1.) The Bible says about the family life of Jesus two remarks:
A) Lk shows a feast-programme
a) (2.16-21): there is circumcision and name-giving.
b) There is a temple visit in Jesrusalem (2.22-40) the law demands:
Purification + Consecration / And the old Simeon speaks about enlighten the
pagans and the prophetess Anna; a temple-lady, fan of the child.
c) There is the early Passover-feast, but once (Jesus was 12 yers old) it became a
nightmare "looking after Jesus busy with the Father's afffairs".
B) Mt shows a dramatic escape: "they are on the run" (Mt 2.13-15, 19-23)
And all this to fulfill the scripture!
The family-story as a story of signs to show how the JoN is the Messiah;
a significant story constructed after the Resurrection - because this event has changed the view.
2.) This family: Mary + Joseph + Jesus + his brothers and sisters...
a "holy family" ? They have made it an ideal picture; an icon!
In service of evangelisation?
3.) That is what happen today again: Because in terms of family nothing is more clear in our society, the RCChurch has proclaimed 2014 as a "year of the family"
and a special bishops-synode will bring clarity.
But (and here I see the problem) Bishops know already "how family life should be";
they know already "the concept of a really Christian family" - they don't need any advise, any search... they only need people who listen to them, obedient people!
Since Mary + Joseph + Jesus have lived a family unity... we have the ideal;
we need ways to bring this ideal to the people and to make them it going.
There will be a special family-prayer because the RCChurch will ask God to do it right.
4.) Also the Church should be a family... what an incredible way... for 2014!
The African bishops once declared the RCChurch as ! "a family of God".
as Christians we are on the resurrection way - every day! Therefore, let's consider our way... Christianity in Namibia questioned by Vic. Hs. Leu
Freitag, 27. Dezember 2013
Dienstag, 24. Dezember 2013
Christmas 2013 Lk 2.1-14
The Christian CHURCH has an old message for the WORLD:
[The messgae came up, is created some years after Jesus has died. It's a discovery! after the disciples have experienced the life of JvN: his deeds and words, his death and "resurrection".]
This message is celebrated in all Christian Denominations - it's a sign of unity
among Christians - until today: Jesus birth is declared as: "A Saviour is born".
Today's extension of this message: The Salvation Jesus has brought is meant:
a) for all (for the whole world)
b) will include the life on earth and the life in heaven (time and eternity).
c) is directed to heal body + mind + soul (integral / holistic)
This message is also confronted with old questions:
a) is salvation a dream or a fact ?
b) is Salvation needed or only a flight from the naural situation ?
c) is Jesus really the only one Saviour of is he one of many ?
And there are new modern questions of today:
a) is not every born child meant as to become a saviour - to demonstrate how nature and history are to be transcended into a new future...
b) if you accept the modern evolution-theory, how do you see "salvation" ?
[because the "original sin of Adam + Eve is declared as a myth!)
c) is it possibel to accept a pious Jewish live (JvN) and his condemnation (cross) as a "healing life" for all (as world-salvation) ?
d) The Church as "body of Christ" (also in 2014) will show us the continuing salvation-work of Jesus Christ... in which form ? in which experiences ?
No doubt: a Saviour is born ! But today we like to discover the effect !
A saviour without salvation-prove is nothing (at least after 2000 years).
How do you show the world the effect the saviour has on you ?
NO EFFECT - NO REALITY (the message must be proven!)
At least: what is the prove that we are on a salvation-way ?
[The messgae came up, is created some years after Jesus has died. It's a discovery! after the disciples have experienced the life of JvN: his deeds and words, his death and "resurrection".]
This message is celebrated in all Christian Denominations - it's a sign of unity
among Christians - until today: Jesus birth is declared as: "A Saviour is born".
Today's extension of this message: The Salvation Jesus has brought is meant:
a) for all (for the whole world)
b) will include the life on earth and the life in heaven (time and eternity).
c) is directed to heal body + mind + soul (integral / holistic)
This message is also confronted with old questions:
a) is salvation a dream or a fact ?
b) is Salvation needed or only a flight from the naural situation ?
c) is Jesus really the only one Saviour of is he one of many ?
And there are new modern questions of today:
a) is not every born child meant as to become a saviour - to demonstrate how nature and history are to be transcended into a new future...
b) if you accept the modern evolution-theory, how do you see "salvation" ?
[because the "original sin of Adam + Eve is declared as a myth!)
c) is it possibel to accept a pious Jewish live (JvN) and his condemnation (cross) as a "healing life" for all (as world-salvation) ?
d) The Church as "body of Christ" (also in 2014) will show us the continuing salvation-work of Jesus Christ... in which form ? in which experiences ?
No doubt: a Saviour is born ! But today we like to discover the effect !
A saviour without salvation-prove is nothing (at least after 2000 years).
How do you show the world the effect the saviour has on you ?
NO EFFECT - NO REALITY (the message must be proven!)
At least: what is the prove that we are on a salvation-way ?
Samstag, 21. Dezember 2013
4th Advent Sunday 22.12.2013 / Mt 1.23
I have enjoyed very much for 12 days the Internationale Music-week in Swakop
with 4 public concert-performances together with APC-Tsumeb and then I have gone for three days to Omalungandjamba to see how Namibia is getting green
and to eat the first Mango in this season (what a pleasure).
But now for the festive season I'm back in Otjiwarongo - and enjoy the "ombura".
The Advent message told us: a light has gone up - darkness is over;
we are supposed to discover, to see the reality...
and now the fourth Sunday brings the NEWS: "IMMANUEL"
we translate since old: "In Jesus Christ God is with us".
It means the famous question all over the world: "Where is God?" or
"God- where are you?" gets an answer (to be celebrated at Christmas).
The Profet Isaias (7.14) has spoken for the future
but now Mt speaks for the present: look at Jesus and you see "God with us".
Christianity is the first and only Religion to declare:
There is born over there in Bethlehem a child (later named Jesus of Nazareth)
and we see in him "God with us".
This is something totally new (since now 2000 years) and we struggle until today
to get this declaration, this proclamation right.
A) Which kind of God is with us ? the famous Jahwe-God ? (as we call him in the creed: father, allmigthy, creator; / God of mercy, God of Love etc...)
B) And how is the situation after Jesus has died and risen to Heaven ?
He has disappeared / How is now "God with us" ?
C) And who belongs to this famous "us" ? the baptizeds or the 7 billions ?
I got a wonderful gift "Der Wind weht wo er will" (the wind goes where it wills)
[the timeless message of John] edition Paulus Freiburg 2013
the author Dr. P. Wittwer has made it a gift for me... - may I find answers ?
with 4 public concert-performances together with APC-Tsumeb and then I have gone for three days to Omalungandjamba to see how Namibia is getting green
and to eat the first Mango in this season (what a pleasure).
But now for the festive season I'm back in Otjiwarongo - and enjoy the "ombura".
The Advent message told us: a light has gone up - darkness is over;
we are supposed to discover, to see the reality...
and now the fourth Sunday brings the NEWS: "IMMANUEL"
we translate since old: "In Jesus Christ God is with us".
It means the famous question all over the world: "Where is God?" or
"God- where are you?" gets an answer (to be celebrated at Christmas).
The Profet Isaias (7.14) has spoken for the future
but now Mt speaks for the present: look at Jesus and you see "God with us".
Christianity is the first and only Religion to declare:
There is born over there in Bethlehem a child (later named Jesus of Nazareth)
and we see in him "God with us".
This is something totally new (since now 2000 years) and we struggle until today
to get this declaration, this proclamation right.
A) Which kind of God is with us ? the famous Jahwe-God ? (as we call him in the creed: father, allmigthy, creator; / God of mercy, God of Love etc...)
B) And how is the situation after Jesus has died and risen to Heaven ?
He has disappeared / How is now "God with us" ?
C) And who belongs to this famous "us" ? the baptizeds or the 7 billions ?
I got a wonderful gift "Der Wind weht wo er will" (the wind goes where it wills)
[the timeless message of John] edition Paulus Freiburg 2013
the author Dr. P. Wittwer has made it a gift for me... - may I find answers ?
Dienstag, 3. Dezember 2013
Sec Advent Sunday 08.12.2013
The first Sunday told us about day-breack, arrival...since long people are waiting
for the fullness of life, for redemption, happyness, salvation... and the promise is great: there will be a better future, a New Earth and a New Heaven...
Once mankind came into existence... and we see in retroperspective a enormeous
progress... once we have seen only our region, now we see the world; once we spoke only to our tribe, now we sms and mail and phone to the whole world...
we are busy to connect all States into a global World. The sun is rising...
Advent means: it's coming; we experience the Incarnation-process
The sec Sunday tells us more...
But sure as the light comes up - we get a new view of all the reality, we see colours, we see black and white - in the night it was a total different view.
It means Advent is a time of change, a turn-around, upheaval, a radical made-up,
for many a repentence...mankind discovered: with the coming up of the human consciousness (light) all reality is going into a new level - now there is somebody who knows... there is not only day and night; now we know there is day and night!
It means as you know... there is now also the temptation: to refuse to know;
the one who likes the darkness will fight again the light
On this sec. Adv Sunday we also celebrate Mary Immaculate. May we see
her as a woman who has accepted the light fully. For her God is light and she understand herself as one who is in service of the light. She experienced many clouds in her life but she didn't forget the sun behind the clouds. She faced many challenges but she discovered in all them the Grace of God.
And in regard of GBV - there was never a time so sensibel for this terrible crime. Today at least the majority of the World knows GBV is wrong; many try
to reduce GBV. Sure, we could do more... Sure some are not able to refrain from GBV... But it's a real progress to know GBV is wrong.
And in regard of me: from the 4. to the 15. 12.13 I am engaged in the Intern.
Music-week in Swakopmund. APC's send 30 participants and we wish them all
a wonderfull experience in exercises and performances.
for the fullness of life, for redemption, happyness, salvation... and the promise is great: there will be a better future, a New Earth and a New Heaven...
Once mankind came into existence... and we see in retroperspective a enormeous
progress... once we have seen only our region, now we see the world; once we spoke only to our tribe, now we sms and mail and phone to the whole world...
we are busy to connect all States into a global World. The sun is rising...
Advent means: it's coming; we experience the Incarnation-process
The sec Sunday tells us more...
But sure as the light comes up - we get a new view of all the reality, we see colours, we see black and white - in the night it was a total different view.
It means Advent is a time of change, a turn-around, upheaval, a radical made-up,
for many a repentence...mankind discovered: with the coming up of the human consciousness (light) all reality is going into a new level - now there is somebody who knows... there is not only day and night; now we know there is day and night!
It means as you know... there is now also the temptation: to refuse to know;
the one who likes the darkness will fight again the light
On this sec. Adv Sunday we also celebrate Mary Immaculate. May we see
her as a woman who has accepted the light fully. For her God is light and she understand herself as one who is in service of the light. She experienced many clouds in her life but she didn't forget the sun behind the clouds. She faced many challenges but she discovered in all them the Grace of God.
And in regard of GBV - there was never a time so sensibel for this terrible crime. Today at least the majority of the World knows GBV is wrong; many try
to reduce GBV. Sure, we could do more... Sure some are not able to refrain from GBV... But it's a real progress to know GBV is wrong.
And in regard of me: from the 4. to the 15. 12.13 I am engaged in the Intern.
Music-week in Swakopmund. APC's send 30 participants and we wish them all
a wonderfull experience in exercises and performances.
Freitag, 29. November 2013
First Advent Sunday 01.12.2013
WE START AGAIN.... a new Church-year to celebrate the Life of Jesus Christ.
How was ist in 2013 ? We felt "going with the Church ?" or we stay in good distance ? How strange the Church became for me in 2013 ?
How should it be in 2014 ? I'm going to integrate myself into the Catholic Community in order to serve Humanity ?
But sure - it cannot be every year the same - it's a pity! Development is better !
Going with the Church means:
1.) I keep myself informed.
I like to know what's going on in my Community, in the Diocese and in the World-Church. Why hot subscribe to the "Southern Cross" ? and read it carefully !
2.) I keep myself going.
I will participate in the Church-events: Holy Mass; Sacraments; Feasts, Actions...
but don't forget: doing my work very rightly in my profession, on my work-place -
that's also a Church-action!
3.) I bring myself into some Church-activities.
In the Holy Mass: I sing; I listen; I may become a reader; a catechist !
Do we have a group who is ready to prepare the Sunday Mass in the Parish ?
In a Church-group: I become a member; I bring in my ideas; my contribution!
In this way I will become in 2014 an active member of the Catholic Community!
We need Sunday-Service people !
We know the Cath. Cty is part of the acting Body of Christ in our time. There is hope: we may do what JvN has done 2000 years ago. We open our people to see and to hear what's going on and to react in a good healty style. We empower our people to participate in the public life, to make decisions and improvements.
To build up a strong Church-Community - let me know: what can you do better for you and for all ? There are a lot of complaints: corruption, gbv, passion-killings,
stealing, missunderstandings, revenge etc... what may I do alone ?
But as a faith-based Community - we can do very much!
How was ist in 2013 ? We felt "going with the Church ?" or we stay in good distance ? How strange the Church became for me in 2013 ?
How should it be in 2014 ? I'm going to integrate myself into the Catholic Community in order to serve Humanity ?
But sure - it cannot be every year the same - it's a pity! Development is better !
Going with the Church means:
1.) I keep myself informed.
I like to know what's going on in my Community, in the Diocese and in the World-Church. Why hot subscribe to the "Southern Cross" ? and read it carefully !
2.) I keep myself going.
I will participate in the Church-events: Holy Mass; Sacraments; Feasts, Actions...
but don't forget: doing my work very rightly in my profession, on my work-place -
that's also a Church-action!
3.) I bring myself into some Church-activities.
In the Holy Mass: I sing; I listen; I may become a reader; a catechist !
Do we have a group who is ready to prepare the Sunday Mass in the Parish ?
In a Church-group: I become a member; I bring in my ideas; my contribution!
In this way I will become in 2014 an active member of the Catholic Community!
We need Sunday-Service people !
We know the Cath. Cty is part of the acting Body of Christ in our time. There is hope: we may do what JvN has done 2000 years ago. We open our people to see and to hear what's going on and to react in a good healty style. We empower our people to participate in the public life, to make decisions and improvements.
To build up a strong Church-Community - let me know: what can you do better for you and for all ? There are a lot of complaints: corruption, gbv, passion-killings,
stealing, missunderstandings, revenge etc... what may I do alone ?
But as a faith-based Community - we can do very much!
Donnerstag, 21. November 2013
34 Sun C / Lk 23.35-43 END
We also celebrate the end of the Year of Faith.
I hope it's not the end of faith but rather it was a renewal of faith.
But serious: what did you do in favour of such a renewal ?
Faith has changed during 2013 or not at all ?
You know faith is a seed, planted in every soul.
I draw a picture of faith:
A) We all are in one boat; we are convinced: the waves carry us.
B) We are quite busy: we eat fish, we row. But the salty water we don't drink...
C) We decide to sing: "Jesus, remember me, when you come into your kingdom".
A) Faith is here a subject we are embedded in. All of us participate with the
conviction: the Universe is somehow stable. Without such faith life is impossible.
Faith is in every person the human power of trust.
B) Some objects we believe are good for us; but to some objects we revoke faith.
We don't believe in you any more... we don't trust anymore... That's an interesting
development... some objects loose reality.
C) Before we do something, we have already decided: that's something for us.
I believe means: I have decided that's something for me; it's a reality in my view.
I believe in God means: I have decided God is a reality (good for me).
Faith is a subject, we are in; faith is against an object we are attracted to; faith is an activity, we decide for.
Faith is much ore than a religious matter. Faith is human! Faith is the decision: yes I am somebody. I am nobody is a contradiction: is no faith.
And as much as we are able to say YES to me, so we say YES to Us, to the Universe - and maybe to God.
I hope it's not the end of faith but rather it was a renewal of faith.
But serious: what did you do in favour of such a renewal ?
Faith has changed during 2013 or not at all ?
You know faith is a seed, planted in every soul.
I draw a picture of faith:
A) We all are in one boat; we are convinced: the waves carry us.
B) We are quite busy: we eat fish, we row. But the salty water we don't drink...
C) We decide to sing: "Jesus, remember me, when you come into your kingdom".
A) Faith is here a subject we are embedded in. All of us participate with the
conviction: the Universe is somehow stable. Without such faith life is impossible.
Faith is in every person the human power of trust.
B) Some objects we believe are good for us; but to some objects we revoke faith.
We don't believe in you any more... we don't trust anymore... That's an interesting
development... some objects loose reality.
C) Before we do something, we have already decided: that's something for us.
I believe means: I have decided that's something for me; it's a reality in my view.
I believe in God means: I have decided God is a reality (good for me).
Faith is a subject, we are in; faith is against an object we are attracted to; faith is an activity, we decide for.
Faith is much ore than a religious matter. Faith is human! Faith is the decision: yes I am somebody. I am nobody is a contradiction: is no faith.
And as much as we are able to say YES to me, so we say YES to Us, to the Universe - and maybe to God.
Freitag, 15. November 2013
33 Sun C Lk 21.5-19 ENDURANCE
Until today people admire the beauty.. arts, religion, landscape, science etc...
and Jesus comes with a "reality-shock": everything will be destroyed!
People living in a state of illusion will ask: when and what sign ? anger / trouble!
In front of the temple it's hart to believe...
But today we know at least after 4 1/2 billion years our sun-system will explode.
Jesus take the chance to open our CHRISTIAN eyes:
A) What ever happen... revolutions, wars, Haiyan, tsunami, plagues, famine,
refugees-streams, earthquakes, finance-crashes ...
take care... rise up your attention... know and see and hear what's going on
B) What ever your experiences in such situations: betrayal, persecution, death...
take the chance to bear wittness...
don't forget: you are called to proclaim the Kingdom of God;
to introduce a NEW Heaven + a NEW EARTH
your conviction about God as challenging LIGHT about the resurrection of Jesus
Christ gives you wisdom and eloquence enough ...
C) and keep in mind ENDURANCE is all; don't give in... keep going...
Jesus himself has given the example: through all the circumstances he kept
his mission... no matter what happend: betrayal, persecution, death...
he kept going... endurance through all difficulties...he kept the conviction:
Endurance today is much more difficult then ever. In an all-changing world,
in a world you learn more and more, there are great new discoveries...
what is it - you keep on ? What you once learnt is today old stuff; and you
are not any more what you once has been... what do you keep on ?
If you have discovered and secured your mission...keep it ! ? !
Maybe your mission is your personality. Jesus "I am the bread of Life".
and Jesus comes with a "reality-shock": everything will be destroyed!
People living in a state of illusion will ask: when and what sign ? anger / trouble!
In front of the temple it's hart to believe...
But today we know at least after 4 1/2 billion years our sun-system will explode.
Jesus take the chance to open our CHRISTIAN eyes:
A) What ever happen... revolutions, wars, Haiyan, tsunami, plagues, famine,
refugees-streams, earthquakes, finance-crashes ...
take care... rise up your attention... know and see and hear what's going on
B) What ever your experiences in such situations: betrayal, persecution, death...
take the chance to bear wittness...
don't forget: you are called to proclaim the Kingdom of God;
to introduce a NEW Heaven + a NEW EARTH
your conviction about God as challenging LIGHT about the resurrection of Jesus
Christ gives you wisdom and eloquence enough ...
C) and keep in mind ENDURANCE is all; don't give in... keep going...
Jesus himself has given the example: through all the circumstances he kept
his mission... no matter what happend: betrayal, persecution, death...
he kept going... endurance through all difficulties...he kept the conviction:
Endurance today is much more difficult then ever. In an all-changing world,
in a world you learn more and more, there are great new discoveries...
what is it - you keep on ? What you once learnt is today old stuff; and you
are not any more what you once has been... what do you keep on ?
If you have discovered and secured your mission...keep it ! ? !
Maybe your mission is your personality. Jesus "I am the bread of Life".
Samstag, 9. November 2013
32 Sun C Lk 20.38 God of the living...
The Catechist observed the children drawing and asks a girl: what her drawing shows. The girl replied: "I'm drawing God". The Catechist mentioned: "But no one
knows what God looks like". The girl: "Wait a moment, they will see it very soon."
What the girl is creatively doing "DRAWING GOD", humanity is doing since homo sapiens is an earth; all over, everytime, since of old people design God.
We are all designer of God.
The histroy of "designing God" is very interesting: Some have drew him as victorious warrior, as terrible revenge, as patriarch, king, creator (allmighty,
merciful, full of love...) You remember Marduk, Isis, Zeus, Wotan, Jahwe etc.. HOW IS GOD ? God looks like ?
For the religious people it's a very brutal discovery: in reality we do not know it.
No Religion, NO Church, NO Theology, NO Profet knows "HOW IS GOD". The real Christian Theology will tell you first: God is absolute MYSTERY !
[Jesus - as a child of his time - has known the God of his people: the Jahwe-God
and his contribution to the new designing of God is still a surprise].
Exactly because God is absolute MYSTERY, there is no other way for humans
than to decide HOW we see God! To speak about God means to design God.
The contributing factors to this historical designing are not all well known and some of them unconscious. Look Pope Francis: Once a hart man now designing God as merciful. The mother telling the child: God will punish you, has designed
the image of God as punishing. The Cath. Church spaeking about "ens absolutum"
has given God the image of the highest all-embracing entity.
Dead people do not design God - it's over! Only the living people of every time
are drawing God; making a picture of HIM, they decide which image of God to propagate. God is all the time the "God of the living" (his image is made esp. by the religious people).. Only living people are designing and make decisions.
Today we are invited to go to this level of consciouness and to become aware which picture of God we are drawing; we are presenting. I hope you enjoy the creative task to give God an attractive image.
knows what God looks like". The girl: "Wait a moment, they will see it very soon."
What the girl is creatively doing "DRAWING GOD", humanity is doing since homo sapiens is an earth; all over, everytime, since of old people design God.
We are all designer of God.
The histroy of "designing God" is very interesting: Some have drew him as victorious warrior, as terrible revenge, as patriarch, king, creator (allmighty,
merciful, full of love...) You remember Marduk, Isis, Zeus, Wotan, Jahwe etc.. HOW IS GOD ? God looks like ?
For the religious people it's a very brutal discovery: in reality we do not know it.
No Religion, NO Church, NO Theology, NO Profet knows "HOW IS GOD". The real Christian Theology will tell you first: God is absolute MYSTERY !
[Jesus - as a child of his time - has known the God of his people: the Jahwe-God
and his contribution to the new designing of God is still a surprise].
Exactly because God is absolute MYSTERY, there is no other way for humans
than to decide HOW we see God! To speak about God means to design God.
The contributing factors to this historical designing are not all well known and some of them unconscious. Look Pope Francis: Once a hart man now designing God as merciful. The mother telling the child: God will punish you, has designed
the image of God as punishing. The Cath. Church spaeking about "ens absolutum"
has given God the image of the highest all-embracing entity.
Dead people do not design God - it's over! Only the living people of every time
are drawing God; making a picture of HIM, they decide which image of God to propagate. God is all the time the "God of the living" (his image is made esp. by the religious people).. Only living people are designing and make decisions.
Today we are invited to go to this level of consciouness and to become aware which picture of God we are drawing; we are presenting. I hope you enjoy the creative task to give God an attractive image.
Donnerstag, 31. Oktober 2013
31. Sun C / Lk 19.1-10 CONVERSION
Lk shows us a successfull conversion-story - we greet Mr. Zachaeus!
we learn the strategy of Jesus
if the Church likes to have disciples... she has to flame up curiosity;
it means she has to be present in public and not at all hidden
present in the Newspaper, Radio, TV, Facebook, Web, Blogs etc...).
Jesus got a public image by his teaching and healing - people beame curious!
If somebody is not ready to change his/her standpoint, not open for a new view..
if somebody is closed; too convinced to be right, to know all
such people are unable to become a disciple of Jesus.
There is no other entrance into the Church than INVITATION - the whole Church
at all time and everywhere and for all must invite (not do nothing + not force)
The Church must elaborate an image of "you are most welcome"
[we like your company, your skill, your contribution: your voice and your ears,
your beauty and your eyes...]
This is the most difficult part of today... to go into a sincere and open and positive "argument": all WHY's + WHAT's, all IF's + bc's are to be put on the table.
That's a long process ... to know each other - until a decision is ripe.
After this four steps... we are ready for great surprises... wonders are possible..
The problem - the Parishes, the Communities, the Dioceses they have not such groups / teams... educated well for such a work. The most believers believe thats
a duty of the Holy Spirit alone. And some of them they like to wake up the Holy Spirit, but they do rather nothing... it's not my business.
we learn the strategy of Jesus
if the Church likes to have disciples... she has to flame up curiosity;
it means she has to be present in public and not at all hidden
present in the Newspaper, Radio, TV, Facebook, Web, Blogs etc...).
Jesus got a public image by his teaching and healing - people beame curious!
If somebody is not ready to change his/her standpoint, not open for a new view..
if somebody is closed; too convinced to be right, to know all
such people are unable to become a disciple of Jesus.
There is no other entrance into the Church than INVITATION - the whole Church
at all time and everywhere and for all must invite (not do nothing + not force)
The Church must elaborate an image of "you are most welcome"
[we like your company, your skill, your contribution: your voice and your ears,
your beauty and your eyes...]
This is the most difficult part of today... to go into a sincere and open and positive "argument": all WHY's + WHAT's, all IF's + bc's are to be put on the table.
That's a long process ... to know each other - until a decision is ripe.
After this four steps... we are ready for great surprises... wonders are possible..
The problem - the Parishes, the Communities, the Dioceses they have not such groups / teams... educated well for such a work. The most believers believe thats
a duty of the Holy Spirit alone. And some of them they like to wake up the Holy Spirit, but they do rather nothing... it's not my business.
Mittwoch, 30. Oktober 2013
APOSTLES on level ground...
In Mt 28.19 Jesus sent the Apostles to make disciples by baptism.
Now the Apostles of today in Namibia have given this task to 700 young RC-pepole in Namibia on the 25.Aug.2013...
Since this day they are commissioned to be missionary 24/7 to make disciples:
"As you go about your life, make disciples. As you travel in a taxi, make disciples;
as you walk to and from school, make disciples; as you visit with friends, make disciples etc... etc... every moment of your lives we are called to make disciples."
I hope these new disciples-makers know HOW to do this delicate work... until now
you became in the RCC a disciple by Baptism (ev. by confirmation) but now ?
Maybe there will be a course for these new commissioners about baptism and
how to invite people today to make the Baptism-DECISION!
In Namibia the most Christian-Baptisms are accepted by the great Christian Churches... the far most people are already catched; if means there are only a few out there to be catched into the Christian nets.
And if you are already a baptised Christian... you know: you are a disciple! or do you want to change your discipleship ? Are we going to start a new competition ?
All about this mega-event you read in "Angelus" No 4 / Aug-Sept 2013
Once, long ago, Jesus came with the Apostels down on level ground... there was
a larg gathering of his disciples with a great crowd of peole... and ...
all of them cured! cf. Lk 6.17-19
So they brought the atmosphere of Rio to Windhoek
and the atmosphere of Lk 6.17-19 ? ?
Rev. Maria Kapere complained: The moral decay are taking place at such unprecedented and frightening propositions... so that all institutions are begged
to join forces to respond to this challenges.
May I dare to wait for a proposal HOW TO HEAL ? (to cure all of them).
Now the Apostles of today in Namibia have given this task to 700 young RC-pepole in Namibia on the 25.Aug.2013...
Since this day they are commissioned to be missionary 24/7 to make disciples:
"As you go about your life, make disciples. As you travel in a taxi, make disciples;
as you walk to and from school, make disciples; as you visit with friends, make disciples etc... etc... every moment of your lives we are called to make disciples."
I hope these new disciples-makers know HOW to do this delicate work... until now
you became in the RCC a disciple by Baptism (ev. by confirmation) but now ?
Maybe there will be a course for these new commissioners about baptism and
how to invite people today to make the Baptism-DECISION!
In Namibia the most Christian-Baptisms are accepted by the great Christian Churches... the far most people are already catched; if means there are only a few out there to be catched into the Christian nets.
And if you are already a baptised Christian... you know: you are a disciple! or do you want to change your discipleship ? Are we going to start a new competition ?
All about this mega-event you read in "Angelus" No 4 / Aug-Sept 2013
Once, long ago, Jesus came with the Apostels down on level ground... there was
a larg gathering of his disciples with a great crowd of peole... and ...
all of them cured! cf. Lk 6.17-19
So they brought the atmosphere of Rio to Windhoek
and the atmosphere of Lk 6.17-19 ? ?
Rev. Maria Kapere complained: The moral decay are taking place at such unprecedented and frightening propositions... so that all institutions are begged
to join forces to respond to this challenges.
May I dare to wait for a proposal HOW TO HEAL ? (to cure all of them).
Freitag, 25. Oktober 2013
30 Sun C / Lk 18.9-14 WHO I AM ? ? ?
We may go every Sunday to our Sanctuary to celebrate the Holy Mass...
but today Lk posted the question: WHO I AM ?
I go to the Celebration as a pious Pharisee or as a confessing Sinner ?
These two are well designed in the parabel...
The Start of the celebration asks:
First: As I go to the Holy Mass, I go as a "member of the Community" or I go
alone for myself only? By Baptism I became a member... nobody is alone!
We come together to celebrate together!
We as people together with the Saints and with Jesus Christ.
Sec.: In the Celebration I am "still on the Way". Im going... and Im growing...
Im not yet at the end! Im still struggling...
Im depending on mercy, an grace, on new possibilities... I sing: Lord have mercy
If I see me as perfect; I don't need any mercy.. I don't sing: Lord have mercy
Third: After we got the message: God is for us really merciful ... we have reason to praise HIM: Gloria in excelsis Deo!
If you like to praise your own great deeds you must sing an other song!
After this START it's clear, we are together as "called Christians"
not any more pious or sinner ... but now challenged!
The question "Who I am ?" is now answered: I have decided to follow JX.
There is no more the famous differences the world has introduced!
So we receive the WORD... the GIFTS... the ACCEPTANCE...
and together with Jesus Christ we give thanks to God (Eucharist)
for the universe, for the nature, for life, for mankind, for diff. people etc...
not as sinners not as pharisees but as "gifted people"!
We receive "the Braed of Life" as people on the way... for "ite missa est"...
to go and to try again...
The differences are good in order to enrich our Unity not to sparate us in
differrent classes... there is one vocation: once and for all!
but today Lk posted the question: WHO I AM ?
I go to the Celebration as a pious Pharisee or as a confessing Sinner ?
These two are well designed in the parabel...
The Start of the celebration asks:
First: As I go to the Holy Mass, I go as a "member of the Community" or I go
alone for myself only? By Baptism I became a member... nobody is alone!
We come together to celebrate together!
We as people together with the Saints and with Jesus Christ.
Sec.: In the Celebration I am "still on the Way". Im going... and Im growing...
Im not yet at the end! Im still struggling...
Im depending on mercy, an grace, on new possibilities... I sing: Lord have mercy
If I see me as perfect; I don't need any mercy.. I don't sing: Lord have mercy
Third: After we got the message: God is for us really merciful ... we have reason to praise HIM: Gloria in excelsis Deo!
If you like to praise your own great deeds you must sing an other song!
After this START it's clear, we are together as "called Christians"
not any more pious or sinner ... but now challenged!
The question "Who I am ?" is now answered: I have decided to follow JX.
There is no more the famous differences the world has introduced!
So we receive the WORD... the GIFTS... the ACCEPTANCE...
and together with Jesus Christ we give thanks to God (Eucharist)
for the universe, for the nature, for life, for mankind, for diff. people etc...
not as sinners not as pharisees but as "gifted people"!
We receive "the Braed of Life" as people on the way... for "ite missa est"...
to go and to try again...
The differences are good in order to enrich our Unity not to sparate us in
differrent classes... there is one vocation: once and for all!
Samstag, 19. Oktober 2013
29 Sun C / the value of perseverance
Why the widow finally got justice ? because of her perseverance !
Why Jesus finally got justice ? because of his perseverance !
Why the Jesus-movement got finally justice ? bc of perseverance !
Lk 18.1-8 don't ask: what is justice - but he shows to the new
believers: in our society, in our culture - you will get your just goal
only by perseverance!
There is a time you have to be busy to discover your vocation...
later it's time to clear up your vocation
but finally only by perseverance you will achieve your goal.
What is the method "never to lose heart" ?
1.) Our own experiences and the experiences of many people shows me:
perseverance will bring fruit.
2.) "to keep the way" or "keep going" - it's good to have a clear and attractive
picture of your goal.
3.) "go together, not alone". Friends are the best "vitamine" for perseverance.
One glimpse deeper: the cosmos and the nature shows to everybody:
to keep life going, you need a certain balance and the readiness to change!
Tomorrow we will have Baby-Baptism in "Fatima-Church"; we invite baby's
to follow Jesus Christ... it's only possible as we integrate them into the
Church-Community. We hope they once will get a good spiritual leader
showing them how to go "step by step" ...
As a child I have learnt to go by feet, as a boy I have gone by bicycle, as a young man I drove a car, later I used the aiplane... great changes - one goal.
Why Jesus finally got justice ? because of his perseverance !
Why the Jesus-movement got finally justice ? bc of perseverance !
Lk 18.1-8 don't ask: what is justice - but he shows to the new
believers: in our society, in our culture - you will get your just goal
only by perseverance!
There is a time you have to be busy to discover your vocation...
later it's time to clear up your vocation
but finally only by perseverance you will achieve your goal.
What is the method "never to lose heart" ?
1.) Our own experiences and the experiences of many people shows me:
perseverance will bring fruit.
2.) "to keep the way" or "keep going" - it's good to have a clear and attractive
picture of your goal.
3.) "go together, not alone". Friends are the best "vitamine" for perseverance.
One glimpse deeper: the cosmos and the nature shows to everybody:
to keep life going, you need a certain balance and the readiness to change!
Tomorrow we will have Baby-Baptism in "Fatima-Church"; we invite baby's
to follow Jesus Christ... it's only possible as we integrate them into the
Church-Community. We hope they once will get a good spiritual leader
showing them how to go "step by step" ...
As a child I have learnt to go by feet, as a boy I have gone by bicycle, as a young man I drove a car, later I used the aiplane... great changes - one goal.
Donnerstag, 10. Oktober 2013
28 Sun C - one for all - 10% go on...
Luke is eager to show a realistic view (17.11-19): 50 to 70 years after Jesus, the Profet of Nazareth, Luke got the experience: only a few of the jewish believers
have decided to adhere to the Jesus-Movement. The message of Jesus is seen by many as a renewal, as an inspiration, as a healing, as salvation... but to change the own old way... it's to risky... never you know where the new way is going...
So only one comes back to Jesus... and it's a stranger. To praise the Jahwe-God is normal for all, but to give thanks to Jesus is an exception... as you do so,
you will get a surpraise!
Today we are going to get the same experiences: People are ready to praise God in their daily life, but come together to give thanks to God togehter with Jesus - it means to celebrate the Holy Eucharist - in some parts of the Christian World has gone back to 10%.
What is the real problem? the damage? It's stagnation! ... no development!
The one who goes to the eucharistic celebration (thanksgiving) gets the message:
"Stand up... go on your way ... Your faith has saved you!"
Again and again Jesus makes it very clear: your faith has saved you! He shows us the power of faith. It's like a revelation: you who comes back to give thanks to Jesus must know: in reality it's your faith who has cured / saved you. "Faith" as an interesting kind of "acting" is the most effektive power in the human world. Jesus
and the Saints are for us very good examples. They have been convinced the fulness of Life is based on faith; to overcome the banality of Life and the death-
threat - the remedy is faith.
"Go on your way!" Take into consideration all what you know, all your experiences,
all advices and make a hopefull decision - this is the way of faith, step by step.
"Stand up!" In your situation take a stand.The society needs your word, your attitude, your action. Your contribution to the problem-solving is asked for!
To increasse our faith Jesus has no other remedy than his example.
have decided to adhere to the Jesus-Movement. The message of Jesus is seen by many as a renewal, as an inspiration, as a healing, as salvation... but to change the own old way... it's to risky... never you know where the new way is going...
So only one comes back to Jesus... and it's a stranger. To praise the Jahwe-God is normal for all, but to give thanks to Jesus is an exception... as you do so,
you will get a surpraise!
Today we are going to get the same experiences: People are ready to praise God in their daily life, but come together to give thanks to God togehter with Jesus - it means to celebrate the Holy Eucharist - in some parts of the Christian World has gone back to 10%.
What is the real problem? the damage? It's stagnation! ... no development!
The one who goes to the eucharistic celebration (thanksgiving) gets the message:
"Stand up... go on your way ... Your faith has saved you!"
Again and again Jesus makes it very clear: your faith has saved you! He shows us the power of faith. It's like a revelation: you who comes back to give thanks to Jesus must know: in reality it's your faith who has cured / saved you. "Faith" as an interesting kind of "acting" is the most effektive power in the human world. Jesus
and the Saints are for us very good examples. They have been convinced the fulness of Life is based on faith; to overcome the banality of Life and the death-
threat - the remedy is faith.
"Go on your way!" Take into consideration all what you know, all your experiences,
all advices and make a hopefull decision - this is the way of faith, step by step.
"Stand up!" In your situation take a stand.The society needs your word, your attitude, your action. Your contribution to the problem-solving is asked for!
To increasse our faith Jesus has no other remedy than his example.
Mittwoch, 2. Oktober 2013
27 Sun C : high level readings...
As I first read the Gospel Lk 17.5-10 I decided: there are two topics:
A) about faith; it's a wish of the Apostles (of the Church) "increase our faith".
Thinking about faith means to see: faith is an energy to live to the full, a force; resource of power to conduct power.The response of Jesus is interesting: He didn't tell them: yes; I like to give you faith. He has given them an example: how faith is effectiv! It seems Jesus encouraged them to care for their own faith;
to find a methode to increase their own faith.
Today we know three methods to increase faith in our own soul: meditation, experiences, imagination. If you like: try...
B) The relationship between master and servant has led me to a study:
How in history have developped the different public forms to execute power -
in the State, in the Church, in the business-world, in the family? From patriarchalism over theocracy to democracy...
no thanks to the servant, because he has only done his duty... until today this old
idee: God is master and we are servant - is exercised in our Church (theology).
The impetus of Jesus to change this old realtionship between God and mankind
has failed...until today
Then I jumped to the profet Habakkuk: complaining the situation and the fact: God is doing nothing! It's exactly the same today: the experience: God is doing nothing. At least God has given a vision (it will come):"the evil one will not survive
the right one will live because of his faith". Again: faith as power to live to the full.
And at the end, by Paulus (2Tim 1.6) I read: I am reminding you to fan into a flame the gift that God gave you. One gift we got is faith; this resource of power to live to the full. Paulus now clears up the situation:
Don't ask: please increase, don't have only a vision for later - fan into a flame!
the gift of faith; it's up to you to improve your faith - fan it into a flame!
"Faith" is one of the most powefull forces, energy in the hand of mankind; there is no human being without this energy. But sure in some people faith is nearly extinguished; the engine is lame. These people are invited to attend a meditation-
course with this three steps: 1. I exercise faith in myself; 2. I learn faith in the
universe 3. I imagine faith in God.
And don't forget: faith is a risky decision.
A) about faith; it's a wish of the Apostles (of the Church) "increase our faith".
Thinking about faith means to see: faith is an energy to live to the full, a force; resource of power to conduct power.The response of Jesus is interesting: He didn't tell them: yes; I like to give you faith. He has given them an example: how faith is effectiv! It seems Jesus encouraged them to care for their own faith;
to find a methode to increase their own faith.
Today we know three methods to increase faith in our own soul: meditation, experiences, imagination. If you like: try...
B) The relationship between master and servant has led me to a study:
How in history have developped the different public forms to execute power -
in the State, in the Church, in the business-world, in the family? From patriarchalism over theocracy to democracy...
no thanks to the servant, because he has only done his duty... until today this old
idee: God is master and we are servant - is exercised in our Church (theology).
The impetus of Jesus to change this old realtionship between God and mankind
has failed...until today
Then I jumped to the profet Habakkuk: complaining the situation and the fact: God is doing nothing! It's exactly the same today: the experience: God is doing nothing. At least God has given a vision (it will come):"the evil one will not survive
the right one will live because of his faith". Again: faith as power to live to the full.
And at the end, by Paulus (2Tim 1.6) I read: I am reminding you to fan into a flame the gift that God gave you. One gift we got is faith; this resource of power to live to the full. Paulus now clears up the situation:
Don't ask: please increase, don't have only a vision for later - fan into a flame!
the gift of faith; it's up to you to improve your faith - fan it into a flame!
"Faith" is one of the most powefull forces, energy in the hand of mankind; there is no human being without this energy. But sure in some people faith is nearly extinguished; the engine is lame. These people are invited to attend a meditation-
course with this three steps: 1. I exercise faith in myself; 2. I learn faith in the
universe 3. I imagine faith in God.
And don't forget: faith is a risky decision.
Freitag, 20. September 2013
25 Sun C : A Christian probation-field.
Luke (16.1-13) reveals us that Jesus sees the money as a probation-field. He says something like: If you are able to manage your money honestly - you are able to be trusted with higher genuine riches. If not - sorry you are lost.
Let's have a look at this interesting "money-probation-field"
1.) What value has money in your life? Are you able to give money the exact value it deserves? Don't forget: where your heart there is your Life.
A) "I don't tell it to nobody, but I feel money is the highest value in my life:
no money = no life!" what a poor heart. Now money is your god. It's your decision?
B) "Money for me is important". You are a realistic person and as you take it serious: you sure will learn to be a good manager of your money.
C) "Money tells me nothing". Sorry - did you take the vow of poverty?
2.) I hope most of us are in B): We value money as important. Therefore we like
to be somehow rich in money and - why not - we hope everybody may be rich -
not only me. The question insists: How we get rich in money?
- some steal it; a well known method; hoping the other one will not be successful.
- some pray for money; God as world-bank-chief; money by rain! (a lila dream)
- some share the money; it's quite a realistic and healty method.
- some work for money; it's today the most accepted method - not a bad one.
If you like to get money by working, you need a clever strategy: a clear effective management of money.
Rule 1 of money-management is "bookkeeping". This is prove of your seriousness.
Every confirmation-course includes a bookkeeping-exam! A honest bookkeeping shows you from where how much money is coming and where how much money is going and - how honest you are! (= not cheating yourself).
Rule 2 is therefore: I know my money-situation. And if you really know, accept
Rule 3 "I am the manager of my money!" (m3)
Now we can be trusted with money... and therefore with higher riches too.
If you show people that you are a good m3 they will entrust you with more and
with other riches. It's the same for Parishes, for Dioceses, the World-Church.
Pope Francis has started to give the Church a modern, transparent, honest
Bookkeeping". (We hope the Parish-Finance-Committee will do teh same).
Why did we speak about money? Bc money is important; it's a "human-probation-
field": We have to take over first responsibility of our own money and later of the
money of the world. We all are co-responsible for the Parish-money, for the Namibian-money. Money is not a gift of God. Money is a human invention - and now we are responsible for what money is spent. Also for baptized and confirmed people: money is a "probation-field".
Let's have a look at this interesting "money-probation-field"
1.) What value has money in your life? Are you able to give money the exact value it deserves? Don't forget: where your heart there is your Life.
A) "I don't tell it to nobody, but I feel money is the highest value in my life:
no money = no life!" what a poor heart. Now money is your god. It's your decision?
B) "Money for me is important". You are a realistic person and as you take it serious: you sure will learn to be a good manager of your money.
C) "Money tells me nothing". Sorry - did you take the vow of poverty?
2.) I hope most of us are in B): We value money as important. Therefore we like
to be somehow rich in money and - why not - we hope everybody may be rich -
not only me. The question insists: How we get rich in money?
- some steal it; a well known method; hoping the other one will not be successful.
- some pray for money; God as world-bank-chief; money by rain! (a lila dream)
- some share the money; it's quite a realistic and healty method.
- some work for money; it's today the most accepted method - not a bad one.
If you like to get money by working, you need a clever strategy: a clear effective management of money.
Rule 1 of money-management is "bookkeeping". This is prove of your seriousness.
Every confirmation-course includes a bookkeeping-exam! A honest bookkeeping shows you from where how much money is coming and where how much money is going and - how honest you are! (= not cheating yourself).
Rule 2 is therefore: I know my money-situation. And if you really know, accept
Rule 3 "I am the manager of my money!" (m3)
Now we can be trusted with money... and therefore with higher riches too.
If you show people that you are a good m3 they will entrust you with more and
with other riches. It's the same for Parishes, for Dioceses, the World-Church.
Pope Francis has started to give the Church a modern, transparent, honest
Bookkeeping". (We hope the Parish-Finance-Committee will do teh same).
Why did we speak about money? Bc money is important; it's a "human-probation-
field": We have to take over first responsibility of our own money and later of the
money of the world. We all are co-responsible for the Parish-money, for the Namibian-money. Money is not a gift of God. Money is a human invention - and now we are responsible for what money is spent. Also for baptized and confirmed people: money is a "probation-field".
Freitag, 13. September 2013
24 Sun C / 150913 / at the end a feast!
Again: Jesus was quite attractive... sinners were all seeking his company...
Again: the pious pharisees and the learnt scribes are complaining:
"something is wrong with this Profet JoN" ... Lk 15.1-32
The complains: He welcomes sinners, he invites them, he cares for them,
he has time for them, he has a word for them...
it looks like: he is really interested in them...
The answer: Yes! it's true... Jesus is very engaged with sinners... until today ! ?
Lk gives us 3 parables to explain the behaviour of Jesus... to defend him...
to tell us: that Jesus is right (and to tell this to all pastoral-workers of today).
the lost sheep... the lost drachma... the lost son...
The reasons for Jesu' behaviour: in his view: SINNERS ARE LOST PEOPLE.
They have lost a situation, a chance, a fortune... but more exactly: they have lost
"to do the right thing": to build up the Kingdom of God! They have lost: to care for
others; they are selfish. They have lost to know what is good for them and for the common-good; worse: they lost the power to do good!
WHAT SINNERS NEED: a) empathy and mercy; b) somebody who is looking after them; c) they have to be challenged: to make a turn (repentance); d) they have to
get the experience: to be invited into the Community (not to be excluded);
e) sure they need an understandable good exemple; f) maybe they need a training
in doing right... g) and most of all: they need to know / to see: "as we turn to the right path, there will be great joy" - a special feast!
IF you turn, repent, convert, goes back on the right track... this is good for you!
for everybody! and most good for the whole Community!
Today: Every Christian Community has surely a strategy to "deliver us (sinners) from evil". Ask your Parish-priest !
If he is to busy with his 99 believers... if he has lost view and hope for sinners...
if he has no strategy to convert sinners... if he feels it's too much hard and delicate work.. he needs holiday; a sabbat-year; a pastoral-training a la 2013;
and a modern meditation about "seculare Christianity":
Jesus has shown an alternative.
Again: the pious pharisees and the learnt scribes are complaining:
"something is wrong with this Profet JoN" ... Lk 15.1-32
The complains: He welcomes sinners, he invites them, he cares for them,
he has time for them, he has a word for them...
it looks like: he is really interested in them...
The answer: Yes! it's true... Jesus is very engaged with sinners... until today ! ?
Lk gives us 3 parables to explain the behaviour of Jesus... to defend him...
to tell us: that Jesus is right (and to tell this to all pastoral-workers of today).
the lost sheep... the lost drachma... the lost son...
The reasons for Jesu' behaviour: in his view: SINNERS ARE LOST PEOPLE.
They have lost a situation, a chance, a fortune... but more exactly: they have lost
"to do the right thing": to build up the Kingdom of God! They have lost: to care for
others; they are selfish. They have lost to know what is good for them and for the common-good; worse: they lost the power to do good!
WHAT SINNERS NEED: a) empathy and mercy; b) somebody who is looking after them; c) they have to be challenged: to make a turn (repentance); d) they have to
get the experience: to be invited into the Community (not to be excluded);
e) sure they need an understandable good exemple; f) maybe they need a training
in doing right... g) and most of all: they need to know / to see: "as we turn to the right path, there will be great joy" - a special feast!
IF you turn, repent, convert, goes back on the right track... this is good for you!
for everybody! and most good for the whole Community!
Today: Every Christian Community has surely a strategy to "deliver us (sinners) from evil". Ask your Parish-priest !
If he is to busy with his 99 believers... if he has lost view and hope for sinners...
if he has no strategy to convert sinners... if he feels it's too much hard and delicate work.. he needs holiday; a sabbat-year; a pastoral-training a la 2013;
and a modern meditation about "seculare Christianity":
Jesus has shown an alternative.
Freitag, 30. August 2013
22 Sunday C / 010913 / I HAVE A DREAM...
50 years ago on the 28th Aug.1963 Dr. Martin Luther King jr delivered his famous speech in Washington DC " let freedom ring from every hill...
"And wenn this happens, when we allow freedom to ring from every village...
from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual 'free at last! free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last"
G. Williams said: MLK's words constitute one of the most passionate political statements of the 20th century, a source of inspiration in the quest for freedom in so many different countries around the world.
2000 years ago JvN also declared his dream: "The kingdom of God is at hand".
The Gospel of today put his dream in practice Lk 14.1-24 At a great meal with Pharisees, Jesus was invited and took the lead:
A (14.2-7): The holy LAW is meant for the liberation of mankind (healing!)
B (14.7-11): The one who humbles himself will be exalted (stay in service !)
C (14.12-14): option for the poor (marginalized / not one let behind !)
D (14.15-24): be awake! there is a danger to loose the chance (kairos !)
In 2013 Pope Francis in Rio de Janeiro (World-Youth-Day) has shown his dream
saying to millions of people:
go... (ite missa est!) don't do nothing; be engaged; make your dreams come true
without fear... against all difficulties; with courage and wisdom;
to serve... give hands to the marginalized, to the handicapped...
In our Sunday-Celebration, as we come together to praise God, we may ask or wonder which DREAM God may have for all his creation, for the whole humanity.
There are many people, mostly named Profets, they mirror the DREAM of GOD.
But one is sure: To make the dreams come true - it needs our engagement.
Therefore at the end of the Holy Mass we say very clearly:
As now God is with you ... go... and lend a hand...
"And wenn this happens, when we allow freedom to ring from every village...
from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual 'free at last! free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last"
G. Williams said: MLK's words constitute one of the most passionate political statements of the 20th century, a source of inspiration in the quest for freedom in so many different countries around the world.
2000 years ago JvN also declared his dream: "The kingdom of God is at hand".
The Gospel of today put his dream in practice Lk 14.1-24 At a great meal with Pharisees, Jesus was invited and took the lead:
A (14.2-7): The holy LAW is meant for the liberation of mankind (healing!)
B (14.7-11): The one who humbles himself will be exalted (stay in service !)
C (14.12-14): option for the poor (marginalized / not one let behind !)
D (14.15-24): be awake! there is a danger to loose the chance (kairos !)
In 2013 Pope Francis in Rio de Janeiro (World-Youth-Day) has shown his dream
saying to millions of people:
go... (ite missa est!) don't do nothing; be engaged; make your dreams come true
without fear... against all difficulties; with courage and wisdom;
to serve... give hands to the marginalized, to the handicapped...
In our Sunday-Celebration, as we come together to praise God, we may ask or wonder which DREAM God may have for all his creation, for the whole humanity.
There are many people, mostly named Profets, they mirror the DREAM of GOD.
But one is sure: To make the dreams come true - it needs our engagement.
Therefore at the end of the Holy Mass we say very clearly:
As now God is with you ... go... and lend a hand...
Sonntag, 25. August 2013
21 Sunday C / 250813 / BIBLE Sunday
As we bring the BIBLE into the Church by procession, we like to show everybody:
The BIBLE is a message for the CHURCH, she may go into the heart und brain and hands of all believers. And the CHURCH brings this message to the World as an offer as an invitation.
Some people, busy with the mystery of God, became and become convinced: they
have understood whats going on in the mind of God; they got knowledge about the will of God; they know what God is doing! These people are so convinced: they started to write down their discovery. The message about God as the message of God. And the CHURCH has chosen 72 books as holy, as the right interpretation
of the will of God. And this interpretation-work should go on...
As you read the BIBLE, you may read book after book (starting with the Gospels,
then the Letters, then the Psalms, then the Prophets etc... and finally the Genesis) or you may read the 3 Readings of the following Sunday. Your reading is best as you keep in mind the question: what is the message for me/ for us?
If you didn't get any message, your reading is strange. If you like to study the Bible
that's something else; it means you like to find out: how the message is constructed, translated and onderstood in earlier times.
The Bible is not a reality-report; this is the work of your eyes. But the Bible is a dream, where the reality may go. It's like the speech of Martin-Luther King:
"I have a dream". And the dream is on the way becoming true, changing the reality.
The reader of the Bible must be aware that he has not any more the eyes of the
writers, the composers. We today see things different. We have today not any more the natural eyes, we have x-ray-eyes, or many have special glasses, making the world dark or changing the colours or the perspectives etc...
If the reader don't know with which kind of glasses he/she reads, there will be no real biblical understanding.
The biblical paradies is not a place to find 150'000 years ago as the homo sapiens came up. It's a dream to see God and Humans united as well man and wive are united. A dream we may never forget...
The BIBLE is a message for the CHURCH, she may go into the heart und brain and hands of all believers. And the CHURCH brings this message to the World as an offer as an invitation.
Some people, busy with the mystery of God, became and become convinced: they
have understood whats going on in the mind of God; they got knowledge about the will of God; they know what God is doing! These people are so convinced: they started to write down their discovery. The message about God as the message of God. And the CHURCH has chosen 72 books as holy, as the right interpretation
of the will of God. And this interpretation-work should go on...
As you read the BIBLE, you may read book after book (starting with the Gospels,
then the Letters, then the Psalms, then the Prophets etc... and finally the Genesis) or you may read the 3 Readings of the following Sunday. Your reading is best as you keep in mind the question: what is the message for me/ for us?
If you didn't get any message, your reading is strange. If you like to study the Bible
that's something else; it means you like to find out: how the message is constructed, translated and onderstood in earlier times.
The Bible is not a reality-report; this is the work of your eyes. But the Bible is a dream, where the reality may go. It's like the speech of Martin-Luther King:
"I have a dream". And the dream is on the way becoming true, changing the reality.
The reader of the Bible must be aware that he has not any more the eyes of the
writers, the composers. We today see things different. We have today not any more the natural eyes, we have x-ray-eyes, or many have special glasses, making the world dark or changing the colours or the perspectives etc...
If the reader don't know with which kind of glasses he/she reads, there will be no real biblical understanding.
The biblical paradies is not a place to find 150'000 years ago as the homo sapiens came up. It's a dream to see God and Humans united as well man and wive are united. A dream we may never forget...
Montag, 19. August 2013
Maria Himmelfahrt / WHY NOT ?
Der 20. Sonntag C war auch der Festtag von Maria Himmelfahrt.
Die Kirche war natuerlich uebervoll. Ein kleiner Chor hat Lieder in der
Tswana-Sprache vorgetragen... am meisten singen wir Afrikaans + English.
Die Predigt hat guten Eindruck hinterlassen:
1.) Als religioese Kuenstler machen wir uns ein wunderbares Bild von Maria,
mit Phantasie und Wuenschen wird sie uns zur vollkommenen Frau. Es muss
aber klar bleiben: die reale Maria ist uns total unzugaenglich; wir gestalten die auf uns zukommende Realitaet stets "human-compatibel": die Schwingungen machen wir zu Toenen und Farben, die Atom-Anhaeufungen zu Gestalten.
Das Geheimnis Gott verstehen wir so: dass es diese Frau, mit Leib, Geist und Seele nicht nur angenommen hat (akzeptiert) sondern sogar aufgenommen hat
in sein Reich. Es ist gut fuer den heutigen Menschen zu wissen (im Glauben),
dass Gott ihn aufnimmt: in seiner eigenartigen Leiblichkeit, in all seinen Gedanken-
spielen und in all den seelischen Hoffnungen.
Akzeptiert zu werden, gar aufgenommen zu werden: das gibt ein gutes Gefuehl;
das ist heilsam, macht uns gesuender und besser.
2.) Das Fest zeigt uns Gott als einen der Maria akzeptiert und aufgenommen hat,
wir feiern das Fest in leiser Hoffnung, dass uns das selbe geschieht; wir wiegen uns ein in die heilige Willkomm-sphaere.
3.) Wir sprechen heute ueber Maria, ueber den aufnehmenden Gott, aber wir wollen auch unsere taegliche Wirklichkeit uns vor Augen halten. Wie steht's mit unserem An- gar Aufnehmen von Menschen um uns herum? Kennen wir
solche die uns akzeptieren, gar aufnehmen und solche, die wir recht deutlich
akzeptieren und die wissen, sie sind von uns aufgenommen. Fuehlen wir uns faehig,
ein irdisches Willkomm-Klima hervorzuzaubern?
In der Praefation wollen wir heute beten:
In Wahrheit ist es unser Recht und unsere Pflicht; es ist uns Erloesung und Heil;
immer und ueberall die Menschen zu akzeptieren, ja sie sogar in unser Leben
aufzunehmen. Wie wir an- und aufgenommen sind, so wollen wir diesen Glauben
bezeugen im An- und Aufnehmen unserer Mitmenschen. Auf diese Weise schaffen wir ein ertraegliches Miteinander, schlussendlich gar ein befreiendes Fest.
Die Kirche war natuerlich uebervoll. Ein kleiner Chor hat Lieder in der
Tswana-Sprache vorgetragen... am meisten singen wir Afrikaans + English.
Die Predigt hat guten Eindruck hinterlassen:
1.) Als religioese Kuenstler machen wir uns ein wunderbares Bild von Maria,
mit Phantasie und Wuenschen wird sie uns zur vollkommenen Frau. Es muss
aber klar bleiben: die reale Maria ist uns total unzugaenglich; wir gestalten die auf uns zukommende Realitaet stets "human-compatibel": die Schwingungen machen wir zu Toenen und Farben, die Atom-Anhaeufungen zu Gestalten.
Das Geheimnis Gott verstehen wir so: dass es diese Frau, mit Leib, Geist und Seele nicht nur angenommen hat (akzeptiert) sondern sogar aufgenommen hat
in sein Reich. Es ist gut fuer den heutigen Menschen zu wissen (im Glauben),
dass Gott ihn aufnimmt: in seiner eigenartigen Leiblichkeit, in all seinen Gedanken-
spielen und in all den seelischen Hoffnungen.
Akzeptiert zu werden, gar aufgenommen zu werden: das gibt ein gutes Gefuehl;
das ist heilsam, macht uns gesuender und besser.
2.) Das Fest zeigt uns Gott als einen der Maria akzeptiert und aufgenommen hat,
wir feiern das Fest in leiser Hoffnung, dass uns das selbe geschieht; wir wiegen uns ein in die heilige Willkomm-sphaere.
3.) Wir sprechen heute ueber Maria, ueber den aufnehmenden Gott, aber wir wollen auch unsere taegliche Wirklichkeit uns vor Augen halten. Wie steht's mit unserem An- gar Aufnehmen von Menschen um uns herum? Kennen wir
solche die uns akzeptieren, gar aufnehmen und solche, die wir recht deutlich
akzeptieren und die wissen, sie sind von uns aufgenommen. Fuehlen wir uns faehig,
ein irdisches Willkomm-Klima hervorzuzaubern?
In der Praefation wollen wir heute beten:
In Wahrheit ist es unser Recht und unsere Pflicht; es ist uns Erloesung und Heil;
immer und ueberall die Menschen zu akzeptieren, ja sie sogar in unser Leben
aufzunehmen. Wie wir an- und aufgenommen sind, so wollen wir diesen Glauben
bezeugen im An- und Aufnehmen unserer Mitmenschen. Auf diese Weise schaffen wir ein ertraegliches Miteinander, schlussendlich gar ein befreiendes Fest.
Freitag, 16. August 2013
15th August: Mariae ASSUMPTION
Here in Namibia we celebrate this feast on the following Sunday (18.08.13)
The Cath. Church of Orvetoweni in Otjiwarongo is dedicated to this dogma.
For this holy feast I like to consider:
Whatever we see: we realize our particular view; we never see the reality as a whole; we see selectiv, contextual, modelling,, restricted, framed...
Now we look at Mary; the Church has decided to offer a special view:
A) it's about "assumption"; Maria is accepted, assumed - she will become part of
a new reality, of a new world, of a new group. To be assumed is a wonderful feeling;
we wish it to every child, to every human - depraved, excluded gives a terrible feeling.
B) it's about "VIRGIN". Don't be as unclever and bring in your biology.
"Virgin" means open for the grace of God; not yet used; free at disposal...
C) it's about "MOTHER". Receiving life, caring for life, giving birth...
Is there something more connected with Life than mother? Life is the highest level of matter. The contrary of Life is "dead-nothing".
D) It's about "JESUS". A profet, we see acting like God; a healing person full of mercy; totally engaged with his issue (the kingdom of God / fullness of Life).
E) it's about "HEAVEN". Forget for a moment your cosmology. Heaven is unlimited happyness; the most perfect situation;
F) it's about "GOD". The ineffable Holy MYSTERY.
This special view is framed and modelled by our history, imagination and awe...
The compassion uses the strongest language, the highest words...
pls realize: it's not the reality of Mary we speak about;
it's our constructed view!
A girl, open for grace, conceived, give birth to a profet - life proved - we give her the perfect situation. And so many many stories goes about her... we keep her present in our own lives.
We are encouraged to dare the same with our friends... not only to keep them in our minds but rather in our lives. Assumption... is Salvation!
The Cath. Church of Orvetoweni in Otjiwarongo is dedicated to this dogma.
For this holy feast I like to consider:
Whatever we see: we realize our particular view; we never see the reality as a whole; we see selectiv, contextual, modelling,, restricted, framed...
Now we look at Mary; the Church has decided to offer a special view:
A) it's about "assumption"; Maria is accepted, assumed - she will become part of
a new reality, of a new world, of a new group. To be assumed is a wonderful feeling;
we wish it to every child, to every human - depraved, excluded gives a terrible feeling.
B) it's about "VIRGIN". Don't be as unclever and bring in your biology.
"Virgin" means open for the grace of God; not yet used; free at disposal...
C) it's about "MOTHER". Receiving life, caring for life, giving birth...
Is there something more connected with Life than mother? Life is the highest level of matter. The contrary of Life is "dead-nothing".
D) It's about "JESUS". A profet, we see acting like God; a healing person full of mercy; totally engaged with his issue (the kingdom of God / fullness of Life).
E) it's about "HEAVEN". Forget for a moment your cosmology. Heaven is unlimited happyness; the most perfect situation;
F) it's about "GOD". The ineffable Holy MYSTERY.
This special view is framed and modelled by our history, imagination and awe...
The compassion uses the strongest language, the highest words...
pls realize: it's not the reality of Mary we speak about;
it's our constructed view!
A girl, open for grace, conceived, give birth to a profet - life proved - we give her the perfect situation. And so many many stories goes about her... we keep her present in our own lives.
We are encouraged to dare the same with our friends... not only to keep them in our minds but rather in our lives. Assumption... is Salvation!
Mittwoch, 14. August 2013
20 Sun C / "blaze the fire"
Lk 12.49-51 offers us an insight into the self-understanding of Jesus.
1.) "I'm a fire-bringer". We remember once the homo sapiens maybe 150'000
years ago has discoverd the fire. Later, maybe 40'000 years ago, the holy fire
was defined. And now a new "fire-bringer" - for us: 2000 years ago. Every Easter
night we recall this fire-history: the wood-fire, the fire in the hand of the people,
the Easter-Candle-fire.
I'm coming to present the engagement for the Kingdom of God.
I'm actualizing the participation with the fulness of Life.
2.) I wish the fire blazing... it's incredible, what a picture... the world a blazing fire! We normally see a cosmos shaped by the logos... now in strict order...but Jesus is in favour of the fire, in favour of a total renewal...
3.) I have to undergo the Baptism of "death and resurrection". Like everybody!
That's the way into the fulness of Life. Life is light and shade, chaos and cosmos,
heaven and earth. Engagement is storm...
4.) I'm in great distress... why?
Because the fire is burning down the world ? or because of the Baptism?
becaue of the chaos you bring? or because the fire is down to ashes?
It's not the fire-engament and not the natural baptism who brings distress!
Jesus knows he brings division! But his aim is unity You may be one...
He is doing what he don't like... later: St. Paul has the same experiences!
This famous contradiction in the human existence brings him distress!
He likes to bring peace and causes division (one against the other).
Where is the salvation of such a situation? Your love brings hatred...
Jesus didn' have the time to solve the problem, the cultural evolution didn't
yet offer a solution... we must engage in this direction: not any more
self-understanding but we-understanding.
We have to negotiate the use of the fire until the fire blazes in favour of all.
We have to distribute the gold until everyone get his share.
We have to learn until everyone knows.
We have to believe until everyone recognizes.
1.) "I'm a fire-bringer". We remember once the homo sapiens maybe 150'000
years ago has discoverd the fire. Later, maybe 40'000 years ago, the holy fire
was defined. And now a new "fire-bringer" - for us: 2000 years ago. Every Easter
night we recall this fire-history: the wood-fire, the fire in the hand of the people,
the Easter-Candle-fire.
I'm coming to present the engagement for the Kingdom of God.
I'm actualizing the participation with the fulness of Life.
2.) I wish the fire blazing... it's incredible, what a picture... the world a blazing fire! We normally see a cosmos shaped by the logos... now in strict order...but Jesus is in favour of the fire, in favour of a total renewal...
3.) I have to undergo the Baptism of "death and resurrection". Like everybody!
That's the way into the fulness of Life. Life is light and shade, chaos and cosmos,
heaven and earth. Engagement is storm...
4.) I'm in great distress... why?
Because the fire is burning down the world ? or because of the Baptism?
becaue of the chaos you bring? or because the fire is down to ashes?
It's not the fire-engament and not the natural baptism who brings distress!
Jesus knows he brings division! But his aim is unity You may be one...
He is doing what he don't like... later: St. Paul has the same experiences!
This famous contradiction in the human existence brings him distress!
He likes to bring peace and causes division (one against the other).
Where is the salvation of such a situation? Your love brings hatred...
Jesus didn' have the time to solve the problem, the cultural evolution didn't
yet offer a solution... we must engage in this direction: not any more
self-understanding but we-understanding.
We have to negotiate the use of the fire until the fire blazes in favour of all.
We have to distribute the gold until everyone get his share.
We have to learn until everyone knows.
We have to believe until everyone recognizes.
Mittwoch, 7. August 2013
19 Sun C / incredible...
notice: on the 18th Sunday C (04.08.13) I was in Otshikuku to participate
with the AGA of the APC's.
Lk gives us a sentence of Jesus (Lk 12.32), the most people are not able to believe; it's too much for every understanding:
It has been a pleasure for God to give to all humans the fullness of Life.
It's not only an offer, it's a fact (already happend).
If you take this message for real, you will stop to ask again and again:
please give us (like children not knowing how much they already got).
This basic teaching of the CHURCH is not accepted by many; esp. in the Liturgy
and in the Spirituality. Too many people feel before God as beggars: please give me / give us... and because they can not believe to be well gifted, they are not
able the understand the importance of the following consequences:
1. now as a well gifted person, be dressed for action...
2. now as a well gifted person, keep your lamp lit...
3. now as a well gifted person, be ready to enter the door...
4. now as a well gifted person be awake (waiting for the Master)...
In reality it means we must give hands to each other and do our part
1. to wait for the day, for the sun, for the chance...
2. to receive what is given.... to learn to receive, to enlarge the capacity to receive, to avoid the feeling: now it's enough...
3. to become active; to shape the day and the world; to distribute all the
received gifts and to share ... and one day: to give thanks!
The whole Gospel of today is a wake-up call... and now as we go into the spring-time: we may discover how the plants bring the blossom - and this, oh wonder - without rain. There is a lot of resources all around - given to all - but we must become acvtive, to shape the Community.
with the AGA of the APC's.
Lk gives us a sentence of Jesus (Lk 12.32), the most people are not able to believe; it's too much for every understanding:
It has been a pleasure for God to give to all humans the fullness of Life.
It's not only an offer, it's a fact (already happend).
If you take this message for real, you will stop to ask again and again:
please give us (like children not knowing how much they already got).
This basic teaching of the CHURCH is not accepted by many; esp. in the Liturgy
and in the Spirituality. Too many people feel before God as beggars: please give me / give us... and because they can not believe to be well gifted, they are not
able the understand the importance of the following consequences:
1. now as a well gifted person, be dressed for action...
2. now as a well gifted person, keep your lamp lit...
3. now as a well gifted person, be ready to enter the door...
4. now as a well gifted person be awake (waiting for the Master)...
In reality it means we must give hands to each other and do our part
1. to wait for the day, for the sun, for the chance...
2. to receive what is given.... to learn to receive, to enlarge the capacity to receive, to avoid the feeling: now it's enough...
3. to become active; to shape the day and the world; to distribute all the
received gifts and to share ... and one day: to give thanks!
The whole Gospel of today is a wake-up call... and now as we go into the spring-time: we may discover how the plants bring the blossom - and this, oh wonder - without rain. There is a lot of resources all around - given to all - but we must become acvtive, to shape the Community.
Mittwoch, 24. Juli 2013
17 Sun C / we pray... / Lk 11.1-13
Jesus and many more are for us: teachers of praying...
As you pray, you reveal your understanding of God; therefore...
First: we clear our understanding of God:
He is "our Father, who are in Heaven" and today ? Challenge of LOVE...
Second: our good wishes: "may your name be held holy"
Third: we dare to ask: "give us our daily bread" and "fogive us" etc...
To end: we praise God: "the glory are yours" etc...
This prayer, like every prayer tells us much about the idea we have of God.
Is there any development since Jesus ?
As we get a new understanding of the world we may reach a new kind of prayer.
But Jesus gives us also an prayer-advice: faith-persistence is the key:
"Your faith has saved you" (Lk 7.50)
persistence means: daily prayer (whatever the weather).
And at the end: don't forget: the gift of God is His Spirit.
(And not whatever you want! / God knows what is good for you)
To have words at our disposal is good for praying - but not enough.
After you approach God actively with good chosen words -
you will discover: silence is more - you feel like a baby in the womb.
You will wake up to discover: God lives in favour of you - don't be afraid.
God cannot eer be captured in thought, imagination or word. Any concepts,
images or words we have about God are inadequate at best and idolatrous
at worst.
(With time we will discover all our words are very limited, they don't grasp
the reality, they only shape a model...
the child discover the world, the young shaps the world, the wise knows:
there is a difference between imagination and reality.)
There is no such "thing" like God, God is a WORD, a challenge... getting real
by your reaction... the one who plays makes the music!
As you pray, you reveal your understanding of God; therefore...
First: we clear our understanding of God:
He is "our Father, who are in Heaven" and today ? Challenge of LOVE...
Second: our good wishes: "may your name be held holy"
Third: we dare to ask: "give us our daily bread" and "fogive us" etc...
To end: we praise God: "the glory are yours" etc...
This prayer, like every prayer tells us much about the idea we have of God.
Is there any development since Jesus ?
As we get a new understanding of the world we may reach a new kind of prayer.
But Jesus gives us also an prayer-advice: faith-persistence is the key:
"Your faith has saved you" (Lk 7.50)
persistence means: daily prayer (whatever the weather).
And at the end: don't forget: the gift of God is His Spirit.
(And not whatever you want! / God knows what is good for you)
To have words at our disposal is good for praying - but not enough.
After you approach God actively with good chosen words -
you will discover: silence is more - you feel like a baby in the womb.
You will wake up to discover: God lives in favour of you - don't be afraid.
God cannot eer be captured in thought, imagination or word. Any concepts,
images or words we have about God are inadequate at best and idolatrous
at worst.
(With time we will discover all our words are very limited, they don't grasp
the reality, they only shape a model...
the child discover the world, the young shaps the world, the wise knows:
there is a difference between imagination and reality.)
There is no such "thing" like God, God is a WORD, a challenge... getting real
by your reaction... the one who plays makes the music!
Freitag, 19. Juli 2013
16 Sun C / Martha + Mary / Lk 10.38-42
Jesus and Lukas and the Christian Church until today they like the Mary-type,
the meditative listner to the Word of God. And the Church is glad to offer you
the right interpretation of the Word.
To be busy with the wordly affairs - that's not the best.
Rather go and pray...
Sorry: forget it... Jesus has died! and the chance to listen to him is over!
Since then we listen to so many voices - all of them are human voices,
only some of them have the arrogance to pretend "we are godly voices".
As long as Mary refuses to tell us what Jesus told her - as long we see Martha
as the one who is doing the best: service to the people / make the table.
It looks like: Mary is far behind! She still needs somebody who explain her
the importance of service.
This is why Jesus told us she has chosen the better part: the part she still needs to become right: a service-woman to prepare the table of the World.
(too many people, they have no inviting table and nothing on the table)
What we need TODAY: Invitation to the round-table - well serviced - to decide:
which word is for us the Word of God.
The reality is an other one: maybe you hear three readings and a psalm
did you understand them ?
did the homily help you ?
you have to accept first: it's the Word of God,,,
no work to understand the message...
no exchange of views... no doubts...
only: go in peace. (and I am lost).
the meditative listner to the Word of God. And the Church is glad to offer you
the right interpretation of the Word.
To be busy with the wordly affairs - that's not the best.
Rather go and pray...
Sorry: forget it... Jesus has died! and the chance to listen to him is over!
Since then we listen to so many voices - all of them are human voices,
only some of them have the arrogance to pretend "we are godly voices".
As long as Mary refuses to tell us what Jesus told her - as long we see Martha
as the one who is doing the best: service to the people / make the table.
It looks like: Mary is far behind! She still needs somebody who explain her
the importance of service.
This is why Jesus told us she has chosen the better part: the part she still needs to become right: a service-woman to prepare the table of the World.
(too many people, they have no inviting table and nothing on the table)
What we need TODAY: Invitation to the round-table - well serviced - to decide:
which word is for us the Word of God.
The reality is an other one: maybe you hear three readings and a psalm
did you understand them ?
did the homily help you ?
you have to accept first: it's the Word of God,,,
no work to understand the message...
no exchange of views... no doubts...
only: go in peace. (and I am lost).
Samstag, 13. Juli 2013
15 Sun C / 140713 / "Next of kin" ? ? ?
The lawyer in Lk 10.25-37 knows exactly what is written in the Holy Book;
but he likes to irritate Jesus,the now famous profet of Nazareth, and he likes
to force Jesus to take side.
But first: it must be clear:
The Kingdom of God, the fulness of Life, is based on the rule: Love God...
and your neighbour as yourself. That's now clear... but because life is complex:
again and again you have to decide: who is my next - the one with the same blood? the one with the same language? with the same Baptism? with the same agenda? the one next door or the one with common interest, request? the one with the same colour or the one with the same Nation? To which relationship I give priority? family-relation, profession-relation, confession-relation etc... ? ? ?
Jesus has given his new answer by the parable of the "mercyfull Samaritan".
The one who shows mercy to you is your next - she/he is to be loved!
Here we see how Jesus has established a new category of relationship.
The relationship of MERCY - who goes deeper than justice and peace.
How to understand it ? In the hebrew language MERCY = WOMB.
WOMB is the place where you are protected to grow up to be born into
fulness of life more and more...
The one who is for you a WOMB, who sows MERCY to you - she/he gives you the
chance to grow up protected and to go the way to participate more and more with
the fulness of Life. What are you without WOMB ?
The human life is based on the womb-net; on the mercy-relationship.
Some thinkers have seen the earth as womb; some believers see God as womb.
The famous "Lord have mercy"... means: God is for me/ for us womb.
And Jesus knows: human mercy mirrors God as womb.
but he likes to irritate Jesus,the now famous profet of Nazareth, and he likes
to force Jesus to take side.
But first: it must be clear:
The Kingdom of God, the fulness of Life, is based on the rule: Love God...
and your neighbour as yourself. That's now clear... but because life is complex:
again and again you have to decide: who is my next - the one with the same blood? the one with the same language? with the same Baptism? with the same agenda? the one next door or the one with common interest, request? the one with the same colour or the one with the same Nation? To which relationship I give priority? family-relation, profession-relation, confession-relation etc... ? ? ?
Jesus has given his new answer by the parable of the "mercyfull Samaritan".
The one who shows mercy to you is your next - she/he is to be loved!
Here we see how Jesus has established a new category of relationship.
The relationship of MERCY - who goes deeper than justice and peace.
How to understand it ? In the hebrew language MERCY = WOMB.
WOMB is the place where you are protected to grow up to be born into
fulness of life more and more...
The one who is for you a WOMB, who sows MERCY to you - she/he gives you the
chance to grow up protected and to go the way to participate more and more with
the fulness of Life. What are you without WOMB ?
The human life is based on the womb-net; on the mercy-relationship.
Some thinkers have seen the earth as womb; some believers see God as womb.
The famous "Lord have mercy"... means: God is for me/ for us womb.
And Jesus knows: human mercy mirrors God as womb.
Donnerstag, 4. Juli 2013
14 Sun C / 07.07.13 / Mission-STRATEGY
Lk 10.1-10 presents us the "mission-strategy" of Jesus as follows:
JESUS has sent - ahaed of him - 72 disciples in pairs to bring the Good News
(the Kingdom of God is very near you) and to heal....
First Jesus made a statement: a) the harvest is rich b) the labourers are few.
Sec. Jesus gives instructions....
Third Jesus has a place and a good time for feedback und evaluation.
This text of Lk is seen like a seed, an example for a lot of "mission-work" for the next 2000 years.
Imitation A: The CHURCH-leadership sends until today tens of thousands,
priests and laymen... into the world...
The statements of today: the harvest is more difficylt than ever... (???)
The instructions of today: a lot of... eg. poverty, obedience, celibacy etc... etc...
Imitation B: Until today we have many more they are very well engaged to spread the Good News without any direct mission (sending) - they go out of their own decision (based on Baptism); or they have a story: Jesus sent them, they feel it.
To have a mission... is very modern... CHURCH, State, Business (Banks) etc...
to publish your MISSION is part of your Identity. The "MISSION" is an expression
of where we like to go...
take it all together: we find the conscious direction of the WORLD
For me, this great world-wide "mission-work" is an example of a cultural evolution...
and how the homo sapiens tries to give to the blind evolution a direction...
and here we find also the CHRISTIAN-tree in the "After-Eden-Garden".
JESUS has sent - ahaed of him - 72 disciples in pairs to bring the Good News
(the Kingdom of God is very near you) and to heal....
First Jesus made a statement: a) the harvest is rich b) the labourers are few.
Sec. Jesus gives instructions....
Third Jesus has a place and a good time for feedback und evaluation.
This text of Lk is seen like a seed, an example for a lot of "mission-work" for the next 2000 years.
Imitation A: The CHURCH-leadership sends until today tens of thousands,
priests and laymen... into the world...
The statements of today: the harvest is more difficylt than ever... (???)
The instructions of today: a lot of... eg. poverty, obedience, celibacy etc... etc...
Imitation B: Until today we have many more they are very well engaged to spread the Good News without any direct mission (sending) - they go out of their own decision (based on Baptism); or they have a story: Jesus sent them, they feel it.
To have a mission... is very modern... CHURCH, State, Business (Banks) etc...
to publish your MISSION is part of your Identity. The "MISSION" is an expression
of where we like to go...
take it all together: we find the conscious direction of the WORLD
For me, this great world-wide "mission-work" is an example of a cultural evolution...
and how the homo sapiens tries to give to the blind evolution a direction...
and here we find also the CHRISTIAN-tree in the "After-Eden-Garden".
Donnerstag, 27. Juni 2013
13 Sun C / 30.06.13 / VOCATION...
In the first reading (1 Kings 19.16-21) we hear: Elijah is called to call Elisha as his successor - and Elisha has done so. The Gospel (Lk 9.51-62) says:
Jesus called James and John to call the village to host the group on the
way to Jerusalem. The village has refused - und Jesus ordered: no revenge!
In the Bible we have soo many vocation-stories; Jesus himself was a master in calling people to follow him! And really the people felt: "I have a vocation".
Until today the RCC has a strong vocation-system:
All Sacraments are seen as a vocation, esp. Baptism, Ordination and Marriage.
(Confession and the Eucharist are underestimated as vocation).
But to become a religious sister is seen until today as a vocation.
Next to the vocation-system the Church has not developped an internal
democratic system: there is no voting (election) for any Sacrament;
no voting for Catechists, Readers, no voting (election) for Mass-attendance.
The only democratic process the Church has developped is the election of a Pope
and the election of a Parish-Council.
In general: Christians believe: God has called them into Life -
Life is a vocation - (there is no democratic election)!
The RCC has now kept for 2000 years a strong "vocation-spirituality".
We believe and we tell people: God is calling me, God has given me this vocation;
We know God as a "Caller". And I'm convinced: The vocation-system is a very good
system (esp. as it goes to integrate democratic principles).
The problem is: we need people ready to take over the task to be "the calling-voice of God"! to call people into their vocation; to activate the call of God.
God calls through people! Who has today the courage to call people into a specific task! Is this not a weakness of our time? For all we wait to make an election...
I miss in the RCC of today the Vocation-system and the democratic system!
Let's call people to attend Holy Mass - it's a vocation! and let's elect people to represent us at the Holy Mass - it's a privilege.
Jesus called James and John to call the village to host the group on the
way to Jerusalem. The village has refused - und Jesus ordered: no revenge!
In the Bible we have soo many vocation-stories; Jesus himself was a master in calling people to follow him! And really the people felt: "I have a vocation".
Until today the RCC has a strong vocation-system:
All Sacraments are seen as a vocation, esp. Baptism, Ordination and Marriage.
(Confession and the Eucharist are underestimated as vocation).
But to become a religious sister is seen until today as a vocation.
Next to the vocation-system the Church has not developped an internal
democratic system: there is no voting (election) for any Sacrament;
no voting for Catechists, Readers, no voting (election) for Mass-attendance.
The only democratic process the Church has developped is the election of a Pope
and the election of a Parish-Council.
In general: Christians believe: God has called them into Life -
Life is a vocation - (there is no democratic election)!
The RCC has now kept for 2000 years a strong "vocation-spirituality".
We believe and we tell people: God is calling me, God has given me this vocation;
We know God as a "Caller". And I'm convinced: The vocation-system is a very good
system (esp. as it goes to integrate democratic principles).
The problem is: we need people ready to take over the task to be "the calling-voice of God"! to call people into their vocation; to activate the call of God.
God calls through people! Who has today the courage to call people into a specific task! Is this not a weakness of our time? For all we wait to make an election...
I miss in the RCC of today the Vocation-system and the democratic system!
Let's call people to attend Holy Mass - it's a vocation! and let's elect people to represent us at the Holy Mass - it's a privilege.
Samstag, 22. Juni 2013
12 Sun C Lk 9.18-24 Do you know Jesus ?
Today we get the famous question: "But you, who do you say I am ?"
Sometimes I also like to know what people think and speak about me!
But about Jesus... we have no personal encounter! We only have decided
to know Jesus as the Church teaches us. It means: we know as Catholics
the "Catholic Jesus". After 2000 years of interpretation - he is a mixture!
Many people have pictured Jesus long after the four Gospels: Franciskus,
Ignatius, Therese, Teilhard de Chardin, now also Prof Ratzinger etc...
today we proclaim this multi-coloured "Jesus" and we try to follow him.
For the exercise to follow him - today - we get three rules:
1.) A precondition! I have to renounce myself - it means: I'm not the ruler
of my Life: I'm not the legislater of myself (Parliament), I'm not the judiciary
(Court) I'm only the executive power of the given situation - the CEO -
to make the best out of me.
2.) Also a precondition: I have to take up my cross. It means: Everybody
has to carry the consequences of his own decisions. That's nature...
3.) Now to follow Jesus means:
a) to take over his project No 1: to establish the kingdom of God.
In all my profession, my business, my social liefe - the kingdom of God may be
the guiding light.
b) to take over his methode: to act nonviolently, narratively, vocatively.
Quite a challenging programme! To perform it we need a Community.
And don't forget: Again and again we have to picture a new and more
biblical "Jesus", acceptable for people of today!
Sometimes I also like to know what people think and speak about me!
But about Jesus... we have no personal encounter! We only have decided
to know Jesus as the Church teaches us. It means: we know as Catholics
the "Catholic Jesus". After 2000 years of interpretation - he is a mixture!
Many people have pictured Jesus long after the four Gospels: Franciskus,
Ignatius, Therese, Teilhard de Chardin, now also Prof Ratzinger etc...
today we proclaim this multi-coloured "Jesus" and we try to follow him.
For the exercise to follow him - today - we get three rules:
1.) A precondition! I have to renounce myself - it means: I'm not the ruler
of my Life: I'm not the legislater of myself (Parliament), I'm not the judiciary
(Court) I'm only the executive power of the given situation - the CEO -
to make the best out of me.
2.) Also a precondition: I have to take up my cross. It means: Everybody
has to carry the consequences of his own decisions. That's nature...
3.) Now to follow Jesus means:
a) to take over his project No 1: to establish the kingdom of God.
In all my profession, my business, my social liefe - the kingdom of God may be
the guiding light.
b) to take over his methode: to act nonviolently, narratively, vocatively.
Quite a challenging programme! To perform it we need a Community.
And don't forget: Again and again we have to picture a new and more
biblical "Jesus", acceptable for people of today!
Freitag, 14. Juni 2013
11 Sun C : the story of FORGIVENESS Lk 7.36-50
The second reading of today (Gal 2.16-21) tells us the new conviction of Paul:
keeping the LAW will not redeem us!
(because it brings no forgiveness and - don't forget: without forgiveness there
is no redemption).
People will get redemption as they decide for Jesus Christ, who is redemption
(and as such witness of God).
The Gospel of today shows us this new conviction of Paul
in a story of Jesus:
A) The Pharisee keeping all the time he LAW is righteous. He also accepts
in theory: pardon brings love; but he himself is not giving signs of Love.
His conviction: keeping the LAW brings redemption!
B) But the sinner-woman is exactly giving the signs of Love, because
she got forgiveness. She is redeemed (performing Love is redemption):
tears as waterdrops clean the feet,
kisses as love-gestures rejoy the heart,
hairs as wind refresh the body,
oil as coronation makes him the chosen one.
C) keep it real... !
In our story it seems Mary of Magdala was able to show her signs of Love to
a real man: JvN, the one who has forgiven her. We hope...
And today ? Some people of today they "love" Jesus in their dreams, in their consciousness. They have a picture of Jesus deep in their heart and they
love this picture (not the real Jesus). This behaviour is good but also a great
question-mark! the picture of Jesus in our heart needs a great attentiveness,
but Love ?
D) The Christian way...
1. We keep the LAW: to make coexistence possible...
2. We forgive: to empower people to love
3. We know: to keep the LAW, to forgive, to love - must be real,
embodied in our daily Life.
keeping the LAW will not redeem us!
(because it brings no forgiveness and - don't forget: without forgiveness there
is no redemption).
People will get redemption as they decide for Jesus Christ, who is redemption
(and as such witness of God).
The Gospel of today shows us this new conviction of Paul
in a story of Jesus:
A) The Pharisee keeping all the time he LAW is righteous. He also accepts
in theory: pardon brings love; but he himself is not giving signs of Love.
His conviction: keeping the LAW brings redemption!
B) But the sinner-woman is exactly giving the signs of Love, because
she got forgiveness. She is redeemed (performing Love is redemption):
tears as waterdrops clean the feet,
kisses as love-gestures rejoy the heart,
hairs as wind refresh the body,
oil as coronation makes him the chosen one.
C) keep it real... !
In our story it seems Mary of Magdala was able to show her signs of Love to
a real man: JvN, the one who has forgiven her. We hope...
And today ? Some people of today they "love" Jesus in their dreams, in their consciousness. They have a picture of Jesus deep in their heart and they
love this picture (not the real Jesus). This behaviour is good but also a great
question-mark! the picture of Jesus in our heart needs a great attentiveness,
but Love ?
D) The Christian way...
1. We keep the LAW: to make coexistence possible...
2. We forgive: to empower people to love
3. We know: to keep the LAW, to forgive, to love - must be real,
embodied in our daily Life.
Mittwoch, 5. Juni 2013
10 Sun C / 09.06.2013 / THE CALL TO LIVE...
In the Old Testament it was the profet Elijah (1 King 17.17-24), in the New
Testament it was the profet JvN - they have shown us: Our God is God of Life!
Very clear JvN has proclaimed in Mk 12.27: His God is God of the living!
The Jahwe God is not only the Creator of Life he is also the CHALLENGER,
as JvN told to the dead man of Nain: "Young man, I tell you to get up".
Therefore - as we believe in God and as we follow Jesus-Christ - we also call
people lo live... to live unto the fullest (John 10.10). God challenges us
to walk the resurrection way towards the fullness of Life.
Once we discussed: what is Life or how is Life ? A fast answer:
50% problem-solving / 25% nothing special / 25% joy
It means a great part of our pilgrimage consists of problem-solving -
Christians are people who have learnt how to solve problems!
a) nail the problem b) look for causes c) draft a solving strategy d) take it on
But - and this is a daily mission - we also may encourage people to solve
their problems. We all need this challenge, somebody who gives us the courage,
to solve our problems... there are too many problems not solved!
Jesus: "I invite you to get up". So many people have not the power, not the skill, not the courage - they find no reason to get up (to solve their problems)..
Often we say: everybody has a vocation! But who is challenging, evoking the
vocation of Life into the fore ?
After the Spirit of Life is poured out, after JvN has given us this his Spirit,
it's a real contribution to every person, to the Church and to the World
as we choose this service:
to invite, to encourage people to participate more with Life...
"come on, we tackle it..."
Testament it was the profet JvN - they have shown us: Our God is God of Life!
Very clear JvN has proclaimed in Mk 12.27: His God is God of the living!
The Jahwe God is not only the Creator of Life he is also the CHALLENGER,
as JvN told to the dead man of Nain: "Young man, I tell you to get up".
Therefore - as we believe in God and as we follow Jesus-Christ - we also call
people lo live... to live unto the fullest (John 10.10). God challenges us
to walk the resurrection way towards the fullness of Life.
Once we discussed: what is Life or how is Life ? A fast answer:
50% problem-solving / 25% nothing special / 25% joy
It means a great part of our pilgrimage consists of problem-solving -
Christians are people who have learnt how to solve problems!
a) nail the problem b) look for causes c) draft a solving strategy d) take it on
But - and this is a daily mission - we also may encourage people to solve
their problems. We all need this challenge, somebody who gives us the courage,
to solve our problems... there are too many problems not solved!
Jesus: "I invite you to get up". So many people have not the power, not the skill, not the courage - they find no reason to get up (to solve their problems)..
Often we say: everybody has a vocation! But who is challenging, evoking the
vocation of Life into the fore ?
After the Spirit of Life is poured out, after JvN has given us this his Spirit,
it's a real contribution to every person, to the Church and to the World
as we choose this service:
to invite, to encourage people to participate more with Life...
"come on, we tackle it..."
Samstag, 1. Juni 2013
Corpus Christi - the great CHANGE / empowering
Level 1 of the great Change:
What we ask for - praying the "Our Father..." - Jesus is fulfilling this prayer
as he gives to the crowd the daily bread, empowering the people to perform
a natural Life. This "bread giving activity" we keep somewho going by our economy-system of today; it is fundamental.
Level 2 of the great Change:
Jesus gives himself as "bread and wine" empowering us to perform a Christian Life.
He knows: a person is bread. But he likes to become bread for everybody, bread
for the Life of the World. This Change we keep going by our Evangelization.
Level 3 of the great Change:
Paulus reminds us (1 Cor 11.23-26), that he received from the Lord:
do this significant action as a memorial (of Jesus).
This significant action means: taking, breaking the bread / thanking God /
saying: "this is my body, which is for you" / animating: "do this as a memorial of me"
In the eucharistic celebration we perform this memorial, empowering us to give thanks to God. But in the same celebration we also empower Jesu Word to become for us now the Word of God and the bread to become for us this Person as Bread of God.
The Spirit without Body is lost.We have to build up the Body and care for...
again and again as a working-field to be inspired by the Holy Spirit.
The feast of today reminds us to care well for the Body of Christ.
What we ask for - praying the "Our Father..." - Jesus is fulfilling this prayer
as he gives to the crowd the daily bread, empowering the people to perform
a natural Life. This "bread giving activity" we keep somewho going by our economy-system of today; it is fundamental.
Level 2 of the great Change:
Jesus gives himself as "bread and wine" empowering us to perform a Christian Life.
He knows: a person is bread. But he likes to become bread for everybody, bread
for the Life of the World. This Change we keep going by our Evangelization.
Level 3 of the great Change:
Paulus reminds us (1 Cor 11.23-26), that he received from the Lord:
do this significant action as a memorial (of Jesus).
This significant action means: taking, breaking the bread / thanking God /
saying: "this is my body, which is for you" / animating: "do this as a memorial of me"
In the eucharistic celebration we perform this memorial, empowering us to give thanks to God. But in the same celebration we also empower Jesu Word to become for us now the Word of God and the bread to become for us this Person as Bread of God.
The Spirit without Body is lost.We have to build up the Body and care for...
again and again as a working-field to be inspired by the Holy Spirit.
The feast of today reminds us to care well for the Body of Christ.
Mittwoch, 29. Mai 2013
TRINITY - Feast 26.May 2013
Last Sunday we put the question: Which picture of God do you recognize as the best one ? As you praise God, which kind of God you praise ? Which God do you adore ? Trinity-feast shows a God - as we got it in the catechism - who is seen
as Father + Son + Holy Spirit: one eternal God as a Trinity of Persons.
Very difficult to understand - at leat a little bit.
1.) In normal situation we pray, we praise God without such a courageous question. But today - in favour of our future - we may have the courage,
maybe the duty, but surely the right to consider this question.
2.) We know: in history and in many persons during the life-time, the picture
of God has developped. God is not all the time the same. And this is good so. But in the times ahead which God - we will discover ?
3.) Do you like to proclaim the "God of war" (the warrior) ? Giving you victory !
The "God of revenge" ? reserving revenge to him self. The "God of Love" ? caring
for you and for the World. The "God of Peace" uniting people and nations.
Which God is good for us, helpful and understandable ?
4.) Never forget: the world-view has changed; The world-feeling is an other one!
Sciences and cultures have developped. Which God is compatibel to such
a new world ?
As the child has grown: it sees his own father in a new light... the husband
discover a new wife in his own bride; an adult needs a new God.
5.) The question is rife: Is God a "being for ever and ever" or is God changing,
developing? God has a new face in blossom and in automn ?
But much deeper: What is the relationship between God and the Cosmos ? And: the evolution of God ? How we dare to see it ?
The evolution of the homo sapiens and of God are going hand in hand ?
6.) Once God dwelled in Heaven; quite far away. Today we speak about the "transzendent and immanent God". And tomorrow: we speak about ?
Jesus has promised (Joh 16.12-15) the Spirit of truth will lead you to the
complete truth. But we have not to wait in the sense of doing nothing.
We have to search, to discover, to look for... at least all baptised people
are called up in their personal life, in their Church-community to look out
after a new - a fascinating God.
as Father + Son + Holy Spirit: one eternal God as a Trinity of Persons.
Very difficult to understand - at leat a little bit.
1.) In normal situation we pray, we praise God without such a courageous question. But today - in favour of our future - we may have the courage,
maybe the duty, but surely the right to consider this question.
2.) We know: in history and in many persons during the life-time, the picture
of God has developped. God is not all the time the same. And this is good so. But in the times ahead which God - we will discover ?
3.) Do you like to proclaim the "God of war" (the warrior) ? Giving you victory !
The "God of revenge" ? reserving revenge to him self. The "God of Love" ? caring
for you and for the World. The "God of Peace" uniting people and nations.
Which God is good for us, helpful and understandable ?
4.) Never forget: the world-view has changed; The world-feeling is an other one!
Sciences and cultures have developped. Which God is compatibel to such
a new world ?
As the child has grown: it sees his own father in a new light... the husband
discover a new wife in his own bride; an adult needs a new God.
5.) The question is rife: Is God a "being for ever and ever" or is God changing,
developing? God has a new face in blossom and in automn ?
But much deeper: What is the relationship between God and the Cosmos ? And: the evolution of God ? How we dare to see it ?
The evolution of the homo sapiens and of God are going hand in hand ?
6.) Once God dwelled in Heaven; quite far away. Today we speak about the "transzendent and immanent God". And tomorrow: we speak about ?
Jesus has promised (Joh 16.12-15) the Spirit of truth will lead you to the
complete truth. But we have not to wait in the sense of doing nothing.
We have to search, to discover, to look for... at least all baptised people
are called up in their personal life, in their Church-community to look out
after a new - a fascinating God.
Freitag, 17. Mai 2013
HOLY SPIRIT given or not ? ? ? Pentecost
Again and again the CHURCH proclaims: The HOLY SPIRIT is poured out.
The Holy Scripture also: since Genesis to Pentecost - Holy Spirit is given.
Why it's sooo difficult to accept this message ?
Because the CHURCH also tells us the contrary: To call and to sing:
"Veni creator Spiritus - Komm Heiliger Geist". From where comes this
ambiguity ? Why not take a clear decision ?
Since of old - people are unsure: Is God good or evil ?
And Jesus - he was also unsure ? As I got it: Jesus has proclaimed:
God is good and mercifull... but sure also in the New Testament:
it's not yet sooo clear: there are different messages too !
This ambiguity is an offer to make a decision...
And if you see God as good... than also HE has poured out his SPIRIT,
totally and for everybody - gratis, as a gift ! not for negotiation !
But on the other hand: some people are not open for the HOLY SPIRIT,
they refuse to accept HIM; they feel: He ist not given to me, at least
not enough. They didn't learn to "drink" the HOLY SPIRIT; they didn't learn
to open the eyes and the ears - they don't look at the experiences deeply.
In modern language: The HOLY SPIRIT is a POSSIBILITY / Potentiality.
And everyone has the chance to activate this allpresent Gift.
The HOLY SPIRIT is not an automat - he waits to be activated.
Let's take an example:
I, the priest, tells you in the Holy Mass four times: "The Lord be with you".
Translated I like to tell you: The intention of Jesus Christ to unite all people present be with you. Or at the end of the Holy Mass: "As you go the Lord
[the intention to unite all people in the Word] be with you".
This intention to unite - this is the experience of the Holy Spirit, it's
the SPIRIT of Jesus.
But, how much do you activate this intention as we are together to celebrate ? Do you call this intention into your consciousness ? do you activate your eyes
and ears and hand and feet to unite the people present ? Or, do you do nothing ?
Sure: if you go deeper, somehow you like it, that we all are well united - you
really experience the HOLY SPIRIT because you discover: there is a sleeping wish, intention: we may be united. But are we too lazy to activate this intention ?
Or - worse - the structure of the celebration hinder us to activate the intention
to get united ?
Pentecost: We are gratefull the HOLY SPIRIT is possible -
but let us each other encourage, to activate him/her.
The Holy Scripture also: since Genesis to Pentecost - Holy Spirit is given.
Why it's sooo difficult to accept this message ?
Because the CHURCH also tells us the contrary: To call and to sing:
"Veni creator Spiritus - Komm Heiliger Geist". From where comes this
ambiguity ? Why not take a clear decision ?
Since of old - people are unsure: Is God good or evil ?
And Jesus - he was also unsure ? As I got it: Jesus has proclaimed:
God is good and mercifull... but sure also in the New Testament:
it's not yet sooo clear: there are different messages too !
This ambiguity is an offer to make a decision...
And if you see God as good... than also HE has poured out his SPIRIT,
totally and for everybody - gratis, as a gift ! not for negotiation !
But on the other hand: some people are not open for the HOLY SPIRIT,
they refuse to accept HIM; they feel: He ist not given to me, at least
not enough. They didn't learn to "drink" the HOLY SPIRIT; they didn't learn
to open the eyes and the ears - they don't look at the experiences deeply.
In modern language: The HOLY SPIRIT is a POSSIBILITY / Potentiality.
And everyone has the chance to activate this allpresent Gift.
The HOLY SPIRIT is not an automat - he waits to be activated.
Let's take an example:
I, the priest, tells you in the Holy Mass four times: "The Lord be with you".
Translated I like to tell you: The intention of Jesus Christ to unite all people present be with you. Or at the end of the Holy Mass: "As you go the Lord
[the intention to unite all people in the Word] be with you".
This intention to unite - this is the experience of the Holy Spirit, it's
the SPIRIT of Jesus.
But, how much do you activate this intention as we are together to celebrate ? Do you call this intention into your consciousness ? do you activate your eyes
and ears and hand and feet to unite the people present ? Or, do you do nothing ?
Sure: if you go deeper, somehow you like it, that we all are well united - you
really experience the HOLY SPIRIT because you discover: there is a sleeping wish, intention: we may be united. But are we too lazy to activate this intention ?
Or - worse - the structure of the celebration hinder us to activate the intention
to get united ?
Pentecost: We are gratefull the HOLY SPIRIT is possible -
but let us each other encourage, to activate him/her.
Donnerstag, 9. Mai 2013
ASCENSION: Jesus has disappeared...
It's understandable: Some of the disciples started to love Jesus quite well.
His death was a loss - painfull! And later: some Christians started to wish
to have him as a Healer under them. For all these nostalgic Christians is this
feast an call-up: to let him go! As everyone who is born into this world so Jesus
had his time and his environment and his people - and now it's over!
Sorry, we do not have him - he is not our friend, not our commrade - he has gone!
Worse: he didn't invite us, to keep contact with him after his ascension,
no invitation to phone him or sms him to heaven - his survival-advice:
"love one another"!
The Church must pay attention: not to keep Jesus back. What we may do is
to come together (in his name) and to listen to his message - and then it's up to us
to do his redeeming-work here and now. Don't invite him, to do here and now his work; accept that he has alredy done his work - his time is over! It's now our privilege to shape the time and to heal the situation.
That's why we give the "Body of Christ" into our hands; the "Bread of Life" is
consumed into our body. The Church must accept: people of today are now here
(also in the Eucharist) and Jesus has gone!
His death was a loss - painfull! And later: some Christians started to wish
to have him as a Healer under them. For all these nostalgic Christians is this
feast an call-up: to let him go! As everyone who is born into this world so Jesus
had his time and his environment and his people - and now it's over!
Sorry, we do not have him - he is not our friend, not our commrade - he has gone!
Worse: he didn't invite us, to keep contact with him after his ascension,
no invitation to phone him or sms him to heaven - his survival-advice:
"love one another"!
The Church must pay attention: not to keep Jesus back. What we may do is
to come together (in his name) and to listen to his message - and then it's up to us
to do his redeeming-work here and now. Don't invite him, to do here and now his work; accept that he has alredy done his work - his time is over! It's now our privilege to shape the time and to heal the situation.
That's why we give the "Body of Christ" into our hands; the "Bread of Life" is
consumed into our body. The Church must accept: people of today are now here
(also in the Eucharist) and Jesus has gone!
Dienstag, 30. April 2013
KEEP THE WORD John 14.23-29 6th Sunday
We know now which WORD we are invited, challenged to keep...
it's the new commandment, the chance for suvival: "love one another".
If you keep the word, only then you love me, Jesus - [and God, with whom
Jesus is one].
It means for religious people: we don't love Jesus as we pray, as we bring sacrifices, as we celebrate, as we work... all this is good for us... sure...
but Jesus [God) is loved only as we love one another.
Jesus himself will ascend to heaven, disappear - to make space and time
for the word "love one another"... Jesus is since then loved only indirectly...
After we have understood this message - the great work / task starts now:
to learn to love!
* to love one another is easy.
But because of the circumstances and the human condition love is difficult'
sometimes as impossible.
* We have to see the reality. Today "love one another" is an ART.
* We need an APC (Arts-Performance-Centre) to learn this kind of ART.
it's the new commandment, the chance for suvival: "love one another".
If you keep the word, only then you love me, Jesus - [and God, with whom
Jesus is one].
It means for religious people: we don't love Jesus as we pray, as we bring sacrifices, as we celebrate, as we work... all this is good for us... sure...
but Jesus [God) is loved only as we love one another.
Jesus himself will ascend to heaven, disappear - to make space and time
for the word "love one another"... Jesus is since then loved only indirectly...
After we have understood this message - the great work / task starts now:
to learn to love!
* to love one another is easy.
But because of the circumstances and the human condition love is difficult'
sometimes as impossible.
* We have to see the reality. Today "love one another" is an ART.
* We need an APC (Arts-Performance-Centre) to learn this kind of ART.
Sonntag, 28. April 2013
5th Easter-Sunday Joh 13.31-35 A new heart...
The time after the resurrection of Jesus is coming nearer...
The first reading (Acts 14.21...) brings the message: Paulus + Barnabas implant
a new heart in Antiochia into the disciples. Such a spiritual heart-trans- plantation needs a long way and endurance.... maybe years!
In the sec. reading (Apk 21.1-5) is reveald: there is a NEW heaven + a NEW earth
and in the NEW situation God is named "Emmanuel" (living with the people).
You also need to keep in mind: "Jesus and God are seen as one".
Never forget the slogan:"Now I am making the whole creation new".
Und now the gospel: John let (100 years after Jesus has died) Jesus proclaim:
"I shall not be with you any longer"
It means we have to accept: Jesus (and with him God) goes... he dies... he will
not be with us... he disappears... there will be emptiness! The focus of their
lives, the one they have followed is not any more... void! It's like today: a lot of
people feel God is absent... God is not at hand... and worse: Jesus himself
announces as a Eu-angelion, as a joyfull message: I shall not be with you any longer! The absence of God (and Jesus) is a precondition for the New heart,
for the New heaven, the New earth. Into this New situation - emptiness -
void of God and Jesus - he himself gives a New commandment, a New chance
of Life: "love one another". (as Jesus has given an example).
And if you like to recognize the followers of Jesus in 2013 - there is a New sign to
recognize them: "look: how they love one another"! They don't love anymore "God"
oder "Jesus"; there focus is not God or Jesus - they love one another! This is the
real test (Religion is evaporated / secularisation is the wind).
The old heart beats for God / for Jesus (Religion).
But Jesus has gone and with him his God - the heart is empty.
The New heart beats for "one another" (New heaven + New earth).
The secular Christianity knows: we don't have Jesus any more, only his example.
we don't have God any more, only his word. There will be a new heaven and a new earth wherever the chance is taken; "love one another".
The first reading (Acts 14.21...) brings the message: Paulus + Barnabas implant
a new heart in Antiochia into the disciples. Such a spiritual heart-trans- plantation needs a long way and endurance.... maybe years!
In the sec. reading (Apk 21.1-5) is reveald: there is a NEW heaven + a NEW earth
and in the NEW situation God is named "Emmanuel" (living with the people).
You also need to keep in mind: "Jesus and God are seen as one".
Never forget the slogan:"Now I am making the whole creation new".
Und now the gospel: John let (100 years after Jesus has died) Jesus proclaim:
"I shall not be with you any longer"
It means we have to accept: Jesus (and with him God) goes... he dies... he will
not be with us... he disappears... there will be emptiness! The focus of their
lives, the one they have followed is not any more... void! It's like today: a lot of
people feel God is absent... God is not at hand... and worse: Jesus himself
announces as a Eu-angelion, as a joyfull message: I shall not be with you any longer! The absence of God (and Jesus) is a precondition for the New heart,
for the New heaven, the New earth. Into this New situation - emptiness -
void of God and Jesus - he himself gives a New commandment, a New chance
of Life: "love one another". (as Jesus has given an example).
And if you like to recognize the followers of Jesus in 2013 - there is a New sign to
recognize them: "look: how they love one another"! They don't love anymore "God"
oder "Jesus"; there focus is not God or Jesus - they love one another! This is the
real test (Religion is evaporated / secularisation is the wind).
The old heart beats for God / for Jesus (Religion).
But Jesus has gone and with him his God - the heart is empty.
The New heart beats for "one another" (New heaven + New earth).
The secular Christianity knows: we don't have Jesus any more, only his example.
we don't have God any more, only his word. There will be a new heaven and a new earth wherever the chance is taken; "love one another".
Donnerstag, 18. April 2013
Success Joh 10.27-30 (21.04.2013)
What we got by the story of the rich catch (Joh 21.1-14)
here we have it clear (Joh 10.27-30):
A) The one, belonging to me, listen to my voice
(as the Apostles + disciples have done)
B) I know them (I have confidence in them: they will follow me)
C) they follow me really (they do what I told them to do)
D) and I give them eternal life (fullness of Life / rich fish-catch).
What is proclaimed here, that's a divine order (Joh 10.30)
it means: it's valid for the whole creation:
The one who is confident with the Person of Jesus Christ,
it means the one who is inter-acting with him in all his dimensions,
this one will encounter, live "fullness of Life".
A full Christian Life belongs for the moment to the peack of the cultural
evolution. It opens for everyone the possibility to get Life-experiences
at a very high level - inclusive: birth + death, I + We, appearance + being,
nature + culture, man + God.
The Jesus-Movement has brought into this world a new world-view:
Joh 10.10: I have come in order that you might have life -
life in all its fullness.
here we have it clear (Joh 10.27-30):
A) The one, belonging to me, listen to my voice
(as the Apostles + disciples have done)
B) I know them (I have confidence in them: they will follow me)
C) they follow me really (they do what I told them to do)
D) and I give them eternal life (fullness of Life / rich fish-catch).
What is proclaimed here, that's a divine order (Joh 10.30)
it means: it's valid for the whole creation:
The one who is confident with the Person of Jesus Christ,
it means the one who is inter-acting with him in all his dimensions,
this one will encounter, live "fullness of Life".
A full Christian Life belongs for the moment to the peack of the cultural
evolution. It opens for everyone the possibility to get Life-experiences
at a very high level - inclusive: birth + death, I + We, appearance + being,
nature + culture, man + God.
The Jesus-Movement has brought into this world a new world-view:
Joh 10.10: I have come in order that you might have life -
life in all its fullness.
Sonntag, 14. April 2013
Mr. SOMEBODY Joh 21.1-14
What tells us this story from the rich fish-catch ? After the Apostles and the
first disciples have died - the Jesus-Movement is busy to proclaim the
unbelievable resurrection of the Lord Jesus ! to believe we need signs...
In the Gospel: Mr. Somebody gives an effective advice - and the disciples execute it. Great catch! The one, who knows Jesus best starts to suspect: The Spirit of Jesus may be embodied in this Mr. Somebody - it's the risen Lord who acts!
Und the braeckfast-meal after the hard work - the bread as a sign: the bread of Life is given. Mr Somebody realizes in his way the Spirit of Jesus.
[Unification of identities or: two I's doing the same act].
As a fiction: There wa a unsuccessfull school... the pupils out of way...
Mr Somebody gives advice: A) The parents are responsible for the school.
B) The teachers are in service of the education - rendering their best...
(without or with better salaries): knowledgeable... C) The HoD's execute best
administration und motivation... D) The learners are disciplined and eager...
And oh wonder! All work together... they perform the advice...
Today - this school is well know as best ... a profit for all and more... a feast
celebrates the understanding: "we are all in service of...."
As a theory: The Spirit of Jesus Christ is embodied in all of us. He is challenged
into resurrection here and now. The resurrection way means: doing in the given situation what the Spirit of Jesus wants us to do. Resurrection means: put your lives here and now in a new perspective: to bring all of us into a greater participation with the fullness of Life.
first disciples have died - the Jesus-Movement is busy to proclaim the
unbelievable resurrection of the Lord Jesus ! to believe we need signs...
In the Gospel: Mr. Somebody gives an effective advice - and the disciples execute it. Great catch! The one, who knows Jesus best starts to suspect: The Spirit of Jesus may be embodied in this Mr. Somebody - it's the risen Lord who acts!
Und the braeckfast-meal after the hard work - the bread as a sign: the bread of Life is given. Mr Somebody realizes in his way the Spirit of Jesus.
[Unification of identities or: two I's doing the same act].
As a fiction: There wa a unsuccessfull school... the pupils out of way...
Mr Somebody gives advice: A) The parents are responsible for the school.
B) The teachers are in service of the education - rendering their best...
(without or with better salaries): knowledgeable... C) The HoD's execute best
administration und motivation... D) The learners are disciplined and eager...
And oh wonder! All work together... they perform the advice...
Today - this school is well know as best ... a profit for all and more... a feast
celebrates the understanding: "we are all in service of...."
As a theory: The Spirit of Jesus Christ is embodied in all of us. He is challenged
into resurrection here and now. The resurrection way means: doing in the given situation what the Spirit of Jesus wants us to do. Resurrection means: put your lives here and now in a new perspective: to bring all of us into a greater participation with the fullness of Life.
Donnerstag, 4. April 2013
After Easter: THOMAS still senses-drunk
The Ev John (20.10-31) shows a Thomas who has refused to make a decision
(to believe) - because he didn't get any reason, any basic in favour of a resurrection.
For him, the human senses would bear reason (seeing, hearing, touching). Thomas belongs to the kind of people who base their life-style upon the perception by senses. That's good - but today that's not any more enough.
The human perception by senses has developped over many years (millions) but this under the law of the survival of the species. In the meantime the human conciousness has emerged and we need a new basic for the Spiritual Life.
The perception by senses cannot establish the NEW LIFE (like the resurrection-way, or like the Holy Spirit... , like love, or mercy or schalom etc...). The senses-perception takes up a shape, a model of an already existing material-reality. Human senses are creative, sure, but for the NEW LIFE not enough.
And exactly this "only-human-senses-reality" is not basic for the resurrection-way: love is matter-transcendent. Senses and Insight together will build a basic upon the resurrection-way is dared, decided.
Only the human decision brings into existence love, hope, the Kingdom of God etc...
Baptism (start of a NEW LIFE) is based on a personal decision, not upon a perception by senses like beauty, wellbeing etc... Therefore happy and real are people who make a decision and not only a logical conclusion of some perception.
The personal decision is based on a offered challenge, on a view of the future (not the past) or on a personal human relationship. As long as we state that our world-view is based on evidence given by senses, Thomas is unable to make a personal decision - he is short-sighted, his world is "measured" - but the spirit (mens) is unmeasured.
The signs of Jesus (his life-style) are indications of a very NEW human Life-style - emerging out of responsible consciousness not out of senses-evidence.
(to believe) - because he didn't get any reason, any basic in favour of a resurrection.
For him, the human senses would bear reason (seeing, hearing, touching). Thomas belongs to the kind of people who base their life-style upon the perception by senses. That's good - but today that's not any more enough.
The human perception by senses has developped over many years (millions) but this under the law of the survival of the species. In the meantime the human conciousness has emerged and we need a new basic for the Spiritual Life.
The perception by senses cannot establish the NEW LIFE (like the resurrection-way, or like the Holy Spirit... , like love, or mercy or schalom etc...). The senses-perception takes up a shape, a model of an already existing material-reality. Human senses are creative, sure, but for the NEW LIFE not enough.
And exactly this "only-human-senses-reality" is not basic for the resurrection-way: love is matter-transcendent. Senses and Insight together will build a basic upon the resurrection-way is dared, decided.
Only the human decision brings into existence love, hope, the Kingdom of God etc...
Baptism (start of a NEW LIFE) is based on a personal decision, not upon a perception by senses like beauty, wellbeing etc... Therefore happy and real are people who make a decision and not only a logical conclusion of some perception.
The personal decision is based on a offered challenge, on a view of the future (not the past) or on a personal human relationship. As long as we state that our world-view is based on evidence given by senses, Thomas is unable to make a personal decision - he is short-sighted, his world is "measured" - but the spirit (mens) is unmeasured.
The signs of Jesus (his life-style) are indications of a very NEW human Life-style - emerging out of responsible consciousness not out of senses-evidence.
Samstag, 30. März 2013
The resurrection-way Easter 2013
In view of our Christian belief God has given us: Life, Creation, Light.
God challenges us to live, to shape, to shine - it's a way...
Life is: birth and death; Creation is build up and decay; Light is: light and dark;
Let's accept the participation with all this fullness of Life.
Symbol is for us Jesus Christ
as we follow him, we go the resurrection-way -
it's we - not me - going this way.
The Church is a try / an experiment to go this way together.
God challenges us to live, to shape, to shine - it's a way...
Life is: birth and death; Creation is build up and decay; Light is: light and dark;
Let's accept the participation with all this fullness of Life.
Symbol is for us Jesus Christ
as we follow him, we go the resurrection-way -
it's we - not me - going this way.
The Church is a try / an experiment to go this way together.
Freitag, 29. März 2013
MEMORIAL - Service Holy Friday 2013 St. Anthony Otjiwarongo
Our Memorial-Service today is dedicated to the Profet JvN;
he died on the cross the death by engagement.
The Service may encourages us in the same engagement.
Jesus was engaged to show us a new understanding of God,
a new picture of the Holy Mystery (named God).
The Pharisees have nearly successfully turned the intention of Jesus
into a political matter. They never have accepted JvN as the revealer
of a new picture of God. Jesus has changed Religion from a
God-managing agency into "respect of the Holy Mystery"
For the Pharisees the Jahwe-God is revenge for the enemies and
salvator of the jewisch people. For JvN God is Healer of all and
Redeemer of all and Justice and Peace for all and He challenges
all of us into the fullness of Life.
Jesus has practised this picture of God and therefore was crucified
for his engagement.
Jesus's proclamation "The Kingdom of God is at hand" means:
A) God is good for all, He loves all
B) God has already poured out all His GRACE into the World
C) God challenges all of us to participate with the fullness of Life for all.
We hope this may be also our Christian engagement for our time-space.
he died on the cross the death by engagement.
The Service may encourages us in the same engagement.
Jesus was engaged to show us a new understanding of God,
a new picture of the Holy Mystery (named God).
The Pharisees have nearly successfully turned the intention of Jesus
into a political matter. They never have accepted JvN as the revealer
of a new picture of God. Jesus has changed Religion from a
God-managing agency into "respect of the Holy Mystery"
For the Pharisees the Jahwe-God is revenge for the enemies and
salvator of the jewisch people. For JvN God is Healer of all and
Redeemer of all and Justice and Peace for all and He challenges
all of us into the fullness of Life.
Jesus has practised this picture of God and therefore was crucified
for his engagement.
Jesus's proclamation "The Kingdom of God is at hand" means:
A) God is good for all, He loves all
B) God has already poured out all His GRACE into the World
C) God challenges all of us to participate with the fullness of Life for all.
We hope this may be also our Christian engagement for our time-space.
Samstag, 23. März 2013
Holy Week - God in action
Palm-Sunday: Jesus goes public
"The kingdom of God is at hand" this slogan is for the public!
Everybody is invited to discover this truth.
pls note: "truth is something that can be thought of only by believing it".
Service-Thursday: Jesus declares himself as the Bread for the Life of the World
und washes the feet of his Apostles.
Everybody is invited to declare him/herself as bread and to keep his/her
activity as a Service.
Holy-Friday: Death is nature. Death by engagement is more - human!
Death is the personal loss of all (Life and World and God).
If Life is a gift - it may be given once and for all.
Silent-Saturday: The music has gone, the pictures put out, the feelings extinct,
the thinking rests... the emptyness offers the brightest
possibilities - call Life into reality.
Easter-Sunday: we celebrate the resurrection-way - an invitation for all.
"The kingdom of God is at hand" this slogan is for the public!
Everybody is invited to discover this truth.
pls note: "truth is something that can be thought of only by believing it".
Service-Thursday: Jesus declares himself as the Bread for the Life of the World
und washes the feet of his Apostles.
Everybody is invited to declare him/herself as bread and to keep his/her
activity as a Service.
Holy-Friday: Death is nature. Death by engagement is more - human!
Death is the personal loss of all (Life and World and God).
If Life is a gift - it may be given once and for all.
Silent-Saturday: The music has gone, the pictures put out, the feelings extinct,
the thinking rests... the emptyness offers the brightest
possibilities - call Life into reality.
Easter-Sunday: we celebrate the resurrection-way - an invitation for all.
Sonntag, 17. März 2013
Independence - an ILLUSION ? ? ?
On 21 March 2013 we are going to celebrate in Namibia our political Independence since 1990. As we got what we wished - some people speak now about economical
Independence as our future - a hard way. And there after ? Independent from the World ? We are on the dead-end street !
As we assume: God is the creator, we better go to accept his created reality:
that the whole creation is an Inter-Dependent-Net-Work. (IDNW). Nothing is really independent, nothing ! Have a look at the family - there is a wonderfull Inter-
dependence - if not: the family is in danger! On the political, economical, scientifical
stage - we discover more and more "Independence" is a dangerous ILLUSION.
Why do people speak so strongly against the evident reality ?
Don't forget: the loss of the sense for reality, the Illusion of Independence is a mental illness or a political tactic to cover up the facts.
No person no star no creed in nothing is ever independent. All is dwelling in IDNW.
What we need is more freedom ! FREEDOM is the space we have within our total Inter-Dependence to make our own responsible decisions.
We need space in the interdependent situation to make a free decision about our own place, about our own contribution within the Inter-Dependent-Net-Work.
Only as we first accept our political, economical, cultural Inter-Dependence -
we are fit to discover and to fight for our best place within the great Net.
May I wish more ? Yes ! I wish we may learn to enjoy our Inter-Dependence.
By this enjoyment I will discover the value of my people, the value of open co-operation. I will discover: a good relationship is all !
"God saw all he had made, and indeed it was very good" Gn 1.31 a pleasure !
Independence as our future - a hard way. And there after ? Independent from the World ? We are on the dead-end street !
As we assume: God is the creator, we better go to accept his created reality:
that the whole creation is an Inter-Dependent-Net-Work. (IDNW). Nothing is really independent, nothing ! Have a look at the family - there is a wonderfull Inter-
dependence - if not: the family is in danger! On the political, economical, scientifical
stage - we discover more and more "Independence" is a dangerous ILLUSION.
Why do people speak so strongly against the evident reality ?
Don't forget: the loss of the sense for reality, the Illusion of Independence is a mental illness or a political tactic to cover up the facts.
No person no star no creed in nothing is ever independent. All is dwelling in IDNW.
What we need is more freedom ! FREEDOM is the space we have within our total Inter-Dependence to make our own responsible decisions.
We need space in the interdependent situation to make a free decision about our own place, about our own contribution within the Inter-Dependent-Net-Work.
Only as we first accept our political, economical, cultural Inter-Dependence -
we are fit to discover and to fight for our best place within the great Net.
May I wish more ? Yes ! I wish we may learn to enjoy our Inter-Dependence.
By this enjoyment I will discover the value of my people, the value of open co-operation. I will discover: a good relationship is all !
"God saw all he had made, and indeed it was very good" Gn 1.31 a pleasure !
Donnerstag, 14. März 2013
Habemus PAPAM: Francis 1
He is not a Namibian, not an African, not a Woman; he was not a front-runner;
he was also not in my view - I have optet for L.A. Tagle of Manila / 56 years old.
He is not a Swiss - but as neutral, as ecumenism-minister - would be a signal!
He is from the other side of the world - it's Mr.Jorge Mario Bergoglio.He is a retired Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Argentina. At the conclave of 2005 he was second; but now 76 years old he has to take over from the winner in 2005. He is a Jesuit, he never worked in the Curia in Rome - he is an outsider; but he is the first from Latin-America.
I'm open for a surprise...
Three signs got on the Vatican-Balkony my attention (TV-AJE - 13.03.13):
A) He has asked to pray for him - and has started: "Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory to" ...best known as a conservativ kind of praying. Herewith he has taken all the 1.2 Billion Catholics into the Community of prayers - who ask Mary, then Jesus and finally God to help to solve the world-problems. The other view: God is seen as a
challenger - He has given into the hand of all of us the task to solve together the
World-Life-problems and to rejoy life together.
B) He asks the crowd to do him a favour: I wand you to bless me. That's the contrary to the great blessing "urbi et orbi" on the great feast-days. Now we have to look after a ceremony to bless the Pope - how do we do it really!
bene-dicere = to call him good.
C) The Vatican-Balcony-Performance was modest. No big speech, no great proclamation only a simple presentation... now all is open... vedremo!
For Ailly - the waiting for the Pope was boring - and as he finally came, she saw him
and fell into a calm sleep.
he was also not in my view - I have optet for L.A. Tagle of Manila / 56 years old.
He is not a Swiss - but as neutral, as ecumenism-minister - would be a signal!
He is from the other side of the world - it's Mr.Jorge Mario Bergoglio.He is a retired Archbishop of Buenos Aires, Argentina. At the conclave of 2005 he was second; but now 76 years old he has to take over from the winner in 2005. He is a Jesuit, he never worked in the Curia in Rome - he is an outsider; but he is the first from Latin-America.
I'm open for a surprise...
Three signs got on the Vatican-Balkony my attention (TV-AJE - 13.03.13):
A) He has asked to pray for him - and has started: "Our Father... Hail Mary... Glory to" ...best known as a conservativ kind of praying. Herewith he has taken all the 1.2 Billion Catholics into the Community of prayers - who ask Mary, then Jesus and finally God to help to solve the world-problems. The other view: God is seen as a
challenger - He has given into the hand of all of us the task to solve together the
World-Life-problems and to rejoy life together.
B) He asks the crowd to do him a favour: I wand you to bless me. That's the contrary to the great blessing "urbi et orbi" on the great feast-days. Now we have to look after a ceremony to bless the Pope - how do we do it really!
bene-dicere = to call him good.
C) The Vatican-Balcony-Performance was modest. No big speech, no great proclamation only a simple presentation... now all is open... vedremo!
For Ailly - the waiting for the Pope was boring - and as he finally came, she saw him
and fell into a calm sleep.
Donnerstag, 7. März 2013
4th L-Sun Lk 15.1-3,11-32 LOST ? (10.03.13)
A wonderfull story - very famous - but only understandable if you see
the addressees: pharisees and scribes... the elder son!
a story for people seeing themseves as just and scholared.
Lk shows: God is no problem; God loves the elder and the younger...
but maybe, that's the problem of some people: God loves every life-style.
Let's go deeper: God has nothing to do with any Life-style
God is a challenge - and we present our way of Life
The younger son get a good share on the fullness of Life
he enjoys life at home; he get his share of the estate, he get off...
he expriences squandering and debauchery...
but also "dying of hunger", feeling the pinch, hiring out himself,
less than a pig,
coming to his senses, consciousness of being a sinner, deciding to go home
In his way, fullness of Life means: lost + found; dead + living; troubles + plaisir...
The older son, working well, obedient - sees the behaviour of the younger as wrong;
And he is now the problem - he cannot tolerate an other life-style.
In his way, fullness of Life means: to discover what all he got.
In our Christian Community - which Life-style are we going to accept ???
Ecumenism means: accepting a lot of different ways to present Jesus Christ...
the addressees: pharisees and scribes... the elder son!
a story for people seeing themseves as just and scholared.
Lk shows: God is no problem; God loves the elder and the younger...
but maybe, that's the problem of some people: God loves every life-style.
Let's go deeper: God has nothing to do with any Life-style
God is a challenge - and we present our way of Life
The younger son get a good share on the fullness of Life
he enjoys life at home; he get his share of the estate, he get off...
he expriences squandering and debauchery...
but also "dying of hunger", feeling the pinch, hiring out himself,
less than a pig,
coming to his senses, consciousness of being a sinner, deciding to go home
In his way, fullness of Life means: lost + found; dead + living; troubles + plaisir...
The older son, working well, obedient - sees the behaviour of the younger as wrong;
And he is now the problem - he cannot tolerate an other life-style.
In his way, fullness of Life means: to discover what all he got.
In our Christian Community - which Life-style are we going to accept ???
Ecumenism means: accepting a lot of different ways to present Jesus Christ...
3d L-Sun Lk 13.1-9 PATIENCE (03.03.13)
On this weekend (Friday - Sunday) we performed in APC-Tsumeb
1.) an on-going-formation course for all music-teachers of the three APC's
2.) a public concert Saterday-evening
3.) music-exams for 3 new teachers...
In all three APC's are 30 people employed -
and one great task is the development of this Staff !!!
How many times (as a formator) I've to tell the Managing-Director's
"pls give me time to educate them - it may bear fruit next year"
As I speake to the Staff or to the children:
How many times I repeat my words to be understood ???
In a planning society you know we will reach the goal in 3 months - you prepare
to be patient for three months; in a non-planning society you never know when you reach your goal - you need an endless patience - it's impossible, because...
God's patience with you is limited... He gives you some years - but mostly not 1oo !
1.) an on-going-formation course for all music-teachers of the three APC's
2.) a public concert Saterday-evening
3.) music-exams for 3 new teachers...
In all three APC's are 30 people employed -
and one great task is the development of this Staff !!!
How many times (as a formator) I've to tell the Managing-Director's
"pls give me time to educate them - it may bear fruit next year"
As I speake to the Staff or to the children:
How many times I repeat my words to be understood ???
In a planning society you know we will reach the goal in 3 months - you prepare
to be patient for three months; in a non-planning society you never know when you reach your goal - you need an endless patience - it's impossible, because...
God's patience with you is limited... He gives you some years - but mostly not 1oo !
2nd L-Sun "TRANSFIGURATION" Lk 9.28-36 (24.02.13)
The Apostle Peter (leader of the Christian Community of Rom
The Apostle James ( leader of the Christian Community of Jerusalem
The Apostle John (special friend of Jesus
Lk tells us: These three main-Apostles, they look at Jesus again and again
First: he is for them the one who has called them, the new profet of Nazareth,
he is the firstborn son of the carpenter-family Joseph
he is a famous healer, somehow a "stranger"...
Sec. The Apostles are on the way do discover more...
they see in HIM a Moses-figure:
( the one who has a new name for God
( the liberator of Israel out of slavery
(the bringer of the 10 commandments
they see in HIM an Elijah-figure:
(the one who burns down the gods
(the one who drives the heavon by fire-horses
Such "transfiguration" is a special human capacity. Again and again we see something or somebody and we add more and more new "meanings"
into the old picture, we are on a discovery-journey...
first: we see a house later: we make it a home
first: we see a girl later: she becomes a gril-friend
first: we see a rose later: we use it as a gift
first: we see a profet later: we adore him as a "Son of God"
first: we see braed later: we eat the "body of Christ"
first: we "see" Jahwe later: we discover a Mystery
The Apostle James ( leader of the Christian Community of Jerusalem
The Apostle John (special friend of Jesus
Lk tells us: These three main-Apostles, they look at Jesus again and again
First: he is for them the one who has called them, the new profet of Nazareth,
he is the firstborn son of the carpenter-family Joseph
he is a famous healer, somehow a "stranger"...
Sec. The Apostles are on the way do discover more...
they see in HIM a Moses-figure:
( the one who has a new name for God
( the liberator of Israel out of slavery
(the bringer of the 10 commandments
they see in HIM an Elijah-figure:
(the one who burns down the gods
(the one who drives the heavon by fire-horses
Such "transfiguration" is a special human capacity. Again and again we see something or somebody and we add more and more new "meanings"
into the old picture, we are on a discovery-journey...
first: we see a house later: we make it a home
first: we see a girl later: she becomes a gril-friend
first: we see a rose later: we use it as a gift
first: we see a profet later: we adore him as a "Son of God"
first: we see braed later: we eat the "body of Christ"
first: we "see" Jahwe later: we discover a Mystery
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