Donnerstag, 19. Juli 2018

"Rest for a while"

After the 12 Apostles have gone out...  to teach, to heal, to cast out many devils ...
after they have performed well their "weekly-mission-work" (Mk 6.7-13)
they rejoin Jesus...  and they gave him somehow an activity-report (Mk 6.30).
The following Invitation "to rest for a while" is like a spiritual retreat to go to the base.
Until today the Apostles and all Missionaries have - from time to time, in favour of a healthy
message - to reflect the "things" [hidden from the learned and clever] "revealed to mere children" (Mt 11.25).
The basic revelation given first to the mere children into their experience consists of:
a) life is a game (of the forces)
b) life is given (as a gift or as a fate)
c) life is dependency (the balance of dependencies)
d) life is swimming in the womb (of the mother, the nature, the humanity, the universe)
For a Catholic believer it's more than important not to loose these basic experiences -
it means to fill up again and again the heart and the brain with these child-experiences.
We all play the given life in mutual dependencies within the womb of our world.
I wish all of you a favourable place for this joyful rest for a wile; why not choose the Cty-Eucharist to become such a "holy place" ?


Dienstag, 10. Juli 2018

not to belief...

Situation at the Cath. St. Anthony-Church in
Otjiwa Sun 01.07.2018 / 09h:
Entrance + church: closed! Why? No Info!
(why not an info-paper on the entrance-door?)
It was announced in the Church and in WhatsApp:
There will be Holy Service; and Vic. Hs. Leu
has declared to be ready for the Holy Mass.
People, ready for the Holy Service, have asked me:
Why all is closed ???

The reality:

a) The Namibian-Diocesan-Priests had the annual spiritual retreat in Pastoral-Centre
     of Otjiwa Mon 26. - Sun 01.07.2018 / 29 participants.
b) Against the announcement the rumour came up: Sun 09h in Assunta Hight-Holy-Mass

    Con-Celebration of all the priests.
c) In reality it means : 28 Communities are on Sun 01.07.2018 deprived of the
    Community-Eucharist-Celebration (Cty-Eu-C). Did you realise that ?
    Why not high-holy-mass-con-celebration on Saturday or on Monday?

a) It seems there is no much planning in the Parish and therefore INFO is nearly
    impossible if not contradictory.
b) If there is "high-level-mass-con-celebration" - priests like it very much, as a chance
    for "presentation of the priesthood" esp. after spiritual retreat or on the ordination of
    a new priest... or for a jubilee...  but why at the expense of so many Cty-Eu-C?
Is this not "clericalism"? You cannot preach priest-spirituality and deny the Cty the Eu-C !
c) In Namibia - if 29 priests on Sunday present a high-Con-Celebration... we have to
    discover the fact, that on this Sunday 28 Communities are without Cty-Eu-C.
    And everybody knows many Cty's in Namibia are on Sundays again and again
    without the Cty-Eu-C.
d) If the Cty-Eu-C is of no value...   the "fact / 01072018" doesn't matter.
    If the Cty-Eu-C is of high value... the "fact / 01072018" couldn't happen.
    The Parish-Priest would send two priests to every Cty and 'lend-out" the other priests
     to the neighbouring Parishes for the Cty-Eu-C.
Note: the 2. Vatic. Council says: Eucharist is officially recognised as
the source and the summit of the spiritual life". ("I belief in the holy catholic Church") 
Therefore Catholics are required to attend Holy Mass on Sundays.
                 Logic: the retreat would be terminated better on Sat 13h.
e) The Arch-Diocesan-Pastoral-Council will do the same "fact"; a lot of priests have to
    go there (Windhoek / Doebra) and the ADPC will end an Sun 02.09.2018 after the
    high holy mass-con-celebration - it means again: a lot of Cty's are deprived of the
    Cty-Eu-C and the experience shows: there are many more excuses to cancel the
    Cty-Eu-C...  sorry!    (bc: "I don't belief in the Church")
    Maybe: "it doesn't matter" or the 2. Vatic. Council is not recognised.
f) Now we have to aks: For what do we have the ordination of priests if not for:
   "at disposal of Cty-Eu-C" ? And why is Cty-Eu-C so important ???
1. it's the best way to build up Cty's. 2. Vatic,. Council says: "No Christian Community
    can be built up unless it has its basis and centre in the celebration of the Holy Eucharist".
2. It's the best medicine for the healing-process to become in fact a "true-chirstian-believer".
3. It's a precondition for the call:
    "The Church must be - a sign of Life - a Community serving Humanity".
4. But most of all: The Cty-Eu-C is the highest way to accept the Mystery of God,
    to follow Jesus Christ and to embody the Holy Spirit.

In my view: something is wrong with the leadership of the Church, with the formation of the priests, with the valuation of the Cty-Eu-C (on both side: clergy + lay-people). Something is wrong with the practice of the Catholic-value-scale.
If something has gone wrong, we can do better...  and if I am wrong: pls correct me...
at least the 2. Vatic. Council told us: "the source and summit of the spiritual life" is the
Cty-Eu-C".  What we now urgently need:

A course: How to build up Cty by celebrating Holy Mass?
                How to bring value to the Celebration of Holy Mass?
                What is priestly Spirituality for a Diocesan Priest of today?
Is this not a nice fraternal correction for the month of priest's care?

Freitag, 6. Juli 2018

Can you explain ?


The GOSPELS show: For the Apostles, the disciples, for the believers
(until today): JESUS (Mk 6.1-6)   is a special phaenomenon, sure an Epiphany.
Everybody is asking: "From where did the man get all this?"
(wisdom, courage, clear vocation, sensitive responsibility, strong bearing,
strange behaviour, miracle-strength, relationship-capacity, empathy,
healing power, faith etc... etc... )

Is there any explication for the phaenomenon "JESUS" ?
The mk JESUS knows:
a) It's not the family and the blood-line
(He is only the carpenter, only the son of Mary; the brothers (4) and the sisters
we know as normal people... nothing special...)
b) It's not the image or the story of the home-town Nazareth / Bethlehem
(He is not from Jerusalem)
but it seems for the mk JESUS,
there is a clear new explication of this phaenomenon:
look at Nazareth: where there is no faith
                            there is no miracles, no wisdom, no resurrection...

You see this every day: where there is no faith in each other, no faithful
relationship: there is no healing, no liberating unity, no mutual love...
The great Q:  Why was there no faith - in Nazareth ?
                       Why is here + now no faith - in my own village, family, Parish ???

Dienstag, 26. Juni 2018

The Prophet for today...

John of the Desert.
He knows how is life in die Desert, life without Community. Therefore he calls all baptised people of today to go on the way. "Desert" is not for life, only for a short new experience;
a short refuge...  not for staying. 

John the finger of God.
His finger shows the direction where to go...  to the river, the flowing water, where there is life. We have to find out the places offering more life and Community. The right direction to go is "make a turn" / meta-noia / new thinking / repent and find your way...

John the Baptist.
It is supposed nearly everyone who knows "John of today" is already baptised. Therefore he offers not any more a new Baptism...  he calls the people of today into the Eucharistic-Community. Here is the place, the chance to get a new understanding of human life.
In this Community is the word of Jesus Christ actualised: "I'm Bread + Wine for the Life of the World". And oh wonder: most of the people have the courage to accept the "body of Christ" in order to become what he promised. 

Today the Priest is ordained to imitate John the Prophet...  calling the people:
go out of the desert, go to the river (the flowing life),  and turn-around in favour of a new Community where Life is understood as "Bread + Wine".
If the Prophet is not present: No call... No meta-noia...  No Eucharist...

Dienstag, 19. Juni 2018

The Priest + the Cty-Eucharist

Until now it is "common sense":
The Priest is ordained
to serve the Christian Community.

The Cty and the Priest together are the indispensable factors of the Cty-Eucharist. 
Therefore it is the duty of the Priest to be at disposal for Sunday-Cty-Eucharist.
This is to keep as task Number 1 (priority).
Christian-Cty-Animation + Eucharist-Celebration (and at disposal for Confession)
is the reason for ordination.
To build up Priest-Fraternity is important - but there are many other chances (esp. if the Bishop knows this aim). If a Bishop decides to ordain a Priest on a Sunday he excludes
all Cty-Priests from participation. If a Cty-Priest goes on Sunday to a Priest-ordination and hinder the Cty-Eucharist - it's a sign of Clericalism (contempt strongly by Pope Francis).
It is sure the Cty has a good antenna to feel how much the Priest values the Cty-Eucharist. As more as the Priest is engaged in the Cty-Eucharist-Celebration as more the Believers
like to attend. If there is a decline in Mass-Attendance we discover as reasons mostly:
a) the value of the Cty-Eucharist is not yet recognised / why ?
b) the Church-Language is not understood / a famous fact in 2018
c) the lay-people are not good integrated into the celebration / passivity

The Sec. Vatic. Council expressed the conviction of the Church: The Cty-Eucharist is
a high event / a peak in the real Christian-life-performance.

What is wrong with Jesus? (Mk 3.20...).
His priority is to be engaged with the Cty... not with the family, not with the festive meals.
He proclaims: my brothers and sisters are the ones doing the will of God, not the one's who are ordained as my family. The ordained family accuses Jesus to be out of mind / crazy
and Jerusalem explains: This is a sign of possessed by an unclean spirit. Pls cancel him.

Donnerstag, 14. Juni 2018

Q + A about Cty-Eucharist.

"play like the master"
"dancing the flute"

On the Mass-Plan,
there is a special message:
for the next Sunday
"all priests are at the Ordination in X"

[everybody knows: it means:
in the whole Parish - 6 Communities -
there will be NO Holy Mass !!!]

Q) How do you react to this message ???

a) WE Priests are so glad to have one more in the group - we have to go...
     Yes' it's a sign of fraternity - they all have to go...
     The Community (Cty) may perform a Word-Service.
b) The Cty-Eucharist is High-Point of Christian Life and therefore the Cty
     has somehow a "right" to celebrate Eucharist - on Sunday - and because
     there is not enough Priests - we don't go...  Cty-Eucharist has priority.
c) We ask the Chief of the Priest-Group (the Bishop) to put the Sacrament of
    Ordination to Saturday / Friday-evening.    [ a + b are respected ! ] 
d) If the Ordination "must be " performed on Sunday - why not arrange on
    "Monday-after-Ordination" a Priest-Meeting to introduce the new Ordained
     in a clever way into his "stand/state" by his Priests-Brothers.

All baptised Catholics (it means also the Priests) have to think about the Value
of the Cty-Eucharist. Whats your view  ?         A ? B ? C ?
I'm glad for every feedback

                                                                           Vic. Hs. Leu

Freitag, 8. Juni 2018

strange behaviour...

After we believe the Holy Spirit is poured out
we got an insight into the Mystery of God
and we discovered this Mystery is embodied
in the creation and celebrated by the Church.

How to play / how to behave ???

On the 10. Sun B in the Resurrection-Time Mk gives us a special view of JX (3.20-35)
He is at home - together with his disciples - but a great crowd has occupied him...
He is like a magnet and terribly busy and "no time"  - also not for a meal... etc...
The family likes to rescue him - convinced he was out of mind / crazy. The scribes have
a more clear explication: "he is possessed by an unclean spirit".
We people have the same experience. We look at somebody and discover sthg special.
The first step (should be) the Q: "What's going on?" TAKE THE FACTs FIRST (2t2f) !
Only as we have registered the facts we may notice as sec. step: it seems sthg is wrong.
After an open investigation finally the 3 step (a judgement): He is crazy (out of mind /
possessed by a bad unclean spirit).

example: I discover I'm not an the Holy-Mass-plan (June/July 2018) (FACT)
1. step: what's going on ?
2. step: it seems sthg is wrong (we had an agreement: 3.06: Assunta / 10.06: St.A).
3. step: is he cracy / possessed by a bad spirit?
Take as an example also the catholic ordination of women:
1. Step: What's going on ? refusal
2. Step: Sthg is wrong? equal rights ? !
3. Step: Is the Church out of mind / possessed by an unclean spirit?
Jesus has gone into defence. PLS note: His defence is not God but his logic thinking:
"How can satan cast out satan?" and more: he revealed a new understanding of family;
a very interesting one: "who does the will of God" (not of the unclean spirit) is family.
This game: strange behaviour - accusation - defence by revelation
                   is a very human strategy of conflict-solving.

Samstag, 2. Juni 2018


a young corporation
of joyful expectations

A soon as we have a developed BODY we start to think, to feel, to speak, to act...
without BODY forget it; we are not present.
"It's me"  this is a clear declaration; the "me" is presented by my BODY with thinking,
feeling, speaking, acting.
Together with my BODY there is consciousness of my world, there is Mentality of my situation and - it's believed - there is soul [ the totality of my "me": "I am" with all what I received, what I did (as re-action) and what I didn't do.]
Afawk our trend to embody our "me" our presence, our values - without embodiment...
something is missing.
JvN has known the value of the body. And he has gone a great step into the embodiment as he revealed: my body is bread for the life of the world; my blood is poured out for many
as a sign of the new covenant.
Now after JvN has died - the Question of his embodiment got urgent. He is the risen Lord,
he is ascended into Heaven, he poured out the Holy Spirit... but is there no BODY ???
We know now 3 levels of the embodiment of JX:
a) every person is called for ...   and some accept the invitation (cf. Baptism).
b) the baptised people together are a corporation (a common embodiment).
c) the eucharistic Celebration is the here-and-now-embodiment of JX (as the Community
proclaims the BODY as "bread + wine").
This Sunday is a call to discover the value of embodiment - embody your grace.

Freitag, 25. Mai 2018

three times seen

Dear Reader.
In May 2018 I was two times in CH:

a) for the funeral of my twin-brother Josef
b) for Holiday with Ailly + Moni
and now I try again to give you
spiritual water... may it makes you
healthy and still more beauty ...

As you celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus you have to take into account his ascension into Heaven. These 40 days "between" are full of encounters; it's again time to exercise a new kind of life... and then - take it pls seriously - Jesus has disappeared. It follows: "10 day's in
fear" (without Jesus and without Holy Spirit is a very dark time - you know it). And now the Revelation - performed in a dramatic scene: people! The Holy spirit is poured out since ever; is given like a tongue for speaking, like an energy for engagement. That's a great reason to celebrate Pentecost. 

As the Holy Spirit is given and accepted - we get insight into the Mystery of God. An old declaration for our God is the name "Trinity" (Sunday 28.05.2018). On theological level a very high title. On an all-day-level a normal experience:
The sun - a great mystery / a symbol of God - is given to us: as a light (Jesus: I'm Light of the World); as a warm -up (Creator God); as a source of energy (Holy spirit).
Dear Mr. xyz! You know ladies are a mystery. It may happen such a nice lady is given to you as a girl-friend, as a spouse, as the mother of your children. It means: one mystery given, experienced by three epiphanies. That's normal...   that's "trinity in life": God the total holy Mystery let see, experience himself - God reveals himself - as human (Jesus), as creator
(Father-God), as spiritual energy (Holy Spirit).
What a great relief the Mystery of God given in all-day experiences.

Sonntag, 29. April 2018


Nearly everybody likes to do "good works".
It means to bear "good fruits"...  Joh 15.1-8
Christians of today know: "to do good" is
glorification of God!
Jesus has shown the same feeling...

To do really "good works" is not so easy! But Jesus is ready today to give us advice,
a solution "HOW" we get able to do good works (not only to dream about).
The Gospel of today is therefore a declaration of unification "a branch cannot bear fruit all by itself, but must remain part of the vine - neither can you - unless you remain in me."
To remain united (with Jesus / God) is the source of good work.
The whole Creation shows us: unification is natural condition to bear fruit. Every child is
witness thereof. Everybody is fruit of unification and unification is condition of existence
and growing. First WE - then I / me
The law of unification is also condition for Christian Life.
"Whoever remains in me, with me in him, bears fruit in plenty".
"Jesus in me / in us" is a modern expression of Christian Belief.
It's of good value to discover HOW is Jesus in me / in us ! (in order to bear fruit).
The "Last Supper" / the Eucharistic Celebration shows: Jesus likes to be "bread + wine".
He is not first Partner, friend, helper etc... He is first a "source of energy".
Death and Resurrection means Jesus has disappeared as member of the present population...  in favour of...  to become "spiritual Energy of Life". 

Dienstag, 17. April 2018

The great Q...

How do we fulfil
the will of God ???
as we pray in "Our Father",
as we try in our daily
christian life ???

There is in Ev John 6.29 a special answer - astonishing - given by Jesus:
"Working for God is: You must believe in the One He has sent" (JX).
id est: working for God, fulfil his will means: believe in Jesus Christ.
One may ask: is this all ?
Consider the meaning of "I believe in JX":
1. I accept JX as the Prophet of Nazareth, living 2000 years ago... and living today
    as the Risen Lord.
2.) I'm convinced his Life is good for me, is yet salvation for me / for us...
      (he has laid down his life for us - John 10.11)
      (Acts 4.8-12: as we confess every Sunday "I believe in JX"
       than we work for God...   as better as we realise this in our daily life).
3. I see: his lifestyle is the best for all people to live...
    I hear: his words as joyful message...
    I feel: his engagement is total...
4. I take the Church (the Baptised people) as the Body of Christ of today.

You discover: "I belive in JX"  is quite meaningful ... 

Freitag, 13. April 2018

order or invitation...

After Easter...  for all the disciples and the baptised people of today...  the situation
is now quite difficult. On the one hand it's clear: the Prophet of Nazareth, Jesus,
seen by many as the Messiah, has died - on the Cross! On the other hand there is still admiration, remembrance, disillusion, hope - and now the rumour, the message or the conviction: he is risen, risen from the death, he is for some: "The Risen Lord".
Luke has a clever method in his proclamation: He let Jesus come up
1. As the one who gives peace, forgiveness, mission...
2. As the one who explains, giving help for understanding...
3. As the one who shows his wounds, he is touchable, he is eating, he is real...
The Risen Lord is now doing the same what Gabriel has done!
a) a wonderful greeting as encouragement
b) a declaration. Gabriel: You will get a child!  Jesus: I'm alive!
c) but the declaration is now understood not as an order but as an inquiry,
    as a question waiting for an answer.
After Easter...  the Word of God, the life of Jesus (his message, his death, his resurrection)
it means the power of God, became an invitation for an agreement.
In the old time: God's Word was powerful creative... 
in the new time: God's Word became an Invitation too...  "pls bring your Yes"
Therefore Acts 3.19:  It's time to change your attitude; You are invited, it's time to accept.
or 1 John 2.5
If you are ready to listen to the Word of God, to take the Word of God as basic of your existence and actions, than the Love of God will blossom effectively in you....

Donnerstag, 5. April 2018

Before or after Easter...

This FIRST Sunday AFTER Easter
likes to bring into our minds,
that we live now in a new time-space:
it's AEE (AFTER Easter Era)
bc we take the Easter-Events as facts;
Resurrection as a reality.

Resurrection - taken as a reality - has three steps:
1. God calls you as a deposit, as a representation, as an epiphany into "earthly life".
Life is given - in every case - and you have a situation, a vision, a strategy -
you are engaged.
Jesus got the Jewish-Jerusalem-Situation to introduce his new Life-Style with a total engagement resulting in death.
2. Death is given - in every case - you struggle between the life-forces and the death-forces.
Jesus has it taken up to redeem these forces and to reconcile them;
the Church-Community may follow him...
3. Because Life is a Gift, God calls you to enjoy Life, Life in abundance.
For this you have to accept death (of the restricted "earthly life") and to wake up.
Jesus has made the cross-way as a resurrection-way.

In regard of my Twin-Brother Josef born 10.06.1939 / 2.
We are grateful that he got the chance to perform a good representation of "earthly life"
in his family, in his 3 professions, in his village etc...
Death came unexpected  Fri 30.03.2018 / 01h - end of the struggle between the forces.
We assume God has given him life in abundance and we struggle with the natural loss.
We will perform a Memorial-Service in St. Anthony Otjiwarongo 08.04.2018/09h
The family will gather from all over the world for the Funeral 21.04.2018 in Altdorf / Uri

RIP  rejoy in peace /  remind us in performing well

Mittwoch, 28. März 2018

celebrating Jesus Christ

Otjiwa Passion Play 2017



As Christians we celebrate the HOLY WEEK
and HOLY means: fascinosum + tremendum + numinosum together as one!

A) We celebrate Jesus (Palm-Sunday) as the one, who has the courage to enter 
the City of Jerusalem - the Centre of the jewish Empire (Religion + State) -
to discover as an Insider the Reality (what happen really).
He enter not as an Imperator but like a shepherd.
B) We celebrate Jesus (Thursday) as the one, who has brought into this world
a new understanding and lifestyle for the human person. He proclaims: I am
"bread + wine" for you, for the life of the world.  I am given over into your hands.
This proclamation is the highest level of human view and the deepest reality
for joy and holy life.
C) We celebrate Jesus (Holy Friday) as the one, who give his total engagement for
his conviction
. The Cross is the temporal price for his proclamation. The religious
Empire cannot accept his definition of a human Person. The Empire is exploitation
of many in favour of a few and not a Service for all.
D) We celebrate Jesus (Easter) as the one, who shows that his lifestyle is resurrection
(not to stay in death but rise to life). Resurrection is a surprise because we cannot do it...
it's the Mystery of God who calls into the fullness of life.
As we celebrate...  we know celebrating is empowering us to live what we celebrate.
Therefore I wish to all of you an encouraging celebration
(may nobody be excluded thereof... it would be a shame!)

Freitag, 23. März 2018

enter - experience - enjoy

The Church is called
to celebrate
the entrance of Jesus

on the 25 of March: into the Womb of Mary; id est: into the Womb of the Earth.
on the 25 of December: into the Village of Bethlehem / Nazareth; into the Jewish People.
on the Baptism in the Jordan: into his own personal Task, into his Messianic Activities.
on the Passion-Sunday: into the City of Jerusalem to accomplish his Pascal Mystery
     id est: into the last engagement on the Cross; into the celestial Jerusalem:
                "Hosanna to God in the Highest".
on Easter: into the Resurrection; into a new Style of Life;
on Ascension: into Heaven; into the Fullness of Life;
on Pentecost: into the Heart of the Chosen-One's.

The Church is a Community called to celebrate !
May I remind You:
1. The Baptised People are the Church.
2. They have decided to follow Jesus Christ:
     a) to "enter" like Jesus; (
id est: they have the courage to enter with open eyes!)
     b) to experience like Jesus life as a Cross-Way
     c) to enjoy like Jesus life as a Resurrection-Way
3. As more as we embody Jesus for our time, as more we enter, experience,
    enjoy life like Jesus
4. Together as Church we live the life of Jesus and we celebrate his and our lives as a Unity.
The Church is a Community called to live (in the steps of Jesus) OR: we renounce to enter... to experience... to enjoy...
         and we refuse to celebrate...
I encourage: take the Chance...

Freitag, 16. März 2018

Outlook on "Easter-Break"

Where is the New Covenant ?
The Risen-One ?  The Stranger ?

We in Otjiwarongo have a good situation:
We got rain, we have a lot of good people,
a good part are Christians...  life is improving...
pupils got an "Independence-Break" and we all
have a good Outlook on "Easter-Break"!

The WISH of the Stranger (John 12.20 "Sir, we would like to see Jesus...")
will be fulfilled and the people will see Jesus as the RISEN-ONE.

           The problem: The RISEN-ONE is hidden in the LIVING-ONES.

The CHRISTIANS know: Jesus became for all - who obey HIM - the
                                         Source of Eternal Life (Hebr 5.7-9)
             The problem: They should obey Jesus (and not the imperial forces!).

The World knows (the Church will proclaim it): The NEW COVENANT  with the
House of Israel says: (Jeremiah 31.31 is convinced: It is God who speaks):
1. Deep within the people I will plant my law, writing it on their hearts.
2. I will be their God - they shall be my people.
3. They will all know me (the least no less than the greatest)
4. I will forgive their iniquity + never call their sin to mind.
             The problem: The House of Israel and the Christian Churches should accept:
                                    Following Jesus and Paulus etc... 
                                    The NEW COVENANT is intended for the whole World;
                                                                                              for everybody...

You see: we have a GOOD SITUATION...

Samstag, 10. März 2018


The Cath. Church-Life offers you
for this Sunday (11.03.2018)
a fourth step
in your Lenten - Exercise.

First, You have to remember: there was already in the past a terrible time,
priests and people have shown infidelity, defiling the Temple (as it was before Noah
and somehow today) / 2 Chronicles 36.14-23.
Sec, know: God sent a lot of prophets...  but in vain...   and today ...
Third, look: The Temple burned down, Jerusalem demolished...  people deported...
                    extinction of a culture...   downfall...   
Fourth, pay attention: The King Cyrus has the imagination "God has given me all the kingdoms and the Temple" ...   what a fright:!  Cyrus is celebrated a a Saviour !

After such a shaking shock - as Christians we hear Paulus (Eph 2.4-10): No King,
No Temple...  Jesus - by his -Grace - is Saviour! But...   pay attention: There is some-
thing more behind: Jesus saved us because "
We are God's work of art".

John let us know how Jesus explains to Nicodemus the mystery (3.14-21):
In every terrible time God sent - by Love - "Jesus-like-prophets as Saviour".

Did you discover the Lenten-Step you are asked for?
In your situation (terrible or not, in decay or not) God's work of art / YOU ! has to be
, re-cleaned to the real brilliance.
Mrs. D. Day was convinced: "The world will be saved by beauty".

Freitag, 2. März 2018

the way - go up...

The 3. Lent-Sun B
a wake-up-call
to recognise
our situation.

God has Good News for us: "I have liberated you, guided you through the desert's difficulties, given you the new land...  (Ex 20.1-17)
and now there are rules, norms, orders to survive:
1. I'm the one and only God (the time of monotheism is now rising): no bow down, no service to your own gods anymore. Therefore: Don't make images (imaginations) of
God anymore, not at all, in no way; take the reality as you perceive it... but nothing (in heaven, on earth, in the water) is like God - nothing.
2. God has a name. But don't utter this name - keep his name holy.
3. The Sunday (today) is for God: God blessed this day and made it sacred; you keep it
holy, no work anymore - rest.
There are many more rules...    to survive...   you must discover them...
Great Q: Who believes God has already liberated ???

On this way into the future we have to discover our situation:
John 2.13-15 shows us:
The Temple (the sanctuary), where the liberation, the guidance, the new heaven and earth
are celebrated, where the new norms are kept, the new rules are performed
is now the body of Christ.

Let's exercise it as an Ash-Cross-Person; as a Stardust-Composition.
Exercise the trust: God has liberated his people...

Freitag, 23. Februar 2018


2. Lenten-Sun B / Transfiguration

We understand Lenten as a time for exercise. You will know or discover now by meditation
where are your "christian weaknesses": Maybe you lack discipline, maybe your prayer is a try to negotiate with God. Maybe your love is for God but not for your "brothers + sisters".
Maybe...  you go to Church bc of Jesus Christ or bc of God but not bc of your Community.
Now you got the Ash-Cross - knowing again you are "star-dust" i.e. wonderful but transitory.

The Ash-Cross invites you to repent and to believe in the Good-News.
The Ash-Cross will transfigure you (Mk 9.2-10).
As an Ash-Cross-Person (we see this black cross on your forehead) you are now not anymore as normal as everybody...  we see now "YOU" as a Repentant / penitent, as a Gospel-Believer, as a Community-Member; at least as someone who does exercises in
this direction..  Next to you are the rules of Community-life and on the other side the call
to be courageously engaged in word and deed.
The Church tells you: now you are right; we like your company, let's stay. And the Parish-Priest confirms: Yes you are a beloved-one of God.

Dont' forget as a Ash-Cross-Person you are a sign for this generation (Lk 11.29-32)
and as you give this sign to your brothers + sisters - you have given it to Jesus Christ
(Mt 25.31-46). Exercise is a way to success ...  Gratulation!

Freitag, 16. Februar 2018

49 plates of food in 2017

Lenten-time - the way to resurrection -
there is a lot of food...  "padkos"
In 2017 you got by my Blog 49 plates!
pls tell the people around you:
it's nutritious!
go to visit the Blog "Kdb"  and you feel better...

"go tell it on the mountains
there is a Blog for you,

go to visit it, go to meditate
it's refreshing joy and challenge".

a call  01) to discover the Jesus Movement;  02) to believe: Mercy is poured out;
03) to "lift up your hearts";   04) to happiness;  05) to represent Jesus Christ;
06) to keep Sunday first;  07) do decide;  08) to discover how wonders work.

Do you know 09) the way from dust to stardust ? 10) God's way to care for you ?
Do you like 11) to be Ambassador ? 12) to be a sign of Life ? 13) to enjoy God's favor ?
Do you know 14) life as "resurrection way" ? Do you understand 15) "entrance" ?
Do you see 16) "Eucharist" as a definition of Life ?
17) do you bring together "Life + Death" ?

18) Christian Life  - a NEW Life  19) the new Life is: to discover embodiment !
20) The advantage of disappearance    21) it means: present and absent !
22) How to improve our understanding  23) about Holy Spirit: given or reserved ?
24) 1 + 1 = 11 //  1 + 1 = 2 //  1 + 1 = 3   25) the bread broken for ?
26) the gift of joy - an invitation               27) the evocation of the Holy Spirit.

29) Evaluation ?  30) Kalkfeld ?  31) FLfA (fullness of Life for all) ?
32) Transfiguration  33) Mary of Nazareth ?   34) Jesus as learner ?
35) the unclean spirit destroys the "Joy of Life" 

What is for you:  36) the right thing to do"?  37) the mystery of forgiveness ?
                             38) "free of charge"  39) an unpredictable work ?
                             40) the "tenant-life-style" (response-able + "share the fruits")
How much 41) Feast you can bear ?  42) Harp-Concert you dream ?
43) The way from saying to doing from words to facts.
44) You are bm-ladies (bridesmaids); present to enjoy others ?
45) Do you like to be rich or poor ?   46) God has disappeared in favor of You.
47) Expectation is the frame for coming
48) What do you prefer: "God or man" or "God + man".
49) God changes the name: from Jahwe to Emmanuel

Mittwoch, 7. Februar 2018

Star-Dust: condition of Love...

6. Sun B (Mk 1.40-45)
+ Ash-Wednesday

Christians believe: "You can cure me" and we are convinced Jesus is the "cure"
for the world as He is light and "bread + wine".
The crucial Q is: which story are we (as Church) going to tell the world about Jesus!
A strong story hindering his redeeming work or a soft story facilitating his proclamation?

In short time we tell the people: "you are (Star-) Dust; and to (Star-) Dust you will return".
It's a fact; but it's all ? Only if you are "fallen in love" and love is your destiny, then
the call "you are (star-) dust" is of great value. Love is like heaven, love is "peak of life" -
 and it's more than good to remind us: "the soil and the swimming-pool of love" is dust

Our story we narrate: The wake-up message of Jesus says: In your (Star-) Dust-Situation,
in your life and love - there is the great chance of resurrection into the fullness of life.
(Star-) Dust-Life is the precondition, the possibility, the challenge for resurrection, for
"Fruit-Life", for real love. To recognise this - is the real cure.
On Ash-Wednesday (14.02.2018) celebrate your condition of human love:
the (Star-) Dust-Reality.

Donnerstag, 1. Februar 2018

Jesus - quite busy...

a world of pictures...

5. Sun B   Mk 1.29-39

1. Mk likes to give us a picture of Jesus... we have to know...
He is a strong healer, until disgracing the Sabbath; he is a nightworker and
a get-up-early-man; he is allover exorcising; he is a hard wanderer,
looking after chances and an untiring preacher...

2. It seems Jesus has three occupations:
1. preaching...   clearing his special message!
2. healing...   against the evil forces!
3. representing himself...   defending his good image.

3. The Church celebrates - in view of Jesus Christ - the "religious life"
represented by soo many Saints in favour of a good image:
the vow of poverty 

the vow of obedience
the vow of celibate chastity
and the Church prays God may animate a lot of young people
to choose this life-style.

Samstag, 27. Januar 2018

The spirit - not cleaned / not cleared up

Sun 4 B:
possessed by the destroying spirit

the great Ocean as destroyer...

It looks like (Mk 1.21-28) Jesus has started his public work in the Cty of Capernaum.
One pious man (like soo many... !!!) had in mind, this new prophet, this Holy One of God - he comes now to destroy all of us... he is the "Evil-One". It means this pious man is possessed by he uncleaned spirit (the uncleared up idea): the man of God is a destroyer.
This pious man is unable to think the Holy One of God comes to heal, comes to redeem, comes to empower us. No! The pious man is terribly afraid and convinced that JvN is a
holy destroyer, nothing else. Jesus knows how this pious men are thinking - and in open confrontation JvN strongly goes into opposition, into his defence: shut up and change
your mind. And the people around: "Here is a teaching that is new."

In 2018 some people still are possessed by uncleaned spirits:   examples:
* You think: "the one who has better marks is a better human being".
JvN: stop such idea - change and know: "a better human being is the one who loves"
* You think: "if I pray a lot, God will help me more sure".
JvN: stop such idea - clear up your mind and change and know:
         "The help of God is free of charge - gratis".
* You think: "If I go in hiding, the problem will solve itself "(often children's thinking).
JvN: stop - think a lot more - come out and "take the stick and struck the rock".

Dienstag, 23. Januar 2018

the image of Jesus

4. Sun B    28.01.2018

Ev-Mk is glad (1.28) that the reputation of Jesus "rapidly spread everywhere".
Until today - we know - a good reputation is precondition for healing and true unity.
As the scribes have attacked Jesus as "the evil-one" (the Beelzebul / the Satan),
Jesus started (very seldom) to defend himself (Mk 3.22-10).
He cares very much for his "good name".
To be effective, to build up the New Heaven + the New Earth, our God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, the Church and all of us - we need a "good image".
If someone attacks you, you must find out, is this attack only a game, a little offence
or really "too much". If you feel: his attack destroys you and your message, your task... 
now you have to start defence !
Jesus - against ridicule and contempt - he didn't take up defence...
but the real attack on his reputation: You are the "Evil-one"  he didn't accept.
We are now encouraged to care very well for our "good name".
Do we also care for the good name of our Church? for a good reputation of Jesus Christ?
Some people also care for a good image of Namibia!

Samstag, 20. Januar 2018


3. Sun B / Ev-Mk 1.14-20
the time has come
the kingdom of God is near
believe the Good News

Before VOCATION happen to become a Christian Personality
                                                               a religious Brother or Sister
                                                               a Priest in the Church
Ev-Mk says: it must be clear for YOU:
1. You know  24/7  it's now time       (life is here and now !!!! )
2. to realise     a NEW Heaven + a NEW Earth
3. for this: you change your secured  mind , your normal attitude,
                                      your lifestyle of yesterday
4. and you decide:  "love in joy is our way."

but sorry you will or have already discovered this is in fact too difficult.
The "normal-daily-world-all-around-us" keeps us in hands! 
You feel more and more: We are very much in need of liberation...
Do you know the first step of liberation ???
It's evident:   "CONTACT...."   [take contact - is the first step to go out of yourself
                                                  and open the possibility something new happen].

Dienstag, 16. Januar 2018

something new ???

For all dear Blog-Visitors!
I wish you the courage
to accept
the blessings of God.

2018 It's like a river - time is flowing - day after day
take it
in any case: it's the way into the future -
for believers: the resurrection-way into the fullness of Life. 

As Christians we started the New Year with a FEAST...
it's integration ! "the child was to be circumcised" (Lk 2.16-21)
                          it means: the child got the sign of his own people -
                          to know" I belong to...
and                    "they gave him the name JESUS"  [God is Salvation]
                          to become a own personality, with a own task, a own message.
In the meantime - we all have taken up
our own message, task, personality - we go on...
but pls don't forget (Mk 2.22:) "new wine in new skins"