Mittwoch, 24. Dezember 2014


Now as we actively are waiting and preparing a new picture of God  - ADVENT -
midst in our activities we are called to the scene Bethlehem - to remember: Jesus von Nazareth was born overthere. The one - born overthere - is today the famous Jesus Christ.  Jesus Christ is famous because people of his time have started to see in him IMMANUEL (God with us).
Before his time, the believers have known the Great-Jahwe-God, the God of Abraham, of Jacob, of Isaak; the God of Moses, of the Exodus and of the 10 commandments; the God of Israel and the God of the temple of Jerusalem.
He was God of all-high, the allmighty one, God our Father, who are in Heaven !

But now Markus says: in Jesus we see a Son of God, and finally Johannes proclaims (as fast as only 100 years after Jesus was born): In Jesus, we see total unity of God and man - we see HIM as IMMANUEL (God with us).
That sounds totally new. We see God not any more in Heaven but in Jesus. We gaze at him and we discover: in HIM - God became HUMAN. In HIM the Word became flesh, lived among us and we saw his glory; full of grace and truth.

Looking after a new picture of God the Evv guide our view to Jesus, the profet of Nazareth. HE - as a real human, one of us - is now discovered as the human realization of GodThe time of the pictures of God is now over - God became a real man. Once our ears got the call: lift up your hearts - and we directed our hearts towards Heaven! But now - as we hear the call again, our hearts go towards Jesus. Now as Heaven disappeares and the Earth goes by - the Word of God is a human man.

2000 years after Jesus was born in Bethlehem - we still are used to see God in Heaven and we care about many wonderfull picture of God like: Our Father who are in Heaven. We are as Church not able to pray: "God who starts as Immanuel in Jesus" We as Christians like to go finally to God in Heaven - after a good life -
but we don't like to go to Jesus and realize his life as IMMANUEL in our situation.
I feel as Church we celebrate Christmas - but do we understand the message ?

Dienstag, 9. Dezember 2014

A Christmas-Story

Mr. Shikongo was a good Catholic; every Sunday Holy Mass. But he also prayed again and again; calling God for help in all his different difficulties...
and one day he died - as it's normal.
He imagined to walk on the way to Heaven and halfway before the Heaven's gate
St. Peter stopped him and asked: He may show him the ticket. Peter get confused.
There is finally no other way than to explain and to inform Mr. Shikongo:
Sorry - your H on the ticket means not Heaven but Hell. Mr. Shikongo was shocked.
Confused he started to defend himself: Every Sunday I attended Mass and I prayed clear and loud: I believe in God, the Allmighty, the Creator... I believe in Heaven and that God is good and that he is a real Helper...  every day I prayed the "Our-Father" and Im well aware God is in Heaven...  Now St. Peter lost patience and silenced him:
Mr. Shikongo don't you know, that God-Father together with his Son Jesus - already 2000 years ago - has gone to Bethlehem and Nazareth, but also to Jerusalem and later into the whole world; it means also to Namibia. Didn't you get the message that Jesus got this strange name "Immanuel" (God with us) - and as a baptized one,
why didn't you follow HIM ???  Mr. Shikongo - since then the Heaven is empty and God enjoys to live between the people.
Finally Mr. Shikongo was convinced: there is no other way than to turn; to go deep into Metanoia. It's the way to discover "Immanuel".

2 Peter 3.8-14: What we are waiting for is what God promised:
                      the NEW Heavens and NEW earth.

dhiladhila / think about...  As we follow the way of God (Father - Son + Holy Spirit)
                                       through history until today
                                       we discover "IMMANUEL" (God with us)
                                       and - maybe - one day - we may understand better
                                       what is meant by "Immanuel".
It's an exciting message; a new understandning of God (a new picture) and
in realizing it - a new earth is shining up -  Epiphany in Evolution...

I wish you a good ADVENT / wake up / wait actively - in the desert of today
only through people the new picture of God is emerging and therefore a new earth.

Samstag, 6. Dezember 2014

A first step... prepare a way !

The first Advent-Sunday (Mk 13.33-37) called upon us: "stay awake" ! it means:
Look out, look for, look after the coming of God. Don't forget: To paint a NEW picture of God (in our mind, in the Church, in public) means to prepare HIS coming in our time. It's the first step...

The second Advent-Sunday (Mk 1.1-8) shows exactly this preparation work.

A) Mk write his Gospel-book "The beginning of the GOOD NEWS" as such a preparation-work for the coming of God. And he writes very clear, that in Jesus Christ, the one Markus is proclaiming, a Son of God, God himself is coming.
This Mk-book ist not a reportage, not a story but a preparation-work for the coming of God into this world: an announcement ! Markus himself is a messenger, he makes with his entire book an announcement; he is a first step ...    But there is more:

B) Mk leads us to Isaiah (40.1-5,9-11) who is also a famous messenger of the old time; and Mk shows us how Isaiah paints a picture of this preparation-work...
the first step: look out for a messenger, hear the voice, be such a messenger,
be a voice...there is always a message, an announcement: "prepare a way for God"
like: make a straight highway across the desert etc...
What a great work: planning and executing a highway in the desert !

C) Mk leads us to the Desert-John; a voice, a messenger, an announcer - 2000
years ago ! who prepares the way...  preparing the way means for him: busy
with a water-baptism (for repentance...), busy with hearing confessions, busy
with convincing all: "A SPIRIT-Baptiser is around / coming soon". The "Desert-John- Movement" has built a highway in the desert of his time. A step further in the coming of God into this world.

D) Today "people of consecrated life" are busy to build this highway in the
desert of the time. They are messenger; they announce by their life-style
the coming of God, by their vows of poverty, of chastity, of obedience. The messengers prepare the way of God coming into this world of today.

Samstag, 29. November 2014

ADVENT 2014 waiting for ???

We are going now to travel through the landscape of ADVENT. Which special trees
are we going to see ??? In Namibia we observe the tree "all people wait for the rain".
In the North, there is the tree "all people wait for the spring". Nature learns to wait.
WAITING is so important, so natural, so human that the CHURCH has decided:
We celebrate the WAITING !

As we need the rain, the spring - we CHRISTIANS need GOD. So we wait...
During "WAITING" we may develop ideas, dreams, perceptions... how the rain will pour down, how the spring will look like...  it's important to foresee the situation in order to make he best of it or to prevent damages. Ever heard about planning ???

WAITING for God - you may develop an image, a picture, a model, a dream, a perception: HOW GOD LOOKS LIKE ! HOW it will feel GOD's ARRIVAL ???
Most of our Christians are not used to develop such an idea because they know already. They know God and his work and his coming: they know best. But worse,
they feel: it's not alllowed to create such a picture because the CHURCH told us already HOW we have to see our GOD. (What a great misunderstanding!!!)

JESUS had an other "lifestyle". HE called us to be awake, to be attentive; to open our eyes and ears, our brain and heart - don't forget God's coming may be like a total surprise. And how can you be ready if you have no idea ? at least if you are not open for a total surprise ? The young Jesus-movement had the courage to develop a new idea about God. And the CHURCH had many times told the people HOW God looks like... and the CHURCH has discovered: GOD IS CHANGING...
there are ideas about God now out of use, out of the run; we may go with Jesus
to discover the image of God for our time

For this work we have the ADVENT. There are so many reasons to paint a new picture of God, to get a new understandning of God - it's the biggest challenge for the theology of our time. God is not the old one - we need for our world a new idea about God - everyone is invited to do this work - and than Christmas will get
an open heart for the message that Jesus discovered a total new Idea about the MYSTERY of God.

Samstag, 22. November 2014

34 Sun A / end of the CHURCH-YEAR

pls note: last week (10. - 17.11.2014) I was in CH for the funeral of our youngest brother KARL LEU  * 31.12.1948  + 01.11.2014
For the end of the CHURCH-YEAR I'm back...   to celebrate...

On this Sunday we have to celebrate a lot: as the 34th Sunday it's also the last Sunday of the famous CHURCH-YEAR, declared as the feast of CHRIST the KING
and this year it's also the end of the YEAR of the FAMILY.

As we are going to end the CHURCH-YEAR there is the question: How did you do it?
Did you celebrate the LIFE of Jesus Christ: His life-style and his message ?
Sure it' was a priority for you to establish the KINGDOM of GOD (to participate with the fulness of LIFE) in your situation ??? What a great word !
You have gone at least 52 times to participate actively on the celebration of the Eucharist ??? What has been the profit and your engagement ???

Now the end of the FAMILY-YEAR ! EZEKIEL (34.11-17) + Psalm (22) are very clear: God himself and his people know: "God is the excellent sheperd"
This message has gone deep into the heart of all our Christian Communities (Cty).
Every Sunday the Cty's had a special prayer to tell the SHEPHERD: what they like and what HE may do: increase...  grant us...  teach us...  make them... help them...
protect...   grant...  teach... give us...  It's wonderful: the Cty ask the SHEPHERD:
HE may do...  and the Cty: what are they doing ? no plan, no action - only prayer:
HE may do ! Not one Cty came together to find ways to improve family-life.
Something has gone terribly wrong ! How do you understand Ezekiel ?
God is a excellent SHEPHERD because HE has given the responsibility of all into the hands of mankind! God has given heart + brain, hand + foot, relationship + the skill to work together - and after we have used alll our best skills we "see " (understand)
the Holy spirit has been light, has given aim, encouragement and strength.
But we have to do the work cf. Mt 25.31-46  giving food and drink, welcoming strangers, clothing the naked, visiting the sick and prisoners...
For Christians there is a story; God has gone in hiding
                                                and Jesus has shown where to find Him 

Donnerstag, 6. November 2014

Mt 25.1-13 "God pls give oil..."

An interesting parable will tell us again that for Jesus Christ the "KINGDOM OF GOD" is project Nr 1 / We are since Baptism as a Community (Church) engaged with the establishment of the "KINGDOM OF GOD" (in other words: follow Jesus Christ).
We know already a lot of this HIS Kingdom
a) it's at hand / nearby / a possibility ready to be activated...
b) it's somehow the participation with the fulness of Life...
c) only the "when and where" (hic and nunc / NOW + HERE ) is quite unknown...
Therefore again the admonition: don't be foolish rather sensible / stay awake /
be attentive (ready to do something) be clever and never forget: the lamp needs oil!
(it means: you !!!  have to care for oil)
Be clever is translated in the Bible: "stay awake". This means to know what is the right thing to do in this situation and means also to have enough energy to do what is right. Nobody is lost...  Everybody may see: the knowledge and the energy is on offer: The knowledge is given by the revelation (by creation, by history,by the Bible) and the energy is given as "braed + wine / as Body of Christ / as "Community serving Humanity". The means are ready...

But all in vain...  the message about the KINGDOM OF GOD will change nothing...
because the frame is wrong !!!

Look at the story ! Nearly all the foolish catholic bridesmaids of today, before they fell asleep, they made a prayer: "pls Holy God wake us up as soon as the bridegroom
comes (like the Sun in the morning) and most of all give us oil (and all what we need"

Pious people feel: God has to do it... and I have to remind him...
Look at the "prayer to Jesus Christ for the Families...." (every Sunday !
They remind God NINE TIMES what He may do...   asseblief dog !
But non of them came together to decide what they have to do -
Catholics belief God has to do the work - finally He is the Creator - if something
is going wrong He has to intervene - so Catholics may go to sleep well!
But they are not educated to take the chance and tell to everybody NOW + HERE,
I do it ! I actualize the given Possibility into Reality !   RIP is the slogan.

Freitag, 31. Oktober 2014

All Souls + All Saints "get-up" Lk 7.11-17

As we celebrate today the two groups, we know: one day everyone belongs to the great group of "all souls" and we have the chance to belong to the minority group too: the "all saints".The first group has the privilege to get the word "get-up".
Jesus word: I tell you "get-up" is not an order, is not a wish, is just the right thing to do. If not; you are not up-right! Only as up-right you will get the right human perspective... to see the world, to see you neighbour (on the same eye-level).

The call "get-up" is an universal call; already a call for the unborn baby; but much more: it's a call for the animal, it maens "get-up" is the evolutionary call for hominisation; to bring to the fore the homo sapiens.The sun also gets the daily
call "get-up"; the whole cosmos is alive under the call "get-up". And some people
belief the call "get-up" is for ever and ever (eternal life) or is a call into the fulness
of Life; or: life without end...

"Get-up" means go into existence. go into life, go on the way, show yourself, be attractive, stay upright, take it on... -
and whenever you are down, tired, dead, discouraged, lame, lazy -
you hear and you know it: it's just the right thing to do: to "get-up"..

In regard of the other group "all saints", a minority, we recognize. these are souls, they have done well; the call "get-up" is changed into "they got-up". These are con-
firmed people; we have seen: they have performed a "uprising"; a demonstration for
life. The group "all saints" shows how much we all are in the hand of others; the other, not you, decides: you are a saint.
"All souls" are still struggling; "all saints" not any more.

In the Liturgy we tell everybody: "lift up your hearts"; this call is like: "get-up". In our holy celebration we should have the courage to "get-up", to stand-up, to be upright,
to realize the human perspective.

At the end:  "all souls" + "all saints" are given to the mother, the earth.
In every case - dead or alive - we belong to the mother-earth.
The cosmos, the earth, the mother are the three wombs for all.

Freitag, 24. Oktober 2014

30 Sun A "love God" not so easy...

Following Mt 22.34-40 we get the message: for Jesus the FIRST commandment
is "love the Lord your God with heart + soul + mind".
At first, it looks quite simple... and some people feel: it's sure: I love God  (???)
The jewish people got "JAHWE" as a gift and this people saw how JAHWE has
guided his people and cared for his people and how he sent redemption
(in a good way written in the Bible).
Such a God is very good for the people and to love such a God is healty and
understandable (for the single person as for the people as such).

Today  (also in 2014) the recommendation "love God" is much harder.
Inbetween we got the distinction between
a) the real MYSTERY of God
b) the ideas or pictures or imaginations we got about God 
   (the story of the religions in the world shows this art of God-making)
c) the constructor of these wonderful or terrible imaginations about God. 
Today we know: the culture and our brains etc... are busy constructing the pictures, the ideas of God. The language has an indicating symbol "God" -
but "God as such" is total a MYSTERY (unrecognisable).
And here now the field of difficulties widens. Do you love your picture of God or
the unknown MYSTERY of God ???  Do you communicate with the God you know (picture) or with the real God (you cannot imagine) ???  Do you love the revealing God  - but you have forgotten that what is revealed is a cultural act.
What humans see is a human-god, what lions see is a lion-god.

Because of these and such difficulties Jesus has a solution: "love your neighbour".
It's easier or better: it's more real. But pay attention again ! There is also a difference between your real neighbour (could be your friend)  and the picture you have about your neighbour (friend / wife etc...)
The way to discover the reality is steep - and to love what we like (pictures) is easier as to love the reality (the real person).
This GOSPEL may be a reminder that we are on the way to learn the skill of love and by the way: LOVE is less about receiving than about giving.

Donnerstag, 16. Oktober 2014

29 Sun A / 19.10.14 / responsible...

In Mt 22.15-21 the big Q: "is it permissible to pay taxes to Ceasar or not ?"
is a highly political question ! Ceasar is for the Q the strange occupier !
Is there a reason to pay taxes to the occupier, to the oppressor ?

Jesus (as many times) in his answer changes the level, the background,
the horizon of the question; there is no direct answer...  only Yes or No...
but: as the Denarius (money) comes from the Ceasar - give it back to him.
Refuse to accept something from your oppressor - if, give it back now.

We learn:
1. If we accept God as the CREATOR and if we accept that God has given
the CREATION at our disposal / into our hands... we exactly know: the CREATION
belongs to God - therefore, in reality: it is not possible to give HIM back something.
What we may do: give thanks for the GRACE, the gifts, the GIVEN.
2. We see the God-given-gifts as a river, a tendency into the future;
"all what is given, is given for all".
Take as a wonderful example: the air, the water, love, fulness of Life etc...
3. If we have something in our hands...  we know: it is destined to go on...
to bear fruits...   to contribute...
we only are like stewards "responsible administrators"; not owners...
4. So we ask again and again: the gift I have now in hands...
belongs to whom ? comes from ? is in relation with ? has to go where ?
what is his task ? his function ?

The Synod of Rome gives thanks for the "gift of family"...  they know: the family
has to go into the future; they feel responsible for this gift and are now looking
for better conditions: what will help the families to bear fruits ? ? ?
I hope the Bishps will tell us: every Parish, every Deanery, every Diocese etc...
has to perform their own "Family-Synod" - to find ways to improve family-life...
It's not the work of God... (cf. the "payer of the family") it's given into our hands !
Therefore the Bishops have not to give the solution...  they have rather to encourage, to animate the Communities; to enable, to empower them to find
their own best solution, practise...

Freitag, 10. Oktober 2014

The very difficult INVITATION - 28 Sun A

The wedding feast is ready (Mt 22.1-10) as is the Kingdom of God at hand...
it means: nearby; possible today...  but also the Church (as a means of introduction)
likes to be ready, the Sacraments show readiness, the Holy Mass is to begin...

Now the big moment: let's announce to all the invited guests: it's time to show up!
But what a des-illusion... to discover the reality ! they dont' show up...
(the participation with the Holy Mass is very low...)

Tray again (don't realize the way may fail): let's explain what the feast offers...
what grace the Church brings, what joy the celebration evokes...
what great work is done for you - dear invited chosen guests.
This time the reality-shock is even greater:
a) the invited guests are not interested with this great offer
b) their interest is directed towards other, "better offers..."
c) it's worse: the invited chosen guests are furious against the wedding-offer... killing is going on (like last Sunday)...
d) there is escalation: the king burns down the town of the chosen invited guests.

Now the king changes his strategy in order to celebrate the wedding-feast:
Now everyone is invited... global unrestricted invitation...
in this kind of invitation you risk to collect "bad + good alike".

What I see: 1.) How far God and his kingdom is changing the strategy.
2.) How broad are the interest of the people and many are in no way interested with what we think is the best for them.
3.) How great the risk if you invite everybody...  the situation of today... global
evangelisation / invitation... and on the other hand:
it's good: the not interested people are off... at least somehow... and not lost!
but we are now a celebration of "bad + good alike" (sinner + saints) !
with the great Challenge to unite (and not to separate).
4.) How important for our Work to see, to hear, to touch the reality -
to reduce the illusion about world, church and God.

Samstag, 4. Oktober 2014

"The PEACE will be with YOU" 27 Sun A

A) Is now Paulus out of reality ? (Phil 4.6-9) "There is no need to worry..."
That is his message today - and what is the reality of Namibia ? For what do we need a Bishops-Synode ? I feel: there is much reason to worry ! ! !
The solution for Paulus: "pray... and the peace of God will guard your hearts and thoughts". I wonder what Paulus meant by "PRAY" ???
And now something more: "fill your mind with everything that is true, noble, virtous..." positiv thinking ? Is it the famous reminder: "calm down" ?

B) And now the parable (Mt 21.33-43): The killing of the servants and finally of the SON by the tenants of the vineyard - Is this not enough reason to worry ?
And the solution ? other tenants ! they will do better ?  And the warning:
"the kingdom of God will be taken away from you!"   No reason to worry ???

C) And now the Bishops-Synode (to open today in Rome: 05.10.2014) about
"marriage and family". The Bishops will pray ! They will fill their mind with every- thing that is true ?? (if they are ready to discover the reality) Will they hear the warning: "The Kingdom of God will be taken away from you!" ??? They don't believe such warning is meant for them.

D) In this situation Isaiah (5.1-7) asks: "What could I have done for my vineyard that I have not done ?"  - a very interesting question !
(I expected it to yield grapes, why did it yield sour grapes instead ?)

E) That is prayer, that is: fill your mind... that we discover "WHAT did WE DO ?"
 (that marriage and family-life has gone sooo wrong...) "what did we NOT do... ??
The Bishops will accuse the world...  WE (the Church) are right !

F) This Self-examination, EVALUATION of the Church in the face of the Mystery
of God, in the face of the WORLD-REALITY, in the face of our real Church-Situation - (if they are ready to see it!) -  this is our daily PRAYER and I hope the prayer of the Bishops-Synode.
Such a MINDFULL PRAYER will bring peace -
but sorry: such a mindfull prayer is not on the agenda !

Samstag, 27. September 2014

the culture of refusal... Mt 21.28-32

A) All Christians are asked, challenged to fulfil the will of God,
to participate with the fullness of Life, to make the Kingdom of God a priority...
and all Sacraments are based upon the promise: Yes I try to fulfill the will of God.
[and oh wonder: it is supposed everybody knows the will of God !]

B) The Tradition, the Bible, the Church, the Prophets...  the imagination, the parents...  and many many people tell us exactly "what is the will of God".
All Religions of the world, all Christian Bishops and most Theologians (like in the
Gospel of today) they know the will of God and they promise to fulfil this will
(although accepting to be sometimes sinners).

C) Jesus likes to tell them: You are the second Son of the Father:
You give empty promises.. but you don't do the will of God
the will of God is totally something-else...
[and much worse: you do not know that you don't do the will of God; you are blind!]

D) But oh Wonder: In the Ev of today: Jesus and all the Bishops are of the same
opinion: the first Son is the right one
             Why are we not going to do what the first Son has done ???
E) Look at his accepted behaviour:
FIRST: He refuses to do the will of God !
LATER: He discovers - it's not going by this way...
ThIRD:  He is busy to elaborate the will of God and
FORTH: He decides to do the recognized will of God.

F) In 2014 it's very difficult NOT to know the will of God -
there is too much religious conviction and we need the stabilizing structure.

G) But what we may do is: FIRST: don't be sure any more !
Bring in your doubts : Q: do you know / do the will of God ? A: I don't know !
Sec: start again to ask after the will of God ! Sit together:
make a conference, a research...  Third: never be sure any more...
Forth: take the risk! act upon your best conscience - there is no other way.


Samstag, 13. September 2014

exposed for us... for healing...

A) As we see Num 21.4-9: THE SNAKE EXPOSED
and the wounded one (bitten by the snake) /  looking at the snake
will be healed /  stay alive !

B) The Ev John (3.13-17) likes to tell us the same about Jesus:
1. Jesus is the heavenly one
    (he comes from heaven is going to heaven, he is representing Heaven, the fulness of Life)
2. but in favour of our healing: he is exposed on the Cross!
    (Paulus Phil 2.6-11 speaks clearly about KENOSIS - HEAVEN goes into EARTH)
    The exposition of "Jesus on the Cross" is today a worldwide Symbol
    getting more and more into trouble. It`s a dangerous sign...
3. We are advised / called to look at Jesus; to give HIM our attention,
     to follow HIM - and we are saved. Healing relation...

HOW in modern time you give attention to Jesus ??? to get into a healing relation ???
Only reading the BIBLE is not enough any more...  and IMAGINATION is as such
not yet "HEALING"...  ask a good psychologist...

C) This teaching (looking at Jesus) is exercised many years by "the exposition of the
     Holy Sacrament", also named adoration or meditation. And the Eucharist: You really
     celebrate an "ANIMATION" (soul identification).

D) Today we have a lot of people exposed for us (cf. TV etc...), so many are STARS;
     and the message is all over: look at them and you are encouraged, healed.

     But pay attention !
As Catholics we have a lot of Saints...   give them attention YES
but you also have to make a decision.

Mittwoch, 27. August 2014

Life in abundance

As we try to perform a Christian Life, some of us will get the experience of Jeremiah 20.7-9: the heart is full of fire in favour of God but looking into the situation: there is violence and ruin (death). Speaking of God the answer is insult and derision. The experience is: I'm lost with my God, but I cannot let him go.
That's a gracious start.
Paulus (Rom 12.1-2) gives encouragement: think deeper and know your bodily life, your life-style is the real engagement to change the world, the situation. Your new mind (faith in God) is salvation lived as a real Christian Community.
And Jesus (Mt 16.21-27) explains: Yes, there is great sufferings - there is death, again and again; death every day. But in this death-situation you are challenged to rise up into new Life: resurrection.
The most believers understand the resurrection as follows: there is birth + life +
death + resurrection (like the final point of a long way). It looks like a linear mono-dimension. They see time only as a running stream and they try to swimm until the end (of their time). But that is not the whole reality - only it seems like. In Reality we have all the time "the present". We live in the presence. Only as we look back, we discover (and construct) "the past". As we look ahead, we discover (and construct) "the future". But the past as well as the future are different dimensions of the present. All happen in the present.
Likewise "death + resurrection" are facts in the present. And Jesus likes to pro-
claim: where is death there is also resurrection; every day ! We as humans, we are
not only nature, we are much more: Children of God; challenged into the fulness of Life. Living in the present there is the chance to die and to rise up. This higher human dimension is our vocation: to transzend the nature. The naturalism tells us: there is only one dimension: nature. But this is not the whole reality. In Reality there is nature + universe + spirit (God).
This is way Jesus told Peter "what you think is not God's way but man's." The human being may discover there is much more than only man's view. There is Grace and Life in abundance.
Therefore a follower of Jesus Christ renounces the man's view, the mono-dimension of life and discovers with Jesus Christ a new dimension of Life: the chances of the present. The reward will be Life in abundance (according to his/her behaviour / decision / life-style).

Montag, 11. August 2014


1) Today as we celebrate Mary the Mother of Jesus, I play the Angel Gabriel
and I greet you as a Christian Community (as I do it every Sunday three times):
And you - like MARY - you as a Community, you start to think about this greeting.
What could this greeting mean to me, to our Community ? Such a meditation you
may exercise every day. Every morning you may ask yourself: What is meant by this
mysterious message: The Lord-God is with you / me (not so much as an individual person but much more with us as a Community)
After such personal and communal research
2) The Angel Gabriel will help you to find a meaning, a special one:
            "YOU HAVE WON GOD's FAVOUR"
This is the finding, MARY has discovered and get the conviction: Yes, God's favour is
with me, with us as a Community. That's not a message to be afraid, the contrary:
God's favour is GRACE, JOY, LIFE...  Until now you may become curious: HOW looks
God's favour for me, for us as a Community ?
3) The Angel Gabriel explains:  "YOU ARE TO CONCEIVE JESUS"
And MARY and hopefully WE have the courage to ask: HOW ? HOW I myself and the
Community will conceive Jesus ? The one who has died 2000 years ago. HOW can this happen ? We have to think about very hard!
4) The Angel Gabriel again explains:
                          THE SPIRIT of GOD WILL OVERSHADOW YOU.
Every Sunday we receive Jesus as the Word of God, as the Bread of Life. We open
our ears and hands (brain and heart) to conceive Jesus Christ.
5) MARY, convinced "nothing is impossibel to God" is able to answer:
                          FIAT: LED WHAT YOU HAVE SAID DONE TO ME.
That's the point: we have to answer! We have to decide! No way without a personal decision. Do you like to bring Jesus into the world ? really ?

Wherever you go - like you visit Elizabeth - they will discover: you are pregnant:
you bring Jesus into the world (or even not!) - and they will confirm: Yes - so doing -
you are really blessed .
And you - confirmed by others - you will start - following your experiences - to sing
the praise-song: "MAGNIFICAT ANIMA MEA DOMINUM" (my Spirit exults in God).

Samstag, 2. August 2014

Food for the crowd Mt 14.13-21

WHO may nourish the crowd ?  There are different views:
The disciples say: "they can go to the villages to buy themselves some food."
Jesus says: "give them to eat yourselves". What is the right strategy ?

Jesus takes the initiative and demonstrate a clear example:
The Church has to feed the crowd.
Mt is convinced: "the emerging Church" (the Jesus-Movement) has a own
"spiritual food" for the listening crowd (Eucharist: WORD + BRAED).

In 2014 the RCC is busy to prepare a own "spiritual food" in regard of family-life.
It's high time to develop a new view of "what family-life is all about". And foremost:
What is the contribution of the Church to the development of this "institution"
named "family" ? Once there was a slogan: "family = home church".
Today this slogan is inadequate and buried. Everybody knows: it's outdated.
The Church is not founded on the blood-line... Jesus had a total other view.
But there is not yet a newly elaborated family-view for our time. We hope the Synode will do it.

There are many other realities on our spiritual life in urgent need of own food.
We need a very new "idea of God". The old proposal: to see God as a Father,
as a Creator, as a Judge etc... such pictures are more and more discoverd as
"outdated", inadequate in the modern new orld-view.
The Holy Spirit is composing the universal cosmos-concert
God plays it an the Harp.
(The Humanity, Jesus etc... everyone is the one Harp, the instument,
to bringt the composition into the air).

The ecumenism, the way to realize the unity of the Christian Churches is also in dire need of new own food. In 2017 we celebrate the "REFORMATION" (Luther).
But still we see the different Churches as a disgrace, not as a flower-bouquet.

And what about the "PRIESTHOOD" ??? no solution; no new own food!
What about the "LITURGY" ???     not to understand any more !
And "the begging prayer culture"  God has to do the work, not we!

Freitag, 25. Juli 2014

The Kingdom of God - project No 1

Mt 13.44-52 draws our interest into the message about the Kingdom of Heaven,
who is near at hand (KoG). For every baptized person the KoG is project No 1;
it means: all his/her activities are determined to build up the KoG here and now.
In reality (Ithink) the most of all baptized people they have the KoG in mind only
on Sunday (if they go to Church). Today the KoG is rather a forgotten diamont.
The Church is not the KoG but only a medium to realize it.

How to explain the KoG ?
a hidden treasure = a wondefull girl somewhere = a heart operation
someone has found =  I discovered her               = I see it as my life-aim
he hides it again =  I keep it for me                     = I ponder about this in my mind
goes off happy =  I'm very happy                          = I feel well by this meditation
sells everything =  I do all to date her                 = I study very hart
buys the field = I decide she belongs to me          = it's my profession

What a dynamic process, an occurrence, a course of action, a creative event,
a happening. The KoG is not a quiet landscape but an cultural evolution;
full of up's and down's, full of challenges and joys, disappointments and pleasure.

a) All over the World there are innumerable "hidden treasures". Not only gold-mines but also the cultural heritage, the healings, the good-deeds...
b) To find one of these treasures you must open your senses: to see... to hear...
to smell... to touch... to tast...  the senses are the chance to discover!
c) let it be first your secret, your guiding star, to discover how much you are fan of
d) you have found a new belonging, you are not lost, an enrichment,
a real participation in the fullness of life.
e) and now go public, tell everybody: this treasure is my life, my destiny,
my project No 1
Discovering the beauty, the goodness. the holyness of the creation
is at the start of the search after the KoG.
There are prople they have found a treasure: the Holy Mass as shower of GRACE.
Or they have found a friendship, a group to belong to, a life-aim - so many are the
entrances into the process of the KoG.

Freitag, 18. Juli 2014

HOLY MASS: the shower of GRACE

Sometimes Ailly informs me: "I take a shower". And I confirm: "Yes, that's good for you". On Sunday's we are invited to take a shower of GRACE.
1) As I go there, I get a Community! (I'm not alone!) I get a welcome! And I get
the assurance: "The Lord be with you" (That's the CREATOR of Heaven + Earth).
2) In this frame of GRACE I get a clear definition of my constitution and
I confess it: I'm a sinner, I'm not perfect, I'm depending on God, Cosmos and Humanity! I lay down the cloak of self-justification - I'm naked for a moment - and
I get the cloak of mercy: I get the forgiveness of all my sins.
3) The joy about such a redeeming gift of mercy is expressed in our song of glory.
4) The Cairperson (Cp) reveals before God our presence (oration / official prayer)
5) Now we open four times the tap - and we get a fall of drops (hot and cold words):
    first: a waterfall with the flavour of Abraham until Mary / We dry up by a song.
    sec:  a waterfall with the flavour of Jesus / we dry up with Alleluja
    third:   waterfall with the flavour of joy (Gospel)
    fourth: waterfall with the flavour of today (Homily) (at least I hope so !)
After this great gift of the one redeeming word we get the gift of decision again (like at the Baptism): Yes ! I accept God, Jesus and his Spirit (Creed).
6) In the "prayer of the people" we get the chance to lay out our concrete situation
7) We bring our contribution as gifts and lay on the table the gift of bread + wine.
8) We get the gift of change: together we change the bread and our Community
into the "Body of Jesus Christ for our time". / into the Bread of life for the World.
9) We get Jesus Christ (his life-style + intention) as spiritual nourishment and
Christian refreshment. We get the feeling: we are together all over the world  a world-changing Community; we are conscious of our contribution to the evolution
of world and culture. "In your Body Lord we are one".
10) We get info's about our Community-Life "here and now".
11) We get the blessing of God (God declare his creation as good)
and we get the empowerment to perform a Christian Life (ite - missa est).

After so much GRACE (like a hot and cold but refreshing shower) we need to relax
this is Sunday. And after God has given into our hands his CREATION and his Word as GRACE, as GIFT - HE will disappear - maybe traces remain visible, audible...

Samstag, 12. Juli 2014

Where is the rich soil ??? / Mt 13.1-23

This parable is a very general one: 
"Imagine a sower going out to sow...the seed fell on the hard path, on the clean rock, among thorns, on rich soil... "
the consequences are evident; it's natural wisdom; nobody will not understand!

But Jesus knows: the message behind this clear parable is not understood by everyone because there are people they look without seeing, listen without hearing (understanding). That's the situation in the time of Jesus but also in the time of
Isaiah as well as today 2014!

"their ears are dull of hearing; they have shut their eyes for fear...
but they should see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts - and be converted, and be healed by me"

Who is today the addressee of this prophesy ? The Church, the bishops...
will they discover the flowers on the rich soil ??? sorry it's not the case:
a) they have introduced a Missal / English not to understand - destroying
    the Liturgy...   (the heartbeat of the Catholic Church)
b) they will decide over Christian-Family-Life and have any own Family-Life-
    experience...   but proclaiming "Family is the domestic Church".
c) They speak about corruption in politics but don't make public their own
   Diocesan "settlement of accounts".   transparency ?
d) they don't see why the Cath. Church is more and more empty...
e) they keep the baptised people begging: God may interfere...  instead of
   encouriging to tackle the problems with their own hands and hearts.

The seed is Jesus Christ - the whole Church knows this. And it's clear some
people are very rich soil - they actualize Jesus for our time...  but they are
not recongnized, not discovered - mabe only after death, to get the honour
of canonization / but to late for the actual Church !

The rich soil brings flowers and fruits in abundance...they are in the other garden...

Freitag, 4. Juli 2014

What a self-consciousness !

A) The message Mt 11.26 Jesus prays:
"Yes, God, for that is what it pleased you to do:
Everything has been entrusted to me by God."  He is Administrator not Owner.

B) This is the self-consciousness of Jesus: Jesus knows and he is convinced,
that all is given into his hands: to administer, to distribute it, to us it rightly.

C) This is also the message of the Sundays before:
look at Pentecost: The Spirit of God is given.  to implement it all over...
look at Trinity:       The Son is given.                to acualize him...
look at Corpus Christi: The Bread of Life for the World is given. to share it...
look at Peter + Paul:    The Revelation is given.   to ackknowledge it...

D) Who ever follows Jesus is invited to take over his self-consciousness.
Every baptised Christian may get the conviction: God has already given
to the mankind all: Himself, his Spirit, his Son, his Creation, his Grace...
God is not only giving - He is given

E) Out of this conviction, Jesus (living out of the fullness of Life already given)
was able to give his own Life for the Administration of the fullness..
Jesus also is not only giving - He is given

F) After such a message, we may respond: "sorry, my experience is an other one.
Yes Life is given - but not in full." In fact, you are right. Not all is given to you,
but to the mankind as a whole. And you personnally are one, only one of seven
billiones. You are called to participate with the given fullness of Life. It means:
we have to share, to administer this fullness of Life in favour of all.

G) We are not called to begger, to collect as much as possibel for myself.
We are called to see the reality, to live out of the fullness given and to share,
to distribute this fullness. This means: engagement in politics, economy,
science, civil society...  engagement also in the Church to implement the
consciousness of Jesus.

Freitag, 20. Juni 2014

Manna - Last Supper - Eucharist / today

We celebrate the Establishing of the fountain of Christian Life.
The whole chapter 6 of the Gospel of John likes to explain the Last Supper
and therefore the Pascha-Event Ex 16 and Mt 26.17-30 / Mk 14.12-26 /
Lk 22.7-23 - since 2000 years we like to understand, but...

The language used by John is irritating for us today - especially because Jesus proclaimed the bread he gives came from Heaven.
I try to present a short translation of John 6.51-58:
   Jesus said: I am the actual spiritual food, which came from the fulness of Life.
   Anyone who take in this spiritual food will live to the full.
   And this food that I shall give is my life-style for the Life of the world.
The people could not understand Jesus; so he explained:
   I declare clear: if you do not live my life-style and realise my intention
   you will not have Life to the full. But anyone who does will in reality fully
   participate on the fulness of Life. We shall be one.
   For my life-style is a real spiritual food, my perfect intention a real refreshing.
   Sent by the Mystery of God I myself draw my energy of Life from this Mystery;
   so who lives me will draw Life-energ from me.
   This is the food distributed from the fulness of Life.

Heaven = fulness of Life / Father = Mystery of God / flesh = life-style /
blood = intention / bread = real spiritual food /

As we "eat the bread and drink the blood", we take into our body, mind, and soul
the life-style and the intention of Jesus Christ. In doing so, we participate in a
high level with the possibilities Life has in store for us. An unique chance...

It's high time also in Namibia to discover an new form to celebrate Eucharist.
We need an open good-will-group, a real table, a profound "sharing of the WORD"
and an refreshing "eucharistic meal". Who has the courage ???
I f we still do like "the ancesters" (since 1500 years) we have a pious-daedly
holy Mass - but not a livegiving Event (a fountain of GRACE).

Samstag, 14. Juni 2014

TRINITY - high theology 15.07.2014

Today Jesus reveals to Nicodemus the mystery of his God (Joh 3.16-18).

A) God loves the world and therefore gives "way - truth - life" (his only Son)
                                                                    "the bread of Life for the world"
                                                                     "peace and grace" ...
B) Therefore the one who decides to accept this gift is not lost,
but may participate with the fulness of Life
C) And therefore the one who refuses to accept this gift is first lost,
finally "out of hope" and fulfillment.

It means the crucial point for a baptist person of today is:
A) to accept such a giving God !
or do you worship an other God ? the god of NOT-giving, the god of reluctance,
the god of punishment and revenge ? and you become a beggar ?
B) to actualize him, to present "way-truth-life", to realize daily the participation
with the fulness of life for all.
C) to be aware that Jesus came espesially for the one "out of hope", to carry him
on his shoulders...   there is much work for us to do...

To meditate today God as Trinity means: YOU SEE
A) God is like the sun a radiant energy of life and love
B) But also a given "way of life" (Jesus) as challenge to all "believers"
C) and a solution for (in our view) unresolved problems - (Holy Spirit)
    as far as we unite with the "unbelievers".

Some years ago people have known many many gods,
later they have seen the hierarchy of gods (one became the highest)
and today they acknowledge "there is only one God" -
but this one God is energy + challenge + solution! 

The evolution of God within the consciousness of the homo sapiens
is quite interesting

Samstag, 7. Juni 2014

PENTECOST: birthday of the CHURCH

On Pentecost every year we celebrate three fountains of the CHURCH:

     Joel + Jesus
A) Once the prophet Joel saw into the future and got the Word of God as follows:
"One day - after all this - I shall pour out my spirit on all humanity." (3.1-5)
Jesus has made the same promise, to give the Spirit of God...
B) Act 2.1-11 likes to show us: the promise is fulfilled...   and we celebrate Pentecost until today to celebrate the GIFT: the GIVEN HOLY SPIRIT
C) We confess: "I believe in the Holy Spirit." It means we are convinced the Holy
spirit ist now and here radiant, he is poured out all over and given to everybody!
(like the sun; like the wind)  The group with such a belief is the CHURCH.

     Moses + Jesus
A) As the people of God made the journey through the desert with Moses for forthy years - one day God has given on the mountain of Sinai the TORA (the ten commandments = survival-rules).
B) On Pentecost we celebrate the "hand-over" of the TORA and the fact that Jesus
by his life has put together this TORA into to New TORA "love one another".
C) "We confess: "I believe in God". It means: the God who has given the Tora ( by
Moses and by Jesus). The group with such a believe is the CHURCH.

    Babel + Jesus
A) One day there was one language and one people. The people said: let's build a city and a tower reaching heaven ("the limit is the sky" / BABEL ) But God said NO /
Not this way. (Not by way of technic, commerce and mind alone).
B) The life of Jesus has shown the real way for real Unity and real Understanding:
"unity in diversity". On Pentecost the Apostles have discovered: "Jesus is the real way". This we like to celebrate.
C) We confess: "I believe in Jesus Christ". It means: we too, we see the life style of Jesus as the way to create unity (and mutual understanding) this why we are CHURCH

The secular Christian is convinced: the HOLY SPIRIT is here and now, all-over and every-time radiant, blowing  - we enjoy it !

Sonntag, 18. Mai 2014

Holy curiosity leads to great discovery...

Since Christmas we know God is totally connected with humanity...
this is why Jesus Christ got the name "Immanuel" (God with us).
Since Easter we know the call of God into Life is definite
this is why there is resurrection.
In Baptism we have decided to accept "Immanuel"
                                           and to go the resurrection-way.

The Apostle Philip asked: Lord let us see the Father-God!
And Jesus answered: To have seen me is to have seen the Father God.
[This answer is a total tranformation of the old understanding of God;
we discover now that Jesus has brought a new "concept of God", a new picture!]
Abraham told us: to see God means to see " Our Father in Heaven".
Moses told us: the name of God is JAHWE (the one who is in existence for us).
And now Jesus: God is incarnated in himself, in his followers, in all human beings.
Everyone who likes to see the Holy God has now to look at human beings.
In modern language: every person is a sparkling epiphany of God.  
Jesus likes to explain this as he told Thomas: "I am the Way, the Truth, the Life"
He is a "spark of God" as on the way, as in a dynamic radiance...
He is a "spark of God" as a "real reality"  (more than illusion, then imagination)
He is a "spark of God" as a fizzing energy of Life (Spirit of Life, breath of Life).

As baptised people of 2014 we are challenged to follow Jesus Christ and this means to take over his message of God, his picture of God - to see God incarnated in every human being - to see every person as a "spark of God". Such a transfor-
mation is not easy and I fear the Rom Cath Church is nor ready for this step...
If we keep only the old view of Abraham ("Our Father in Heaven"), as we remain
at the Moses-vision (God for us)...  we exclude the human factor, the role every
person has to perform to radiate God; to be seen as a sparkling epiphany of God.

Pope Francis told us: "There is no Catholic God, and I believe in the incarnation.
And there is a spark of God in everyone".
May we Catholics in Namibia convert to the belief of Jesus and Pope Francis!

Samstag, 3. Mai 2014

God is fullness (or HE is nothing !)

Jesus revealed to Nicodemus (Joh 3.1-21)
A) The Christian way of Life means "born from above" (not only from earth!)
    Born of the Holy Spirit (not only out of the "spirit of time")
    Today: The Church speaks about Baptism + Confirmation!
    But it seems - we have not understood these Sacraments...  not yet...
B) God is totally fallen in love with the world (creation / humanity).
    this is proven by: 1. God has given us the creation / life / bread + wine etc...
                               2. God has given us his own Son as "Life-demonstration"
                                   how the "way of Life" is best performed.
                               3. God has given us HIS Spirit; (his energy + will + heart)
     It's clear: The message says: God has already given all HE ever has; for real:
                                                  HE has given Himself; given means: poured out!

Christian vision / view sees, that we are born out of the Spiritual fullness...
and now mandated / sent to distribute this fullness, to share this fullness with all.

After the resurrection of Jesus we recognise his Life, his acting Spirit (energy),
his Body is found, wherever the "bread of Life" is broken " (Last Supper); wherever
the water is shared (fountain of Jacob;

There is to draw one consequence out of the revelation for Nicodemus:
For CHRISTIAN life "begging" is over! Because: we got it already.
Fullness of Life is given; offered into our hands!
"Begging", the "call for help" is natural - as we are going down into the turmoil of the water we naturally cry for help. it's normal...
But this situation is redeemed by Baptism. Since Baptism we see: fullness of Life is given; there is no need "to ask for" any more; no need to begging - it's the contrary:
we are gratefull.
This insight into our situation after Easter, after Baptism brings us to the conclusion: stop the ongoing dominant "begging" in the Christian Church!
Make a first exercise: pray without "ask for" / go to the Holy Mass without any intention to "ask for" something...   you will see: it's nearly impossibel...
deep in our spirit, we got it: "you are fundamentally a beggar"; and this is wrong !

Montag, 28. April 2014

Easter - time 2014: fresh wind ?

This liturgical time is a chance to consider the meaning of the Christian message:
Our God is "God of Life". Therefore He has called Jesus Christ into Life - and this:
for ever and ever.
AND WE ? ? ?
A) We hope God is also for us "God of Life" and He will call us, like Jesus Christ,
     into "Life for ever and ever".
B) But - today such hope is not enough...   we have to go a step further...
    We believe - it means: we declare and keep it as a reality, that God has already
    called us into "Life for ever and ever"; it's a FACT !
C) Taking "Life for ever and ever" as a reality, we try to shape our daily Life as a sign
    of this Easter-message. Our Life-style becomes a message.
D) The next step: we have to broaden our view. This Life-message is not only for me,
     it's a message for all. This is the raeson why we start to go together.
    Togetherness - love each other - means: we accept "Life for ever and ever" is for
    the whole creation.
[Jesu Life-style is not for many or for all - but for the Life of the World !]

The Easter-message is somehow clear but the messanger is not up to date!
a) The Church is not able to bring this message to the people convincingly.
b) The Church didn't create a language for the message to be understood in this
    modern world.
c) The Church refuses to change, to be reformed again.

Nicodemus already got the message (John 3.1-8): In the Christian Vision Jesus, man, the creation is born out of God (not only out of nature) - and this is a new view: born out of the "fulness of Life", out of the Spirit of God (in my translation:
born out of the "ENERGY of God")

IF this is the case: why we are beggar before God ? as the Church teaches us until today (2014). why we have slave-obedience in the Church as the bishops asks for ?
Why the human energy is not challenged - but suppressed even by Church-law ?

Freitag, 18. April 2014


Palm-Sunday: For religious pious people of today - what means Palm-Sunday ?
Until now the Prophet of Nazareth is well known as a healer - for his enterprise:
the kingdom of God is at hand ! The fulness of Life is possibel ! as a first step:
people must be open (healed).
But now in the real world-situation his enterprise enters the political stage !
A new King for a new World! Palm-Sunday-Celebration means: we welcom the
"new king for the new world". We sing Hosianna...   we enjoy the entrance-procession; we are full of hope...
As we open the development of the old world into the new world, as we enter into the manipulation of the evolution, we open a very interesting but difficult way; how is reacting the existing old world to the promised new world ? Will there be confrontation ? of which kind ?

Are the baptized people aware that now the Baptism-card is not enough any more ?
As you follow Jesus Christ, singing Hosianna, you have no other way than to become a "politician". Together in public we work for a new world... 
It's nice to be a good person at home, to fulfill your familiar duties etc... but now you must get a political card. Not only the heart of the person is to be changed also the structure of the world has to be changed.

But don't be too afraid. The Catholic Church in Namibia is not ready to do such a step. Catholics go to the Church to pray: to ask God, HE may change the world;
Catholics as such they don't like to change... it's the duty of the Creator to change the world. Look at the prayers in all these Holy Days...   we like to remind God
to do the best for us and the world...   but we ?

Tha National PRAYER-DAY (06.03.2014) was a success...  but until now, the situation has not changed...  gbv goes on and on... 
and the Church has not the courage to declare: God has given the responsibility for the world into our hands! as the Body of Christ is given into our hands...
to transform God and Christ into Energy / radiation for a new world for a new Life.

Dienstag, 1. April 2014

WHICH kind of future is intended ?

The October-Bishops-Synod 2014 of the RCC and the National Prayer-Day in Namibia (06.03.2014) - such EVENTS show us "where we are" and such EVENTS may waken us up to heal the difficult situation.
The modern State may learn to act following the Constitution as secular and
the religious Christianity may learn following the prophet of Nazareth to perform a secular style of Christianity. The religious myths of the past are "desalinated",
unmasked ("Religion" is discovered as the administration of God by human beings).
God as the HOLY MYSTERY and his IMAGE created by homo sapiens again and again are not identical. The Spirit of the World as Creation, the World as LOGOS-Revelation is at hand. We have to manage the echo of the reality.

Already the prophet Isaiah (67.17-21) knows the decision of God:
"Now I create new heavens and new earth"  Be glad and rejoice for ever...

Once upon a time there were a boy + a girl. The boy thanked God for what he has created and the girl wondered: Why your creation is not perfect ? Finally God answered: At the moment as I have created Adam + Eve, I' ve decided: they will not be for nothing ! And the boy nodded: thanks for hands, brain and heart, given at our disposal ! But the girl still persists: why - as your hands, your brain, your heart - we don't make it perfect ?  And God whispers: because you are perfect like me: never ends, no boundaries, always a new creation...

The new cration is not made by God's intervention !
The stewards must come together and go in three directions:
a) In our situation WHAT do WE have to do ?
b) HOW WE do it ?
c) As WE are now the joy of perfection.

God has rescued me from my illusions (not to be for nothing)
                                from my loneliness (we are 7 billions)
                                from  my enemies (we are one)
                                from my darkness (it's now dawn / resurrection-way)

Montag, 24. März 2014

the temptation of today / third part

Like Jesus Christ, all Christian people and Institutions are in the situation of the famous temptation and this now since 2000 years...  but the religious hope is:
"deliver us from evil" meaning: not to give in to the temptation.

The RC-World-Church, our Diocese of Windhoek, the Community of St. Anthony
(on the 09.03.14) and many more all over,
a) We have a problem-situation! The FAMILY is in crisis, in trouble, in failure; in our world...not respected any more, undervalued  (it's an view accepted all over!)
b) We have a goal: "a healthy family" (as a gym for life-skills etc...)
c) Which strategy (to achieve our goal) did we execute ? (at least until now)
Temptation I : We ask the Almighty, His Son + His Mother they may solve the problem by using the God-power. We propose like the devil: If you are almighty
please: increase...  grant us ...  teach families...  make them...  help them...  protect your...  grant that...  teach us...  give us...  (look at the Diocesan prayer for the year of the family; 2 pages!)
The NO of Jesus, his resistance to use God's power to solve the problem has disappeared. To open the eyes, to use the God-given hands (and brain), to respect the creation law (education), and to be fascinated by an attractive God's image...
all is forgotten. The RCC has succumbed to the first temptation already...
It's the proposal of Satan to solve the problem by Intervention of the God-power
(supposed the human beings are for nothing good; declared as not able to solve the problem), by cancellation of the natural-creation Law, by attraction of sin...Mt 4 !
and the RCC shows in public the same proposal !

A National Prayer-Day (06.03.2014)
Following the example of the Christian Churches, the secular State of Namibia has done exactly the same.
a) We have a problem....   GBV (gender-based-violence)
b) and like the devil, like the Church, the Secular State proposes: the Power of the Almighty may solve the problem (prayer day / "prayer is the only solution").
c) Is there really no other solution ? Or is "prayer-day" for the Government the cheapest and politically the most effective solution?
d) Following the Constitution and in respect of the Christian Gospel the Secular State has no right in public to call for the Power of the Almighty to solve problems..
the Secular State has to respect the Religion but not to use it! also not to his own favour; also not in favour of the Common Good. We are not a Theocracy.
The Secular State is obliged to find other problem-solving strategies.

Donnerstag, 20. März 2014

the temptation of today / sec. part

The GOSPEL is a joyful message (Evangelii Gaudium). Therefore the Ev Mt. 4.1-11
shows us the struggle of Jesus about HIS rightly fitting strategy.
After baptized by John Jesus has made - in a long desert-retreat - a decision about HIS strategy. The story shows a triple NO in regard of the question HOW to activate, HOW to realize the "Kingdom of God" (fulness of life).
Mt proclaims very clear: Jesus has not given in to the temptation!

Temptation I :
[situation]  We people are really hungry...      HOW to satisfy this hunger ?
The devil proposes: if you are almighty, use your power (change stone into bread).
Jesus responded: NO (no way) / you need the Word of God !

Temptation II :
[situation]  We people are falling...  HOW to rescue us ?
The devil proposes: If you are almighty, suspend the Natural LAW ("Angels" will..)
Jesus responded: NO (no way) / the Creation of God is right (very good).

Temptation III :
[situation]  We people are worshipping: attracted by...   HOW to achieve ?
The devil proposes: If you don't use the almighty power: worship me, the devil:
(problem solving by stealing, lying, whoring, cheating ... at least a little bit.. etc...)
Jesus responded: NO (no way) / stay attracted by God (and his order)

After such a strategical decision Jesus is ready to go to work. To perform a healing life-style: to open the eyes and hands, the mind and the hearts of his people (to empower them to solve their problems), to respect the creation-law (accepting the political, economical religious power-struggle / the cross / the transformation by evolution), attracted by God (as the unifying mystery of humanity).

INTER-dependence - DAY: The State, the Church and Jesus; the natural Law, the Creation-Law and the human Law > to bring into a healthy balance ?
and this in You, in your group, in the society. 

Freitag, 14. März 2014

Transfiguration Mt 17.1-9 2014

As the Jesus-Movement has started: it was a great question: how is the relation
between the over-famous Moses, the controversial Elijah and the Jesus of Nazareth. Three famous PROPHETS transfigured in ONE ?
Today we have a similar question: How is the relation between the State, the Church and JvN ? The PRAYER-DAY 06.03.2014 is a challenge to think about !
At least the STATE, the CHURCH and JESUS have beeen transfigured into
WHAT HAPPEN IN NAMIBIA? the temptation of today (Mt 4.1-11) ? SCANDL?

A) Preface:
Following the Bible I see Jesus (as the prophet of Nazareth) has a SPECIAL GOAL: to proclaim, to implement, to activate, to renew the "KINGDOM of GOD" (the NEW Heaven + NEW Earth): "the fullness of Life for all".
I suppose this Jesus of Nazareth is the animator, the Head of the Christian-Church
Community and so the Churches may hopefully have first and for all the same goal.
But somehow every Baptized has accepted to take over the same goal. We are called in 2014 to activate the fullness of Life for all - also in Namibia.
Everyone who has a goal and takes it seriously is busy to find a fitting STRATEGY.
HOW to impement the goal? HOW to make it a reality? To choose the right strategyis of utmost importance; goal and strategy must be compatible and not a
contradiction. As Christians, we have to discover which strategy Jesus of Nazareth has chosen and as a Church and as Believers we may be ready to take over HIS
strategy. It's a public hope!

In the most famous Jewish-Christian religious prayer "OUR FATHER" we ask:
"lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil".  Amen = it may be so!
[religious translation: As we are in the situation of temptation give us the strength not to give in, not to fall on the knees; not to succumb to the temptation]
This sentence draw our attentin to the importance of the strategy as we adhere to the GOAL: Thy kingdom come.
                                                                                               to be continued

Dienstag, 4. März 2014

for YOU: a favourable time - LENTEN-time

In Lenten-time 2014 why not make an exercise:
to become a better AMBASSADOR of the Kingdom of God.

1.You must know: There is INVITATION all the time cf. Joel 2.12-13 
The Holy God ask: "come back to me with all your hearts" (and become my real ambassador; somebody who is performing my will on earth).
a) by fasting: change your unhealty eating / make a good figure
b) by weeping: change your pleasure / enjoyed by love
c) by mourning: change your attachement/ you belong to the living ones
2. "Turn to the Lord" means: you have to know this our God is tenderness,
compassion and rich in graciousness (he is not revenge, envy, punishment, patriarch etc...) at the end: He is a MYSTERY.
3. You must know: God act through his ambassador. 2 Cor 5.20-6.2
"It is as though God were appealing through us..."  If you really turn to this God
you may discover: this God is acting in this World through you.
This is one of the great mysteries of our Christianity that we see God acting through his creation (esp. through his people).
4. The Ambassador for Christ (of the Kingdom of God) goes to the people and performs the task to reconcile to God. The whole Lenten-time, all this fasting, weeping, mourning has one goal: to reconcile people to God.

The background of this ambassador-story is twofold:
a) It is supposed: a lot of people are alienated to God; God is for them strange but more: God is for them "over" (from yesterday). They tell you: I don't need God.
b) it is supposed: believers are convinced God is a reality; the source of Life und a real Salvation. God is the reason of all what is... and the fulfillment (don't forget :
Kingdom of God means "fulness of Life" !)

If you are attached to the Kingdom of God as an ambassador - you have something from Apostle Paulus and you have a good self-consciousness. And you have a task and an obligation (that is good for you). The Baptism has installed you as an ambassador; but now it's time to perform it.
Mt 6.1-6, 16-18 shows you: how to give...  how to pray... how to fast...
and the reward will be: you are a very good Ambassador !

Freitag, 28. Februar 2014


The complain of Zion is today universal:
                      "The Lord has abandoned me" Is 49.14-15

For the most it's a question, for many a fact.
In Namibia many suspect: the situation (GBV, Corruption etc...) shows:
The blessing of God is missing.

But the Profet insists: this (and only this) is the Word of God:
                       "I WILL NEVER FORGET YOU"
and he underlined this promise with a wonderful picture.
If you reduce the whole Christian faith to one word than so:
                    "GOD LOVES HIS CREATION TOTALLY"

Paulus (1 Cor 4.1-5) is proud to be a steward of this mystery!

The GOSPEL (Mt 6.24-34) asks to make a decision!
Do you react accepting this love of God or you have decided:
God is not caring for me, therefore I have to care best for myself.

Jesuits are clever. They say:  act   - as if all depends an you
                                              trust - as if all depends on God.
And really here we find our struggle:
The question is not: God or I ! The task is to bring God and me into a deep unity.
But go deeper: your unification with God is not your private pleasure.
In reality: Unification with God is unification with people (at least with your friends)

or in theological language: "GOD IS RELATION"
[take the sun: without radiation the sun is cool / no effect on me
                      and I : without radiation from the sun: no life
                      Radiation is the value of the sun and life for me.]

Donnerstag, 20. Februar 2014

On the way to perfection... Mt 5.48

there is many discussion HOW to become "perfect" (at least "better").
There are rules:
1.) "The best is the enemy of the good".  This old word says: If you feel you are already the best possible person, it means: you don't like to develp again, therefore you are against what is good.
2.) Good is the consciousness: "I'm on the way". I'm going...
3.) As you walk, make a break: evaluation is asked for...  
4.) Start again...  

From where in what direction ...     Mt. 5.17-48 says as examples:
                  Once / old                                 now / new
do not kill                                            don't be angry
do not commit adultery                       don't feel your partner is the lust-object
do not break your oath                        don't swear at all
eye for eye / tooth for tooth                offer the other cheek
he takes your tunic                             offer the other cloak
he orders one mile                               offer two miles
hate your enemy                                  love your enemies

This development into a better future is meant for the society, for the Government, for the LAW und for every person... and sure for the Churches...
"perfect like God" is a AIM; not a situation
The sun - coming up for everybody - is a picture for good behaviour...

As we go a level deeper: baptized people have an advantage...  
they got the message: God is the Creator and the Owner of everybody
it means: nobody else is the Owner of a Person; it means: nobody is the property of me, of the Institution, of the Government. Nobody is for me an object to do with him/her what I like (slavery is over!) It's also important for the parents: "my" child is not MY child; Im not the Owner! It's very important in a relationship: "my" partner"
is not MY partner (I'm not the Owner). As we accept this message, it's easier to go the way to perfection!

Samstag, 15. Februar 2014

DEVELOPMENT of the LAW Mt 5.17-37

The Profet of Nazareth Jesus is [following Mt] strongly in favour of LAW-Development. First - in the old time - do not kill - do not abolish this LAW!
It's the protection of human Life (cf. Baptism: Only God is the owner of a person,
nobody else! / cf. Human Rights!) Sorry: in Namibia we have too many killings!
& killing by negligence; & killing by theft; & killing by passion;
Since 2000 years JvN ask also: do not be angry with... (do not reduce the chances and possibilities of Life of the other one).This Behaviour-AIM is to achieve as we develop the Society and the Law hand in hand. In this development the CHURCH has to be "a light for the World" (cf. you are the light of the world)
cf. the new letter of the Pope Francis: the joy of the Gospel. Why is the CCN in Namibia not well known as a promoter of new Laws and the custodian of the justiciary.

Because the CHURCH may be a "City on the Hill" - we ask the CHURCH, to develop the CHURCH-LAW...
A) the sinner, who regrets... is not excluded from the eucharistic table...
B) the priesthood is open for everyone who proves a vocation...
C) to pronounce the own understanding of the BIBEL is open for everyone...
D) It is the duty and the salvation of the Christian Community (Parishes and
    Dioceses) to find own forms of Liturgy and Diakonia.
E) It's the duty and our salvation if everyone decides to live his/her sexuality
    following his/her consience and out of respect for God, the partner and the
F) Everyone has to make a contribution to the Community-Life (it's a matter of
    negotiation) - but the  sacraments are "gratis" (grace!).
We have seen the Church in the old time as a rock; today the Church is a river;
a People of God on the way...   and we need quiet a great reformation if we like to
appear as "the sacrament of God" in our World of today!

"The Kingdom of God" means to transform the World (a new Heaven and a new Earth). Out of this insight the CHURCH has a duty and it's for our salvation that the Church is engaged with the Government and the Civil-Society. But exactly there she has to speak clear: Yes means yes; no means no!

Freitag, 7. Februar 2014

Mt 5.13-16 refreshing + enlightening

Mt tells us: Jesus is of the opinion that his disciples are people who refresh and
enlighten the world. It's really a compliment...
If we go to Church we will get the experiences being refreshed and enlightened!
Sure: you know people they have been refreshing you and they brought light into your situation. That's good...   And you, for which people are you a refreshing and
lightening experience ?

Sorry sometimes it's not the case! people are tasteless and sure no light.
Also Pope Francis likes to tell us: enjoy the Gospel; because the Gospel will make you  "salt + light".

But now we go to the next level: not only you, but your Community as such may be
"salt + light". The Christian Community in your Village, in your City is called to be
"salt + light". And in the whole "Christian Namibia" did you ever hear of a Parish or Community (SCC), who refreshes and enlightens Namibia ? Once we got the slogan: "Community serving Humanity" sure this means to be a light and salt for
the Namibian population -  a light into the economy, policy, culture - society!
Violence, corruption etc...   where is the light ? the salt ?

Did we learn in our Church to build up such a network, such a relation between the members - to become an action-group "a light-salt-group" ?
MSC, OSB etc... these are groups (sorry: "congregations") and I like to hear of them, I wait for the moment people may tell me: Father, there is a "group" who
is recognized as "light + salt" in Namibia.

As we go into the "year of family", don't forget: the family is a group of different people - and they must learn to relate!
In our time nothing is more refreshing and enlightening as a good relation;
a friendship, a social network where the one is for the other "salt + light"
and togehter they become a "handful salt; a boundet light."

One day the word of Jesus is not only a call-up but also a description!

Montag, 3. Februar 2014

Presentation of Jesus / WE ARE SIMEON

sorry: for the last two weeks no blogs bc the blogger-team has changed my "password" and I struggled  to find out the new one!
And I was two times in Owambo...   it was a busy time!  and now it's rainy...

Over Christmas we have seen how Jesus was presented:
to the shepherds, to the wise men, to God in the Tempel
it seems: they all have accepted Jesus Christ...
But now Lk shows - what a wonder - a real pious Jew - Mr. SIMEON - also has
accepted Jesus Christ...  and we know: the jewish people didn't... until today!
After so much presentation - the Christmas time is now over.
It's now time to see how the presented Messiah has lived his life:
There was the stage with John's Baptism in the Jordan-river (Jesus searching
after his own life-style) and now he starts to live in  the City of Kapernaum
and has chosen the slogan: "The kingdom of Heaven is at hand".

But  for today I like to recommend the SIMEON-Therapy:
What ever happend during the day and the evening you feel it's now time to sleep.
In this moment you may take over the view of SIMEON: Today I've worked a lot
for all of us... with hope worked to solve many problems ... and I have found the one who will bring for all salvation... who will lead to a good end all problems... I'm convinced he is the Messiah, the one God has sent to redeem... what the Genesis-word told us: all creation is good... he will fulfil this prophesy... but I,
I have done my contribution, I give now over the situation into the hand of the redeemer... and I'm ready to go... to silence myself ...  to sleep... in peace.

As you bring such a SIMEON-view into your consciousness... you will experience a much better sleep: the nerves calms down, the brain works undisturbed, the body rests and the soul is in great peace (in the hand of God). And the next morning you are refreshed... you may discover a new situation...
Don't forget: a well supported faith is healty!  and lead us much deeper
into the cosmic mystery of the Universe.

Sonntag, 12. Januar 2014

Choose your Messiah! John 1.29-34

At Christmas, we Christians are looking back 2000 years into the time Jesus was
born in Bethlehem. Juda/Israel had a very turbulent time, occupied by the Romans.
The great Question for all the jewish people: Who is the Messiah ? The one our Jahwe-God has chosen to liberate us, to redeem us ? There are different views how the Messiah looks like! Only as examples:
For the Zelots: He is the political liberator...
For the Pharisees: He is the guarantor of the Tempel and the Commandments etc.
For John the Baptist: He is the lamb of God taking away the sins of the world...
For the Jesus-Movement: The one who will enable us to heal and to love.
But all of them have given priority to the question: Who is the Messiah ?
There was NO question about the Jahwe-God: He is our rock, our shield, our refuge
our Father almighty, merciful... God has been secured, no doubt - and Israel had a strong hope: the Messiah will come; but also a real conflict: Who is the real God-Messiah ? This was an inner-jewish question, but more: a religious conflict - as a root of Christianity.
Only after the resurrection of Jesus, since Pentecost, the Messiah-question slowly became international and at the international scene the question came up:
Who and How is the real God ?

Today (2000 years later) we have an international dialogue about God and Religion
(How is God? For what is God? Religion is over?) !
Today we have an internat. ecumenism about Unity of all Christian-movements! (Where ist the real Catholic Chuch? What is Christian Orthopraxis?)
Today: There is still terrible fight between God-believers and between Christ-Be-
lievers... Who will bring peace? Enable us to learn to make peace? (world-ethos!)
And today: the fight is growing between Believers and Non-Believers !

We learn from the First Jesus-Movement: They have broken away from the John-
Movement - but no one bad word about John; he is in our Church until today a special holy one. Thanks Mk + Lk + Mt + John!
As we choose our own Messiah: May we learn to "break-away" in harmony and mutual appreciation !

Montag, 6. Januar 2014

Baptism of Jesus / 12.01.2014

Sure, in the time of Jesus, there were agitating many groups/ movements to reform the situation of Jsrael / Juda occupied by the Romans (Policy, Religion, Economy).
"Reform" means here: + to keep the old situation (no change)
                                    + to adapt to the new situation
                                    + to renew really the situation
And now there is emerging the new "John - the Baptist - Movement",
a strong repentence-call because John told the people: "you are all sinners".
Jesus searching his own way is strongly confronted with the "John-Movement".
First he became a "member" later he has gone his own way!
Also the apostle Andrew and other disciples have broken away from the
"John of the desert" movement.

After Jesus has died and after the very special "experience" of his resurrection,
the disciples (the Jesus-Movement) like to show to the "people of God" that
Jesus of Nazareth and not "John of the desert" is the Messiah / the Christ of God.

In this sense the famous picture of "The Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan"
Mt 2.13-17 / Mk 1.7-11 / Lk 3.15-22   is a master-piece in:
to show the value of the John-Movement but to make it quite clear:
Jesus is the one the Jahwe-God has chosen.
The Evv likes to convince us: The break-away of the Jesus-group from the John-Movement is happening to fullfill the will of the Jahwe-God.

This picture is a real good explication why the Jesus-Movement has the right to exist, to proclaim their message and to be independent as much as possible.

But this break-away is dearly paid - if not the only way of survival.
[we also are living in different groups with different messages! As we choose our own Messiah, do we have to break-away from one group in favour of the other one ? And how to break away ?]

Freitag, 3. Januar 2014

Christmas as great Epiphany ...

What are we going to discover as we meditate the events at the manger ? ? ?

A) The Child... we have im fokus a new human being... a lot is spoken about this child... the child himself has presented an interesting life (style)...  has proclaimed
a new message...   and finally they called him "Emmanuel".

B) There is no place for this child...  the child is in danger of life...   a refugee...
"did you not know that I must be busy with my Father's affairs ?"

C) The shepherds...   a message for them....   on the one side: "Glory to God in the
highest..." on the other side: "peace to men"   Heaven and Earth are affected!

D) The profet Simeon and Anna...   what a child ?

E) The wise men...  led by a star...  (not by the Word of God).... missled (it was not
the newborn king)...   but: this child got now gold and incense and mhyrre...
(and not the Jahwe-God in the temple).

F) How many names will this child carry on ...    and which name is my favorite ?

G) Where do I find this child again ? in the Eucharist ? in the sacraments ?
in the Church ?  in my heart ?   in the  wind ?   in my friends ?

H) The manger I meditate  - I found it in the past!   and today ?  The birth of Jesus Christ is something for the past or something of today (where ? ) and why not something for the future ? 

I) May it be that the manger brings me to an other "concept of God"...  
to discover "the Human! as the sacrament of God ?"

J) We never know what happen on Christmas with us ? with me ? with the world ?
The discovery of a real humanity ?