Sonntag, 30. Dezember 2012

Jesus obedient ? Lk 2.41-52

I greet you saying:   "The Lord be with you"
                 In the Old Testament it means: "The Jahwe-God be with you"
                 In the New Testament   "         :  "Jesus, representing God,
                                                                                        be with you"

And your answer: once: "and also with you
                           now:  "and with your spirit" (in Namibia since advent 2012)
                                    it means? not with your bones, heart, face, mind...
                                                    where is my spirit ???
"Rome" (five Latin-fans cardinals) have decided, the whole english-catholic-world must go back to the Latin-version: "et cum spititu tuo"; there has been some
protest from priests... but as the bishops have been obedient to Rome...
now we have it! it's the same with: Jesus has died now "for many" not any more
"for all". And the Catholics, educated to follwo Jesus as an obedient person,
have taken it over...and I fear: in the Liturgy nothing is important any more.

But the gospel of today shows us an other Jesus:
Jesus is busy with the affairs of God (not of the family, not of the business...)
and 01. he is listening to the music of the world;
             what is said about God ? (by the old prophets etc...)
      02. he put a lot of questions, or: he put all in question...
             why is it so ? from where comes this order ?
      03. he trys to give new answers; God is a human action...
And he is running away without to inform his parents; once found he answered:
You didn't know? (you are not up to date).
Jesus has shown disobedience during his whole life!

In 2012 we had the Bishops-Synode "new evangelisation"; but no new result.
Bishops totally obedient to the Pope cannot bring up new ideas; they wait
for an order to be executed.
Did we do the same in 2012? obedient, no new ideas? or indifferent?
Pls keep the young Jesus in mind: busy with the affairs of God.

Dienstag, 25. Dezember 2012

Christmas 2012 - from the vision to the reality

The Advent may have started 150'000 years ago: during the evolution of our conciousness people developped the vision of God - it's an internal view of the forces byond. They have discovered a lot of gods... 
the story of the religions will show you this; how interesting!
They have also discovered - maybe 2000 years before Jesus Christ - the now famous Jahwe-God. And - why not - a lot of people are still in the Advent;
for these people it's now important to put the question more seriousely than ever:
which kind of God do I expect today? During this searching process we may listen to many many voices and we may develop a strategy to clean, to improve, to enligthen
our concept of God.

Then comes Christmas: Waiting for salvation, waiting God may come to our rescue, we are invited to go to Bethlehem; to open our eyes - what do we see?
First we see a child; we see a manger in a stable - Jesus of Nazareth is born.
The Gospel tells us his life and his message... and his death on the cross.
Later the new Jesus-Movement tells us: He is the redeemer. It means: some people have decided: not to wait any more for God to come to our rescue.
They are convinced: this prophet of Nazareth brought the solution for our problems.
He has started a new life-style. He as a human being has the courage to understand himself as "bread of Life"; as the way... as light in the darkness...
as healer...  and he invited people to have the same understanding = to follow him.
His message is so great and wonderful - no wonder - some people believe:
it's the one God has sent to our rescue. The Christian Theology is busy until today
to make the best interpretation of this prophet from Nazareth. But he told his followers: do the same.

Since Christmas - the Advent is over for Christian people. They know the responsibility for the world-life-system is given into the hand of mankind.
The world is "a manger in a stable" - today for 7 Billions. The Baptism has reveald them: as a global Jesus-Movement we bring shalom into this world.
It's a new view: We have been expecting God as a saviour - but we got a human being. Did you know that your friend may be a saviour for you? Did you know that real love is the experience of "fulness of Life" ?
Since Christmas - we have a new world-view! Humanity is in charge...

Sonntag, 23. Dezember 2012

Advent 2012 - VISION (Homily 231212 St. Anthony)

The Ev Luke 1.39-44 has painted for us - ca. 50 years after Jeus has died -
a wonderful picture: Mary, the young girl from Nazareth, pregnant, runs over
the hill to visit the old Elizabeth, wife of the Hight-Priest Zachariah, pregnant too.
Elizabeth is highly enjoyed and blessed Mary und the fruit of her womb.
                                                                                             How harmonious!
80 years after Jeus was born, Luke still insists: Mary, Symbol and Mother of the New Testament, serves Elizabeth, Symbol and daughter of the Old Testament.
And Luke is convinced: the Jewish Religon, founded in the Old Testament, will and have to bless in the name of their Jahwe-God the New Jesus-Movement, the Christianity. That is his VISION.

The reality is an other one: Jesus, once baptised by John, has broken up with John and has gone his own way. The Jewish People is afraid and has accused Jesus of betrayal and asked for his death. The young Deacon Stephanus is already  martyr... The Council of the Apostles has decided for the New Jesus-Movement:
the circumcision (the most important sign of the relationship with the Jahwe-God) is not needed any more.! The break-away of the New-Movement from the Jewish-Religion is evident. But for Luke - in the time of Advent - it's of utmost importance to keep the vision: Judaism and the Jesus-Movement belong together. But the Jahwe-God is in favour of the New-Movement.
Wee see now a terrible history of nearly 2000 years: Judaism and Christianity
are enemies; they destroy each other. Finally the Vatican II-Council has brought relief: Judaism is now officially the older brother of the Christianity. But how to go on is yet open... Is Christianity also the prodigal Son?

To have a VISION is more important than only to see the reality.
That's the message of the Gospel of today. That's why we have asked to create
a vision: which kind of God I'm waiting for?  The vision will save us.
The old picture is over - the new vision is getting strength...  
will there be a break-away or an implementation? There will be a conflict!
Do we have a conflict-strategy: to reconcile old and new!
Our vision of God will be grounded on Christmas.

Dienstag, 18. Dezember 2012

recommendation - to hear...

On the way into our future - it's good to hear different voices!
Good voices I got every week by the magazine: "THE TABLET"   
             cf. 3 Nov 2012 a good example:
+ Iran as a challenge to peace.    / + New Evangelisation - nostalgia ?
+ The new Pope ? - (from Asia)     / + Catholicism lite - the way ?
+ Vaticanum II: work in progress! / + The situation in Nigeria.
+ Teaching Eucharist..                 / + Vagina: an new biography ?
+ The Church in the World.

                     per year: US$ 179.-

Mittwoch, 28. November 2012

ADVENT 2012 expectation

On the way into the participation with the fulness of Life we get now a time
of exercise. The question is: what are our expectations ?
Therefore we put before us 4 questions (for every week one).

Q:  A) Which kind of God I'm waiting for ?
In the Christian world everybody speaks about God; from the Pope to the Parish-priest to the believers. They all pretend to know God. But it's now a good time
to go deeper by questioning which picture of God do I have -
and more: which picture would I like ?

Q:  B) I'm listening to which voices ?
A lot of Churches, Religions, a lot of people, also scientists are on the way to propagate a picture of "God". There are modern prophets proclaiming to know God best. To whom do you give your ears ?

Q:  C) Do I have which strategy to achieve my expectations ?
To have expectations is good but not enough. It needs creativity and phantasy
to bring the best expectations into reality.
As I expect a liberating concept of God - what do I do to get it ?

Q:  D) How God is born today ?
In the Christian world Mary is well known as "theodokos" (the one who gives birth
to God). But some Christians know God is ever and ever. On the other hand JvN
is born 2000 years ago. Once I got the interesting message: God is incarnated. (totally in his creation). Especially over there, where "God" is not known or where people are convinced God is dead or where people have put God aside... 
is there some hope, to find a way to give birth to God ?
But pls: don't forget Q: A !!! + Q: B !!! + Q: C !!!

Freitag, 23. November 2012

Sun 34 B (25.11.12) Christ - "the King" ???

Today we celebrate the end of the Church-Year. In one year again we
have summarized the Life of JvN; listening well to the Ev Mk. He told us:
The Kingdom of God is at hand (all the time - every day)
it means: it's around the corner... (in my language: it's a real possibility).

Today we celebrate the King of this Kingdom: invested with eternal
sovereignty (Dan 7.13-14), Ruler of the Kings of the earth (Apo 1.5-8)
and Jesus himself (Joh 18.33-37): "Yes, I am a King; I was born for this".
Look at his earthly representative: The Pope = king-like-sovereign (Mitre).

For today he - through his bishop - has ordered all English-speaking-Liturgy
to take over the new translation: a kingly translation! the goal is to see
the Liturgy (Holy Mass) as a Mystery.
If you like to understand something - you are on the wrong way: Lord have mercy

Is this the Prophet of Nazareth? Of which kind is his Kingdom?
"and all who are on the side of truth listen to my voice"
If you like to understand something - you are on the wrong way: Lord have mercy

Look at the Catholic Community St. Anthony in Otjiwarongo. What kind of
activity-report the Parish-Council will bring? to show us at the end of the
Church-Year 2011/12 where we have gone.
To show the world we have been witness of which kind of Kingdom?
If you like to understand something - you are on the wrong way: Lord have mercy

Donnerstag, 15. November 2012

Sun 33 B (18.11.12) Mk 13.24-32 Jesu' VISION

Mk today is eager to show us a great picture of Jesus:
the Jesus' VISION he likes to present with strong words to his disciples.

The whole world is in distress (cf. CNN, BBC, AJE, E-News ...
There is great uproar (cf. Tsunami, AIDS, bee's death, finance-trouble ...
The sun darkens, the moon loses, the stars fall
and the cosmological forces tremble -
     (cf. always against the evening, every day;
           always against the winter-time, every year;
           again and again in millions of years as the planet freezes;
           and finally after 5 billions of years as our sun-system burns up.
As now the time passes away - towards evening, winter, the end -
 as all strives towards nothingness - something special happens:

Everybody will see: humanity is coming, appears on the scene,
carried by clouds (the symbol of the configurations of world-history).
And the "Son of Man" shows salvation-power and great glory.
He is well active and he fulfills his mission.
Humanity at work...
The "Son of Man" is to be seen as a Redeemer ?
The man will save the planet "earth" ?

The great VISION is like a mirror of the evolutive present. It happens now -
the Kingdom of God is at hand.
Every evening - as all goes into darkness; nothing is any more at disposal...
         hope is given up
         light is estinguished
         faith is evaporated
         love is frozen
         all senses are wasted away
as the man's work fails - heaven and earth pass away -
once it came + now it stands + will not pass away:
The human Word of God as offer in all.

That's the message we have to perceive:
that the Word of God is a redeeming offer in all circumstances - a gospel!

This Word is at work now: the word is in the air, in the hearts and minds,
in the mouths and ears...
There is a word like God - it likes to touche you- why not now ?

Mittwoch, 7. November 2012

Sun 32 B (11.11.12) Mk 12.41-44

The widow as an example.
Jesus once said: you must be perfect as the Father-in-Heaven is perfect.
Now we have it! This widow has fulfilled the advise...
looking at the widow: we see Yahwe-God at its best.: He is giving all what he has:
GRACE, CREATION, REDEMPTION > all free of charge! given to the human beings.
God is not waiting for a reward: God is pure "pro-existence".
Jesus and the widow have shown us what is pro-existence.
Now we hope: the Church-Community will also show us what ist means today to live a "pro-existence";  the Church is an "instrument of salvation" for the World.
Not only the direct Pastoral Work, but also the Parish- and Diocesan Finance-policy must show us how they live or work a Christian "pro-existence".

A philosophical notice:
St. Thomas Aquinas says: God is "ens a se" (self-subsistence)
Maybe it would be more clear to tell the people: "Deus est totus esse pro":
God is totally pro-existence (for his creation, for humanity).

A practical notice:
Ask your Parish-priest, your Bishop: for what you give off our collections?
If there is no accountability - why you give money???

Montag, 5. November 2012

Sun 31 B (04.11.12) Mk 12.28-34

This post is too late - because I didn't get the connection. It happen's...

Mk tells us: Jesus passed the exam!
The question: Wich one is the first of all the commandments?
Jesus replays rightly citing Dt 6.4-5 (-13)

The answer is remarkable! Why ?
1.) The commandment is directed to the whole People of God: Listen Israel!
First: the Nation as such has to fulfill the commandments - the single person only as far he/she belongs to the people.
Don't forget: The Jahwe-God is a "God of the Nation"; only later He will be "internationalized"; today globalization = God of the whole world.
2.) First: listen! The message is coming from outside, from high above...
or it's coming from the Government? from the high Priest?
3.) It contains the decision: there is only one God.
But in reality: people know many gods - like: money, health, power...
And the Christian Churches of today - they pray all to the same "God"?
Which kind of God is presented today to the Catholics? still the Jahwe-God?
4.) The first commandment challenges for a great effort!
     love God with all your heart, with all your understanding, with all your strength
     The Nation Israel once, the new People of God tody is really challenged

Something special:
Mk knows that Jesus made a second commandment: love your neighbour
like yourself. It's really surprising: self-love is the point of departure... is given here as norm.
Is the second-level-commandment taking into account, that the single person
will fulfil the first-level in this kind?

Freitag, 26. Oktober 2012

Sun 30 B (28.10.2012) Mk 10.46-52

Mk shows today Jesus as an eye-opener...
(for the participants on the Bishops-Synode but also for us as we try to follow Jesus Christ)

In Mk 1.15 we hear as proclamation:
                  The time is fulfilled
                  the Kingdom of God is close at hand
                  repent (meta-noia = make a U-turn)
                  and believe (make a decision)
and exactly this happens in the Bar-Timaeus story
and surly in many life-stories.

1.) The blind and sidelined person is not satisfied any more with his/her situation;
dreaming about seeing, about a greater participation with the fulness of Life.
The person feels: the own situation is not the will of God or the person ist not
ready any more to accept this situation as the will of God.
But who and where to find a healer? who brings him/her on the way...
(Only the one who discover the srength / the will to get more Life will be able to quit the underdevelopment)

2.) X got to know JvN as saviour and full of pity etc...  and as Jesus really crosses
his way X has decided that Jesus may be his saviour.
(how important is it to keep Jesus Christ in discourse; to discover the life-style of Jesus as an attractive offer... )

3.) X is going public with his decision - against the public-wish; but X got now the attention of Jesus.
(In many parts of the world it's not wished to go public with God and Jesus;
God is only a private affair)

4.) Jesus calls X - and the disciples inform X and give courage.
(It's exactly the task of the New-Evangelisation, of the Parish-programme etc...)

5.) X throws off the stigma, makes a jump into the new situation and approaches Jesus.
(steps everyone has to do; conditions of fellowship)

6.) "What do you want me to do for you?"  asks the one, who's service is to bring fulness of Life. And X decided: "let me see again".
(the possibility "to see again" is already given - no need for a wonder!
only: you must take steps)

7.) But now Jesus didn't perform any wonder, the contrary:
Jesus reveals: "your trust has saved you".
(The meaning of trust; the trust-education in early childhood; the trust as
basic of relationships...)

8.) X, now understanding and not any more sidelined, is able to follow Jesus and
goes on the way.
(A way we read as we observe the life of Saints).

Montag, 22. Oktober 2012

Q + A (faith + service)

Q 01) Is faith in the mystery of God a real service to the Common-Good ?
A       Yes, as far as you represent the love of God for the world.
Q 02) Is faith in Jesus Christ a real service to the Common-Good ?
A       Yes, as far as you live the life-style of JvN.
Q 03) Is faith in the Holy Spirit a real service to the Common-Good ?
A       Yes, as far as you are inspired by the spirit of love and peae.

Q 10) Is it possible to do a service to the Holy Mystery of God ?
A        - still outstanding -  pls wait a moment!

Samstag, 20. Oktober 2012

Sun 29 B (21.10.12) Mk 10.35-45

The "Son of Man" himself did not come to be served - but to serve.

Looking around today, we discover: it's now a public theory:
           "govern means to serve".
Nearly every Government, but also the Pope and the Bishops they like to be seen as "public service"; the "Common-Good " (das Gemeinwohl aller) is their goal; good service is highly appreciated.
Only later, on the strategical level, if you ask: HOW to achieve the "Common-Good" -
here is still the place of many conflicts. It's the same in the Church: HOW to serve the salvation of the World - there are very different answers. HOW the Christians Churches are contributing to the "Common-Good" of Namibia? The Churches deliver a real Service? - to the people, to the Nation?

MY conviction is:
A) Christians do a real service to the "Common-Good" as far as they represent,
as they live the Mystery of God.
B) As less you know about the Mystery of God as more your faith is a real contribution to the salvation of Namibia.If you know God and his will too well -
HOW do you present the MYSTERY ???  Your knowledge makes you unfit!

Mittwoch, 10. Oktober 2012

Sun 28 B (14.10.2012) Mk 10.17-30

What a joy to see: a young rich man asks for Life-quality. And exactly such an "asking for..." is for Christianity so important, that the question comes up again and again... (Mt 19.16-22; Lk 18.188-23; Lk 10.25-37) and in all the years never disappeared.
The first answer is very clear: "Keep the commandments". Because the "10 commandments of God from Sinai" are seen as the conditions for humanity to survive. The Human-Righs of today are a secular development of the commandments. In the secular Constitution of Namibia the Human-Rights have a good place (Chapter 3; articles 5-25!) If they are kept well and granted really - the life of many Namibians will improve.

But God has not only given naked Life - He challenges all of us to participate with the fulness of Life. And the rich is the one who has already got a share. Now Jesus shows the first principle for the increase in Life-quality: SHARING
Not only don't steal - but share your riches!
Not only don't lie     - but speak (share your knowledge; experiences)
Not only don't break marriage - but share table and bed.
If you don't share somewhere - you deprive humanity of Life-quality.

In our "Arts-Performance-Centres" we promote Life-quality - but only because
some rich people share their riches with us.

Samstag, 6. Oktober 2012

Sun 27 B (07.10.12) "Great FAITH"

1.) Today the Catholic Church opens in Rom a World-Bishops-Synode.
300 Bishops are looking after a strategy for a NEW EVANGELISATION.
They like to strengthen the Catholic Belief in our World of today.

2.) On the 11.10.12 the Catholic Church celebrates the opening of the Council Vaticanum II exactly 50 years ago. 2500 Bishops and a lot of experts came together in Rom to concentrate on the CHURCH: Pope XXIII has asked for an
aggiornamento - to make the CHURCH able to bring the GOOD NEWS to the World of today.

3.) Pope Benedict will open for the whole Catholic CHURCH the "YEAR of FAITH"
and invite all CATHOLICS to deepen and renew their own faith.

As Post-Vatican-Catholics (PVC) we may concider again the subjects of the
Great COUNCIL and of the SYNODE:

A) How do you see the CHURCH? Do you feel you are CHURCH?
Can you see the CHURCH as the "people of God" on a pilgrimage?
Can you see the CHURCH as the "sacrament" of salvation for the world?
Can you see the CHURCH as the "Body of Christ" acting in the name of God?
Take the RomCathChurch of Namibia in your view...

B) Going to celebrate the Eucharist or the sacraments - do you feel only as a spectator or as an active participants? Do you understand what we do in the
Holy Liturgy?

C) Do you accept as a Catholic: it's now a human right to choose freely his/her own religion? The State has to facilitate the activities of all Religions.

D) You are ecumenycally engaged? What could we do more as an ecumenical christian body in Namibia?

E) We see today the Jewish People as the older brother of the Christianity
and don't forget: we are living in the same covenant with God.

F) We know since ever: God loves the World...  but we als Christians of today -
how do we show to everybody our love for the World?

G) Today we know 4 resources of revelation: God speaks to the World (it means
to all of us) through the Bible, the tradition, the experiences and the reason.
It means it's not so easy to find out the will of God for the people of today!

H) Which kind of leadership fits best for the CHURCH? A holy dictatorship?
a seculare democracy? a service-leadership?

We are very grateful for the GREAT-COUNCIL - the old belief became a new face
- it was very needed -
but the facelifting has shown: the old belief tunes not any more...

Freitag, 28. September 2012

Sun 26 B (30.09.12) Mk 9.38-48

Mk presents today two deep insights into Christian Life.
Jesus is convinced:

A) Anyone who is not against us - is for us.
He made this declaration against the thinking of his apostles to stop a man doing Good Deeds without belonging to the group.
For the Ecumenism of today is the declaration of Jesus more than needed.
Every Christian Denomination should get a voice amidst the world-ecumenical- movement. Nobody is to exclude - and the one who pretend to be the only right way - excludes himself.

B) Anyone who gives a cup of water to the one who belongs to Christ
will not lose his reward.
Note: giving "a cup of water" means: to keep him alive.
          To be a Christian means: to be in service of the participation of all
                                                 with the fulness of Life.
Jesus therefore is convinced:
to keep a Christian Community alive is of great advantage for the whole world.
Don't forget: Christianity stabilises humanity amidst the evolution-process.
But it must be said:
The Christian Community is only an advantage as far as the Christian Values are put in practice.
Your works (hand) and your development (feet) and your sciences (eye)
are of no value if they are not in service of the participation of all with
the fulness of Life.

Samstag, 22. September 2012

Sun 25 B (23.09.12) Mk 9.30-37

Back from my CH-Holiday
I'm going again to meditate the Sunday-Gospel

Today Jesus shows his future...
1.) "delivered into the hands of men"
      that's something very normal; we all are given into the hands of others..
      nobody is living alone...
2.) "they put him to death"
      everybody has to die - some are dying normally - other people show
      a behavior intolerable for others - this may lead to dying by engagement
      It seems Jesus has discovered his situation
3.) "he will rise again"
     Jesus has the interesting view that "living + dying" is the way into the
     fulness of Life (resurrection, heaven). In other words:
     we are on the resurrection way!
Sure, it's for people of today difficult to understand such a view; the homo sapiens
is not yet enough developed...

But if you see all development as a way into a higher level o Life-fulness,
all goal of all is fulness of Life (cosmological aim) You will accept by such
a view "Life-service" is the best (servant of all).

And (more interestingly): Jesus proclaims the "unity of service".
Life-service for a human being is identical with service to Jesus and more:
identical with service to God.
Sorry: the Religions have not yet accepted the consequences of such a proclamation.
Also in our Church: many believers make a great difference between a religious
and a human service.

Samstag, 18. August 2012

Sun 24 B (16.09.12) Mk 8.27-35

Last Sunday we have seen: to be open means perceive, take in, receive...
On the other hand: to be open means also: reach out, spend, go...
Jesu's way is engagement (also in public)... and this is what Peter
not yet understood... go out is dangerous... but any way: Life is dangerous.
Death is part of Life; that's a cosmological law - for everybody and for all.
You only have the chance to decide (somehow) for what you will  live and die.
Keep life for yourself and you are lost; give it and you are enriched.

What do you feel about Jesu in your life?
Is he the law, the tradition, a challenge, an eye-opener; is he possessive or
he gives you free; he encourage you to stay or to go...

And something for modern people: in the case that Jesus is for you the
corner-stone - there is no need to tell it to everybody or everytime,
better: go your way and impress by your doing.

Sun 23 B (09.09.12) Mk 7.31-37

The dilemma from last Sunday: traditions or heart-decisions
may get today a clarification.
EFFATA is the slogan:              as open as possible:
                                                   open the internal and external senses
                                                   perceive what really happen
                                                   feel the mood; hear the music
                                                   take in the message
Once we had at the Baptism the sign "effata"
to show everybody: to be open is a mark of Christian existence.
There was a time, the Pope (Giovanni XXIII / 1962) has encouraged us:
open the windows, open the doors - let the wind come in...
the holy Spirit, the soul of the cosmos, may fertilize the Church.

Sun 22 B (02.09.12) Mk 7.1-8, 14-15,21-23

How holy do we take our traditions?
Sure traditions may be helpful or obstacles, depending on our aims.
In reality: traditions belong into the cupboard.
On the other side - it's true - traditions determine our life.
But for Jesus: it's not the way into the future.
It seems he gives high appreciation to the inner heart-decisions.
Sorry: again it's not the way. "it's from within that evil intentions emerge".
          Nor traditions nor heart-decisions.
A closer look into the human reality shows:
not the traditional obedience nor the individual heart-decisions
bring us salvation.
It's the communal acceptance that we need each other,
the "bread + wine" existence will bring salvation.
An exemple: to celebrate the traditional Sunday-Mass every week
or to pray daily the heart-prayer - no doubt that's good.
But without real integration into a Christian community -
there will be for baptised people to follow Jesus Christ no future.

Sun 21 B (26.08.12) John 6.60-69

                   "it is the SPIRIT that gives Life"
Jesus donates his Spirit to the disciples -it means: his life-style, his mission, his convictions,
                                                                              his confidence upon the mystery of God,
                                                                              his world-view, his attitude, his composure etc...
He is giving his Spirit not as a special ointment but by his exemplary doing.
His doing is INVITATION - to do the same.
Sure that's "intolerable language" : live in God and be crucified
                                                        live as "bread and wine" for others...
You also likes to turn away?
But pls: do you know a better way / life-style?
In any way - you will experience: "people need people"

Sun 20 B (19.08.12) Joh 6.51-58 + Assumption

Not only the Life of Jesus but also the Life of Mary is accepted as a whole
(body, mind and soul) - that's what the Church today likes to proclaim.
But what is Jesus and Mary today for us? for our daily Life?
"BREAD + WINE ?"  It's an offer for every Baptised!
Our spiritual journey needs nourishment... it's evident.
The problem is: most of the people have no idea about a "spiritual journey".
They struggle about "daily Life"....
but have never discovered to be interested in growing spiritually.
I recommend Mary as an eye-opener.

Samstag, 11. August 2012

Sun 19 B (12.08.12) Joh 6.41-51

How to tranlate this sentence
"No one can come to me unless he is drawn by the Father who sent me" ???
written by Ev John and spoken by Jesus...
My understanding:
You only will contact Jesus or be interested in him if the Holy God is for you
And this is a very modern question: how the Churches present God as "attractive"?
The one who present himself through the universe.

Donnerstag, 2. August 2012

Sun 18 B (05.08.12) John 6.24-35 ENERGY

All what exists needs energy. Our body needs the "daily bread", our mind needs
knowledge and our soul needs spirit.The Gospel of today proclaims "Jesus" as a
real bread, a spiritual Bread for the Life of the world..
John reveals a dialog of Jesus with his people (of God) where he let Jesus state:

a) This real "Bread of Life" is a gift of God.
Like the cosmos, the history, the humanity is coming from God - we are challenged to see Jesus as coming from God. But all what is "coming from God" is to be seen
as an expression of God: God gives himself...

b) The people is not yet ready to look after this real "Bread of Life".
"The Namibian" has published in it's edition from 31.07.12 (youthpaper) the question: "What can Namibians do to make our country better ?" 12 youngsters (aged between 16 and 21) give answers on the level of economy (better investments, better businesses) and on the level of humanity (respect each other,
better schooling) none of the answers goes up to the level of faith. I feel the answers are right but I also state: Christian faith is not seen as a tool to make our Namibia better. The Churches are not in sight...

c) The real "Bread of Life" ist to elaborate.
Paulus in his letter Eph 4.17,20-24  write: "Your mind must be renewed by a spiritual revolution. The john-Jesus says: "Work for food that endures to eternal life". And the Eucharist invites us: "lift up your hearts".
The Church offers the "Bread of Life"; but like every nourishment, we must digest it!
One method to receive the "spiritual Bread of Life" is the celebration of the Eucharist. The other one is the meditation of the Mystery of God. A method for beginners: read the Bible or read the events.
In regard of a spiritual revolution in Namibia - it seems our Churches are not yet fit enough...

Freitag, 27. Juli 2012

Spiritual nourishment (Sun 17 B / 29.07.12)

The Gospels to read on the 17. to the 21. Sun B (Joh 6.1-69) are good reason to offer some considerations in regard of "spiritual nourishment".
Feedbacks are truly welcomed!

As a point of departure we state: every human being is Nature, Mind + Spirit.
We are rooted in nature, talented with mind (intellectual activities) and we strive
into the realm of Spirituality. By this intrpretation: we are cosmic beings.

On the way into a good future let's be aware how important is the kind of food
we are going to eat and drink - in regard of our development. It means we point
to the natural, intellectual and spiritual nourishment of every human being. Who ever likes to participate more intensively with the fullness of Life - has to observe the right diet.

As a Church we are specialized in spiritual nourishment and diet.
What and how to feet not only our body and mind, but also our spirit -
this is a Church-concern. The history shows the Churches have developped
a lot of spiritualities and a high level of understanding in regard of spiritual diet.

May we note:
a) For a Christian all, but really all, may become a kind of spiritual food.
A Christian is able to "convert" (turn over) all "events" into nutritious food.
b) The Christian Religion proclaims very clearly:
                First degree food is the Mystery of God.
On the other hand: to meditate the Mystery of God is the high Art
of meditation (a sublime kind of digestion).
c) For the Christian Churches the Mystery of God is given, offered best
in Jesus Christ. He is seen as a truly entrance into the Mystery of God;
therefore He is also called "the Bread of Life".
d) But it must be said: God and Jesus Christ (like all the other spiritual food)
is not given directly but mediated by the people around us.
This mediation is transparently symbolized by the celebration of the Eucharist.
e) The reception of the spiritual food is done by our inner and external senses.
f) The essence of Christian Spirituality is to reveal the Glory of God -
and this "here + now", contingent (fragmentary) but truly.

A good spiritual diet will empower humans to develop into the image of God,
promised since creation started...

Montag, 23. Juli 2012

Notice 220712

Notice is an idea cooked enough to be served.

           RELIABILITY is the highest act of piety.
           keep the word and we meet!  The promise is on the way!

Donnerstag, 19. Juli 2012

Sun 16 B (22.07.12) "COMEBACK" Mk.6.30

After the Apostles have done their given task, somehow performed their specific
mission, they came back - rejoin Jesus - and started "story-telling".

For our time in our Parish:
A) Who feels to have got a specific mission into his/her own situation?
B) If yes: did you get an invitation to come back and to tell your experiences;
     more: to exchange your "successes"? And to be part of a mission-plan
     and you feel to be taken seriously?
     I feel this is the strategy of Jesus!

And today:
A) It's the Parish-Council (with the Parish-Priest) who has the duty to explain
and to tailor with you your specific mission in your situation, in our Community.
Your mission ist not to fulfill your dreams or imaginations - our mission is to
re-act to the need of our people "on the way to participate with the fulness of Life".
Such a mission needs a good preparation, encouragement and resources.
B) But - and this says the GOSPEL of today - there must be a chance to come
back and to tell, exchange your experiences. Such a "comeback" is the real step,
the stepping stone into the Christian future.

This level of "Christian-Community-Life" for every Community-member
(for 30% of all adult members) is a modern goal. Everyone has discovered and
discussed his specific mission; he/she is well conscious of his/her mission - and brings
back his/her experiences, again and again.

But a public-mission-strategy for every Community-member (especially after
confirmation) is only written between the stars. We on earth don't have it.
              "ons is verlore tussen die daaglikse besigheid".

Mittwoch, 11. Juli 2012

Sun 15 B (15.07.12) UNCLEAN SPIRITS...

Mk (6.7-13) is confronted with the same situation as we today:
a lot of people are confused - they are in troubles - they see no way to go -
But Mk is convinced: Jesus by his life-style has summoned the Twelve
(and all followers) and has given them a mission (and the courage) to bring
order (structure) into the life-style of the people (confusion is not healthy).
Disorder in thinking, un-understandable speaking, chaotic doing...
all this means: dominated by unclean Spirits.
But the creation of God is a "kosmos" - a wonderful order - where there
is chaos there may be order! And this faculty is given to the "homo sapiens"
to bring order into the disorder - to bring peace where there is war - to
bring love where there is hatred.It's an ongoing process - all over...
This creating work is given into the hands of the Church, of the baptised people!
We need education in skills-develping, in time-management, in thinking-discipline,
in emotions-driving etc... most of all in structuring our acts.
Religion is the management of our relation with the mystery of God.
If you feel God is on your side - that's un unclean Spirit - because God is on the
side of all; on the side of the whole Kosmos. God is not GRACE for you -
God is GRACE for all! If you feel God is only an allmighty Father - that's
an unclean Spirit - because God is father and mother, friend and lover etc...
and at the end: God is a total MYSTERY it means: not to understand at all!
This is one of the high tasks given to our Priests: to accompnay baptised
people on the progress into a mystic life-style...
Unclean Spirits destroy lifes, communities, nations, economic systems,
families, associations und so on... clean water - a need for everyone -
is a symbol for a clean Spirit.

Samstag, 7. Juli 2012

Sun 14 B (08.07.12) Mk 6.1-6 rejected...

It's quite painful to get rejected by your own people...
But the Ev John told us (Joh 1.11)
"He came to his own and his own people did not accept him"
In Mk today the same message...
Maybe Mk has seen what we see today: the own people reject him.
Today: all the Christian Churches officially know Jesus best, they have made
a picture of him "handmade" - and as such they are able to accept him.
And here is the great question: do we know Jesus? and wich Jesus we are
ready to accept and which one we like to reject?
The Jesus who works in our favour - we like him!
But the one who correct us - we reject him?
As priests - representing Jesus - we must pay attention.
Not only which Jesus we represent but also which side of his personality we
know and which side we don't know yet!
The problem: everybody can do his work best only when accepted.
Seed and soil belong together. The speaker needs the hearer.
The face needs the heart. If nobody listens there is no message!
The message of Jesus is not possibel without reception!
Rejection means - we refuse to play our part.
It's today the same in the Church: too many refuse to play their part -
they are not against the message - only they do not listen!
We better find out: where I'm a rejecting one ?

Dienstag, 26. Juni 2012

Sun 13 B (1.07.2012) "talitha kum"

If there is death around the corner - Christian people are used to pray...
the see God as Master of Life + Death.
Today we hear (in the book of wisdom 1.13-15; 2.23+24) something else -
for us strange: "Death was not God's doing"
and surprisingly: "he takes no pleasure in the extinction of the living".
It's all the contrary: "to exist - for this he created all".

Such a wisdom is demonstrated by JvN in Mk 5.21-24; 33-34
He told the girl "talitha kum" = get up!
Dying is not the way God likes. Therefore we have decided:
Our God is God of Life!

But sure: if you have a narrow view, 
if you see life only as a biological matter - nothing else -
only body no spirit - then Life is in your view a delusion.
It's good to broaden our view, to discover there is more
than only what we see...

Life is an incredible mystery - 
and as JvN was forced to die, God told him as ever:
that's not the way - pls: "talitha kum".

Donnerstag, 21. Juni 2012

Sun 12 B (24.06.2012) The prophet / Lk 1.5-17,57-66

Today we celebrate the nativity of John the Baptist. He became famous because he baptised JvN in the Jordan-river and he is witness to have seen the Holy Spirit descending down on him.
Our Church knows a lot of prophets; some are mentioned in the Bible, some in the history-books. Do you know the famous nun Hildegard von Bingen (born 1098) who has gone before the Imperor and the Pope in favour of a Church-reform?
Do we have prophets today ? Sure, a lot of... but we don't have an authority to decide who is a real prophet. You may decide for yourself whom you will accept as a prophet for you, or for the Church or for the World. Do you know a Namibian as an
outspoken prophet?

But what about you? As a Baptised you are invited to become a prophet, a prophet in favour of a future for our Church. JvN is named "the prophet of Nazareth" maybe you will get the name: "the prophet from Orwetoveni" ?
Do you have a vision for our Church, a vision so clear and intensiv and benevolent - that you can't stay silent? pls come to the fore...
A prophet has not only to ponder his vision in his heart - but he has to go public...
Therefore we may hear of you...

Dienstag, 12. Juni 2012

Sun 11 B (17.06.2012) : The Kingdom of God / Mk 4.26-34

It looks like: Jesus has developped his own idea about the Kingdom of God (KG).
Following the Ev Mk, the KG was for Jesus a clear priority. Jesus has spoken about the KG by parables and explained them to his disciples.

Jesus has known God as Creator and as Covenant-partner to his people. He has seen Satan as distroyer - and he, Jesus, is now busy to rescue the situation...
The latest remark is for us well understandable - because we also see the world in dangerous troubles...

Which parable will enjoy us, encourage us to work for the KG?

The KG is an unfinished lively mosaic; the owner let work on it today 7 billion people to present the most beautiful mosaic.

The KG is like the sea: the drops are the possibilities.

The KG is like a handy, who is on net, can work.

The KG is like atoms: working together builds the world.

The KG is like a picture: by seeing it's getting real.

Every Christian is now invited to find his parable for the KG
und make it well known.

Dienstag, 5. Juni 2012

Corpus Christi 2012 / language matters

Pope Benedikt XVI has declared a new wording for the consecration
(the word over the cup). His given reason: take the Bible more literally.
The wording after the Vaticanum II in english:
                "it will be shed for you and for all so that sins may be forgiven"
      in latein as ever: "pro vobis et pro multis"
The new wording 2012 in english: "for you and for many"

Question A) Is the forgiveness of sins an offer for all or only for many?
Answer A) The whole Church all the time has declared:
                Christ has died for all und forgiveness is offered to all.
                1 Tim 2.6 etc...

Questions B) Is the new wording more biblical?
Answer B) we discover: "pro vobis et pro multis" is not written in any gospel.
                 Mk (14.24) + Mt (26.28) say: pro multis  (for many)
                 Lk (22.17) says: pro vobis (for you)
                 it means the Church has made a combination: Mk/Mt + Lk

The problem: Our wording in the new order says "for many", but it's clear we mean:
                    "for all"! Again - as often in the Church - we don't speak what we mean...
                    That's really misleading... are we going into troubles?

Solution ???
? 1) obedience
? 2) If we speak "for all the many" we may better clarify the real meaning.
       like: all the many people we have seen....
       it's sorry: but in english today "many" means exactly: "not all!"
? 3) If we consult the Gospel John, we discover clearly in Jo 6.32,51,58!
       Jesus gives himself for the life of the world.
       A new combination may help us:  Luke + John
          "for you and for the life of the world"

Sonntag, 3. Juni 2012

The picture of God (Trinity) INVITATION

[ Homily delivered at Maria-Assunta-Parish 2012 in Orwetoveni in Afrikaans ]

1.) The history has shown from time to time the idea of God has changed...
     warrior, Abraham, Moses, Tempel, Creator, Abba, ens a se, Trinity, ???
2.) The new picture of God depends on the cultural evolution
     A patriarchial culture knows God as a Patriarch... etc...
3.) The picture of God determines the behavior of the believers:
     If you feel God is listening -  you will pray...
     If you feel God is looking at - you will behave...
     If you feel God will punish you - you will be cautious... / afraid...
     If you feel God will help - you feel in good hands...
     If you know God will intervene - you have not to do it...
     If you don't know...  If God is absolute Mystery... what will happen ???
     a serious question for secular (not religious) Christianity!
     We discover: our picture of God is very important for our feelings and behaviour
     and so also for our society...
     [ The picture of God as an instrument of education, of oppression, of liberation
       in the hands of parents, of dictators, of rulers - religion as management.. ]
4.) It's not a question: the picture of God is right or wrong - the problem is, the
     picture of God should help us to unite and to live in peace.
5.) Please discover your own picture of God and adjust your picture of God for  
     a new time, for Namibia in the 3rd millenium...   it's good for us!

Samstag, 2. Juni 2012

The feast of Trinity (03.06.2012)

Our God, well known as Jahwe since Moses, has a long history. First he was known as a Warrior-God, later as a Patriarch; ca. 550 before Jesus Christ (in the Babylonian exile) he is discovered as Creator of heaven and earth (Gn 1.1...) ;
for Jesus Christ he became Abba and for Thomas Aquinas (1250 after Jesus Christ)
he is seen as "ens a se" (absolute being).
But also the idea: There is only one God! has developped. Out of the biblical language, speaking about Father, Son, Holy Spirit - the early Church-Fathers have slowly discovered the Trinity of God; made a Dogma (first 675 in Toledo) by the 4th Lateran-council 1215.

Today nearly the whole world is of the opinion: we have one God - and for Christians he is known as Father, as Son Jesus Christ, as Holy Spirit - to this God we are baptised. God-Father is like the abundant lake, the Son is like the river and the Holy Spirit is like the flowers. Such wonderful pictures do not really reveal the relationship between God and the Creation. This relation today is much discussed and in no way clear. It seems there is a development from Monotheism to Kosmotheism (cf. Jan Assmannn 1997 / Klaus Mueller 2006). We think today the mystery of God as incarnated into the Universe. The cosmos is seen as body of God.

Much more important is the discovery that the Holy God is not an entity-a-se but a relation. Like a child: it is not an entity-a-se but child means: to be in relation (with a mother , a father). The Deity is God in relation to humanity.
And humanity is the space-time where we learn God reveals his own resurrection. Or in the language of the natural-siences: the evolution of God.
And you, are you ready to discover a new picture of God for your suvival ?

Samstag, 26. Mai 2012

Pentecost Joh 20.19-23 (27.May 2012)

To celebrate Pentecost let's first listen to the message
a) proclaimed by the Bible: The Holy Spirit is poured out! cf. Gn 1.2 + Ez 37.1-14 + Lk 1.35 + Mk 1.10 und now Joh 20.22 etc...  etc...
Poured out means very clear: the Holy Spirit is incarnated; totally deep in -
but strictly limited by the receiving body!
Holy Spirit is a sum up of the Spirits we enjoy for survival on the evolution-way...
spirit of life and joy, of compassion and forgiveness, of peace and harmony,
of courage and unity, of carefullness and ....
b) demonstrated by the Sacraments: The Holy Spirit ist poured out!
cf. by Baptism and Confirmation we demonstrate and confirm: The Spirit of God ist incarnated certainly in this person.
by the Eucharist we demonstrate the process of incarnation of the Holy Spirit into
an open Community to re-present the Body of Christ in our time and space.
by the Sacrament of Confession we show: reconciling with the Community -
(forgiveness on the way to unity) this human act is incarnation of the Holy Spirit.
by the Sacrament of marriage we hear the Yes of the partners, the decision "to live  together as one" as incarnation of the Holy Spirit.

This message: "the Holy Spirit is poured out", proclaimed by the Bible and demonstrated by the Sacraments - you may discover in your hearts:
Go into a real meditation and you will feel your deep desire for unity, your ernest wish to be a good person, you feel the energy of life, the joy of happiness, the liberation by forgiveness etc...
All these real feelings together is one great sign, an indication of the incarnated
Holy Spirit.

Accepting the power of the incarnated Holy Spirit in you has multiple effects:
a) it's easier to start to act according to the Holy Spirit - and then life will become
a resurrection way, a Christian-Life.
b) you may become grateful for all the graces you got in your life.
c) you may become quite satisfied with all the graces you already got.
Such a satisfaction, the virtue of modesty, will become for the homo sapiens an suvival-exercise.

Freitag, 18. Mai 2012

Easter-Sunday 7 B John 17.11-19 (20.05.2012) BETWEEN

Reading this very difficult text - one is clear: Jesus sent his disciples into the world;
it means: they have to live really in the world showing how much they love the world.
Baptised people must know: the world is our place to live and to proclaim the
Good News. This Good News is not extracted from the world - but discovered by meditating the Mystery of God and by observing Jesus. And this Good News is exactly the best bread and wine for the existing world.
The actual world-situation, the view of the past and the vision for the future - these are the target of our Christian message. These are the soil or the rock for our seed.
Baptised people are situatd between the soil and the seed (the world and the word).
They need each other. They must be brought together.The Universe, the mother "earth" has given birth to the "homo sapiens" and now humanity has to receive the word of God in order to dance into joy to the full.

Who brings together world and word
Who unites God and universe
Who melts sin into love
Who flames wood with matches
the one between...

Mittwoch, 16. Mai 2012

Ascension: The farewell-party for Jesus

It's not easy to let go a friend so much loved...  but to die means: he/she has disappeared.
Slowly the disciples get used with the fact and they succeed to let him go.
Mary of Magdala once likes to keep him back; she is strongly admonished
in no way to do so!
The one who embraces the Jesus well known will miss the risen Lord.

Some people  are terribly good: They know every word of Jesus and every deed;
but more: they know his thoughts and his plans... they know him best...
they have petrified him*... legalized him... occupied him...
there is no way for him to come as a surprise, as a new body or
as bread and wine.
And - the Christian tragedy - He never will be discovered in the people around.
The song: Where two or three are gathered in my name - here I am"
is not sung.

* we in Namibia know best "the petrified forest" as a tourist-attraction.
But in the Bible: The Apostel Simon is petrified not Jesus!

Mittwoch, 9. Mai 2012

Easter-Sunday 6 B / John 15.9-17 (13.05.2012)

What is the greatest Glory - we may render to God ?
it's a person fully human! (John 15.8)
The logic is as follows:  God in Jesus Christ
                                              Jesus Christ in us
                                                                      we in Jesus Christ
                                                                               Jesus Christ in God.
Such an unification is the view / the vision
the Ev John likes to inspire in us.
This unification has a dubble goal:
       a) for people: to be able to love each other
       b) for God: to be best honored

What do you keep as your deepest wish, your highest law,
your most precious commandment ?  "mutual love"  You got it !
And now: do it !
it means: daily exercise will lead you to such a goal...
but don't forget: love is not skipping the cable....
                          love is "to dance on the high wire"
                                     above: the sky
                                     down: the earth
At least there is no enterprise on earth with a better vision
and therefore with a bigger gap between dream + fact.
Bring your balance to the tension - enjoy the daily step!

Sonntag, 6. Mai 2012


Normal          1 + 1 = 2        1 + 1 + 1 = 3      1 + 1 + xy =  xy
Philosophiy    1 + 1 = 3        1 + 1 + 1 = 5      1 + 1 + xy =  ?
Church          1 + 1 = 1        1 + 1 + 1 = 1      1 + 1 + xy =  1

Samstag, 5. Mai 2012

Otjiwarongo 05-05-12 Welcome

Today I like especially to welcome readers from Otjiwarongo.
They are of different Christian denominations
but they know best: there is an unifying factor:
looking at Jesus Christ, listening to his Gospel!
The reactions of such listening must be different. I see this as a richness!
Let's bring the different flowers into one glass-vase
and we have a wonderful bouquet.
Mag die genade van Jesus Christus met u wees            Vic. Hans Leu

Mittwoch, 2. Mai 2012

Easter Sunday 5 B / John 15.1-8 (06 May 2012)

The parable of today is very clear: in order to succeed with Christian Life
we have to stay connected with Jesus Christ
(whoever remains in me, with me in him, bears fruit in plenty).
The parable assumes a) Jesus is a source of energy
                                 b) we are already united with Jesus Christ (Baptism)
                                 c) to keep united means bear fruits / Glory of God!
But now the strong question: in our daily situation, in our journey -
how do we keep connection with a dead person?

First answer: Human beings have a memory-box, a storing-room, and from
there by intra-personal re-animation we bring once spoken words, past
deeds, pictures from dead persons into our consciousness. That's a good
and most healthy way to activate constructivelly the past;
don't forget to unite with your past friends.
But this is not yet resurrection; this is a memorial-service.
We have put the wrong question: connect with a dead person!

We go deeper: After Easter we have to put the stronger question:
How to keep connection with the risen Lord? It's clear:
after Easter, after Baptism, we are not looking at Jesus
as a dead man, we see him as alive in his Community
(we are not blind anymore; we decide he is alive before we understand
how he is alive; we are looking after him not in the graveyard!)
Jesus himself has shown us the way: The first step: "Do this in memory
of me". Yes - the Last-Supper is first a memorial-service.
We listen to the past words of the Bible - but now, as we listen,
we accept these words as the "Word of God", given to us now and here,
given to us through the Community - named "the Body of Christ".
The bread is given into our hands - but we accept it now and here
as the "Body of Christ, the risen Lord", changing all who acccept
into the one Body of Christ of our time! (the Church).
The Eucharistic memorial-service became a mutual re-incorporation-act.
The baptised people become able to share bread, to heal wounds,
enjoy life, engage with peace, to unite and to transcend etc...

I see now three ways to keep the connection with the risen Lord:
A) keep daily a memorial-service; meditate his words and deeds...
B) perform weekly as a Community the re-incorporation-act (Eucharist)...
C) celebrate every year the feasts and the sacraments...
    discovering: life is a feast!

Montag, 23. April 2012

Easter Sunday 4 B (29 April 2012)

By the Gospel of today (John 10.11-18) we get the design of a good shepherd:
1) to lay down his life for his sheep (the sheeps are the aim of his action !!!)
2) to know the own sheeps and they know the shepherd (mutually dependent).
3) there are other sheeps (not of his fold) but he has to care for them as well -
                                                                       until all are one flock!

Following John Jesus designs himself as the true shepherd for all Christian people -
and John is in favour of this idea - me too!

But we live in 2012 / The situation is more complicated; I try to explain:

A) We are multi-shephered people!
As Namibians: we have the State as our secular shepherd.
As a Republic we have accepted the Constitution and we have "chosen" people to "play State" (Parliament, Cabinet, Court, civil servants etc...)
1. Everyone as a secular Citizen is also a secular shepherd executing his rights and duties against the Namibian flock.
2. The secular Media have to inform us what really happen (a special service today!)
3. The secular Parliament has to create Laws in the best interest of all.
4. The secular Ministers have to execute the laws for the well-being of all.
5. The secular Court has to protect the Constitution and the Laws.
We have decided the State as a secular shepherd is to look after the well-being of his flock; after the decision we have to demand it.
As Baptised: we have Jesus Christ as our religious shepherd. Und we know the Church is the executing body. Religion means to deliver the energy of God.
As Personality: we have our own chosen personal shepherd; somebody who cares
for my personal well-being.
As Professionals: we have different shepherds.... (what an idea: the employer may be a secular shepherd: caring for the well-being of his fold)

B) We are people in the balance?
We not only have to reconcile in our situation all these "shepherds"...
Today the normal situation is: every person is on the one hand "sheep": he/she is cared for...  on the other hand he/she is "shepherd": caring for...
In the waves of life we have to find the balance... and to find out when, where which role we play: "cared for... or caring for..." This awareness is crucial.
The sheep may never forget - it is in the other situation a shepherd; and hopefully
the shepherd is aware, he/she is in other circumstances sheep!

C) In our Christian heritage we see both position as good! The shepherd-position means to do a service; to take over, to accept responsibility; the sheep-position means I'm the aim of the service - but also: I'm depending on...  (no sheep no shepherd!)
Because everyone of us is also in a shepherd-position and in a sheep-position,
what do we learn from the Gospel for the balance of our doubble-position?
Many times we have learnt from the Gospel, the one who is put into authority
is put in Service (on duty). "Lay down his life" in case of emergency.

As we have learnt about service we may now also learn about interdependence!
This second point we have not enough considered: In our mutual dependence
we have to get known each other. This interdependence must lead us to every effort
to get knowledge about the situation of the other side. The real good effectiveness of the service depends on the knowledge of the sheep-situation - on the other side: only if the service rendered is transparent for the sheep, the effect will be fruitfull.The sheep has to know who and why the service is rendered and most important the service consists of what?
We hope the private and public service-delivery-industry in Namibia may learn  something from the idea of the good shepherd: the carer for... and the cared for...
may know each other better and better!

Donnerstag, 19. April 2012

Easter-Sunday 3B / 2nd after Easter (22.04.12) !!!

As a Christian Community in 2012, united as people which have decided to keep
the resurrection of JvN real, we are on the outlook of resurrection-traces....
Because we like to be reasonable; our decision is based on experiences; traces... Lukas is in the same situation (24.35-48); he tries to convince his readers: Jesus is the risen Lord! It seems his strategy is, to show us how JvN he himself tries to convince the disciples - and the strategy of JvN? Coming himself among them (with his biography).
At the end Lukas states: "You are the witnesses to this". It seems this is important: to be witness of the resurrection of JvN. Today, how do we witness the resurrection? Do we call the finger-print group? No way!  The only "prove" is our decision: For us JvN is the risen Lord and therefore we act accordingly. Everybody who draw consequences out of his / her resurrection-decision is such a trace...

Don't forget: before your decision once somebody came to you und told you JvN is the risen Lord; exactly this was his coming among us, it was an offer - maybe you reacted like the disciples: agitated, with doubts rising in your hearts... and it needs more than one coming; it needs also to see his hands (the historical works of Christian people!), sometimes it needs much more...
But then once you decided (as a re-action to the message): Yes I'm here to take up this message and to live it, to materialise it.I keep HIM alive as I become part of his risen Body; in modern language: we are Church!

As the risen Body of JvN, we the Baptised are somehow "instrumental" to do his redemptive deeds today. Look at the Saints... look at people you know - some of them have a Life-style born out of the resurrection-decision. They are traces...
(not "prove" in the narrow sens).
"Resurrection is a conviction" the Christian Churches bring into the lives of many;
but this "conviction" is convincing only as it can be shown as life-designing, life-changing, life-shaping, life-fullfilling... and the addressee may hopefully make a positive decision!
In middst of our daily hard experiences it's not easy to keep the resurrection-decision / conviction" alive. In this regard the Church-Community is often our

Freitag, 13. April 2012

First Sonday B after Easter (15.04.2012)

This is the Community-Sonday!

Luke in his "Acts" (4.32-35) says clearly: The disciples were a Community (united).
John in his Gospel (20.19...) says: United! in one room (first a fearfull Community);
    but 1. Jesus was among them! (like in our Eucharist: the Lord be with you)
          2. The first gift: peace be with you (at least: each is accepting the other one;
               and there is forgiveness of sins before the Gloria!)
          3. Sending: everyone knows we have a message of joy; euangelion!
              We listen the readings at the Holy Service to bring it to the world.
          4. In order to spread this message: the power of the Holy Spirit is given.
                  (and to spread the message means first: acting forgiveness)

After we have decided: Jesus is the risen Lord (Easter / Baptism); the first work
to do is now: we have to care for our Community. Christianity means Community;
nobody can be a single Christian! To be a Christian means to belong to a Community.

Here now some Community rules:
1. we come together; very simple - today very difficult! We sing, we pray, we listen, we work - but together... coming together is the basic of the Eucharist.
2. we care for each other - today we have it forgotten! Mostly we care for our
family - but for the Community-people - not me...
3. we work in groups (for the good of the Community and for our sending-work)
    Every Cty should have at least:
    group A) for our Liturgy
    group B) for our Catechesis and ongoing formation
    group C) for the Social Teaching and action of the Church (J+P-group)
    group D) for the Finances
    group E) for activities and coordination and representation: the Cty-Council
4. we celebrate (Life-events; the Word of God or Eucharist etc...) cf. point 1

If you as a person don't keep these rules -
                                           you know now you are not yet a Christian!

Samstag, 7. April 2012

Easter - joy!

As we enjoy a Christian tradition, education and exercises, the first at Easter is
our joy: joy about the light (candle), the water (baptism), the word (stories about resurrection), joy to sing Halleluya...
But sure we also have some Easter-meditation:
The Holy-Friday told us "they" have hindered JvN to continue his mission... and we
have to accept: he didn't accomplish his mission; this is evident until today!
It's an experience nearly everybody make it: people hinder us to accomplish our Christian mission, we die knowing: mission unaccomplished! But at least JvN has rendered his contribution, we try the same...

The women of JvN (Mk 16.1-8) have gone to the tomb to mourn, to regret, to annoint the dead body, to care for the relicts - it was their intention - but couldn't perform it:
no body means risen! This is the new message: he is somehow alive, you will see him:
The women's first reaction: afraid, dumb.... but later they became story-tellers...
and today we discover and we narrate again and again stories about resurrection:
the nature, the culture play resurrection... people stand up and walk... and after
death, why should there be no resurrection?
(only because our blind eye can't see it?)
Since the discovery of transcendence (150'000 years ago) - the question is alive and the answer is ready: transcendence is more than normal; all what we see, hear, perceive - it's on a trancendence-way (je ins Jenseits gehend, unaufhoerlich). That's hope and experience! every day trancends into the next day!
We Christian have accepted JvN as one who has given his contribution but not accomplished his mission. This is why by baptism we decided to go on; to follow him means to bring our own contribution into the try to accomplish the mission...
It's a world-mission: at all the times, at all the places...
[but sorry: some Christian will not accept that JvN has not accomplished the mission; they urge him daily to finish his mission... praying again and again... they do not accept that JvN has given his body into our hands to go on to accomplish the mission... it's up to us: please / but some have the same intention as the women:
they try to care for the relicts, for the dead body; sorry it's useless!]

Freitag, 6. April 2012

Holy Friday: "death by engagement"

1) John tells us (18.1 - 19.42) in his Gospel how he sees the end of the passionate engagement of this JvN. His "going public", his "hold-out", his strategy: not to confront - daeth by engagement is logic.
2) "to die" is a natural law for everybody - it means "death by nature" is secured.
But some people die of  "death by culture" (violence, car-crash, war etc...).
JvN has shown "death by engagement" is the Christian way.
3) In regard of "fullness of Life" it's important to realize: to be born, to grow, to blossom, to bear fruits... is one side; to decline, to decrease, to give up, to die -
that's the other side.  Both sides, both experiences belong to the "fullness of Life".
4) And again: this participation with "the fullness of Life"  is for everybodey - it's somehow granted. It's up to us to enjoy it - very consciously - to enable it for others, and to extend it in his quality.

Dienstag, 3. April 2012

passionate engagement

At Holy Thursday the Cath. Church celebrates Eucharist; we give thanks to God for the engagement of Jesus Christ for us. Looking at Jesus, his names are symbols of Service : braed, water, wine... washing of feet... Last Supper... His engagement is service with dedication (Hingabe); service as: to make something going. His service
first is for his people but then for all...JvN is a service-man with a passionate engagement in participating with the fullness of Life.
As baptised people we are called to follow Jesus: to be passionately engaged.
Therefore the curious question: engaged in? engaged with? engaged to?
By nature we are "like grain wheat", by culture we are "like agent" but by engagement
we are braed and wine, water and oil. Jesus challenges us to come up unto this level: going public with passionate engagement.

Sonntag, 1. April 2012

to go public

excerpt from the homily on Palm-Sunday in Osire (01.04.2012)
The Palm-Sunday tells us the fact, that Jesus has decided to go public -
cf. procession...  as followers: we are invited to go public too
I propose four steps
a) first You! open your mouth; what you think, what you feel, what you believe, what
    you doubt ... tell it to your people; don't be a grave of your belief!
    in the Holy Service: open your mouth: sing and pray loudly; be attentive...
    speak to participants; attend the sacraments; open yourself for a service...
    in public everybody may know: you are a Cath. Christian (CC); it's not a secret!
b) if I visit your family: how do I see, feel, you are a Cath.Christian; or you like to keep
    it hidden? Is there a Bible - maybe open? is there a feeling of welcome?
    is there sometimes a prayer? a "holy feast"?
c) on Sunday: you go public - to the Church or you stay at home; nobody may see you
    going to Church?!?! Do you like to be a single hidden CC or a member of the
    Community - well known to everybody? Do you know: we like to see you?
    And every Sunday, after you got the Word and the Holy Bread,  we like to tell you:
    go in peace into public-life - because you have a mission!
d) as a CC do you have a mission - to bring it to a public group, to a council, to a
    movement, to a party - or it doesn't matter? why not represent GRACE in the
    public (like justice, peace, solidarity, accountability, reliability, wisdom etc...)?
    You know: our situation in the word is not the best: we need your engagement
    in all public institutions - sure a CC-life is not a Sunday-walk, it's hard life!

Samstag, 31. März 2012

Palm-Sonday B (01.04.2012) Mk 11.1-10

Going public

After some mission-experiences, the Jesus-movement has decided to go public.
An entrance-procession into Jerusalem, shouting Hosanna etc...
It seems they have discovered: it's no help to be a special group without going into
or confronting the structures of power, to seek dialogue... looking for changes means to be exposed...
The "Last Supper" says all...   full dedication; death by engagement, wheat-grain...

The famous question: today - how our Christian-Churches are going public? Is there no mission, message...   no need for changes?  The secular State of Namibia is respected...   but how this State realizes justice and peace?  The participation of all
with the fullness of Life. Let's hope the Christian-Churches will find a way "to go together into Jerusalem".

Samstag, 24. März 2012

The 5th Lenten-Sonday (John 12.20-33 / 25 March 2012)

Our human resurrection-way has a last peak in dying. The Ev John shows us today:
Jesus had on his way a mission: to reveal the mystery of God. As we accept this mystery we may find a real relationship with God. But for Jesus comes now the
"reality-test". How serious is he engaged in his mission? death-serious! To pass the
"reality-test" - this is named: He is to be glorified. He is a real "wheat-grain", a human
one: dying not only by nature but also by engagement. The Holy week will observe
how much the resurrection way is "kenosis": to become empty in order to get the fullness of Life.

Donnerstag, 22. März 2012


Are you really interested with what's going on in the "Christian-World"?  If yes:
I recommend to read "the tablet" every week! It's for you the best Lenten-action
to order this magazine: Tablet Subscriptions; PO Box 326
                                    Sittingbourne Kent ME98FA / United Kingdom
US$ 246 Airmail-worldwide /

Every Parish makes an order and after reading, the Parish-Leader put it at disposal.
The Bishop gives to every new Priest a subscription for a year.
The Catholic Bookshop keeps copies for US$ 3
Every religious house lay out a copy for its members.
Laypeople make a gift to their priests (jubilee-gift etc...)

Look at the copy 25 February 2012:
+ A Church in disarry  (the troubles of Catholicism)     
+ Shelter from the storm (Queen Elizabeth II: a historic speech on religion...)
+ The unyielding citadel ( very interesting Spirituality about Sr. Ruth Burrows)
+ Confirmation, sacrament of departure?   
+ Economics with a human face (the moral aspect of the financial crisis).
And a lot more about Arts, Books etc... and "The Church in the World" News...

"Africae munus" means also to know what's going on in the Word...
are we not kathalon ???

Mittwoch, 21. März 2012

Independence celebration Marienthal 2012

The Republic of Namibia celebrates birthday, 22 years of Independence. The prayer at this occasion, spoken in public, shows the contrary: we depend heavily on God and we are begging strongly: please give... but we also are thankfull...
I feel this prayer was a mirror of the status the official Christianity in Namibia has reached. Is this enough for our future ??? Which kind of an " Image of God" is planted in the Namibian soul ??? What is the commitment of the Churches in Namibia ???
For the RomCathChurch: "Africae munus" ???

Montag, 19. März 2012

Saint Josef today

In the old time, it was easy to hear the voice of God - a dream, an idea and you
got the feeling: it's the angel of the Lord.
But today: we know how dreams are the result of our life-style and the ideas are
our experience-constructions. There is nothing any more about an angel and to keep our "inner voice" as "a word of God" is since long out of reach. If you have decided or if you belief God may speak to us, to you, to the world - that's your decision; you like it to keep it so ... don't forget: God is not as we like it; he is not
imaginable. May St.Josef help us to discover the will of God, also today.

Mittwoch, 14. März 2012


for a moment, let's consider our way...
Christianity in Namibia questioned by Vic. Hs. Leu
and your contribution ???

As Christians we are on the resurrection-way...   every day!
and this as engaged in relationships, in clans, in villages, in nations
                                in Churches, organizations, businesses
on the way with people, never alone...

The Lenten-time is a time of special exercices...
                          have a look at the daily prayer
                          have a look at the reading of the Holy Scripture
                          have a look at the behaviour against others
                          have a look at the thoughts
                          and care well for yourself ?

Sonntag, 11. März 2012

Africae munus

There was a special rom.cath.Synod for the African continent 2009 in the Vatican. The results are now published in the document "Africae munus" (end of 2011 in Benin). The Rom. Cath. Chuch of Namibia: ca. 70 priests and three bishops came together in Doebra (05. - 09.03.2012) to listen to the Cardinal Napier from SA spaeking about "the fundament and the implications of Africae munus".
And now - what are we going to do???
Whoever has a good idea - please let me  / let us know...
This blog "Kameel-doring-boom" may become a "meeting-place" of outstanding ideas about our Pastoral Service in Namibia; vedremo... ons sal sien... we will see
11.03.2012       Vic. Hs. Leu