Mittwoch, 28. Dezember 2016

to make a good end 2016

To visit the Blog Kdb is like a "camel-ride in the desert". I like to give thanks to all visitors - hoping the visits are encoureging. 
I give you now an overview over all the 47 Blog-letters in 2016. A second visit can bring
you more understanding. I also like feed-backs - use:

Kdb 01  A new picture of the RCC in 2016       ///   poverty + obedience + chastity ???
Kdb 02  Project DECLARATION - What is NEW ?   ///  a new heaven + a new earth ?
Kdb 03  The World-VIEW of AB Denis Hurley OMI  ///   Community serving Humanity
Kdb 04  DUST - Stardust - CALL...                           ///  the CALL of God into Life
Kdb 05  and lead us not into temptation...                ///  resurrection without cross-way
Kdb 06  A new Sex-Culture...  a temptation ?           ///  Sex is water - Love is wine
Kdb 07  VALUE - management = a Lenten exercise                      ///  give account
Kdb 08  Holy Church - wake up !          /// meta-noia = I'm racing for the fullness of Life

Kdb 09  In-Dependence 2016   /           ///  in reality we depend on all
Kdb 10  Easter / more than Nature...    ///  human = Nature + Mind + Spirit
Kdb 11  The BODY of the Risen Lord Jesus Christ...    /// a modern error: without Body
Kdb 12  INVITATION  "see you again"   ///  50 year a Catholic Priest
Kdb 13  the WAY into fullness of Life...  ///  Christ going the resurrection way
Kdb 14  engaged with Art's-education... ///  Art + Culture + Church
Kdb 15  SIGNS of Life to the Full           ///  Feasts as steps into the fullness
Kdb 16  embody the Spirit of God          ///  God is a given Gift - it means given !!!
Kdb 17  HOW to I understand myself ?  ///  Jesus: I am Bread for the Life of the World
Kdb 18  get up to ...                                ///  to embody the "Good News"
Kdb 19  The Power of Forgiveness        ///  forgiveness is a medicine
Kdb 20  How much do we know Jesus Christ ?          ///  the embodiment of God
Kdb 21  The Priest - an enabler of "HERE + NOW"    ///  the presence as a chance
Kdb 22  Christian Life is a joyful event...       /// "ite missa est"  sent - and we go
Kdb 23  Do God - what a message !             ///  to activate God
Kdb 24  I'm really SORRY...                          ///  the Church as an terror-organisation
Kdb 25  The BAOBAB-tree as a SYMBOL   ///  we are rooted in Heaven + in Earth
Kdb 26  Public - APC-FINANCE - Info's       ///  make a budget and give account
Kdb 27  ready for actions...                          ///  for this you need a Community
Kdb 28  How much do you assume Mary ? ///  do you know her self-understanding?
Kdb 29  Glory to God in the Highest            ///  The glory of God is the Person fully alive
Kdb 30  About Invitation...                            ///  Did you accept the Invitation?
Kdb 31  Jesus a provocateur                       ///  Sacraments as healing-process
Kdb 32  The sanctification of poverty           ///  you cannot share nothing

Kdb 33  The sanctification of richness...      ///  do you know your richness ?
Kdb 34  "Increase our faith"                         ///  lear to make decisions
Kdb 35  Faith - translation                           ///  our "creed" needs translation
Kdb 36  10 : 1 / Lk 17.11-19                        ///  to discover the healing is not easy
Kdb 37  An excellent APC - Experience...   ///  ongoing formation to give your best
Kdb 38  faith on earth ? where ?                 ///  faith is not begging - you have rights
Kdb 39  MISSION - Sunday 2016               ///  the Kingdom of God is a way
Kdb 40  HOPE for the RICH...                    ///  Zachaeus has opend his heart
Kdb 41  resurrection                                   ///  God has sent us on an excursion
Kdb 42  YoM - missed chance                    ///  Is God MERCY - now given ?
Kdb 43  ADVENT - a PROCESS                ///  we discover how God appears in history
Kdb 44  Advent - what kind of redeemer ? ///  Choose you Prophet
Kdb 45  ADVENT - real ?                           ///  Is the redeemer now born or not ?
Kdb 46  near Christmas                             ///  a member of the Jesus Movement ?
Kdb 47  to make a good end 2016             ///  Blogs as Inspiration

We discover: a lot of Ideas have been posted; proposals for better Church-Life etc...
Therefore we hope we have done better than ever in 2016
And 2017 may become a NEW Year - so I wish you the courage to make it a NEW one.
see you over there /  ons sal ons weer seen / oshii wete /  uf wiederluge

Freitag, 23. Dezember 2016

near Christmas

Our APC-Tsumeb has been (again) in Swakop, participating with the famous "Swakopmunder Musikwoche" (08. - 18.12.2016). For all the 30 participants a great success and a joy with a lot of experiences... I played the role of a Supervisor...  and a daily walk
on the beach was a refreshing...

Now back in the heat of Namibia we go nearer to the great Feast.
Since 1805 the message came to Namibia: "Over there in Bethlehem Jesus is born; accepted as the Christ". Until today quite a lot of people in Namibia like to celebrate the birthday of Jesus Christ. Now a lot of stories are well known; we know about the Angels the shepherds etc...Everybody knows: it's long ago!
Today it's our duty and our salvation to live our own lives; this is right and just. 

But where is my life? Good question! Since of old people know: my life is part of our lives. And again today remain the question: My life is part of which movement? The Jesus-Movement?
Exactly this we go to show to our people - as we celebrate the birthday of Jesus Christ,

we show our participation with the Jesus-Movement of our time.
Later, we learn a lot about Jesus and the Church - we fabricate our Jesus-Images, some try to establish a relationship with the internal Jesus - why not? important is today our decision
to celebrate his birth. By his birth he became one of us; a member of our human World-Community. Later we will find out about his role in the history, about his role in my own life...
first we have to accept: he became one of us. How was the conception? how was the birth? how was the manger? how was the first visitor? How was the family? good to know!
But first give him the acceptance to be one of us!

[As you know it's not an easy task to accept someone as "one of us". Sometimes it's dangerous; sometimes nearly impossible. And this strange Jesus: one of us? ]

At least let's celebrate his birth; he may live as a human being and we may discover his value later. We may discover:  what a kind of life is possible. Give him a chance.

Montag, 5. Dezember 2016

ADVENT - real ?

The Catholic Church has invited us to keep Advent in our memory. Advent is the time before Jesus Christ was born. Many many years people have been crying and waiting for a Redeemer (some until today). Finally HE came; the Arrival is a FACT; it means ADVENT is over. Now a day there is no more a real ADVENT. It's for Christians very important to know the difference: There is a time before Jesus Christ was born and there is a time after Jesus Christ was born. There is a time of pregnancy and there is a time after-birth. If we sing: "oh come oh come Emmanuel", we unite us with people long ago; we participate with their hope and expectation; we celebrate a FACT, already happend.
But for us it's strange; a time without Jesus Christ is nearly unthinkable. Is it possible for us to come together next Sunday to tell everybody (maybe also on TV): sorry people, there is no redeemer born yet; but we feel a redeemer is most needed - so we held up our arms and cry as loud as possible " oh come oh come Emmanuel" ?  pls come asap...
The Church would excommunicate us. Don't forget: it's the message of the Church: the Redeemer is born (cf. our celebration of Christmas). The Church teaches us: the birth of Jesus Christ is a real FACT, not an illusion, not a fiction. And the Church also says: it's clever to accept the reality. The solution is "hear and see". A day-dreamer is not fit for our world-situation. If you wait for the Redeemer you are not a realist; you are a blind-walker.

Problem Nr 1:
HOW do we express our conviction: the real Redeemer already came ? Since 2000 years
every day HE offers his life-style, his message, his presence - and more - HE has given his presence in different ways and even in greater understanding than ever. His Arrival has started; HE is known as born, as Prophet, as Healer, as Unifyer, as crucified and as risen into the fullness of Life.  HOW WE EXPRESS THIS FACT ???

Problem Nr 2:
WHY the Church is undecided in the liturgical language - causing a lot of trouble and uncertainty. How many times Christians pray: "come Lord Jesus come" ? Such a prayer is denying the reality, is refusing to accept his Arrival as a FACT.

If HE wouldn't have come, we would know nothing about HIM - now as HE came - 
at least be real.

Dienstag, 29. November 2016

Advent - what kind of redeemer ?

At the beginning of Advent 2016 the Ev Mt (24.37-44) reminds us not to forget the picture, the story of the "Ark of Noah" (Genesis 6.9 ...). The Ev Mt sees the every-life-destroying-
Flood as a hard reality: as it was in the beginning (in the time of Noah) it's now (in the time of Jesus) and ever shall be (in our time 2016/17 etc... ). Life and Death are the two sides
of one medal (the creation). The question is: Is there survival, salvation ???

In the view of the old Jahwe-God "YES" !  The Jahwe-God has decided to destroy his own creation - 
at least all life! On the same time HE has decided to offer a "Covenant of Salvation for the right people". The old Jahwe-God is seen as destroying and redeeming As the deadly Flood is going on for ever...  the understanding of Salvation has developed. Gen 6 speaks about a transcending Ark... the Jesus-Movement proclaims a "Son of Man",
a person, a personality as the redeemer, as the Salvador.

Now as we celebrate Advent for 4 weeks we have the chance to find this personality, to discover his coming into our situation and maybe to have an intuition of his message.

The second Sunday of Advent (Mt 3.1-12) draws our attention to a famous possible Salvador...   John the Baptist has a message:
a) Turn around, have a new thinking - metanoia!
b) The Kingdom of Heaven (a very old dream) is now at hand (nearby,possible)
c) I'm not the redeemer; I'm only the index-finger - he comes after me but will be first.
d) He will baptise you with the Holy Spirit and fire (I only with water).
e) He will gather his wheat and burn the chaff (like the old Jahwe-God in the Noah-story)
We know JvN has gone to the river Jordan to listen to this preacher...

In Advent 2016 - searching for the promised redeemer - we may go listen to different preachers...  If the "preacher" proclaims that he knows and recommend a redeeming organisation (education, business, insurance, banking, military, administration, management, State or Churches...  we suspect he/she is wrong...   If the "preacher" proclaims tthe redeemer is a person, a "Son of mankind" maybe he/she is right...

Important is the question: What kind of redeemer do you expect ???
The redeemer is an Ark / Ship; an Airplane, a Helicopter, a modern technic ???
The redeemer is an organisation; whatever kind ???
The redeemer is a Person, a personality ???

Montag, 21. November 2016


We extend our eyes and see ADVENT as a process from "appear to emerge to arrive".
We celebrate this process 4 times as we wait and one time as the Arrival.

It means: 01) In the time of ADVENT we discover
HOW God appears in the World, in the Religions, in the different Peoples, in the Cultures, in the Churches, in everybody of us. And this is only the start... far in the past...
HOW God emerges in all these realities; his development all over in history and finally
HOW God arrives in all these FIELDS.

This ADVENT is a step by step process and greatly interwoven - more than interesting...
It means: 02) In the time of ADVENT we sing our HOPE
God may turn-up, appears in all our situations; God may arise, emerge in our hearts, God may arrive in our brains. 

It means: 03) In the time of ADVENT we establish the fact:
God has already appeared, God is well developed, God has already arrived.

But there is more:
It means: 04) In the time of ADVENT we discover: the "eye-opener" of God has the same story: he is appearing (on the horizon), he is emerging (all over), he is arriving in people.
The story is written down in the Bible.

It means: 05) In the time of ADVENT we - the embodiment of Jesus Christ - also consider
our own appearance (in the world), our emergence in the family , our arrival in the Church.

A new PRAYER of MERCY ...  after the YoM for ADVENT 2016:
" Holy God of MERCY...   our Church told us all along 2016...
  that YOUR MERCY is like the rays of the son,
  We like to accept this message
  and we are going to enjoy your Gift of Mercy very well.
  We also like to get active, it means: we change your MERCY into human energy
  to show human mercy to as many as possible
  empowering us to walk together the way of resurrection

  into the fullness of Life for all. AMEN. "

Mittwoch, 16. November 2016

YoM - missed chance ???

1.) A day
Sometimes I'm confused; I'm looking after my glasses...  I'm asking Ailly: "Did you see somewhere my glasses?" - She start to smile: "on your nose".
In CH - after I didn't see the sun for three days - I ask myself: "Where is the sun?"
This question is not real but shows my thirst after the experience of the warming-up ray of the sun.

2.) Our God
It's high time to accept God is like the sun. He is MERCY for ever and all-over. His MERCY keeps the Universe and all in it going, developing... alive...

3.) Baptism
We have decided to accept: God is for ever and all-over MERCY. If you didn't make yet
this decision - it's high time for you to make it today.

4.) Clarity
If God is MERCY like the sun, if you have decided YES it's really the case...
pls start to become logic, rational, clear.
I have stopped to ask for MERCY because it's already given, "poured out". Only a foolish

or a little child asks the sun seriously: "pls come up" - because it's logic, rational, clear - the sun will come up; it's a daily experience. If you don't have it.. what's with you?

5.) The Year of MERCY

It has gone wrong: people have prayed more than ever: "Lord have Mercy." For these "believers" it's not clear, not rational, not logic: "God IS MERCY". They are afraid... maybe... did HE forget to show MERCY?  They don't believe: Jesus is the embodiment of God's MERCY. They will tell you: "Lord of High pls come up with your MERCY" (they feel God has held back his MERCY; they must negotiate with God or remind HIM).
Therefore the whole year we have learnt to be beggar, not believers...

6.) No future
The "believers" got a prayer to beg for MERCY - they didn't get a course:
HOW to discover and drink MERCY;
HOW to transform the MERCY of God into human mercy
         (like to transform the sun-shine into electricity).
HOW to follow Jesus as embodiment of MERCY.
We didn't learn nothing else than begging...  chance over-slept.

7.) Clarification
After a year - ask: what is MERCY? There is no clarification: they say:
maybe forgiveness...  maybe help...   maybe grace...  maybe love...
Lucas' story 10.25-37 is not taken up (The Samaritan):

a) He has accepted the challenge, the wounded man...
b) He has contributed to renew him, to give him again an upright shape...
c) He let him free behind... give him freedom...
d) He has accompanied him into the future, "to stand by"
Our human "mercy" is a high-level activity like pregnancy:

accept, contribute, let go free, accompany - exactly what God is doing.

We are grateful for the MERCY of God poured out for ever and allover
We recommend  to accept God's MERCY like a ray of the sun
We ask our Christians to embody God's MERCY like Jesus Christ
We engage to learn HOW to realise human mercy for all of us.

Freitag, 4. November 2016


It fits well into the feast of All Souls + All Saints to think about resurrection, a central point of our Christian Life. But "resurrection" today is not easy to understand... we try...

1.) The idea of Moses + Co until 2016 - it seems - is too simple. They have in mind: There is life on earth ending with death and thereafter is resurrection into an other life (hopefully
your are called by Jahwe into heaven). First this life then the other one. It's simple one-dimensional and dictated by time; that's all.

2. We are busy in our time to show a grater Vision of Life. God is fullness of Life and we live without space and time in God  (at least we believe it). But now - it seems - God has sent us on an excursion. To get the real fullness there is a need to experience the limitation; the limitation of creation. Exactly this is our situation. As we are born - we are really limited, restricted - until death. Life is also a passage midst in limitation. Taken from stardust, planted in nature, involved with culture - life on earth. But on this limited passage we have an intuition - Life as such is much greater.
This is the reason why we get since birth the call of resurrection, the challenge for a greater life - to remind us: Fullness of Life is given but now on our earthly passage not experienced. We are too limited as body-mind-soul creature to experience the real fullness of Life - until death. A historical reminder of the life-fullness is for us the life of Jesus Christ. A biographical reminder is the Baptism. A daily reminder is the morning call to resurrect. The earth-passage gives us quite a lot of experiences (joy and sorrow). In all these experiences - from birth to death, from peace to war, from hate to love - we are glad to hear again and again the challenge: you are safe in the hands of God. For God all persons are alive (Lk 20.38) the ones on limitation-experience, the ones on fullness experience.
3. We learn now to distinguish between "limited passage on earth" and "resurrection call in every situation". The resurrection is a fact also midst in the earth-passage-experience.
Our task is to go the resurrection-way in the limited earth-passage. The Church as a Community is tasked to empower us exactly for this passage-resurrection-way.

A parable: We are all gathered in a wonderful landscape. Some get the call to go out and walk around the horizon - in favour of the fullness of experiences. They see very limited what's going on outside; they don't see what's going on inside. Maybe they hear our songs. But they belong to us and we to them. The going-round and the landscape are for them a reality, distinct but real. Coming back into the landscape is like coming home enriched with limitations.

Freitag, 28. Oktober 2016

HOPE for the RICH...

Today 31. Sun C - the Ev Luke (19.1-10) brings us the story of Zacchaeus:
"HE MADE HIS APPEARANCE": (30.10.2016) [the way of Christian Life in 6 steps]
a) a rich tax collector (it is suppose: he is corrupt, a sinner)
b) anxious to see what kind of man Jesus was

c) He got difficulties to get a picture of Jesus
d) but he is clever enough to master the difficulties on his way

e) And he got an Invitation
f) What a joy.

"THEY" [ it means the religious people of God] complained - not about Z but about Jesus:
"THEY" say: Jesus is wrong because of his solidarity, of his care with sinners.
"THEY" say: Sinners must be condemned... excommunicated...
                     [like the Luke-Community is now excommunicated from the People of God].
Z comes out to defend the decision of Jesus...  Z shows and proves the people that he has
converted: his hands do now justice, his heart is now merciful.
And Jesus is glad to see: "Salvation has come to this house". All the people around (the Luke-Community) got a sign of Salvation..  it's what we need.

The EPIPHANY for the people around (Luke):
A rich corrupt man like Mr. Z has the chance to become a real follower of Jesus...
the conditions: not the circumcision; not the old creed, not the large Thora but..
a) The richness has not satisfied him totally; he is still open for more...
maybe for an other level of Life... there is still a desire..
b) He is able, he has the power to manage the hindering obstacles against his desires.

For the PASTORAL WORK (Rom. Cath. Parishes 2016):
1.) In rich talented people (sure sinners) you discover the desire after more... keep this desire burning (finally it's the desire after the fullness of Life)
2.) Accompany such people and give courage to overcome the obstacles... show them where is a higher level of Richness, of Life... they may discover to be on the way into the fullness of Life for all.
To the Parish-Priest: Come seek out + save what was lost.
To the People
: If you are or feel rich, blessed, advantaged, talented... worse: you have the desire to get more richness and life, more grace, adventures and energy, more joy and happiness...  Luke tells you: You are not lost...  Jesus came to keep open your desire after the fullness of Life for all. 

Donnerstag, 20. Oktober 2016

MISSION - Sunday 2016

As Church we go out to proclaim the "Good-News": The Kingdom of God is at hand" 
(a possibility to be activated).
1.) The Kingdom of God is first a PERSON; it's the Personality of Jesus Christ. 

He is the embodiment of the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God is not a Nation, is not a Republic, not a reign, is not UN and not a City; it's a Personality.
2.) The Kingdom of God is a process. One Epiphany is JvN. We have accepted HIM as the one, who has shown us HOW the Kingdom of God is proclaimed.
As a human Personality he is bound, limited, framed by his time and space (Culture). He is like a starter... the Number 1 in every number...
3.) As a Personality in progress HE has a FACE. HE is recognizable. His Face was well known in Nazareth, in Capernaum, at the lake of Tiberias, in Jerusalem /This face is now lost...
4.) The Jesus-Movement has given HIM a new FACE:
4 A) HE is now represented by a GROUP...  "Where two or three are gathered in my Name..." or where a Community act in His Name...
4 B) HE is now a WORD; the WORD of GOD...  reading the Bible means listen to HIM; there is his Message... the Bible is an expression of His Face...

4 C) HE is now "Bread and Wine" given over into the hands of the faithful.
5.) We today have no photo of JvN, we have a lot of pictures... but the real FACE of today

- we have it as a Christian Community listening HIS Word and accepting HIM as "Bread for the Life of the World".
6.) To proclaim the "Good-News" means today to build "Community" (serving Humanity) 
by listening the WORD and accepting the Holy Bread as embodiment of the Spirit of Jesus;
as nourishment of the Life of the World.

7. The CATHOLIC Mission is to build the World-Community. The CHURCH has a MISSION: to enable every Christian faithful
a) to build up Community (a very hard psychological task)

b) to listen very well to the Word of God (training in listening)
c) to become "Bread + Wine" for Humanity (engagement).
In this endeavour the Priest has to play the role of a Spiritual-Guide. He has the task 

to encourage the Christian faithful on the way to embody Jesus Christ in every situation.
But the task to proclaim the "Good-News" is given to every Person by Baptism, by Confirmation and by the Eucharist: "ite missa est".

Samstag, 15. Oktober 2016

faith on earth ? where ?

Already the first sentence of Luke 18.1-8 is dangerous...  depends what you mean about "pray..."  My translation: "How to stay in actual contact with the Mystery of God...?"
And now the parable... it's clear.... to bring the judge into action...

a) do we have to bring God into action ? begging and begging ?
b) God is justice and likes to see justice is done !
c) Therefore: God and his justice-Spirit is already poured out !
d) We need people bringing the possible justice into reality...
e) Believer (faith) is the one who accept God is "poured-out-justice"
    and therefore he decides: I do it.

Modern problem:
Also in Namibia we have "separation of power"
Parliament (legislative), Government (executive), Court (justice).
And you ? Some people think I'm a "Governor" I have to govern, justice is not my problem, not my favourite... If you like justice, don't come to me... for this we have other persons,

sure not me...   justice is outsourced...

And in the Catholic Church ?
We have a wave of Mercy ! Justice is over...   every Sunday we beg for mercy !!!
Are there still "Justice and Peace"-groups in the Parishes ? and they DO something ?
The Church: "A Community serving Humanity" ? (at least Namibia ? )
Have the lay-people the right "to understand the language of the Church?" The right,

to get a translation into their own language? Who is giving them justice ? Or we give mercy
at will ?  Have the people the right to get "Eucharist" on Sunday? Forget it...
Sometimes the Priest will be merciful, he comes...  but there is no group in Namibia,

to introduce this eucharistic-right !

And in the Family ?
The Tate is the Parliament, the Mother and the Children are the "executive"...
Justice is nowhere...    Has the Child a right of schooling ?  to write the exams?
But the teacher has the right of 8% ?
Has the Girl / the young Lady the right of her Body... or she is basically at disposal... ?

Jesus - there is maybe no faith on earth...   but you will find it.

Montag, 10. Oktober 2016

An excellent APC - Experience...

"On-going-formation" is like a RIVER and the teachers are swimming... getting wet... and start to play games...  as we have done on the weekend 7 - 9 Oct 2016 in APC-Tsumeb.
Lis was for the logistic and Hs. Leu played the "facilitator"... as well as ever...
* GAME 01) We know: we are proud APC-Workers - for this we get a basic salary. (1) You stay in APC five days for 8 hours: 08 - 12h30 + 14h - 17h30... but only "to stay" is surely not enough. (2) You go round to discover what's going on in APC; you see a lot...  you hear a lot...  but this is still not enough. (3) You deliver your contribution to keep the APC well...
* GAME 02) We are still learners too. It means: You have a plan, time and space to go on in your subject...   You have put in place SMART goals for you: s = special / m = measurable / a = attainable / r = relevant / t = time-bound. And you know "exercise is the key for success" To have a great dream is not enough. Today there is a word: "life is: learning without end..."
* GAME 03) You are a teacher (maybe up to 50% of your work). As such you deliver good lessons - for this you are paid for every lesson. But good lessons is for APC not enough.
How do you make attractive lessons??? You know the 6 steps of the lesson: (1) welcome  (2) repetition  (3) something new  (4) how to go on  (5) next time  (6) farewell. We also have APC-rules: But rules are only of value if they are kept well. And now: you have also for every learner a "smart goal"..  We got it: yesterday teachers teach / today (2016) teachers strike / but in APC: we go the other direction: Teachers animate; teachers show how to perform; teachers are interested in the success of the learners.
* GAME 04) We realise our own individual APC-Biography... very interesting. But now I find the courage to narrate my biography to my colleges - so I will get an Image. And more: I like to show my biography to the public: They have to know Namibians are able for a lot of carriers... where is the TV, the Radio, the Fb or Twitter... or maybe the News-papers...
Did I find out who is interested in my story and to whom I like to narrate my story ?
* GAME 05) Sudoku alone is good; helps to combine thinking and seeing... but Sudoku together brings in : cooperation: together we make it...
* GAME 06) We never will forget - after some work - we like to make an evaluation. We like to know what we have learnt, what has gone well and what has gone wrong... (later we will find out the reasons for success and for failures).
And the result of the course: We are again encouraged to give our best...
And for Church-people: Don't forget, this is Church in practice.

Donnerstag, 6. Oktober 2016

10 : 1 / 28.Sun C / Lk 17.11-19

Again a "Samaritan"...                 He alone came back to give thanks to Jesus...
It's a very modern situation...  there are now Parishes in the Cath. World where 1 of 10 members come on Sunday to celebrate Eucharist, it means 1 of 10 baptised Faithful
thanks God regularly for the GRACE of BAPTISM; for the Gift of Faith!
Today a) who is ready for the Gift of Faith ???  where all is to be proven...
           b) who like to increase Faith ???  where you are named faithful...

           c) who is ready to defend Faith ???   if there is no profit ...

01) We discover a general weakness of all human beings: As every one likes to get a happy Life... a lot of people are not able to discover all the Gifts already given to them. They also are not able to perform the best with their gifts and some do not know who is the Sponsor and only a few are able to give thanks.

02) There is more: We see quite a good number of people they do not have the feeling "Life is a Gift". How are you grateful as you feel Life is a burden (a yoke) ???

03) On the other hand: How many have in mind: "I'm entitled to...  Life, Work, all Rights, 

a House, Children, a Car, a better position... at the end I'm entitled to Heaven.
From where they have such a claim?  And: because it's my right to study etc... to have a girl...  to whom may I be grateful ???

04) There is something else: Jesus is healing you for what... for nothing ???
He is opening your eyes for a new Life-Dimension... for the Jesus-Movement...
for the Kingdom of God...  for the fullness of Life...
But you: you like to see the Christian Churches; somehow you are glad to have
a better insight, but you feel: "it's not my way"...  you have other priorities.
Many people will tell you: Yes, Christian-Life is a good solution for the World-Problems,

but sorry it's not my strategy... not my favourite way..

Between  HEALING + EUCHARIST there is a great spiritual jump =  10 : 1 . 
Everybody may get a kind of healing...
but to celebrate Eucharist - that's an other world-dimension.
Do you know the Blog: "" ?

Sonntag, 2. Oktober 2016

Faith - translation (Homily 021016)

Dear Community. The Prophet Habakkuk (2.2) told us since of old time:
"The upright person will live by his faithfulness".

That is very true again today because we have now in our Anthony-Church "the Faithful"
(a title given by the Church to all of you);  
a lot of people full of Faith.
We know of others (since of old) they have not enough faith like: The Apostles / today the Bishops. I hope they will ask until today "Lord increase our faith" (Lk 17.5). Before "increasing" I try to offer first a translation-proposal of our Faith (Creed); I hope an understanding (somehow) may also increase (a little bit) our faith.
Creed: "I believe in God". (spoken at the Baptism etc...  maybe every Sunday...)
HsL-Trans: I have decided, God is given to me and to all, to the nature, the earth and to the
                   whole universe (in every case).

Creed: "the Father almighty" (Father or Mother or else...)
HsL: I have decided, God has accepted me and all (like a real mother and a good father);

         I'm acceptable and accepted (this fact to learn is a pedagogical process).
Creed: "Creator of heaven and earth". (cosmos, universe, earth, humanity).
HsL: I have decided, God is the ground-Energy of the universe, of all and of me.
Creed: "I believe in Jesus Christ".
HsL: I have decided, the life-style of Jesus is the right one for me and for all.
Creed: "I believe in the Holy Spirit".
HsL: I have decided, the Love, Grace, Mercy of God is already poured out, sure.
Creed: "I believe in the holy catholic Church".
HsL: I have decided, to live openly as a good Catholic (as possibly as holy and cosmic).
Creed: "I believe in the Communion of Saints".
HsL: I have decided, that all the Saints (also the new Mother Teresa of the blessed Mr. B.              Dawas) are for me a good example of Christian-Life.
Creed: "I believe in the forgiveness of sins".
HsL: I have decided, that all my sins and the sins of all are now and here forgiven.
Creed: "I believe in the resurrection of the Body".
HsL: I have decided, that the Body is the most important part of my person.
        (without body no human, no here and now, no activity, no epiphany...)
        My mind and soul are interconnected with my body.
Creed: "I believe in the life everlasting".

HsL: I have decided, that I am together with many on the way into the fullness of Life.
Make such a decision and you will stay upright, a beam of joy and love.
By better understanding - you fan the gift of Faith into a flame (2 Tim 1.6).

Donnerstag, 29. September 2016

"Increase our faith" (Sun C 27 / 021016)

It's an interesting cry (Lk 17.5), executed by the Apostles: "Increase our faith".
Question: Is this really our cry, our vision, my wish ?
On the one hand: the Lord agrees: Yes: a great faith makes wonders. And faith in a servant is exactly what is needed, that he will do his service, his duty. On the other hand: we know our best reproach: "Lord I cry for help while You will not listen, You will not save". Hab 1.2
Remember: The Lord shows a way to fulfil our vision: "Write the vision down, inscribe it on tablets and the vision is for its time eager for its fulfilment". It means: Our cry "Increase our faith" must be taken more than serious. And Tim (1.6-8) gives the advice: "The gift, God gave you, you have to fan into a flame."

It's clear: it's up to us to make our vision, our cry, our wish well known for us and for all!
"Write it down" means: make your vision well known, keep it strong, keep it through all difficulties. And most important: your cry/vision must be visible. People around you must know: you are a personality who likes to be a strong believer. Exactly for this you fan your little faith into a flame.

How to make it ?
a) To belief means to decide. You know God and his Grace is given, poured out. It's like 

a spiritual air. But you have to breathe it in; if not...
b) Faith is poured out visibly, recognisable in the Church-Community.Go to this Community, discover their faith and take it over; breathe it in. Faith is not your property, 

faith is a Community-Gift. Live the Christian-Community-Life and your faith will increase.
c) You feel unsure? You feel God is away, not helping? It's exactly the modern experience of Mother Teresa, the new Saint. She has learnt: do your vacation, do your work - God's Grace and Mercy is given anyway; you believe it or not. There is trouble or joy, satisfaction or disappointment - doesn't matter. Spiritual security ist something of the past...

d) Your knowledge is good - but surely framed, limited - you never know all...  After your
intuition, experiences and knowledge has done the work - the time for decision is coming. Without taking risk - there is no faith-way. Life-Waves: believe - know - believe...

e) A spiritual guide will be of great help - don't make decisions alone.
f) Everyday make it a point to bring your faith at least into your consciousness.

Freitag, 23. September 2016

The sanctification of richness... (Sun 26C / 250916)

Together with Luke we know Jesus is the one who is risen from the dead. And together with Luke we know a lot of people do not listen to Jesus...  it means Mr. Abraham is right...   they do not listen to Moses not to the Prophets not to Jesus, the risen Word...
(Luke 16.19-31).
We know more: Moses, the Prophets and Jesus are all doing their best to help Mr. Rich;
they are in favour of him, they like him...  they wish Mr. Rich may get the fullness of Life...
but...  Mr. Rich is strange! He is rich...  and why ???  It is supposed that he knows only himself; all his richness is for him - only! The prove is Lazarus...
Mr. Rich never think about the eradication of poverty, he never think about SHARING.
He is living in his world, for himself...  other people do not matter. He loves only himself, he appreciate only himself, he cares only about himself. He lives in a closed own world. The value, the experience of SHARING - he don't grasp it. He is unable to listen to Moses, to the Prophets, to Jesus. His empathy is dead; no sympathy, no mercy, no warm heartfelt relationship..   Poor Mr. Rich !

Dear Reader... what about you?  Q 01: Are you rich? You should know it!
Did you ever make a bookkeeping...  write down all your richness? your talent, your skills, your friends, your education, your knowledge, your empathy, your hope, your faith, your communities, your family, your health, your dresses, your shoes and all material at your disposal or in your possession... Please discover that you are rich...
Q 02: What are you doing with your richness?
 All at your disposal - good. You care for yourself - good. You love yourself - good. That's all ??? Are you living alone?
Q 03: Show me the prove that you share. Write down the names of people you share with... maybe make a remark: WHAT you share with ...  soul, mind, body...
Q 04: You work in order to get more rich, richer and richer?  - good.
And did you ever develop a healthy strategy of SHARING?
Q 05: Do you know that God has given the richness of your personality,of your relations etc... the richness of the Kosmos - because it's the start of the fullness of Life.

Q 06: You and your personality, your world and your relations all is given into he hand of others; and you accept it - SHARING means we are given into the hand of each other
and we enjoy it. Now you are very good.

And if you are a Religious...  make the vow of SHARING and forget about poverty. You are called to become an expert of SHARING...   did you ever hear Jesus ???
The "BREAD of LIFE and the WINE of JOY" is broken and given to be shared - 
on the way into the fullness of Life for all...   

Donnerstag, 15. September 2016

The sanctification of poverty (Sun 25 C / 180916)

AMOS (8.4-7) is angry about the swindler - the people who work in darkness to cheat the other one's - these swindlers are people they like to get rich - sorry they have chosen the wrong way, an exploiting way. The real poor people cannot do so - if you have no money, you cannot buy up the poor for money; that's the same for people with poverty vow. In the eyes of AMOS poor people cannot be cheaters - they are sanctified.

1. Tim 2.1-8 gives us an advice... that we may be able to live religious and reverent lives... if we pray for  the King (President, General, Bishop etc...) then the King will be good in any case and you will live in peace. Such a logic is only for poor religious people.

Today Luke is too much emotional (Lk 16.10-13): God or money - slave in every case.
Mother Teresa has done service to the dying people accepting money to do this. She was in no way a slave...  she has done her work by her own decision. God has not helped her with money... but some rich people. God has disappeared into darkness, some rich people came to the fore. 

To Mr. AMOS:  pls listen! Your God of revenge is no help any more. Go to the Education Minister and advice her to educate people to get rich by a honest way...  it means pls educate people: HOW to get rich by a honest way... if there is one; if not - build one.

To Mr. Timothey... today it's proven: the prayer for the King don't make him better You are a herald of a very strange doctrine: pay a ransom to God and God will be pleased. Are you serious ???

To Mr. Luke - sorry - we are not slaves any more. But worse: today we believe in God and appreciate the richness, God has offered by his creation. We are so joyful that we see: the right way is to share, to distribute the richness...  if we are supposed to be poor - we can
not share! only make a vow...
But sorry, the new God of Mercy is in favour of poverty, like the people who vow to be poor... poverty is sanctified; there is no vow to get rich... and all who like to eradicate poverty are not only bad people - against the sanctification of poverty - but also swindlers because they do it also for themselves and for all. 

Dienstag, 6. September 2016

Jesus a provocateur

This picture Lucas gives us in 6.6-11 is an extraordinary one. Not many time we see such a clear picture of Jesus as a provocateur. In the time of Lucas it was urgent to see Jesus this way. The Jesus-Movement has to understand why they are excommunicated from the
Holy Jewish Community.

Jesus knows - as Lucas paint it - that all the scribes and pharisees are watching Him. It seems Jesus is glad to get a chance. A) He calls the hand-wounded-man into the middle
(not to a secret place). And more: B) Jesus put an provocative questions to all these holy men. C) The answer is clear: every pious Jews knows: the sacred religious LAW is in every case to be kept. But not Jesus. He likes to announce, to proclaim: The religious LAW, given by God or whoever is - in the eyes of Jesus and therefore for the Jesus-Movement - under the "NEW LAW" to heal (and to unite) people.

Jesus has in mind: as you see the situation of the people, of the Nation, of the World - healing is first priority. The Soul and the Body must be healed... only then we are able to build up a better world in the sense of the Kingdom of God.

Since the Baptism every Christian is called to become a Healer - once and today.
It's good to know the 10 Commandments, the Creed, the Prayers... but it's a holy need
to become a Healer. Something we have forgotten by the instruction of all our Sacraments. Every Sacrament has to be a Healing-process, a Healing-chance, a Healing-
manifestation - if not, something has gone wrong.
This is a modern learning-process in the Church: HOW to Heal!

Therefore all religious people who keep the religious LAW as the highest will begin to discuss the best "way of dealing with Him" - it means to eliminate Him.
I hope the canonisation of Mother Teresa has been for many participants a healing (and uniting) manifestation.
And our celebration of the Holy Mass - a really Healing process ???

Samstag, 27. August 2016

About Invitation...

1. You are invited...
* to live your life ! It means to find your place, your role, your style...
* to be a member of the Christian Community;
                                       to declare your status, your expectations, your abilities...
*to become a member of different groups:
      like: family, school, profession, culture, business, sport, Arts etc...
It is supposed YOU have accepted the Invitations  Lk 14.1, 7-14
But now ???  Did you pick up the place of honour ? it's stealing ! or did you work hard for a good place ? And now you are humble ?  maybe you will be honoured...

2. You make an Invitation...
What is the motive ? You invite to get in return a fortune ? Or you are healthy and you invite to share your richness ? You show that you are fortunate, that you are blessed....

3. The letter to the Hebrews (12.18...) let you know:
Yes you are blessed. You are invited to the City of the living God, to the great festival.
You are a "first-born-child", a citizen of the fullness of Life. You are invited to come to God himself - invited to come to Jesus , the mediator of a new covenant...
To know about this Invitation and to accept it... makes you a blessed one!

4. But sorry: the most Christians they know nothing about such an Invitation...
they don't feel blessed...  they feel poor, they are begging as much as possible, they see only the own
 struggle...   really sorry!

5. Ecclesiasticus (3.17...) has an advice:  + be gentle in carrying out your business...
+ behave humbly...    + an attentive ear is the sage's dream...

As more as you are gentle, humble, listening... as more you will find your place, role, style... and you will discover how much you are blessed, honoured...

6. Now you change the terrible Entrance-Antiphone for this Sunday and you sing a new song: "I call to you all day long - how great you are... full of love for all..."
And you pray a new prayer: "Holy God - every good thing comes from you. You like to fill our hearts with love, you will increase our faith and your constant care encourages us to pour out what you have given... "       when ever we make an Invitation.

Sonntag, 21. August 2016

Glory to God in he Highest

Today it's about: HOW we honour our God. Isaias shows: to honour the Jahwe-God means to make a pilgrimage to the Temple, to the House of God in Jerusalem. It's a very old custom - go to visit God, bring your Personality to God.
To fulfil the 10 Commandments is also good -  but is not priority!
First comes the pilgrimage to God - bring yourself and then try to live a honest Life.
Mary of Nazareth has honoured her Aenti by visiting her.
Jesus has not changed to custom; but he has changed the Temple; He himself is the new Temple, the House of the Lord... to honour God in Jesus' view means: go to Jesus, listen to him, follow him. A pilgrimage to Jesus Christ...
Later Mah
amed: You honour Allah as you make a pilgrimage to Mekka the Holy City.

We in 2016 honour our God as we make a Sunday-Pilgrimage to our Church-Community.
We are glad and in good condition as we have SOMEBODY to honour with all our Heart.
We honour God as we go to Church. That's a priority... integrating into the Community.

For a Catholic - to go to Curch - means to celebrate the Holy Eucharist; to give thanks to God - as Jesus has done...   we bring ourselves to the Community.
Why in Namibia so many Priests are on Sunday's not in their Parish/ Communities?
They are Priest for themselves ? They don't know: a Priest is only Priest in regard of a Community - and he cannot honour God alone - to praise God is a Cty.-Act. Iit's strongly forbidden to take away the Priest from Sunday-Service - but some people don't know it.
Very sorry !

Mittwoch, 17. August 2016

How much do you assume Mary ?

1. The feast of 15 August is not about Mary going back home to Heaven. It's more about the Holy God - the one who gives Life - HE gives Life for ever. His gift is given without conditions... live your Life... and if you go to die... it doesn't matter...  God's call is for ever.
Assumption is like a call...  a request to stay alive...  whatever happen.
This I like to celebrate!

2. Therefore I prefer to celebrate the Assumption of Mary on the 15 August and not on Sunday before or after...   the feast is special...

3. Du you have a date Mary got the Christian Baptism ? Maybe she is not baptised ?
This shows: Non-Baptised-People can be very right.

4. How has Mary seen herself ?     introspection?
4 a) She sees her whole Life (soul) as a proclamation.
4 b) She sees herself as exulting.
4 c) She feels she is looked upon
4 d) She knows she is called "blessed"
4 e) She knows God has done great things for her
What a fulfilling healthy picture has Mary about herself.
Try to have the same view about your own personality.

5. How has Mary seen God ?
a) For her: God is great, is a saviour. God is looking after... and almighty.
b) God does great things for her

c) God's name is holy and mercy
e) God reaches out, show's his power, routed out, pulls down, exalts, fills, sends away,

helps and is mindful.

Maybe you have the courage to change the picture of God as you follow your experiences...
In every case, whatever picture you paint - Mary was able to proclaim God's GREATNESS.

Samstag, 6. August 2016

ready for actions ....

For the little flock of believers there is no reason to be scared... because God the Father is pleased to give you the Kingdom of God - this is how Lukas has understood JvN (12.35-40).
But now e hear the famous call to be ready for actions... the precondition of acting are not mentioned because it's high time. There is a time to wait (Advent) and time to act (Now).

We in the Church have already the impression it's now time to act...  a lot of reforms are on the agenda.
Sure, the Kingdom of God is a Gift - but as always: not without human cooperation.
The believer will get the "bread of Life" and the "wine of Joy" only after the Community has transformed (transsubstantiated) the bread and wine.

This changing is a relationship-action - it means: the change of the object and the change of the relationship are going together. Our relationship with the Church has to change - and you will see: the Church will change. it's clear: Where is your treasure there is your heart.

The group gathered for the Sunday-Eucharist is "Church No 1". And this is the first point of changing. It means: we have to learn to constitute ourselves as a Catholic Christian Community - and this very clear. Second: The Community is challenged to formulate Community-goals to be accepted by all members. Then is time for the Word of God - revealing God in his intention to give the Kingdom of God to all.
Exactly this Gift is also realised in Jesus Christ as the given "bread of Life" (nourishment), the gifted "wine of Joy" (engagement). 

A Community - really in touch with each other - is able to realise many of the reforms we are waiting for. As it was by the great Liturgical Reform (1962-1965) many Communities had the courage since ca. 1950 to introduce reforms - and this Liturgical Reform became a wave watering the whole Church until today...
But where are the courages Communities to go on ???

Freitag, 29. Juli 2016

Public - APC-FINANCE - INFO's for Finance-Year 15/16

In regard of FINANCES 2015/16 the "Namibian-Arts-Performance-Centres- Association" (NAPeCAs) has done well and is full of joy about the Sponsors who have given:
OMICRON (a Austrian Electronic Firm)      N$ 700'000.-    (ca. 50% of the running-costs)
APC-Association-CH (Friends of Hans)      N$ 270'000.-
Bank Mels (Friends of Lis Hidber)               N$ 260'000.-
Bank Leu  (Family of Vic. Hans Leu)           N$ 250'000.-
All INCOME together from Europe         N$ 1'480'000.-  !!!!
but where is the NAMIBIAN-money ??? ev.  N$  100'000.- for APC-Tsumeb
As we look at the Sponsors we discover: there are 4 very good Parishes: Altdorf (where I'm born) Gut-Hirt + Kloten (where I have worked) and Jona (the Parish-Priest is a friend of me).
Lis and I - we have a lot of good friends who appreciate our APC-work through donations!
OMICRON has told us: You must get NAMIBIAN money - if not, we don't pay anymore.

As EXPENSES the BOARD has given:
to the APC-Tsumeb for the "running costs" (Salaries etc...) N$  680'000.- ca. 15 pts
to the APC-Otshikuku for the "running costs"  N$  420'000.-  ca 8 pts (Staff-members).
For the "Ongoing-Formation" of the Teachers  N$  130'000.-  Refund for the special work of Board-Members and CM's of the APC's  N$  70'000 / N$ 180'000 are given to 2016/17

And now we look into the FUTURE and hope that the Government will give us a GRANT
to continue with our wonderful work to educate our NAMIBIAN young people by Arts- Performance.
On the other side: As sure as we need money (Sponsors) - a real contribution to our Work

perform the Volunteers (from different Countries of Europe) but also people, who send us Music-instruments and other materials like strings or paint etc...
The Activities-Reports show our engagement in favour of the Namibian youngsters
and if you will visit our Webside ( ) + you will get at least an overview of NAPeCAs. Musik-Performances all over Namibia and the exhibition "see deeper" at the Arts-Gallery Omba in Windhoek bring our Results into the public...

It's a dream: Every village has an APC and the Christian Confirmation-course will take over the educational Value of performing Arts.

Samstag, 23. Juli 2016

The BAOBAB-tree as a SYMBOL

The Baobab-tree is very significant. As you look at this African-tree it seems his roots stretch to heaven. And because he is the biggest tree of the world he is rooted in the ground soil and seemingly rooted between the stars. Therefore - he is very stable and strong and he gives us a lot of Life-support... nourishment, water and shade, protection etc...
In my view the BAOBAB-tree is rooted in "Earth + Heaven" and I take him as a SYMBOL of the Christian Personality.

The Ev Luke (11.1-4) shows Jesus as "Teacher of praying".
The healthy Christian Prayer has some preconditions, Jesus has taken them as granted:
1.) I accept the Mystery of God as Creator of Heaven + Earth.
2.) I accept: God has poured out his Holy Spirit into the Universe and into all mankind.
3.) I accept: God is incarnated (embodied) in Jesus Christ.
4.) I accept that in Baptism I promised to follow Jesus Christ - it means - I'm ready to
     personify (in-corporate) the Spirit of God for my situation.

After the acceptance of these preconditions I know Jesus has taken over the belief in the
shape of his Jewish people and therefore Jesus was able:
to speak of God as Father (conditioned by culture)
to keep the Name (the appearance) of God as holy
to see the establishment of the Kingdom of God as Life-priority
to see the Bread of Life is given every day (on the way to the fullness of Life)
to see forgiveness as condition of human life in our world situation
to recognise: our faith is quite fragile.

This speaking, keeping, seeing, recognising is the real Christian Prayer. The one with such a behaviour is rooted in Heaven - like the BAOBAB-tree.
Prayer is not to ask something but to see: Life and all is already given - at disposal - to share - and we accept it, we use it, we do it.  Heaven + Earth is a given reality and Christians speak about the ONE, who has given it; they keep God's Mystery holy they see the Kingdom of God, the Bread of Life, the Forgiveness as means for a new Heaven + Earth and they recognise such a View (Vision) is not secured but a risk.
Next - as you see the BAOBAB - he will tell you a story...

Donnerstag, 14. Juli 2016

I'm really SORRY...

It is supposed that at least all Christian leaders (ordained or not) have read the "Rambler-
Text" in The Namibian-weekender Fri 08072016. Some Christian believers may also get the "Rambler's message": "let's stop the Free Reign of Terror Organisations" - the Churches...

Why stop ??? Rambler is of the opinion:

bc: they all call heir indoctrination meetings' services...
bc: they prey on the weak and the poor and provide opportunities for egocentric fools to 

       preach the gospel of a cruel, sexually frustrated homophobic invisible overlord to an 
      unthinking mass...
bc: they instil fear in the hearts of their die-hard followers...
bc: they have been a constraint an human liberties and progress...
bc: esp. the Catholic Church continues to keep their members in deep poverty by denying 

              that contraception exists...

To Stop "terror organisations" = the Churches...  MP's want Church-control by a State-owned-entity (parastatal) cf. The Namibian Fri 01072016
H. Hambyuka says: "Namibia is a Christian society, and we don't need unwanted persons from outside the country and tech us how to serve God. I believe that our traditional Churches are capable enough to impart Christianity to the Namibian nation".
For me Rambler is a mirror, to give the mentality of some people to he public... How many people are of his thinking ?

Mrs. Linea Hamykwaya helps us to read Rambler with the right glasses. ch. The Namibian 12072016 9 11 (Appreciating Rambler's Satire). "Satire is a literacy device that writers employ to comment on socio-political issues by scorning and ridiculing target follies --- it is achieved through the use of figurative language --- it may create embiguity, humour, parody, sarcasm and irony".

My questions of today:
Do we realise: the IMAGE of the Christian Churches is put into questions?
Do we take seriously the accusations (true or not): indoctrination, preying etc..
How do we explain as Catholics "contraception"...
And to a good end: We have no Catholic Fathers any more in Namibia bc their heads have already exploded - many times.

Samstag, 9. Juli 2016

Do God - what a message ! 10.07.2016

Moses proclaims today (Dy 30.10-14) a revolutionary message:listen carefully with great benevolence the WORD of God [given as 10 Commandments, as advice, as bridge, as laws... already written in the book]. BUT observe ! this WORD is "not beyond your strength or beyond your reach; it's not in heaven, not over-sea - it's real in your mouth and in your heart" "In your mouth" means: you already like to proclaim it, to shout it out... because it's "in your heart". If you are going deep enough to listen to the core of your existence, into your real personality - you will discover: the WORD of God: justice, peace, mercy, unity, love - is your sincere wish - to live. This is GRACE - in reality: people like as much as possible the WORD of God. The great problem: YOU are not alone - your next likes the same - BUT: HOW to activate this WORD of God ??? - we must come together to find the effective healing way (strategy). It's not YOU - it's WE.

Paulus (Col 1.15-20) accepts: God is unseen. But look at JX, his life-style - you will discover:HE shows God in a humanly shape; HE has activated God; HE is this famous WORD (Moses speaks about) in a perfect way - in a certain cultural situation. Today we say: HE is God incarnated, embodied - visible, audible, touchable... BUT - he has died. 
His time  is over. Are we lost ? Paulus shows a new way: Come together - in the name of JX - build a "Community serving Humanity" - and you are the Jesus-Movement in your cultural situation (today named Church). It's the Church who unite the baptised people and the World, who unite heaven and earth - it's a cross-way anyway... also today.

Luke (10.25-37) has a story: A good lawyer wishes the fullness of Life; he is serious, he ask: "What must I do?" He is ready to engage himself...
He knows: I have to love God - no problem - because he feels: I do it already perfectly.
I know God and what he likes I do.
He knows: I have to love myself - no problem - because I'm famous, I'm a loved one, I'm open-minded, perfect ... I know myself and bring myself to perfection..
He knows: I have to love my next... there is a little problem: WHO is my next?  I have so many wonderful and terrible people around me - It's a tricky task...
And Jesus answers by a picture, an imagination: The merciful Samaritan... now WHO is the next? It's clear: The merciful stranger!
To sum it up:Do the WORD of God (placed into our hearts) - in the way Jesus has done it...  and you are on the way into the fullness of Life.

Sonntag, 3. Juli 2016

Christian Life is a joyful event...

The 14. Sun C (in St. Anthony / 03.07.2016 / Lk 10.1-12,17-20) is a Sunday of JOY.
Isaiah 66.10 "rejoice"; Psalm 65 "cry out with joy" Gal 6.14-18 "no more trouble"
It's the JOY about Christian Life.  Lukas shows:

1. Christian Life means there is "Sending in pairs" (don't work alone). Jesus and the Church (the Body of Christ for our time) send people out. They do this by every Sacrament (but esp. in Baptism, Confirmation, Ordination, Marriage) by every Mission-Celebration (missio) but more clear at the end of every Holy Mass: "ite missa est" (go it's sending).
It means the Christian Life is gifted by the awareness: I have a sending! (a task, an obligation, an aim, a meaning of life; my life make sense in the true sense of the word).
To be aware of such a meaning, aim - is very healthy and challenging...
The best morning prayer: "in the Name of God - I stand up / I go: to make life better; I will announce: the fullness of Life is at hand. Amen".

2. Pre-estimation: Jesus feels NOW is harvest-time, the situation is good, favourable: go and pick up the fruits (life as a gift). Sure there will be difficulties - it's normal... But the time is NOW (not tomorrow / not yesterday).

3. Lukas shows the question: HOW to go to work is important...  but sorry...  today is not 33, not 150, not 1950, not 1999 but 2016 ! We have to discover the best strategy for the Pastoral-Work of TODAY. (And here we are very far behind the time's challenges).
4. We have in mind: J've a sending; the situation is favourable; the strategy is elaborated and I know the message for everyone is: "The Kingdom of God is at hand" (or:
The fullness of Life is possible; is at disposal; pick it up...)

After this sending-summary Lukas tell us an indispensable step in the Pastoral-Work: The workers come back with Joy about their success. The have an evaluation-meeting
they narrate their experiences and Jesus confirms: Yes - I saw your success (the Satan has fallen like a lightning form heaven). You have experienced the Power of the Holy Spirit over the unclean spirits. And a last warning: - but - it's significant - don't be joyful because of Spirit-Power rather because: on the way into the fullness of Life you got a strong Life-experience; a fragment, a premonition of the fullness.
We need in our Church 
urgently this experience-exchange (like it is now done in the modern management; business or State); such an open evaluation will bring us the right Pastoral-Strategy for our time - not only in Namibia... 

Montag, 27. Juni 2016

The Priest - an enabler of "HERE + NOW"

Since I'm back in Namibia (after my refreshing CH-May-Holiday 2016) we have gone
to celebrate the Priesthood in Osire (29.05.2016 with dances, poems and a Braai), in
Fatima (Otjiwarongo 12.06.2016 / with best wishes and a pick-nick ), in Tsumeb (19.06.2016 in St. Barbara + in St. Francis / with a great dinner) and in Okakarara (26.06.2016 / with more people than ever and a pick-nick).
The joy of the Believers has shown me, they appreciate our priestly Service, they are grateful for a good prepared lively Celebration of the Eucharist. I have shown them that a Priest is a mediator for the relationship with God and exactly this Service can best be done only as we have the feeling "we go together the way into the fullness of Life". Without Community a Priest is lost and unable to serve.
We give thanks to God for the Grace to perform (now + here for me for 50 years) the
priestly Service - including all the joys and difficulties, all the experiences and failures.
The Communities have discovered: to be a Priest is a joyful Life-style, a very interesting journey. The song came up again: "The Church must be a sign of Life, a Community serving serving Humanity, Humanity".

The Gospel (Lk 9.57-62 in Okakarara) has proclaimed very clear: for a disciple of Jesus,
the establishment of the Kingdom of God has priority (a new Heaven + a new Earth / where fullness of Life is at hand). It's the Service of the Priest, to remind the Community of this challenge and to accompany the believers into this adventure. The great question: where and when a disciple of Jesus has to prioritise the Kingdom of God - get the clear answer: NOW + HERE.
To live the presence as a chance to establish the Kingdom of God is the brand
of a real disciple.

As a Supervisor of the APC's I have seen again (20.-25.06.2016 in Tsumeb and in Otshikuku) how much the performance of Arts is an exercise to concentrate on this famous HERE + NOW. I wish strongly that the Confirmation-Course in our Parishes and Communities should become an exercise, a training to focus one's attention to the crucial HERE + NOW. The real Life happens HERE + NOW as Jesus said: "The right time is now and the Kingdom of God is now and here at hand" (Mk 1.15)

Freitag, 17. Juni 2016

How much do we know Jesus Christ ?

I know myself - somehow .....    - esp. after 77 years of life-experience.
I can tell you some of my skills, strengths, successes, some of my weaknesses, failures...
Jesus also cares about his IMAGE
 Lk 9.18-24  
Until today it's a good idea to ask people around us,friends and coworkers
Who do the people say I am" ???  Sure I will learn a lot about me!
They will tell me today what IMAGE I have over-there; of what I'm well known....
but they will not tell me which person, which spirit I'm embody.

(Such a thinking is now rare...)

But exactly this is the very question of Jesus: Which personality (person, spirit, culture)
I represent for you? Jesus is interested to know: "do the people know my secret? "

I give shape, effectiveness, word, presence to whom? 
It seems Peter (in the name of the early Church) has well understood the question.
The Apostle Petrus (until today Pope Francis) is convinced "Jesus is the Christ of God".

This proclamation is not easy to understand - we try...
"Christ" means: the anointed of God (by God).
Today we have a lot of "oil" to make the face, the body more beautiful, healthier etc...
we use ointment very often but not in biblical sens.
At confirmation or at ordination ointment is understood as fortify...
But this is not enough. Anointment as a Christian, as a Priest means "embody".
The anointed of God = God is incarnated.

As Christians we believe the Spirit of God is incarnated in Jesus, in the baptised people,

in the Church (and some say: also in Nature and in the Universe).
As the Lord speaks (cf. Zech 12.10-11 "Over the Citizens of Jerusalem I will pour out the spirit of kindness" - we hope these Citizens will accept this spirit and embody the spirit of kindness - what means: to show a kind spirit and a kind behaviour. 

After we got the Gospel of today
we are asked a) Do you know Jesus; what answer you may give to the question?
                      b)  Do you know what people say about Jesus?
                      c)  Did you know to be a Christian means
                           "to embody the Spirit of God in our daily life" ???