.... there is nothing from "Here I am" but much about: pls give more...
(if not, I'm ready as a beggar to pray more....)  
Nothing from a new mankind...   sorry 

Mittwoch, 9. Dezember 2015


One day "they" told me: Yes, Advent is expectation...  but do you know the whole Life is Advent; in reality "only one great expectation".  My answer: you might be 50 % right... but pls don't forget: they have expected you... and you came - your birthday / a fact - and the first expectation was fulfilled. It means: every human being is proof of fulfillment of an expectation. Advent - Life - is one great fulfillment too...  at least 50%
Advent as expectation and the fact of arrival!

Lk 3.10-18 / they said: John the Baptist will be the fulfillment of our expectations (the Christ).
But John says: NO! John knows (as Luke) it's very important to clarify the relationship between expectation and fulfillment.

An other Luke will now make this experience. He is appointed new OMI-Superior in Namibia
Expectations are great and he will have to clarify which expectations he will fulfill.

Our President Hage Geingob is in the same situation. He has more and more to make clear which expectations he will (and can) fulfill. And so every Citizen... esp the once voted into an Office...  and so the Churches...   and so the Journals...  and so the bride...

Jesus - once declared as the Christ (the one who fulfills our expectations for salvation) -
experienced the same: He had to decide which expectations he will fulfill.

Christmas is less "feast of expectation" as more "feast of fulfillment". The Church proclaims: the Christ, the Salvador, the Immanuel is born! A fulfilling fact is stated.

Catholics are people who believe first in facts and they know facts create expectations.
Mary has conceived (25 March) - we see it as a fact - and now we expect birth 

(25 December). Mary has given birth / a fact - now we expect his Epiphany (6 January).
For 2016 I wish Catholics may turn (metanoia) more and more in the direction to accept
facts and believe in facts. A Salvador is born in Jesus - fact or expectation ???
Jesus is Immanuel - fact or expectation ???  Jesus is alive - fact or expectation ???
The Holy Spirit is poured out - fact or expectation ???  You are gifted - fact or expectation ?
The best answer maybe 50 / 50   I recommend 75 % fact + 25 % expectation.
Life is easier, more happy, more healing as we are able to accept facts before expectations.

Freitag, 4. Dezember 2015

ADVENT... expectation...

The Advent-message: The WORD of GOD came to John ... (in the wilderness)
                                    and he calls for a Baptism of repentance...  for a better future...
Today "John the Baptist" is sees as a VOICE like many years ago Isaias...
The basic message is: METANOIA (new thinking or turn around)   for a better future...

This is a long time provocation...  until today...  also in 2015 all Christian Churches call upon
the Baptized: prepare a way for the Lord (and not for others)
                      and all mankind shall see the salvation of God.

Today all Churches are VOICES! we hope: hear able, understandable, acceptable...
But YOU as a Church MEMBER, YOU (dear reader) are you a VOICE ???
it means: do you understand yourself as a VOICE ???

A voice in the desert, in the City, in your profession, in your Church,environment, family ???

A voice with only a cry or a voice with a message ??? a real call-up ???
What is your MESSAGE ???  
What do you like to bring as your message to the people of today ???
Do you like to tell them: we must turn around (metanoia) and life will be better for all ???
Or in religious language: prepare a way for Jesus Christ
ans salvation will become a reality.

And very important: can you discuss with your people very exactly WHERE + HOW 
the "turn around" may take place ???

In ADVENT we clear our expectations...
we discuss the changes, we like to strive for...
we wait actively for a new Earth + a new Heaven.


Mittwoch, 18. November 2015

Church - Year 14/15 B Evaluation

How was it ??? The question is " ME + the Church" !!!    A special year for you ???
1.) Did I go every Sunday to the Church ???   WHY ???   Why-not ???
2.) Did I participate with Church-Activities ??? How was my Church-engagement ???
3.) Did I read the Bible ???  at least listen to the Word of God ???  sometimes ???

4.) Did I praise God (pray) at least sometimes  (or only begging ???)
5.) Did I give signs of love to my people around me ???

The goal of this questions is only to find out I as "a Church-mosaic-particle" did I improve or worsen my relationship with the Church-Community ???

6.) How did I experience the Church-Community ???  attractive, helpful, encouraging...
7.) What has the Church-Community given me in 14/15 ???

8.) Did the Church guide me, enjoy me, empower me  ???

By these questions I will discover, what the Church has done for me.

We see the Christian-Church-Communities as the "Body of Christ for our time". It's therefore important to see how I am integrated, involved, engaged with this Community 
be it at home, be it as Namibian, be it as World-Citizen.

John 18.33-37 may serve as an Evaluation tool...

Pilate asks: Are you a Catholic?    I replies:  Do you ask of your own accord ?
Pilate answered: Am I a Catholic?  Your people told me you are a Catholic -
                                                        Tell me what have you done?
Me: I have an alternative Kingdom; I'm working to build up a new Heaven + a new Earth.

Pilate: It means: you are a real Catholic? I wonder what is your strategy?
Me: You say it!  But yes, I'm born to be a Catholic. My strategy first: I bear witness to the real reality (away from the imaginations) - and all Christians are on the same way - to discover 
the real fullness of Life.

A lot of thanks to all of you who have visited this Blog again + again.

Freitag, 13. November 2015

Mr Ev Mk. - it's now...

We live in turbulent times... so much of distress about peace and equality...
the sun       [symbol of life]   will be darkened... so many people not enlightened...

the moon    [symbol of borrowed splendor]              diminished...
the stars     [symbol of independent personalities]   falling...
the angels  [symbol of God's effectiveness]             confused...
What a picture for the situation of the world of today... all is changing... 
old Heaven and old Earth will pass away - on the way - to a new Heaven and new Earth.
Mk likes to tell us: don't be afraid, the Word of God is present in all these turbulence's -
it is at hand, at our disposal.

If we see the Family-Synod 2015 we discover how much the moon looses its brightness;
If we look at the corruption, how are stars falling; look at poverty, how much distress...

And the Word of God at disposal - how many will read it as empowerment; how many come to Church to hear the Word of God as refreshment ??? 

Take the Priests as a parable: 
As soon as you see the priest is not in his Parish on Sunday, you know the Parish is betrayed. As soon as you discover the priest has no time for you, you will know the moon is small (the night darker); you either are somehow nobody.

Take the Eucharist as a parable:
As soon as you start, there is communication stop between the people... you see, adoration kills communication. As soon as the readings starts, there is an understanding stop.
Hearing without thinking (what a music). As soon as the praying starts, there is refusing of a own responsibility... it shows the trend: God should do it. He is the official in charge - we only have to remind him.

Take the Church as a parable:
As soon as you bring in something new - they will complain: it's not as it was". It means: they are against a new Heaven and a new Earth. And the Word of God at disposal... pls ! no new understanding; it must be as it was - for ever.
Dear Mr. Markus-Evangelist! as for the day - we knew now - it's today.

Sonntag, 8. November 2015

Levels of life / Mk 12.41-44 / 08.11.2015

We are good as we share !!!
On the Sunday-Collection (and by Church-tax) we give to the Church to favor Church-life.
On many occasions we give to the State - to favor social life, public education etc...
But first, we are obliged to calculate which amount we need for ourself, for the family etc...

Sometimes we feel bad - there is nothing over - we cannot spend, as we like...
sometimes something is over - we are glad to share or forced to give...
This earthly-level: How to manage our assets is very important. More important: How we manage our time (used for what???) how to manage our skills (engaged in what???).

Mk today tells us a behavior of Jesus Catholic Priests cannot follow: we have not to watch 
at the collection how much people put in the money-box. But Catholic Priests have
to open our minds again and again for the life-level Jesus is calling us for.

Jesus likes today to open our mind for an other level of life. Not the distribution-level (known
also as the calculation-level) not the very good sharing-level - but the dedication-level, the comprehensive level (know  also as the Heaven-level).

Question: The whole life, all 24 hours, all assets, all skills are dedicated to ???
All what we have, all what we need is dedicated to... ??? Do we have one great comprehensive dedication -  dedicated to ???

For some people "dedication" is strange. They see life as a survival-struggle. But 
in reality these people are often very well totally dedicated to life. That's good !!!
Now Jesus opens the eye for the insight: Dedication to Heaven is condition for a right dedication to Earth. Strive for a new Heaven and you will get a new Earth.

We know people they have in public shown us how they have dedicated their total life to
God. That's very good. And often we have seen, how such God-dedicated life has enabled them to a strange and most effective life on Earth (look at the Saints).

Heaven + Earth are not in contradiction but in strong inter-dependence.

Maybe - some people speak of "consecrated life" and have in mind "Heaven dedicated life"
in order to create a new Earth - why not ???
The Sunday-Mass maybe a sign of your dedication and the collection a sign of your sharing.

Freitag, 6. November 2015

This BLOG... a challenge!!!

This BLOG is not selling "something" - not a Camel -  my BLOG likes to ask you,in some cases to challenge you, normally to demand of you - pls think about "your Life-Style".
In my view every person is called by "LIFE" to show us a wonderful, a healing, a nice, a
uniting "LIFE-STYLE". Your "life-Style" is more than your photo, more than your selfie, more than your biography - "LIFE-STYLE" is your appearance, to make an impression on me.
If you come up... why should my eye not be enjoyed ?...  attracted ? If you come up... why

should my personality not be empowered in my search of a fitting way of life ?

The prophet of Nazareth came up - attractive - a hope for Bar Timaeus; giving him the power to stand up, to jet away prejudices, to walk, to listen, to give answer, to feel "right again" and to adopt a Christian Life-Style (follow him). A real story for all people who see "faith" is the basic-skill of homo sapiens: to declare "something' as Reality.

And the memorial-day of all Saints (01. Nov). The Catholic Church has the custom to distribute the "Nobel-Price for Christian Life- Style" of for "Christian-Practice". What a richness - if you open your eyes for all these strange people with a more than "unbelievable
life-style". To declare some people as "holy" belongs to your Life-Style.

The All-Souls-Day (02.Nov): If you have lost one, who has gone with you - tell to your fate: NO - You are able to do much more than "let him go"; the contrary: you are stronger than "Energy + Time + Space"; a) keep him / her in your memory, in your life; she / he belongs to you in every case... you give him / her reality !!!  b) strengthen his / her fire, ideas, hopes, deeds...  multiply her / his effect.
c) Don't bother about his / her fate! ("after-life"); it's not your business, not at all.

Now the next Sunday (32 B / 08.11.15 / Mk 12.38-44): to animate you in such a great skill: "to increase your giving". Not so much the amount is counting. It's more  a) you give a great deal from money you have over (you are a good person!!!).  b) you are able to give a greater share (How did you make it ??? you are better).  c) you give everything you posses (what a wonder !!!). I ask: Who has been able to empower you to increase your giving ??? and what kind of life-style comes into being in such a gracious situation ??? Who told you, you must be a poor widow to give all what you need for life ?
INTEGRATION of GIVING into your LIFE-STYLE - that's the clue. 

We in Otjiwarongo / Namiba got for 15 minutes good rain (05.11.15) - I feel much better.

Freitag, 23. Oktober 2015

Bar Timaeus / Mk 10.46 / Awakening...

You know: we are all called to go together the way into Fullness of Life !!!  But...

1. Look at your situation...   or look at the situation of many of our people...
    + Blind: not seeing what's going on; introverted; scatterbrained; narcissistic...
    + Sitting around on the side of the road; no work; no way; handicapped;

    + Begging: no other way; have pity on me; unable to...   only crying !!!
2. Jesus has a good year, he has good eyes...  He knows the situation of the people...
    in 2015: how blind they are; Sitting around...  marginalized; overburdened;
                  begging: help, pity, help, pity...  or worse: unable to cry for help...
3. And now the great order to his Church (Apostles etc... ) "Call him here"
    This is the first challenge for the Church: to call him, for this the Church must be attractive
    All this pity-help-crying people, call them...  they need my saving word !!!
         Call him: to get rid of all their imaginations...  illusions, plans, prejudices...

         Call him: to make a U-turn; jump up, metanoia;
         Call him: to go on the way towards Jesus (without imaginations)
    And now: first question: "?What do you want"  (is this now cleared???)
                    This is a very long process: to know really what to want!  To discover, to see
                    the reality (of the world, of myself etc...) (to see the reality of the Church, to

                    discover the reality of God as a Mystery; to see Life as a cross-way into the
                    Fullness of Life...
    After all...
4. Finally Jesus let him know: It's your faith saving you! (not your imagination; not Jesus).
    That's the word of Jesus: no faith  - no way !!!  - no Fullness of Life.
     a) With this faith...  you go on the way...  (not sitting at the side of the road any more...
         not pity-help-crying any more...  actively involved... 
     b) Only: Make your cross-way like Jesus has done his cross-way  (follow him).
5. Bar-Timaeus didn't have faith...  What he needs is somebody who calls him, empowers him to stand up. 
We believe: God is calling everybody into Life and - through the cross-way - into the Fullness of Life.

[Such a way - you can read in "Back of the Book" in The Namibian 23.10.2015
 "Raised Catholic" of C. Adichie p) B16  / thoughtful...  ] 

Freitag, 16. Oktober 2015

The fishing industry - MISSION

We have in Namibia a lucrative fishing industry. "Bishop" Esau is doing his level best to distribute fishing-rights + fishes + money...  The fishing industry is fishing fishes for men 
to be nourished well and for getting rich. He has the problem of over-fishing and of misusing the fishing-rights.
We have in Namibia a fishing Church based on the initial ignition of 
+ Ev-Mk 16.15-20 ("Go throughout the whole world and preach the Gospel to all mankind") 
+ Ev-Lk 5.10 ("Don't be afraid; from now on you will be catching men") 
+ Mt 4.19 ("Come with me and I will teach you to catch men") 
+ esp. Mt 28.16-10: here is he worldwide Mission-Commission explained:
1. Jesus: All power is given to me in Heaven and on Earth. (What a powerful Church).

2. Go and teach all peoples to observe what I commissioned you. It means: The disciples are learners the whole life, the Apostles teachers (they have the knowledge ?)
3. Baptize them in the name of the Father + the Son + the Holy Spirit.

In the meantime there is quite a good discussion between the exegetic's:
How is the translation right ?  "fishing men"  or  "fishing for men

For "Bishop Esau + Co" it's clear: they do a very secular work: they catch the richness of the Ocean and distribute it as just as possible; all for men ... also as: eradication of poverty.
For the Christian Churches - the picture of the initial ignition is getting difficult.
a) Catching / fishing men is in modern time against the freedom of Religion.
    Or: You have the duty of explanation: HOW you make it...  Maybe here is a reason why

    so many Catholics don't like to be Missionaries. They have a wrong picture.
b) Make disciples - that's a good thing. But where the Catholic-disciples have the chance to bring in what they have learnt, what they have experienced... esp. in the Church ???
cf. Family-Synod 2015: The unmarried Bishops, without experience of a own family-life -
they go as teachers to decide the rules of future Catholic-Family-Life.

My picture:
Jesus - the new Adam (mankind), the Emmanuel (God with us); the one, who opens the door of Heaven (fullness of Life) is THE FISH WE TRY TO CATCH in the Ocean of the Past and WE TRY to prepare the caught fish as "the BREAD OF LIFE" for our time.

Sonntag, 11. Oktober 2015

Eternal Life = all EVENTS together.

Mark-Ev (10.17-30) has a story: A clever man ask Jesus: "Master what must I do to inherit eternal life?" Today we translate "eternal life: with: :Fullness of Life - full of life". Everybody knows: life is composed by Events and every event shows seven dimensions: decision, sun-side, shade-side, time and space, people involved. These dimensions shape life colorful. Events are steps into fullness.

The clever man knows: sins are not qualifying Life but diminishing Life. And he is aware: he must do something good! But what ? How will my little ego-mind find out, what is good, good for all ! Jesus has an answer: Don't feel you are a owner but rather an administrator and share or give away what you have - because your first life-project is: fullness of Life for all ! Such a life-style / way of Life is to follow me / Jesus, the one who came to empower your heart to love.
The clever man discovered: it's hard! Maybe too demanding! But give it a try...

A Story:
Once a young rich beautiful lady discovered: my life is boring I like to have more events, happenings. She invited a lot of people to a party to give over her ownership of the house to these people. She remains the administrator. At the party she found her husband. Later she told him> I'm not owing you, I give you free. He replied: Now I love you more than ever because I feel free to love you. Later as a mother she thought: I'm not the owner of my children. I give them free and she has gone to visit them; what a joy to see them prosper.
Later she gave up her profession, too narrow, she want to do more. At the end of her Life she told God: Now I'm not the owner of my Life; I give it over into your hands. God replied: It's no need - it was given over all the time". God opened her eyes and revealed: "Come and see: all what you have given is now at your pleasure, enjoy it for ever in full."

Everyone who is rich of all kind has a problem: he is bound to his richness. How to get more rich? Jesus has the trick: two hand are good, four hands are better, but we need all hands to dig up, to shape, to carry and enjoy the fullness (all events together).

Dienstag, 6. Oktober 2015

October-MISSION Fr. Willem osfs

Fr. Willem osfs encourages us (e-mail Oct 01) to take MISSION-month with St.Therese of Lisieux and St. Francis-Xavier seriously. It's also the month of the Pastoral-Synode for "Family-Life" (cf. www.kameel-doring-boom.blogspot.com) and for Ms. Cindy van Wyk it's Ocsober: the month of de-toxification (cf. then Namibian-Weekender 021015 / page16)

As we follow Fr. Willem osfs: The great commission for every Missionary is:  GO...
(For me "commission" is more than an advise or invitation and less than an order or command). We are grateful for the distinction made by Fr. OMI between members or disciples! and for the Pop's clarification: we are called to live the mission".
Fr. Willem osfs ask: What are we going to do now ??? (in our missionary-situation)

I try to give an answer - concentrating on  "GO..."
A) To end the Holy Mass we Priests tell "the people of God": pls go...

Sometimes they go... or they don't go...  Why not ?
+ they like to pray more and more (sooo pious / to stay with God not with...)
+ they like to do the next meeting (in the church) sooo busy... no time for...
+ they feel better in the church with Jesus than under the people (terrible)
+ they are used not to listen and not to do what the Priest is telling them
   [for them "go" don't mean go... it's only a "set phrase"...  never serious]

This is the first MISSION-doing: take serious you commission  to tell them "go"
and tell them you mean it!

B) As I tell the people to "go in peace" - I have in mind:
1. way: go to the people, to the next first, greet them;
give a sign of bene- volence. cf. www.kameel-doring-boom.blogspot.com (glass of water).
2. way: go to
fulfill your promises in the family, in your profession, in public life etc... in your relationship, in politics, economy, climate change etc...

3. way: go to Church, your Community again; take a break and praise God.
C) After I told the people "go..."  I give a good example and I'm going as the first out... I go out of the church into the secular world - and by the gate I take the opportunity to have for everyone a good word of encouragement. I let them go - keeping my conviction: they will to their level best... that's my "outreach".

Sonntag, 4. Oktober 2015


Today Pope Francis in Rom-Vatican and we in St. Anthony Otjiwarongo open the Family-Synod. The Church as the "people of God" is moving, on the way...  where are we going?
"Go in peace" means today also: let's go to see HOW the Cath. Bishops will find a good healing solution to the queuing up problems...    one problem is:

The MARRIAGE in our time !
First we set the frame: Following the Bible, a very old thinking, God has created man + wife to become one body, to live together into the fullness of Life, a bond forever. God has given attractive sexuality, a very old thinking, to procreate children (one method to survive in a dangerous environment; or to become a big people or a big patriarchy). The marriage became with time a protected institution. Jesus was in favour of marriage, seeing it as the will of the Jewish Jahwe-God and - thousand years later - the marriage became in the Cath. Church an indissoluble Sacrament (sign of salvation). Within this frame today we accept: marriage is very complicated, not easy... if "it's not going" we ask for divorce... the Church accepts separation, but has in mind "the bond is going on". Therefore "re-marry" is not seen as a solution. This judgment is put in question.!
The Church is accused: not to show MERCY (The Orthodox-Christian Church at the other hand shows this mercy) and - not to re-marry is by nature wrong, because the Cath. Church has put "active sexuality into the exile of marriage" / you know: "outside marriage no sex".

To find a healing solution requests from the Bishops: to listen to the Holy Spirit.
The Bishops at the Sec. Vtic. Council (1962 - 1965) have found a good solution about the purpose of the marriage: 1. Mutual satisfaction, joy  2. Children...                         
May I give some points for consideration:
+ marriage can never be any more what it was! We got a total new situation...
+ the real problem is divorce, the ability to live together is not developed enough.
+ we need more accepted forms of "living together"; marriage is not enough.
+ "Holy Communion" is for the repentant sinners not first for the "Holy Ones".
+ The new "easy annulment" is only an emergency-bridge but not a solution.
   "We must care for the entrance not first for the way-out".

+ The view "in the old time all was better" is an illusion, deception.

Freitag, 2. Oktober 2015

The stolen giving of a glass of water...

The UNO has given to Pope Francis at his famous UNGA-speech (24.09.15) a glass of water for refreshing (as usual). The Pope has taken a mouthful or two... after his Great-Speech somebody has stolen the "Glass of Water".   WHO ?
The Mk-Ev has written the Jesu' word (Mk 9.41): "I assure you that anyone who gives you
a "glass of water" to drink because you belong to me will certainly receive his reward"
The Lk-Ev (9.46-50 / written after Mk) has stolen away the "glass of water" (cancelled / not
mentioned any more). The big question remains:  WHY ?

In Philadelphia - speaking in Spanish to the families (27.09.15) - Pope Francis insists:
The "giving of a glass of water" is most important... such little gestures - little wonders of love - are daily redemption, and the families are the first place for...  The Pope now is famous for such little gestures: stop the papamobil, go out, kiss the Baby, embrace the sick, give hands...

The Pope sees such gestures as "natural signs": they show: welcome, encouragement,
attentiveness, consolation, care of... and everybody may value these gestures - wonders of love - as great. But for a Christian believer there is more: These little gestures of bene- volence are much more: "trans-natural signs"! All four Gospels (Mk 9.37 / Lk 9.48
Mt 18.5 / Joh 13.20) revealing us: "Anyone who welcomes this little child in my name welcomes me; and anyone who welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me". (this message is unrecognized, inexplicable, never heard before; unexpected; outrages ! the hard core, the nucleus, the core of truth; the real crux of Christian "living" !
This announcement is the Christian revolution, THE message, THE Good News.

NOW + HERE in the act of "giving a glass of water" / of welcoming: 
the Child (every human being) + the Messiah (JvN) + the MYSTERY of God are seen
(by Jesus / by Christian believers) as ONE.

Jesus has announced the identity of the human, the messiah and the Mystery of God in reality. This is to reveal the real value of the human act, the human gestures... 
("in my name" = if the participation of all with the fullness of Life is involved). 
Jesus declares: Human present acting "in my name" is redemptive (messiah) and divine (the will of God / entiring the fullness) - in every case.
This is creation of a NEW Earth + a NEW Heaven.
Lukas has stolen "the giving of a glass of water" / but not from you...

Sonntag, 27. September 2015

Where are the prophets ???

I hope - in the meantime - all Sisters + Brothers + Fathers of every religious Congregation has taken up my "proposal" for a good meditation: poverty for "universal sharing"; obedience for "honest cooperation" chastity for "multiple relationship" - quite interesting thinking - pls discuss it!
But nobody must be scared - change in our Church is slowly; we are still more like a rock than like water.

Today (26 Sun B) Moses don't like to stop prophets - the contrary - "if only the 
whole people of the Lord were prophets and the Lord gave his Spirit to them all" (Numbers 11.29). why not as a prayer of the people ???
But today most baptized people have forgotten the call to be a prophet. And also in the Church there is no school to learn it and not much encouragement
(because - as history shows - prophets bring troubles).
What is a prophet? My first answer today: "A prophet is a person who knows what's going on". After you see and listen to the world - you may discover "new
ways" into the future... and some have the courage to speak out.

Like Jesus today (Mk 9.38-43.45.47-48): Jesus knows: to be handicapped (one arm only; one eye only etc...) is not easy... and healing is good. But Jesus sees deeper: As a handicapped person don't be afraid... you have the chance like everybody else to enter the Kingdom of God, to participate with the fullness of Life. You are not lost - in no way!
The real problem starts
if you have no faith, no hope, no love. Such people are more than handicapped - they are on the way to get really lost. Therefore people pay attention! The real criminal is the one "who brings down one of these who have faith". Faith-loss is the problem. Some prophets of today are convinced: not Cathedral-Church or Tree-Church, not Holy Communion for re-married people is the ground-problem... the evaporation of faith in God is the scandal. This evaporation we have to discover - if people don't come to Church anymore - maybe they are on the way to loose their faith. Now what is your reaction ?

Donnerstag, 17. September 2015

Consecrated Life 2015 / part 2

Part one has put a ? ? ? behind the vows. This was a first step. Part two brings now a proposal; it's only a draft. But it's up to the vows-people to make changes. They know how urgent is the situation. We wait for actions. 

The vow of universal sharing. 
To share what I have, what we have - and to empower people to share. We are convinced: we are rich - rich in blessings, rich in skills, rich in knowledge,
rich in Life-essentials, rich in Grace ...
The whole Nation would be glad about such people, the Church likes sharing people, really. It's a real contribution to poverty-eradication and much more:
a sign for many ! ! ! 

The vow of honest cooperation.
What we need today is team-work. We sit together to find the best solution. Is this nothing for our Church? Is the modern family team-work or a dictatorship,
exercised still by a patriarch? And the modern learning-process too needs to become a team-work. To accept as a group a goal and then go the way together; every one contributing his best and be acknowledged. Co
uld also be a new Parish-structure.

The vow of multiple relationship.
Some people don't like to choose one partner for the whole life. They don't like to go as deep as possible, they like to go far. They like to go many ways - different grades of relationships; they like to be open for as many as possible.
Not the experience of sexuality and of children is their goal - they have chosen "something else". They don't take into consideration "the starvation of sex".
They are at disposal of many...  reaching out for other goals.

This "call-up" asks every brother and sister and father of any "congregation" to explain more clearly for what the religious vows are taken for. We in the Church have our own language - look at the Eucharist, the Sacraments - look at the Missal, the Catechism...  but we also know more and more people are unable to understand our "mysterious" language. We have a message, but the message must be clear; somehow understandable if not attractive. Many young people are strongly in favor of "universal sharing" of "honest cooperation" of "multiple relationship". And never forget: the Eucharist is exactly that: We are in relationship with God and with the believers, now and here; we sing and listen, we offer and change together; we share "bread and wine".

Samstag, 12. September 2015

The year of consecrated Life 2015.

"God consecrated life" means you profess three vows: poverty, obedience, chastity.
I insist: people of today will not or misunderstand these vows.

Poverty today means: not have enough to live. Food is daily unsecured, housing is poor, your power is minimal, you have a bad image and a painful existence. There is no hope
of development. Mostly: paid is the helper, not you.
The Namibian State and the society and the business etc... All like to eradicate poverty.
cf. "Poverty: history"  cf. New Ministry
But in the Rom.Cath.Church - there is a group of people they like poverty...  more: they profess a vow to live in poverty - very strange. But they only make a vow. In reality they never live i n poverty. Their lives are secured, not painful. They live a moderate  life.

Obedience. As we now  it's a military discipline. The commander orders you to shoot and you have to do it; without any objection. Your will is not asked for... Sometimes it's the same in business; there is an order; you have to do it. And as a pupil -you have to do the home-work; you like it or not. And in traffic - there is a stop-sign; you have to stop. Sorry - life is not going without obedience. And your God is the great Commander cf. dekalog etc...
But in public and at home we educate people to use their won thinking and to decide to do what you see is right to do; only if you are not able to grasp the intention of the order - do what is ordered (it is supposed the order knows better than you).
In the Rom.Cath.Church some people don't like to see by themselves what is right. For them: right is obedience. They don't strive to discover what is to do; they don't develop a own will - it's better to be obedient. The Bishop, the Superior knows better.

Chastity means: not to be sexually active. The abstinence may be for some people a good choice; we hope a healthy one. We know everybody is called to build up good relationships, friendships - "love each other" is a biblical call. The vow of chastity came under suspicion because of the Church-Image: to be against sexuality. The Church has framed sexuality into the marriage and is well known about homophobia. Can we not find a name, a word better explaining the well-intended purpose? Chastity is also under the suspicion that you have chosen Jesus Christ as the bridegroom (cf.  the history of Mysticism) or the famous belief "God is my all", underlying the old dualism: God or humans. No trace of Incarnation.

I'm not against the vows - please - but we should find a better word; a word explaining more clearly the ground-intention...
                                                                                              to bring a solution soon...

Dienstag, 8. September 2015

Okakarara FRUST / I'm angry...

The facts: for Sunday 06.09.2015 / Sun 23 B / I'm on the plan for the Catholic Community of Okakarara at 09h !! On this Sunday Namibia changed at 02h/am the time from (yester-day) 09h to (today) 10h.at 08h55 (new/today-time) after 100km I'm before the church; the gate closed.at 09h25 (today-time) Mr. D arrived arrived (yesterday-time 10h25!!)
                                   He opened gate and church.
at 09h35 (today-time) Mrs Cty-leader arrived  (y-time 10h35!!) Mr. D + Mrs Cty-L claim: they didn't get from the Parish the liturg.Sunday-plan
/ they don't 
know about my coming...  at 09h55 Mrs A came...  at 10h (today-time) 3 people present! Where is the Cty ??? we should start at 09h...

At 10h15 (today-time) after waiting for 80 minutes I decided to go...I felt pity about the Cty; too lame or refusing to show up...  but why ???

Causal-Analysis-Remarks:1. The time-change is not the problem; if they have missed the time-change,
they would be present at least at 10h !!!
2. "No liturg. plan" is not the problem. Everybody knows: at 09h is every Sunday Holy Service / plan or no plan.
3. It's not an action against Vic. Leu / they didn't know I'm on the plan !!!
4. I suspect:
The Community lacks leadership ! Responsible for a good leadership in the Cty is the Parish-Priest.
I fear in the Seminary they have learnt how to pray, how to live a pious life,
how to celebrate - but they didn't learn how to build a Community.
Do you remember:
They are convinced the Holy Spirit will do the pastoral work if they pray only enough. Therefore my proposal:
We should organize the 4th Sun of January every year as an all-priest-meeting to give over officially the pastoral care into the hands of the Holy Spirit...
then priests would be free to do on Sundays what they want most...  Holidays,
Priest-meetings, Excursions, Holy Mass... it doesn't matter: the Holy Spirit 
is in charge; priests don't count.The Rom.Cath.Church in Namibia will blossom
like now the nature in Spring-time.

Freitag, 4. September 2015


Dear highly respected Mr. Rambler  / THE NAMIBIAN  Fri  14.08.2015
Believe me, I'm a Fan of your column; reading every edition! But the edition 140815 has offended me...  me as a theologian and psychologist, as a Priest of the Rom.Cath.Church.
I felt you delivered me a deep-beat (destructive), not a high-beat (awakening).
I'm a table-tennis-player; may I beat the ball back...

A) Do you attack Christianity or some Form of Christianity ???
1. Your column shows me again the fact: Christianity as a whole and in all its realization is incomprehensible! Such a sentence inter-weaved into your text would be a high-beat... thank you! Let me bring in a picture: For a Namibian, the Ocean is like a miracle and in fact incomprehensible. But if I like to touch the Ocean, I have to decide: go to Swakopmund, to
Luederitz or Terra-Bay...  I also have to decide the time: I like to touch the high tide or the low tide. I'm never able to touch the Ocean as such. My personal touching is by nature highly fragmentary; the Community-touching is middle fragmentary; the touching of the whole Church is great fragmentary; all our understanding is limited, framed. It means: The teaching and the behaviour of the Church during all the 2000 years is incomprehensible,
to understand only fragmentary; it's in the nature of the matter. Therefore every temporary form of Christianity (Church) has strong and weak sides; I'm glad you open the eyes of the readers for this fact: touch the Ocean means "practicing Christianity in your own situation with all the given conditions" and more: always to re-form.
cf. Cornel West: "The fire of a new Generation ".

2. "Christianity is dangerous". How true! (This is a high-beat). "Love each other..." what
a challenge for everybody!!! for the rich and the poor; for the politician and the business-people, for the teacher and the girl... for the pastor and the atheist... "Whatever positive spinoffs Christianity ever brought us have been largely outdone by the immense misery it brings". It means: the Christians, declared as holy during the last 2000 years have caused the misery of today! - incomprehensible. "If only their intention were to really rid their Communities of the scourge of the Christian belief". This is hope for a Namibian without Christianity - good luck!  "Christianity promotes a culture of violence, even today" - if true, our State (Mr. Hage Geingob & Co) has the duty to forbid Christianity.

3. The "non-existent deity, who sits and eat ice-cream on a cloud next to is father, who is also him, who was born of a women never had sex" (Church-language: Jesus conceived
by the Holy Spirit) - this is incomprehensible (esp. for people thinking only in the frame of biology). Until today: some Christians have decided to change the narrow frame of understanding and to believe: every human being is conceived by the Holy spirit (Child of God) - such a "believe" is incomprehensible; it's a healing decision. And the Jesus-story is only the start of such a belief.

B) The discernment of the Spirit.  Again a picture: I like T-bone rear. The bone I don't eat; the fat I cut away. The Christianity "rear" I like it; it's of today - on the way to search for the future shape. But I'm convinced: Christianity is incarnated into Churches. Churches are the different collective Forms of Christianity; due to Culture and Nature. The indispensable bones - hard conservative churches of yesteryear - not to digest. The fat of the T-bone: - churches of Mercedes / "evil organizations" (in your language) / "economy-churches" / "pay to me for God's intervention" - are a deviation of Christianity. But the nature shows us: deviation is happening quite often. The title of your column "Shut These Damn Churches" asks to much. I propose: wake up the main-Churches... purify the branches. I under- stand: Your column is targeted on "these branches" - but your language tells me more: away with Christianity.

C) CCN !!!  Come-on Cheat Nobody...    a proposal
1. No Christian Church without registration with the CCN.
2. CCN has to create criteria for new Churches.  

3. CCN must be consulted by the State in all Church-matters.
4. CCN has not to foster "I believe" (it's the work of the Churches) but to empower people
             to think... ("Unthinking masses being the biggest of its [the the Churches] footprint" -                                what an offence if not true!).
5. CCN must propose a Confirmation-curriculum: "The management of our Life-style".

I wish you a lot of readers - able to extract a real profit out of your social engagement.
Otjiwarongo 03.09.2015                                                                   Vic. Hans Leu

Sonntag, 30. August 2015


Moses (Deut 4.1-2): Now Israel, take notice of the laws and customs that I teach you today, and observe them, that you may have life and may enter
of the land that God is giving you. You must add nothing to what I command you, and take nothing from it, but keep the commandments of your God just as I lay them down for you.
(1.17-18): It is all that is good, everything that is perfect, which is given us from above; it comes down from God; with him there is no such thing as alteration, no shadow of a change.

Such readings (actually a month before the Family-Synod 2015 of the Church)
are more than dangerous; it's catastrophic! For Moses and James it's clear: the law is given by God... this means: No change for ever! And because of Moses + Co, until today this is the conviction of the most part of the Church;
esp. the Bishops: NO CHANGE 

Yes: a stone is not going to change... but a flower, a tree, animals, humans, groups, society; tradition, culture ? Are we now children of the unchangeable LAW or the blossom of the humanity-tree?

We discover the mistake reading the introduction to this Sunday (Missal 22 Sun B): "the LAW of God is pure RELIGION; totally different from any man-made law or human tradition". That is pure dualism! No idea of:
God is working through his creation (humans). God is seen as dictator and the Church his servant... development by spirited people - forget it! The Holy Spirit poured out...  cf. confirmation... forget it!  cf. inspiration...  forget it!

Power-hungry people in the Church are convinced: we present his law, his authority and we have to dictate the way (what a hypocrisy). Thinking people are crazy, un-belivers. Such a Church-mentality will destroy Christianity.

Look at the prayer: "As it was in the beginning it's now and ever shall be"! Amen: Yes, that's it.
No wonder: modern people show the Church the back! There is no hope...
And Jesus: "look at the heart; from there evil intentions emerge..."
look at the Holy Mass: transformation...   NEW Heaven + NEW Earth!

Sonntag, 23. August 2015

This is intolerable language... 21 Sun B

First Joshua (24.1-2;15-18): The people answered: "We have no intention
of deserting the Lord. We too will serve the Lord, for HE is our God.
And then
Petrus (John 6.69): "Lord where shall we go? You have the message of eternal life, and we believe; we know you are the Holy One".
And the Sunday-Mass-
Community declares: I believe in God. We like to serve God. Thy will be done on earth as in heaven.
This is the frame.
And now
Jesus (John 6.1-69): "The bread I shall give is my flesh, for the life
of the world". "My flesh is real food and my blood real drink". "I am the living bread which has come from heaven".
And the
Apostles: "This is intolerable language. How could anyone accept it?"
And now
Paulus today (Eph 5.21-32): "Wives should regard their husbands as they regard the Lord, since as Christ is the head of the Church and saves the whole body, so is a husband the head of his wife; and as the Church submits to Christ, so should wives to their husband, in everything".
And the
Christian people of today: "This is intolerable language. How could anyone accept it?" We are an the way to accept "man and wife as equal".

Many teachings and much of the Church-Behavior came during the history of 2000 years of Christianity under the judgement: "This is intolerable language"
(unbearable, incomprehensible). And many of his disciples left him and stopped going with him - until today! The Church didn't find the turn.

Let's meditate the basis:
1. Christianity is incomprehensible as such by its nature and by human con..
2. Christianity is to live only as Community of believers (as Church).
3. Christianity is "the people of God on the way" (move or die).
4. Christianity is shaped by Grace + Blessings, by culture and nature.
5. Christianity has changed teachings and behavior many times.
6. Christianity is asked today again: Which shape is healing and uniting?

In regard of our teaching in matter of the marriage-sacrament and family-life we are on the brink of a new shape. The old teaching became intolerable,
and the new teaching?
Are we prepared for a new view? Are the Bishops able for a new intrinsic Christian view? Or are we by nature immovable? The Holy Spirit is poured out - but maybe, some will not listen to him; not discover the signs of the time.

Dienstag, 18. August 2015


***  For a Namibian - to be on time - there are only 2 reasons:
1. A Swiss-Feeling  2. One-goal-concentrated.
But - to be not on time - there are all the time 1000 reasons.
And reason 1001 is: God is not A Swiss; therefore the gates of Heaven
are open long after time. 

***  Did you ever know a Catholic who is attentive to the word of the Priest ? He tells them at the end of the Holy Mass: pls go !
But in vain... they don't go!
They continue to pray... maybe for ever and ever.

*** The moon is romantic-bad. He steels the light of the stars without having a own light ! Do you know such moon-people ?

HsL and Ailly about Mathematic:
Hs: How much is 1 + 1       Ailly (6 years old): 1 + 1 = 11
                                             Ailly (8 years old): 1 + 1 = 2
Hs: why the difference ?   Ailly: bc the School likes to change
                                                       what is right.

Ailly comes back from the North:
Hs:    How was it in the North (Owambo) ?
Aills: strange: a lot of nice dressed people; 4 people have married,
          but I didn't know who belongs to whom.
Hs:    How was the Church ?
Ailly: There was no Church; people only have prayed.
Hs:    Do you have a story ?
Ailly: Yes - there was no water; only broken pipes; no repair.
Hs:    How was coming back ?
Ailly: In Oshivelo we had to clean us from the dirtiness of the North.
Hs:    And now ?
Ailly: How do you honor my come-back ?

Mary Assumption 2015

As you go to prepare the "Maria-Assumption - Homily / FEAST" you know exactly: the mystery of this feast is inexplicable. Mary, the Mother of Jesus,
received in heaven, yes - but Mary received with "Body + Soul".!
Pope Pious XII has declared such a "Dogma" in 1950: it's infallible true ! but
it's not to explain.
In Christian view: 1. Abraham is called by God to go into a strange new land.
And he is as obedient as going...  and got it.  2. The people of God "Israel" is promised to get a land full of honey.  3. And today "the people of God" is on the way to heaven, the people like heaven - and most probably they will go one day into heaven - to rest in peace. Like Jesus, we know, all the Saints are in heaven and sure many more - so Mary and many "girl-mother without biological father". Heaven is not yet put in question, but " bodily in heaven"?
pls explain !
Look at the pious picture - pictures are artistic-artificial - and meditate the message: In Christian view: 1. The human body is heaven-dignified. The body is dust (grave), stardust (atomic) and heaven-dignified (an irreplaceable, indispensable component of fullness of Life). A good message for all body-minded, body-oriented people.  2. The hairstyle is only one part of your body...  the whole body in time is named "life-style". Your life-style is more than important, is totally dignified (heaven-dignified).  3. In Christian view: your life-style is decisive. I like to see you (your body) but I like to see much more of you: your life-style (how you manage your life).  4. Very sorry: the Church has forgotten: the confirmation-course may be a course named: "Life-style-management". But such a proposal is today beyond our Church-capacity.

*** For a Namibian - to be on time - there are only two reasons: 1. A Swiss-feeling  2. One-goal-concentrated. But - to be not on time - there are all the time 1000 reasons. And reason 1001 is: God is not a Swiss; the gates of Heaven are open long after time. 

*** Did you ever know a Catholic who is attentive to the word of the Priest? He tells them at the end of the Holy Mass: pls go! But in vain... they don't go!
They continue to pray... maybe for ever and ever.

*** The moon is romantic-bad. He steels the light of the stars without having a own light! Du you know such moon-people ?

Donnerstag, 13. August 2015

LIFE-STYLE / Compatibility of Body + Mind + Soul

Paulus gives LIFE-STYLE - advice (Eph 5.15-20)
for young and old Christians: how to behave, to think, to encounter...

1. Care very well about your LIFE-STYLE:
    make it an intelligent one, not an senseless one. your BRAND!
2. Never forget: LIFE-STYLE matters:
    it makes you a slave or it redeems you; makes you a lovely one.
3. Do you know: LIFE-STYLE reveals:
    you are thoughtless or God-will-conscious; a friend or a dictator.
4. LIFE-STYLE is a spiritual ART:
    how to encounter, how to engage, how to play, how to fight etc...
5. LIFE-STYLE is thanks-giving:
    to the next, to the group, the society, God.

The feast Mary-ASSUMPTION leads me to the question:
HOW was the LIFE-STYLE of Mary?
Cared for? Redeeming? God-will-conscious? Spiritual? Thanks-giving?
The Bible likes to tell us: YES / I'm glad to see how gifted she was...

Since 1950 we got the assurance by the CHURCH:
that Mary is accepted into Heaven,
med with BODY + SOUL.High level LIFE-STYLE made her taken into Heaven totally.

2015:  HEAVEN  =  fullness of Life
           Mary  =  a jewish Lady with Body + Mind + Soul;
                         born 16 years before JX in Nazareth.
            LIFE-STYLE  =  make BODY + MIND + SOUL compatible (intelligent).
Mary on the way into life, into the fullness of Life made compatible LIFE-STYLE decisions and experiences. Today the Bible and the Church like to show us: take serious Body + Mind + Soul; bring them into a fine compatibility - and your Life will be full-filled.
What happen to her is for us a possibility. Looking at her is an encouragement
to care for an compatible LIFE-STYLE. pls never forget: the BODY is its
significant expression; the BODY is IMAGE of Mind + Soul.